Why funchose is useful and how to cook it at home

Japanese cuisine continues to gain popularity in the food market, especially rolls and sushi. However, the menu from Japan is much more varied, more original and can be of great benefit to the body. For example, not everyone in our country is familiar with such a dish as funchose. The benefits and harms of funchose are the topic of the article.

What is funchose and what is it made of

Funchose vermicelli is one of the famous products of Asian cuisine with unique benefits, which is also called glass noodles. It represents thin, almost transparent long threads with a white tint. The diameter of the section of the vermicelli can be different. The pasta itself has almost no taste, but it has the ability to absorb all tastes and aromas. Therefore, this side dish perfectly complements various meat and fish dishes, and goes well with fresh, pickled and stewed vegetables.

This is due to the fact that dry pasta resembles rice noodles, but after cooking they become translucent. These noodles are made from mung bean starch (also called mung bean).

Reference! In Russia, glass noodles are often confused with rice, however, rice noodles are made from rice flour, due to which it turns white after cooking, and after cooking, funchose takes the form of translucent.

The benefits of rice funchose are also great, but it is incomparable with the beneficial properties of bean noodles.

In Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea), bean pasta is used as an ingredient that benefits the body. The benefits and harms of funchose for the body have been known since ancient times, this product is really indispensable in Asian cuisine. It is rarely used as an independent dish, the fact is that the product has almost no taste.

Chemical composition and caloric content of funchose

The funchose contains starch from beans (mung, potatoes, yams, cassava and canna). Nowadays, corn starch is most often used to make glass noodles. At the same time, replacing more expensive components with them led to the fact that the Chinese government was forced to impose sanctions on such manufacturers.

The point is that cornstarch does not give the flavor that mung beans do. This led companies to bleach the product with lead. Thus, vermicelli made from such raw materials was harmful to the health of consumers. It should be noted that the harmful noodles spread beyond the borders of the country.

Funchoza calorie content per 100 grams is 320 kcal.




0.3 g


0.1 g


25 g


0 g

alimentary fiber

0 g

Bean noodles are gluten-free and can be added to the diet by overweight people. The bean noodles contain B vitamins, which have beneficial properties for the nervous system, PP - benefit the hematopoietic system, as well as valuable minerals and trace elements.

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Useful properties of funchose

The benefits of legume funchose have been known for a long time:

  1. Scientists say that if you include bean noodles in your diet 2-3 times a week, it will contribute to a balanced diet and prevent damage that can be done to the digestive system.
  2. Green Bean Funchoza is a healthful alternative to pasta that has many beneficial ingredients with unique properties.
  3. The absence of gluten in the composition of the product makes funchose noodles a product with benefit and without harm for allergy sufferers.
  4. Vitamin E, which is found in glass noodles, slows down the aging process and acts as a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes environmental damage.
  5. Bean noodles contain a minimum of salt, which makes this product very useful for those suffering from kidney and liver diseases.
  6. For those with diabetes, bean vermicelli can also be part of the diet. Bean starch is able to slowly convert to glucose, so it will not harm diabetics.
  7. For the elderly, bean vermicelli will be of great benefit, it is quickly absorbed and saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Is funchose useful for losing weight

Funchoza and its benefits and harms when dieting are often the subject of controversy. On the basis of glass noodles, many diets have been developed that will help not only lose weight, but also benefit the body. The bean product is not only well absorbed, but also has the property of satisfying hunger for a long time. The calorie content of funchose is quite high, but with weight loss, it can be beneficial. The point is in the glycemic index, calories from bean noodles tend to be absorbed by the body quickly, so that fat deposits do not have time to form. When cooked, the calorie content of funchose is only 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Funchoza and its benefits when losing weight is explained by the fact that properly cooked noodles from beans have the beneficial property of improving the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins and toxins, and also normalizing the water-salt balance and neutralizing harm from the effects of an unfavorable environment. These properties are beneficial for metabolic processes in the body. However, in addition to the qualities for weight loss, the product can also harm the process. This can happen if a person has an individual intolerance or if he abuses the product. Therefore, it is required to monitor the state of the body at the time of introducing funchose into the diet, as well as to control the portion size, in which case it will benefit, not harm.

Can children be given funchose

Glass noodles and their benefits and harms for the child's body cause a lot of controversy among specialists. Funchoza is allowed to be included in the diet of children from one year old. The use of this product is especially important for allergy sufferers.

Important! Funchoza can be given to children only without seasonings and sauces and after consulting a pediatrician.

Funchoza will not harm a nursing mother, on the contrary, it will be very useful: easily digestible and hypoallergenic vermicelli tends to quickly satisfy hunger. The beneficial properties of funchose for pregnant women are also relevant. The mass of vitamins and trace elements in bean pasta will help the formation of the fetus, and their beneficial properties will stimulate the activity of the woman's digestive tract.

How to cook and what to serve funchose with

In order for funchose to have all the useful properties, it is important to cook it correctly, but this is not easy to do. It is not enough to cook bean noodles similar to regular pasta. The cooking method is prescribed on the packaging of the noodles. Dry glass noodles should be placed in a bowl and covered with boiling water. In this form, it is left for 5 minutes. Then the water is drained.

In addition, in order for the cooked vermicelli not to lose its beneficial properties, it is worth following these rules:

  1. If the thickness of the pasta is less than 0.5 mm, it should not be boiled; it is enough to pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes.
  2. If the noodles are thicker, then boil them in a large amount of boiling water.
  3. You can add a little olive oil to the pot of water to avoid clumping.
  4. The best option would be to cook noodles before the feast, if you leave the finished products for more than an hour, they will lose all their qualities and stick together into a lump.
  5. Additionally, you can lightly fry the noodles.
Reference! If desired, the noodles can be rinsed under running water.

Due to the fact that the bean product does not have a pronounced taste, it is added to salads or as a side dish, provided that a large amount of sauce is added.

Glass noodle recipes

Funchoza is an ideal noodle for those looking to lose extra pounds as it contains fewer calories than regular noodles. It can be added to salads, appetizers, or as a side dish with sauce.

Korean funchose salad

Korean Funchoza is a salad with tremendous health benefits and can be served as a holiday meal or as an everyday snack. This delicious unusual dish will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • funchose noodles - 200 g;
  • Korean funchose sauce - 80 g;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • yellow bell pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • soy sauce and refined vegetable oil - 50 g each
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  1. The vermicelli must be boiled according to the instructions from the package. Then you should rinse the noodles under running water.
  2. Soy sauce and oil are added to the finished funchose, and then mix thoroughly.
  3. Cut vegetables into thin strips, chop the garlic finely.
  4. Put the carrots in a bowl and rinse a little with your hands, so that the vegetable gives juice.
  5. Add the noodles and the remaining vegetables to the carrots and mix well.
  6. Next, add the dressing and chopped parsley.
  7. Put the salad on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Funchoza with chicken

All kinds of meat, mushrooms, seafood go well with bean noodles. Combinations of such ingredients with funchose will allow you to get a tasty and healthy dish that will not harm, but will benefit your health.


  • bean noodles - 200 g;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g baked chicken fillet;
  • chilli to taste
  • walnut oil to taste.
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  1. Prepare funchoza according to the instructions.
  2. Cut vegetables and chicken fillet into strips.
  3. The noodles are mixed with meat, vegetables and seasoned with oil and pepper.
  4. The finished salad is decorated with herbs.

Harm of funchose and contraindications to use

The noodles are rich in useful properties and practically have no contraindications and use and do not cause harm. The risk of harm to the body exists when eating low-quality cheap cornstarch noodles. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the composition before purchasing funchose.

Important! Funchoza is not recommended for people with a tendency to constipation.

How to choose the right funchose

In order to benefit from the product, it is important to choose the right noodles in the store. First of all, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and composition:

  1. This funchose cannot contain analogs of starch from beans, any artificial additives, preservatives, emulsifiers.
  2. A poor-quality product will be visible and visually, since they save on the composition of such noodles, then the package will be broken and stuck together.

Storage rules for funchose

  1. The product quickly absorbs odors, so keep funchose away from products with strong aromas.
  2. Glass noodles should be stored at room temperature, in a dry and well-ventilated place.
  3. You can store bean noodles in paper bags or in containers for cereals and pasta.


The benefits and harms of funchose are obvious. Real glass noodles cannot harm the body. It is important to monitor the quality of the noodles. To do this, when purchasing, you should study the composition on the package. The instructions on the pack will also help for the correct preparation of glass noodles. Finished products are used to add to salads, snacks, or as a side dish.

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