Erythronium (kandyk): medicinal properties, contraindications

Kandyk, or erythronium, is a perennial belonging to the Liliaceae family. The herbaceous plant includes 25 species. Erythronium prefers moist and cool forests in the mountains. Perennial has pronounced decorative qualities and many valuable properties. It is not only a honey plant, but also a medicinal flower. The beneficial properties of kandyk determine its use in traditional medicine.

What it looks like and where it grows

Erythronium primrose is compact in size. Perennial does not exceed 30 cm in height. The root of the kandyk looks like a conical bulb. It resembles a dog's fang. Green, closely spaced leaves grow on a curved stem. Their length can be 15 cm. The large erythronium flower has a purple hue. The bud can be 6 cm in diameter. The flowering period of the kandyk begins in May and lasts approximately three weeks. Then, in the place of the bud, you can see the seed box.

Erythronium grows in the territory:

  • Altai;
  • Siberia;
  • Central Asia;
  • Mongolia.

Perennial prefers:

  • coniferous and deciduous forests;
  • rocky slopes;
  • alpine meadows;
  • forest glades.
Siberian Kandyk belongs to a relict species
Important! In some countries, erythronium is included in the Red Book.

The plant is popular with gardeners. In this connection, decorative varieties were bred. Kandyk is also known as a medicine. Erythronium honey is especially appreciated. The bulbs can be eaten. They are eaten raw, pickled and boiled.

Chemical composition

The ornamental plant erythronium is a honey plant. The deciduous part and tubers are high in nutrients. Kandyk bulbs include:

  • starch;
  • simple sugars;
  • enzymes;
  • higher alcohols;
  • antioxidants;
  • mucus;
  • protein;
  • dextrins.
Important! The balanced composition allows the tubers to be consumed raw in order to prevent seizure activity.

Erythronium herb contains:

  • enzymes;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • minerals;
  • quickly absorbed vitamins.

The beekeeping product is a source of:

  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • group B compounds;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin K;
  • enzymes.

Erythronium honey is used for liver and respiratory diseases. It improves the condition of hair and skin. This is a rather rare variant of a beekeeping product due to the gradual disappearance of the plant. Since the kandyk is a primrose and often appears when the snow melts, it is pollinated by bees in small quantities.

Important! The nutritional value of erythronium honey is 320 kcal (per 100 g of product). The nectar has a pleasant aftertaste and rich aroma.

Useful properties of the kandyk flower

The leaves of the medicinal plant are eaten to increase appetite and improve the functioning of the immune system. The inclusion of raw materials in the composition of drug therapy allows you to fight impotence by stimulating the work of the gonads.

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Honey from kandyk has a beneficial effect on the body.It contributes to:

  • restoration of liver tissue;
  • elimination of bronchitis;
  • decrease in temperature with ARVI;
  • normalization of sleep with its chronic disorder;
  • removing excess fluid and losing weight.

Erythronium is included in the complex therapy in the following cases:

  • intoxication, food poisoning;
  • stomach pain;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • sexual impotence.

Perennial produces the following effects:

  • fortifying;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-aging.

Kandyk-based products are used to treat acne. Broths are used in the form of a rinse to strengthen hair.

Preparation and application methods

Erythronium tubers are eaten raw or after heat treatment, canning. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the aerial parts of the perennial are widely used. Decoctions and tinctures for internal use are made on the basis of raw materials.

Honey from kandyk is popular. It is used as a means of monotherapy, as well as in other drugs. The beekeeping product is used to make compresses for bronchitis. Erythronium nectar is used to make cosmetics for skin and hair care.

Application in traditional medicine

Kandyk raw materials are rich in valuable components that have a positive effect on the body. Herbal remedies are suitable for both external and internal use.

For epilepsy

Chronic illness is the result of increased seizure activity. To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, it is recommended to use a decoction, including:

  • kandyk flowers - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • boiled water - 500 ml.

The preparation of the product is simple:

  1. The raw materials must be filled with the specified amount of water.
  2. The composition should be simmered over low heat for several hours.
  3. The drug must be cooled and then filtered.
Kandyk broth is drunk three times a day for 2 tbsp. l. to reduce epileptic seizures

With impotence

Erectile dysfunction occurs due to vascular pathologies, hormonal imbalances and inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs. With impotence, you can take a tincture, which is made on the basis of the following components:

  • erythronium flowers - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vodka - 500 ml.

The drug is made as follows:

  1. Medicinal raw materials are poured with an alcohol solution.
  2. The tool is insisted for two weeks.
  3. After the specified time, the composition is filtered.
Kandyk tincture is taken three times a day, 20 ml in case of erectile dysfunction


Erythronium-based honey is distinguished by its general tonic properties. To prepare a healing agent, take:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp beekeeping product;
  • 1 tbsp. milk.

The drug is prepared as follows:

  1. The milk is heated and then honey is dissolved in it.
  2. Put egg yolk in the mass, mix.
The composition of honey kandyk is drunk warm for a cold, accompanied by a cough


Erythronium has a positive effect on metabolic processes. For weight loss, a mixture is recommended that includes:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • warm water - 1 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp.
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The tool is made in accordance with the instructions:

  1. The nectar is dissolved in warm water.
  2. Then lemon juice is added to the liquid and cinnamon is added.
The drug from erythronium is drunk in 1 tbsp. morning and evening for weight correction

Facial skin rejuvenation

Kandyk fights against age-related skin changes. To prepare an anti-aging lotion, take:

  • boiled water - 2 tbsp.;
  • erythronium honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The nectar is dissolved in water and the composition is applied to the face, neck and décolleté area. This remedy can be used for acne.

Lotion based on kandyk helps preserve youthful skin

With bronchitis

Respiratory infections are often associated with complications that involve the lower respiratory tract. In the complex therapy of bronchitis, it is recommended to use compresses with erythronium honey. The mass is applied to a piece of gauze or cotton fabric. The compress is applied to the chest and fixed with a scarf.

It is advisable to perform procedures using erythronium honey at night.


Kandyk has pronounced medicinal properties. Its use is advisable for acute respiratory viral infections, obesity, impotence and epilepsy. The plant tubers are eaten.

It is contraindicated to include the aerial parts of the kandyk and the bulb in the composition of drug therapy in the presence of allergic reactions, individual intolerance. Erythronium-based products, including honey, should not be used for diabetes. This is due to the plant's ability to raise blood glucose levels.

Important! Abuse of primrose formulations can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Collection and procurement

All parts of the erythronium plant are used as medicinal raw materials:

  • leaves;
  • flowers;
  • tubers;
  • stems.

The collection of the aboveground parts of the kandyk is carried out in dry and sunny weather. It is advisable to choose the morning hours as the dew disappears. After collecting, the raw materials are laid out on a pallet, clean paper or cloth and dried under a canopy. The blanks are stored in cardboard boxes.

Erythronium tubers are dug up in the fall after the aerial parts wither. They are cleaned of soil and washed before drying.


Useful properties of kandyk allow you to use formulations based on raw materials for medicinal purposes. Erythronium is a primrose. The buds appear after the snow melts. Perennial is distinguished by pronounced decorative qualities. Its stem resembles a swan's neck, and its large flower has a purple hue. The relict species is included in the Red Book of some countries. This is due to the frequent collection of the medicinal plant, which is actively used in folk medicine. Kandyka honey has a high nutritional value, which is used for the treatment of various pathologies. The plant tubers are eaten. Erythronium bulbs are beneficial for epilepsy.

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