Why are white beans useful, properties and preparation

For many years, beans have been a leader in the vegetable crops market. The main feature is considered to be the high content of vegetable protein. The benefits and harms of white beans are determined by assessing their effect on the human body.

Types of white beans

The legume family includes several varieties with different characteristics. This culture was first mentioned in the descriptions of the life and life of the ancient Aztecs. They ate grains of different colors. The Europeans got to know them thanks to Columbus. He brought the grains from the second trip in dried form. The beans came to Russia in the 17th or 18th century. Due to lack of information, they were used as ornamental plants. Several decades later, they learned how to cook bean porridge and puree.

White beans are a peeling type. This means that the pods must be opened to extract the fruit.

The beans are classified according to size, and a description of the state after heat treatment is added to the characteristics.




Fruits are trapezoidal, large. Suitable for soups, salads. They have a delicate taste, do not boil over.

Black eye

Main feature: black spot in the center of the fruit. Thanks to its thin skin, it cooks quickly.


Smooth dense type of fruit, cooked within 1 hour after soaking.

Moscow white

The species was bred specifically for regions with low night temperatures. When cooked it is soft and has a soft consistency. Used in stews, soups, garnishes.

White flat

It has a flat shape. Brews 3 - 4 hours.


Juicy large fruits are used for conservation. Widespread in cosmetology and folk medicine.


Small fruits have a high sugar content.

White mares

Large fruits are suitable for side dishes. The plant is used as an ornamental culture, as it has the ability to wrap around gazebos and pillars.

The beneficial properties of legumes are used in many industries. It is widely known for its use in cooking. Many varieties can be used in topical products.

White beans composition

The health benefits and harms of white beans are directly related to their composition. The content of elements may vary slightly between different types of white beans, but the availability of basic nutrients remains stable. B vitamins:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folates.

Of the macronutrients, nutritionists note the high content of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Trace elements are represented by iron, selenium, zinc. The composition is rich in amino acids, healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Nutritional value and calorie content of white beans

With a variety of chemical elements, the product has a low calorie content. This property makes the culture especially useful and in demand in dietary nutrition. The calorie content of unprocessed white beans per 100 g is 325 kcal:

  • carbohydrates - 47 g;
  • proteins - 22 g;
  • fats - 2 g.

But it is not consumed raw. Heat treatment lowers the indicator, the calorie content of boiled white beans - 90 units.

Information! The benefits and harms of white beans can be dependent on the degree of processing.

Useful properties of white beans

White beans are considered one of the most useful types, they have the property of positively affecting the treatment of diseases of various types, helps to normalize the general condition of the body.

To maintain the work of the main systems, it is necessary to replenish the supply of building material for bones, cells, and the correct functioning of hematopoiesis on a daily basis. These mechanisms are based on the absorption of essential amino acids. White beans contain a basic set of acids, which are considered to be of vegetable origin.

Trace elements make the white culture especially useful when used regularly for building bone tissue, normalizing the work of the heart muscle.

The presence of fiber benefits the digestive system due to its ability to positively influence the absorption of foods.

Carbohydrates are classified as simple or complex. Simple ones enter the human body and are immediately deposited as excess fat. Maximum effort is expended on digesting complex carbohydrates. This method assumes that complex carbohydrates are converted into energy. White beans contain complex carbohydrates, so they are often included in diet menus and are recommended as a product that can strengthen the digestive system.

The iodine content contributes to the normalization of the thyroid gland. This is one of the basic requirements for the correct functioning of the reproductive system.

Due to their low glycemic index, white beans are recommended as a remedy for diabetes.

In the cold season, hot bean meals increase your defenses.

White beans tend to remove excess moisture from the body, which explains the benefits of legumes for the urinary system. This technique also helps to normalize the water-salt balance.

Due to the low calorie content of the cooked product and at the same time the high content of protein and carbohydrates, it can be beneficial for those who strive for slimness.

Is it possible to use white beans for pregnant women

Despite the variety of useful properties, white beans should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy. While waiting for a child, women are advised to eat neutral foods with average values.

Trace elements and amino acids contained in beans will undoubtedly benefit the development of the baby and the mother's body. Potential harm can be caused by the content of dietary fiber: they act as the main provocateurs of the active work of the intestines. Digestion of complex carbohydrates, which is only beneficial in everyday life, during pregnancy can make you feel unwell.

White beans when breastfeeding

When a woman feeds a child with her milk, she gives him the substances that are rich in her food. White beans have high levels of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, amino acids. These elements are essential for growth and development.

Excessive consumption of beans can cause harm. As a result, there is often a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, bloating. These symptoms can reduce the general well-being of a young mother.

At what age can white beans be given to children

For the preparation of children's meals, the product begins to be exploited early enough. Advantages of the white appearance for introduction into complementary foods:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • the presence of protein and vitamins;
  • fiber content.

Children under one year old are introduced to dishes where white beans are not the main component and are served in the form of mashed potatoes.

White beans are introduced as a main course after 2 years. Pediatricians advise to use a canned product no earlier than 3 years.

Warning! Beans for children under one year old are prepared by boiling and chopping in a blender.

Slimming white beans

The slimming benefits of white beans include their low calorie content. There are legume-based diets that include increasing protein intake and avoiding animal fats.

For weight loss on a bean diet, a white variety is used, it is boiled, consumed for breakfast. The broth is drunk separately, and vegetables are added to the beans. Fruit is preferred for dinner to balance the daily menu.

How to use white beans for medicinal purposes

The white appearance has beneficial properties that are common in traditional medicine. There are recipes for preparing not only food, but also for external use.

With diseases of the cardiovascular system

To prepare a useful broth, white beans are used. They contain flavonoids, anthocyanins. These substances have properties to influence the work of the heart, as well as to increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels, to prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

100 g of pods are poured with 5 glasses of water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled.

The finished broth is filtered, taken 3 times daily, half an hour before meals.

This method, subject to the indicated diet, helps to clear the blood vessels in 20 - 25 days.

With gout and rheumatism

Gout is one of the types of joint diseases. Because of the damage to the joints, all systems of the body begin to suffer. In the acute course of gout, patients are prescribed diet food. White kidney bean dishes are beneficial as protein type foods. Protein is essential for people with arthritic changes.

For the treatment of rheumatism in folk medicine, decoctions of white beans are used. They are taken before meals 3-4 times daily before meals.

With gastritis and pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease that is accompanied by periodic or chronic inflammatory processes that interfere with the normal functioning of the pancreas. White grain beans enhances the production of gastric juice, which has a dramatically negative effect on the patient's condition and increases the load on the pancreas. Therefore, white beans are contraindicated in pancreatitis.

Gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the stomach walls. Dietary fiber that legumes contain can be harmful and aggravated.

People with low acidity are advised to eat white beans in small quantities, patients with high acidity should refuse to eat all types of culture.

For constipation

Constipation is a major indicator of poor bowel function. If constipation is not associated with the consequences of complex surgical interventions, then dishes from white beans will help cleanse the intestines.

The benefits for the body lie in the fiber content, which helps to cleanse from harmful substances.

With lesions of the skin

Eczema and ulcers are treated with white kidney bean powder ointment. To do this, the grains are crushed to a dusty state, added to petroleum jelly in a 1: 1 ratio, and skin rashes are lubricated with this composition 2 times daily.

The benefit of the ointment lies in its property to have an antioxidant and regenerating effect.

Open wounds with severe bleeding are treated with compresses made from decoctions of white beans.

Attention! In cases where suppuration is observed on the skin, in order to avoid harm, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

With diabetes

White beans will benefit the diet of diabetics of all types due to their exceptional properties:

  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • normalize the condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • positively influence the work of the heart.

The product demonstrates these beneficial qualities due to the presence of arginine and an amino acid similar in composition to insulin.

To improve potency

The benefits of white beans for the body of men lies in the normalization of metabolic and digestive processes. This affects the functioning of the reproductive system. Male potency increases with the systematic use of the white variety and the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

How white beans are used in cosmetology

The anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit are used in beauty recipes. The benefits of white beans for women have been rated high by cosmetologists. White bean seed powder is actively used in industrial production.

Home face masks include adding honey or oils.

Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the mashed boiled beans. This mass is used to nourish the skin of the face.

Masks with the addition of egg white tighten the skin, have a regenerating effect, and also tend to outline the oval of the face if used regularly.

Decoctions strengthen the hair structure, relieve itching and flaking of the scalp.

Advice! For homemade recipes, it is not recommended to take red varieties. They contain natural dyes that can trigger a reaction in the body.

How to properly cook white beans

In Latin America, legumes are preferred on any table. Famous Mexican dishes are based on beans - white or red. Cooking tips from Mexican chefs used outside the country:

  • before cooking, the beans are soaked for 5 - 6 hours;
  • the water is drained, a new portion is added to cover the volume of the grains by 3 cm;
  • boil over medium heat after boiling for 50 minutes.

After boiling, add to meat, vegetables or grind in mashed potatoes.

What are white beans combined with

If you think about the benefits of white beans, then it must be borne in mind that they are often prepared as a side dish or component of the main course.

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It is customary to add carrots, onions, celery, and tomatoes to white bean salads. If it is boiled for mashed potatoes or porridge, then it is certainly seasoned with oil. White beans are usually combined with minced meat when cooking casseroles. Legumes are suitable for canning, combined with bell peppers, tomato sauces, spices.

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Information! The beneficial properties of the beans when canned are reduced.

The famous Mexican dish "fajitos" is popular. It successfully combines beans with meat, cheese and yeast-free bread cakes. Mexicans believe that legumes require large amounts of spices: this is a little against the rules of a balanced and healthy diet, but opens up new facets of the product's taste.

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Some housewives prepare bean cake using dry beans powder or puree from fresh white grains for the base.

Harm of white beans and contraindications

The properties of white beans can be harmful when there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction.

The use is contraindicated:

  • with diseases of the pancreas;
  • increased gas production;
  • individual intolerance.

Healthy people should monitor intake rates so as not to harm the body. Mono-legume-based diets require consultation with a nutritionist.

Warning! It is contraindicated to eat raw beans. Substances that contain unprocessed grains can be harmful to health.

How to choose and store white beans

Peeling varieties are selected according to several criteria: they all relate to the state of the grains:

  • structure density, absence of cracks and damage;
  • lack of plaque, stains;
  • flowability.

The selected grains are stored in a dry place, in glass or food grade plastic containers.


The benefits and harms of white beans depend on the method of preparation, conditions of collection and storage. The fairy tale about magic beans fully applies to this culture. A tall bush grows from one nondescript grain, capable of feeding all family members. Delicious hearty meals with the right mix of ingredients will significantly enrich your diet.


Lopatin Semyon, 36 years old, Kerch
I think the white variety is the most delicious. I want to share a way to use it. When I need to lose a little weight, I boil the beans and use them for lunch. In the evening I eat fruits, exclude flour and sweets. The benefits of white beans for weight loss for me becomes noticeable after 3 days of such a mini-diet.
Dovlatova Tamara Pavlovna, 56 years old, Novorossiysk
Our family loves this product very much. We make lobio, our traditional family recipe that we use for all the holidays. If you do not overeat, then there will be no harm, I think so. My little grandson is now eating mashed beans. For a growing organism, such a product is only beneficial!
Svirina Olga, 31 g, Krasnoyarsk
My mom practices diabetes with white beans. At the same time, she observes many rules, so I cannot say with complete confidence that this particular product helps her cope with the disease.

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