Why is chicken broth useful, how and how much to cook it

The benefits and harms of chicken broth should be taken into account first of all, since due to personal intolerance to some components, there is a possibility of harm to the body. Chicken broth today is a unique, useful find in cooking. This dish is quite simple to prepare, in addition, it has an excellent taste and has healing properties.

The broth is recommended to be eaten by people who have undergone surgery or a serious illness. With the help of a light decoction, you can quickly gain strength, restore the body, and strengthen the immune system.

The chemical composition of chicken broth

Chicken meat contains a wide variety of substances and vitamins. A special place is occupied by:

  • thiamine;
  • vitamin B12;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin H.

It should also be borne in mind that chicken meat contains mineral elements that are also found in bones, skin, cartilage. That is why different parts of the chicken are used for cooking. The most beneficial minerals are:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • chlorine.

When preparing broths, you should avoid adding a lot of salt.

Advice! The broth will be much tastier if you add onions, carrots, celery to it during cooking.
Recommended reading:  Celery: useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties of chicken broth

For a long time, it was believed that chicken broth has medicinal properties, it is used as a medicine for many diseases. It brings great benefits during various diseases and with a weak immune system.

Due to its properties, the broth can remove mucus from the respiratory system, which is very important for pneumonia and asthma. Since the broth has bactericidal properties, it can be used to destroy harmful bacteria in the human body.

Important! Often, chicken broth is prescribed for people who have digestive problems.

Chicken broth for colds

The significant benefits of chicken broth during illness are undeniable. Its use allows you to cope with colds, prevent the development of flu. A hot broth of chicken allows you to improve breathing with a cold, to clear the airways.

Since the finished product contains a large amount of fat, this allows you to soften the mucous membrane of the throat, reduce pain during coughing, and also helps relieve inflammation in sore throat.

After you have a feeling that a virus has been caught, you should not first run to the pharmacy for drugs. All that is required is to boil the chicken, drink the prepared broth before bedtime. In the morning, the condition will improve significantly.

The benefits of broth for the stomach

Also, do not forget about the benefits of chicken broth for the stomach.Hot broth stimulates digestion, promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, this product is recommended for use by people who have gastritis or those categories of people who for a long period of time cannot eat well due to health problems.

It is worth considering, despite the fact that chicken broth has a beneficial effect on digestion, it is not recommended to use it for diseases of the pancreas and liver. This is due to the fact that this product is able to provoke inflammatory processes in the duodenum and thereby harm health.

Chicken broth for a hangover

Chicken soup is useful for many diseases. At the same time, many people know that with the help of hot chicken soup you can effectively fight a hangover, which is important after the holidays. In this case, you can cook soup in the standard way: boil the meat and add vegetables.

It is noteworthy that on the territory of the Caucasus there are special establishments that start working from 04-00 o'clock. Everyone can visit this institution and try a fatty meat broth called khash. At home, khash can be made from fatty hams or replaced with chicken broth.

Which broth is healthier

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer which broth is more useful, because each option has its own beneficial properties. As a rule, chicken broth is used for colds and asthma.

Other options are also helpful. For example, broth made from suckling pig is recommended for migraine headaches. If you cook a partridge after removing the skin, then this can lead to constipation, while the skin is able to get rid of this ailment.

There are adherents who try to adhere to the diet of ancient people, as a result of which they value decoctions cooked on bones. In their opinion, such broths were used for food by hunters and gatherers.

Can you drink chicken broth while losing weight

You should always consider the possible benefits and harms of chicken broth for weight loss. Undoubtedly, it is possible, even necessary, to use chicken broth during a diet. Many nutritionists recommend weekly fasting days, during which the main product is chicken broth.

It is necessary to boil the chicken, if possible, it is best to use a small poultry. You need to cook the future broth in 5 liters of water, after adding the celery root. During the fasting day, you should completely abandon the use of other food products. It is recommended to take chicken broth 5 times throughout the day, each meal is 250 ml of chicken broth. As a rule, they switch to the usual diet the next day.

Chicken broth diet

The benefits of chicken broth for weight loss are enormous. This method of nutrition assumes that for 5 days only the broth and the meat from which it was cooked will be included in the diet. The cooking method is as follows:

  1. Take a small chicken carcass.
  2. Cut out the brisket.
  3. Cook until fully cooked in 3 liters of water.
  4. Salt is added to taste.
  5. Herbs can be added to enhance the flavor.

You should get about 2.5 liters of broth, which is divided into 5 servings and consumed during the day every 4 hours, you can also use boiled chicken breast.

As practice shows, in 5 days of such a diet, you can lose up to 5 extra pounds. Due to the fact that there is a wide variety of menus suitable for a diet, everyone can choose exactly what they need.

Attention! The broth must be cooked over low heat, removing the foam as necessary, otherwise the liquid will be cloudy with an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to cook chicken broth correctly

For a healthy and tasty broth, it is recommended to use homemade chicken. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. The chicken carcass is washed under running water.
  2. Pour in water.
  3. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Then the water is drained.

Another method can be used to save useful properties:

  1. Poultry is washed thoroughly. According to the recipes of the old doctors, it is best to use the meat of the old rooster.
  2. Onions, carrots, herbs are added to the water with the bird.
  3. Put the pan on low heat.
  4. After the water has boiled, remove the foam and set the fire to maximum.
  5. After 10 minutes of active boiling, remove the vegetables.
  6. It takes about 3 hours to cook the meat over low heat.
  7. Add salt and spices to taste 30 minutes before cooking.
  8. The broth should be filtered and cooled, only after that it can be consumed.

If the broth is used for colds, then it is recommended to break a chicken egg and pour it with hot chicken broth.

The harm of chicken broth

Chicken broth is able to bring benefits and harm to the human body, depending on individual characteristics and intolerance to certain components. If we consider this situation as a whole, then a decoction of meat is not capable of causing much harm if the product is consumed in moderation. Harm can be done if a low-quality product is taken.

It should be borne in mind that some manufacturers add special additives to chicken feed that stimulate rapid growth. As a result, it is not known how the bird was raised.

In the process of growth, animals are vaccinated, preventing the occurrence of many diseases. It is important to understand that these drugs have a significant impact on the quality of the finished product.

Advice! It is recommended to cook the chicken for 30 minutes, then drain and refill, continuing cooking. This is the only way to remove harmful substances from products.

Fat content of broth

Almost 40% of the fat in chicken ends up in the finished dish. The love of rich soup can lead to some consequences:

  • the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, as a result of which the blood vessels begin to clog;
  • excessive use can increase weight, while in limited quantities it has an effective effect on the body when losing weight;
  • the likelihood of tumors in the stomach and intestines increases.

Thus, excessive consumption of this product can harm the body. That is why chicken broth is only useful in small amounts.

Attention! The calorie content of chicken broth per 100 grams can vary from 50 to 250 calories.


It is important to understand that the cooking time affects the quality of the final product. Thus, the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful substances it releases into the water.

If you buy poultry from farmers who do not add special additives to the animal's diet to accelerate growth, but use exclusively natural feed, then you should not be afraid of an allergic reaction. You can harm the body only if you cook chicken broth purchased in a store for a long time.

Important! With gout and urolithiasis, you should completely abandon the use of decoctions.

How to make chicken broth healthier

Undoubtedly, in order to make the broth healthier, you need to responsibly choose your products. When choosing vegetables and chicken, it is best to opt for natural, farm-grown foods.

For the broth, use low-fat chickens. This is due to the fact that they contain much less extractives that affect the deposition of salts.If you are not sure that the purchased chicken is of high quality, then it is recommended to remove the skin and separate the meat from the bones, since they contain a large amount of heavy metals that harm the body.

For cooking, use meat, after boiling, the water is completely drained and poured again. Remove foam as needed. By following these guidelines, you can make a healthy, low-calorie broth.

How can you replace chicken broth during illness

Many people know about the beneficial properties of chicken broth, as a result of which they use it for a number of diseases. Do not forget about the individual intolerance of some components by the body, as a result of which there are categories of persons who cannot use this product. In this case, it remains to either take medications or look for an alternative solution. You can replace chicken broth with vegetable soups, which do not harm the body if consumed daily.

Is there a benefit in bouillon cubes

Despite the fact that vitamin B is present in chicken cubes, the benefits from such a decoction will be much less than from a natural one. During cooking, the meat gives off all the nutrients, which helps to normalize digestion. These properties are completely absent in bouillon cubes.

A decoction prepared using cubes can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Also, do not forget about the large amount of salt in the cube, the excessive use of which has a detrimental effect on human health.

Attention! Many doctors say that if you use chicken cubes daily, then it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of gastritis.


The benefits and harms of chicken broth are the first thing to consider before starting to use this product. Undoubtedly, chicken broth has a lot of useful properties, so it can be used for colds and a number of other diseases. But it is impossible to exclude individual intolerance to the body of some components, as a result of which irreparable harm can be caused.

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