How to wash a down jacket by hand

It is possible to wash a down jacket manually only if there is a corresponding icon on the label sewn into the product. If the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed, the item can be damaged. There is also a certain requirement for the detergent - you cannot use a powder with harsh bleaching elements.

It is recommended to treat problem areas with a special agent before washing.

Can the down jacket be hand washed

It is possible to wash a down jacket by hand, because it is a more gentle method than in a washing machine. The process itself is under control and you can see how well it goes. If the site is heavily soiled, take more time to achieve the desired result.

In the machine, the effect on the down jacket is uniform, so problem areas remain not completely washed. Sometimes it also fails to get rid of stains.

Information icons will help to cope with the task:

  • on the label there is a container with water and palms lowered into it - the icon indicates that you can wash it by hand;
  • if there is a basin of water, but there are no palms, the product can only be washed in a typewriter;
  • in standard cases, numbers are indicated on the icon - this is the water temperature at which you can wash clothes, for a down jacket - no higher than +300;
  • if the picture is crossed out with two cross lines - the thing cannot be washed in any available way, only dry cleaning is recommended.
Important! Cannot be washed if there are leather parts on the outerwear. After water, they deform or shed. The jacket will lose its presentation.

The role is also played by the filler, how well the down is processed by the manufacturer and from which bird it is taken. There are often cases when everything inside is knocked down by a lump of water, and it is impossible to return the product to its original appearance.

Another reason not to hand wash a down jacket is the quality of the fabric. After exposure to a chemical, the protective water-repellent coating is destroyed, streaks may remain on the surface, and the jacket will get wet.

How to prepare a down jacket for hand washing

Before washing winter clothes, you need to prepare them and stock up on stain remover. "Vanish" has proved itself well, it will help get rid of strong dirt and will not spoil the appearance.

Use the product only for colored items, if the material is not white

Recommendations to properly carry out the preparatory work:

  1. Unfasten fur accessories from the collar or hood, sleeves. Details that are fastened with zippers or buttons.
  2. If there is a belt with a metal plaque, brooches, they are also removed from the down jacket. The hood can also be detached.
  3. All pockets are carefully checked, including the inside. If there are excess items, they are removed, you can turn out the pockets and get rid of possible litter.
  4. Down jacket with clean lining zip up. If you have to wash the inside, leave it unbuttoned.
  5. Dilute the product according to the instructions, and thoroughly moisten the most contaminated areas with a sponge. As a rule, these are pockets, seams on sleeves, collar, cuffs, sections along the length of the fastener.
  6. In the case of severe contamination of the whole thing, it is completely dipped into the product.

How to wash a down jacket by hand

The choice of the tool depends on how well the process will go.The machine rinses the down jacket well and squeezes out, it is somewhat more difficult to wash by hand in this regard. Yellow spots and residues of feather fat may appear on the surface if the filler is of poor quality. Also, stains from unsuitable powder, industrial dust stains or impregnation, here the detergent may be the fault.

It is not recommended to use ordinary powders with chlorine content, they not only foam strongly, but can also spoil the color of the product. It is allowed to use oxygen-containing detergents for washing machines. But the best option is liquid gels, shampoos, soaps, produced specifically for down jackets. They will retain their structure, will not leave streaks and will perfectly cope with dirt.

Some of the most popular brands:

  • Heitmann;
    Liquid soap from German manufacturers
  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion;
    Effective gel for heavily soiled men's jackets
  • "Unipuh";
  • Woly Sport Down Wool Wash;
  • "Weasel".
Advice! Liquid gels and soaps are not cheap, but otherwise washing a down jacket by hand without streaks is unlikely to work.

How to hand wash a down jacket

There are several ways to hand wash a down jacket, the choice depends on the degree of soiling and the quality of the filling. Both down and feather are used for insulation. It is difficult to argue which material is best for hand washing a down jacket. The fluff can become clumped and yellow greasy streaks remain from the feather. But if you use the recommended gels and shampoos, problems can be avoided.

It is better to wash the product by hand in a vertical way. If the contamination is insignificant, the jacket is hung on a hanger above the bathtub, the problem areas are cleaned with a brush and detergent, and gently washed off with water from the shower.

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The product is dried in the same position. The disadvantages of this method are that after the winter clothes are dry, the boundaries between the washed areas and the untouched ones can be noticeable.

If the jacket is dirty inside too, this method will not work.

Horizontal hand wash. The down jacket is laid out on the bottom of the bath or on a board installed on it. A solution is made from the cleaning agent and the dirt is removed with a sponge or brush.

Wash off the foam and leave the thing until the water drains

The next more time consuming but effective way. The down jacket is soaked completely in a bathtub or a wide basin. To make it convenient to wash by hand, it is better to use a bathtub.

Dirty soapy water is drained, and the thing is thoroughly caressed, preferably several times

You can squeeze out using a machine with a low speed setting. It is recommended to put special balls in the drum, they will help get rid of lumps of fluff.

How to properly dry a down jacket after washing

The clean product is dried in a horizontal position. The down jacket is placed on a hanger. You can leave it in the bathroom until the water drains, then transfer it to a ventilated area. It is not recommended to dry the product near heating devices. Periodically shake the jacket to distribute the fluff evenly and turn it inside out for quick drying.


There are several ways to wash a down jacket by hand, to remove particularly dirty places or to soak completely. The second option is more time consuming, but will help get rid of lining stains and unpleasant sweat odor. To avoid streaks on the surface, use special gels or liquid soap.

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