Why is potato starch useful?

The benefits and harms of potato starch are well known. Chemically, starch is a polymer that contains different types of sugars. Thus, it is a kind of energy accumulator for the human body, from where the much needed sugars can be easily extracted. But it is this useful property that determines the possible harmful effects when consumed - after all, too much sugar in the bloodstream leads to metabolic disorders and many concomitant diseases.

Potato starch varieties

Potato starch is divided into 4 grades based on the degree of product purification and appearance:

  • extra;
  • higher;
  • first grade;
  • second grade.

The latter is intended purely for technical purposes and this variety is not eaten, limiting its use only by industrial methods. The properties of the remaining three make it possible to use them in the preparation of various dishes in cooking.

Extra and higher varieties have a characteristic white crystalline luster. The first grade has no gloss, the color of the product is white-gray.

The composition and calorie content of potato starch

The composition of 100 g of the product contains the following mineral elements:

  • potassium - 15 mg;
  • calcium - 40 mg;
  • sodium - 6 mg;
  • phosphorus - 77 mg.

In addition, it contains 1.5 g of dietary fiber and about 20 g of water.

The only vitamin included in the composition is vitamin PP in the amount of 17 μg.

The nutritional value of the product is such that it contains only carbohydrates, fats and proteins are absent.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 313 kcal.

The benefits of potato starch for the body

The benefits and harms of starch for the human body are very multifaceted, and they can only be described in general terms. It would be a mistake to believe that if starch is a polysaccharide, then all the beneficial and harmful properties of sugar are automatically transferred to it.

The properties of this polymer are such that the transformation of the product into sugar in the human body, if it happens, then not immediately, but gradually, one might say, as needed. In addition, the polymer itself has many properties due to the size and degree of branching of macromolecules, which in principle are not characteristic of sugar.

The main beneficial property of the product for humans is the ability to maintain normal blood glucose levels. It happens as follows: since a polymer molecule is a set of glucose molecules, the endocrine system reacts to a substance like sugar and triggers the glucose breakdown mechanism. However, the insulin produced in this case does not destroy the product itself, but fights only with sugar already present in the blood. This useful property of normalizing blood sugar concentration is characteristic not only of starch, but only it can do this with maximum benefit for humans.

The polysaccharide itself passes through the intestine without change, and, ultimately, having fulfilled its function to activate sugars, it leaves the body. You can call this a deception of the endocrine system, but this deception helps many people with disabilities in its work.

Another important property of the product is the ability to normalize intestinal function and promote the restoration of its microflora. Despite the fact that the human intestine is not able to destroy the giant polysaccharide molecule on its own, the bacteria that live there do an excellent job. Moreover, it is this product that is the most acceptable food for them, that is, in this case it plays the role of a probiotic.

Well, do not forget about such pleasant little things as the culinary and cosmetic use of the product, which is very diverse and, ultimately, also beneficial for humans.

Potato starch during pregnancy

The product is indicated during pregnancy (most often in the form of jelly), since it allows you to solve the following problems of the expectant mother:

  • significantly reduces heartburn in the stomach in the mother;
  • promotes the introduction of water into the body (if a woman has puffiness, it is better to take liquids in a bound form, for example, in the form of jelly, and it is starch that acts as a binding element);
  • provides nutrition to the microflora of a woman;

in addition to water, it introduces into the mother's body the B vitamins contained in the jelly (this cannot always be done directly during pregnancy, for example, if a product is intolerant during toxicosis).

The vitamin and mineral composition of the product itself will also be useful for the mother and fetus. Phosphorus and calcium will support the skeletal system, and potassium will support the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin PP is involved in the production of hormones and the normalization of sleep.

Is potato starch good for children?

Starch is included in almost all complementary foods for babies. In one form or another, the product is present in any baby food in an amount from 3% to 7%. This concentration makes the food thicker and helps the child learn to chew quickly, which can also be attributed to the beneficial properties of the product.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the product are manifested in enveloping the child's stomach and protecting the mucous membrane from the effects of especially active acids that cause irritation.

The useful absorbing properties of the product play an important role - binding excess water in the large intestine and normalizing the child's stool.

Important! The main property of the product is that it was and is a universal probiotic, and without it there will be no development of the child's intestinal microflora.

Therefore, the question of whether starch is useful for children is not even considered - the child simply needs it.

Potato starch for weight loss

Starch in weight loss is used to remove excess fluid from the body, but this applies more to a corn product than a potato product.

And now potato starch is used in D. McDougall's potato diet. Its meaning lies in the fact that all meat and dairy products are excluded from the diet. They are replaced by cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, in particular, potatoes. In this diet, it is polysaccharides in combination with legumes that replace meat for the human body.

Recommended reading:  Potatoes: useful properties and contraindications

Moreover, in the diet there are no specific dishes or dietary patterns. Its essence lies in the complete replacement of some products with others.

In addition to the effect of weight loss, such a diet also provides a wellness - many chronic diseases with such a diet went into remission.

The use of potato starch in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the product is used to treat colds, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, skin diseases, and many others. The formulation of such products is very diverse, as are the ways of using starch.

Potato starch in cosmetology

Starch is a versatile product in cosmetology. The benefits of potato starch for the skin have been confirmed by many years of practice. Usually the product is used for high-quality and inexpensive lifting, as it has the ability to make the skin more elastic.

The benefits of starch for hair are of no less interest. This is, in general, one of the cheapest care products, since it is not only included in various masks, but can also be used as a shampoo.

Facial masks

The mask for dry skin has the ability to smooth out wrinkles and soothe the skin. Recipe: starch, milk and vegetable oil are mixed in equal proportions. It is applied to the skin for 20 minutes and then washed off with water.

Application for lifting. Ingredients:

  • starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • carrot juice - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 500 ml.

All products are mixed, heated to a temperature of +40 ° C and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with water.

Use for cleansing the skin:

  • Starch, soda and coffee grounds are mixed in equal proportions.
  • The mask is rubbed into the skin for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

Hair masks

Hair growth agent. Ingredients:

  • starch - 20 g;
  • mustard - 40 g;
  • shampoo - 10 ml;
  • yeast granules - 20 g.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to hair for 10 minutes. Then they are washed off with warm water.

Anti-hair loss:

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair, after which a plastic cap is put on the head. The mixture is kept for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

How potato starch is used in cooking

In cooking, the product is mainly used to create a viscous mass that is necessary in the manufacture of sauces, jelly and flour dishes. It is allowed to be diluted with water, milk, oil and some other liquids.

Attention! Since starch loses its viscous properties during boiling, it cannot be boiled.

How to make potato starch at home

The recipe for starch is quite simple. This will require about 2 kg of potatoes, a grater, a blender and a knife. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • potatoes are peeled and passed through a blender;
  • chopped potatoes are squeezed out through a sieve, while further work goes with the liquid fraction, the solid one can be thrown out or put on potato pancakes;
  • the liquid is settled for half an hour, then the potato juice is removed from it, the remaining substance is starch;
  • water is added to it and again defended for half an hour, removing the liquid at the end of the process, this action is repeated until the liquid becomes clear, and the substance at the bottom is white;
  • the liquid is removed and the sediment is poured onto a wide tray, where it is dried for 9 hours;
  • then the dried product is broken into small pieces and dried at a temperature of + 30 ... + 35 ° С.

From 2 kg of potatoes, about 80 g of starch is obtained. Cooking time is several days.

Harm of potato starch and contraindications

As such, starch does not have any special contraindications, but there are some application features. The main harm of the product lies in the use of the "artificial" version, the so-called refined starch. This substance improperly affects the metabolism, leading to excessive synthesis of insulin and disrupting hormonal balance.

Another no less harmful property of starch is the consequences of heat treatment in flour products. They contain too many free radicals that cause cancer.


The benefits and harms of potato starch have long been no secret for nutritionists. To some extent, this product belongs to the indispensable for the human body. In addition to its basic properties, it has many others.When using them, you should always remember about the possible harm of the product and its application features.


Sekirina Alina, Vladimir
I use starch extensively in home cosmetics. Most often I make hair masks with potato starch, the benefits of which are obvious. For the skin, I use this remedy from time to time due to individual characteristics. However, when it is necessary to tidy up the skin around the eyes, starch becomes the only assistant. For me personally, potato starch is a great help against bruises under the eyes. I advise this to everyone who suffers from similar problems.
Zhdanova Sofia, Solikamsk
I am already, as they say, "a little over 30", so the first signs of age began to appear. To combat wrinkles, I decided to try using potato starch on my own as a face mask. At first, nothing special happened, but after the third application I noticed that large wrinkles became smaller, and small ones are completely invisible. I recommend everyone to try potato starch for wrinkles - the benefits of this product are undeniable

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