Lemon water: benefits and harms, recipes, how to drink

An interesting question is the benefits and harms of water with lemon - at first glance, the drink seems to be uniquely beneficial. But so that lemon water does not harm your well-being, you need to know everything about its properties.

Composition and calorie content of water with lemon

The medicinal drink contains only 2 components - water and lemon juice. Accordingly, the components in water with lemon are exactly the same as in fresh lemon. Chief among them are:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins A and B2;
  • flavonoids and thiamine;
  • routine;
  • potassium;
  • fiber and organic acids.

The calorie content of the product is incredibly low - only about 1.2 kcal per 100 ml of drink. It should be noted that the nutritional properties increase very slightly even with the addition of additional ingredients, for example, the calorie content of lemon water with honey will be only 11 kcal.

Why lemon water is good for you

The benefits of water with lemon for the human body are very extensive. With proper and regular use, water:

  • improves digestion and normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves the outflow of bile and helps to get rid of edema;
  • equalizes blood glucose levels and lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels and makes their walls more elastic - this contributes to the improvement of not only the vascular, but also the cardiac system;
  • increases immune resistance to colds and viruses, and also improves lymph flow in body tissues;
  • removes toxic substances and toxins from the body - with the help of water with lemon, you can effectively cleanse the intestines, liver and kidneys;
  • thins the blood and prevents varicose veins and blood clots;
  • removes harmful salts from joints and prevents the development of gout;
  • has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, improves mood and vitality.

Vitamins C and A in the composition protect the eyes from the development of cataracts and from a decrease in visual acuity. Drinking healthy water with lemon is recommended for people who have to constantly spend time at the computer.

For women

The benefits of water with lemon for a woman's body are very diverse. The properties of a simple drink help to establish the work of the reproductive sphere, level out the hormonal background, and improve well-being during menopause and severe menstruation. The benefits of lemon water in the morning is that it can help you wake up faster and improve your mood.

It is also useful to use a medicinal mixture for women because the properties of lemon contribute to the long-term preservation of youth and attractiveness. Healing water improves skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles, reduces damage to the skin from poor ecology, fights acne, and also strengthens hair.

For men

For men, the benefits of lemon water are mainly due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of the drink protects the stronger sex from unpleasant diseases such as inflammation of the prostate or its tumor. In addition, a useful agent improves blood circulation and prevents the development of heart and vascular ailments, and also has a positive effect on the quality of sexual life.

Lemon water is known for its anti-hangover properties. After a stormy feast, healthy water can significantly relieve the condition and quickly remove nausea and headache.

For children

The unconditional benefits of drinking water with lemon will also be for kids. If you regularly offer your child water with lemon in a low concentration, the properties of citrus will help strengthen the baby's immunity and protect him from viruses and infections.

However, you can offer a healthy drink to a child no earlier than 3 years old in order to avoid severe harm. Lemon often causes allergies, besides, the high content of alkalis and acids in the water can cause a burn of the baby's mucous membranes.

Attention! Since water with lemon has many contraindications, it is possible to offer it to a child for the first time only after consulting a pediatrician, otherwise harm is possible.

Slimming lemon water

The benefits of lemon water in the morning for weight loss are undeniable - it is recommended for use by many proven diets. Water with lemon stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, and the body begins to get rid of toxins and toxins in a timely manner. Therefore, excess weight goes away much faster.

At the same time, the properties of the drink should not be abused, otherwise the benefits of water with lemon for weight loss will easily turn into harm. You can take water with lemon no more than 3 times a day before you eat. In excess, healthy water can have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach. Also, the harm will bring the use of water in a state of severe hunger, heartburn, gastritis and even a stomach ulcer can develop from this.

Is it possible to drink water with lemon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefits of water with lemon for pregnant women are that it prevents colds and supports digestion, helps relieve attacks of acute toxicosis. The valuable properties of the drink have a positive effect on the fetus, contributing to the healthy formation of the baby's nervous and skeletal systems.

But during lactation, the effect of water with lemon can be sharply negative. Since the properties of citrus fruit often cause allergies in babies, it is better not to risk it - even through breast milk, the drink can harm the baby.

How to drink lemon water properly

The beneficial properties of water with lemon are fully revealed with the correct use of the drink. There are several general guidelines for a remedy.

  • The drink must be completely fresh - it is necessary to prepare the water just before drinking.
  • Water should be drunk immediately before eating, or half an hour after that. But you cannot drink food with a citrus drink, it will cause harm.
  • A single dosage should not exceed 1 glass, and for prevention, it is allowed to drink no more than 200 ml of water per day, otherwise harm is possible.
  • To avoid harm to tooth enamel, drink a healthy drink through a straw, and after taking some water you need to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

There are recommendations regarding the time of intake of useful water.

Water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach

The benefits of water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach are considered maximum - in the first half of the day, the drink starts metabolic processes and helps cleanse the body. In addition, citrus water is great for invigorating. If you get used to the regular use of the drink, then the benefit of a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach will also be that after that you will no longer need to drink tea or coffee.

Water with lemon at night

Benefits of water with lemon at night - the drink soothes the nerves and helps to fall asleep faster. When using a useful remedy in the evening, the body will continue to break down fats throughout the night. In addition, from the very morning, he will be involved in the active work of intestinal peristalsis, which will also not do any harm.

Which lemon water is best to drink: hot or cold

Lemon juice can be added to both cold and hot water - there will be no harm from both options. For example, a cool drink perfectly saves you from thirst, this property becomes especially pleasant in the summer heat.

However, the health benefits of hot lemon water are definitely greater. In addition to the fact that the warmed drink speeds up digestion, the properties of hot water also do not have an irritating effect on the stomach and pancreas.

As for the benefits of boiling water with lemon, it depends on the method of preparation. It is not recommended to boil already prepared healing water - it will be harmful, since vitamin C will collapse when heated to 100 ° C. But adding freshly squeezed healthy juice to ready-made boiling water is allowed, with this procedure, the volumes of ascorbic acid are preserved.

How to make lemon water

Lemon water is one of the easiest drinks to make. But even here there are many recipe options - the properties of citrus juice can be successfully combined with various ingredients.

Classic recipe

The simplest recipe for a drink involves the use of only two ingredients. Fresh juice is squeezed out of half a lemon, and then it is poured with a glass of water - ordinary filtered or mineral water without gas. If desired, the drink can be slightly warmed up to about 50 ° C.

Water with lemon and honey

Honey-lemon water has great benefits - it helps especially well with sore throat, bronchitis, colds and weakened immunity. The drink is prepared simply - a small spoonful of honey is added to classic water and stirred thoroughly.

Important! You cannot use such water if you are allergic to honey, even a healthy lemon will not be able to neutralize possible harm.

Lemon water with honey and ginger

The benefits of water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach can be increased even more by adding a little ginger to the drink. Such a remedy will help not only with colds, but also with inflammatory processes in the body - in the digestive, urogenital, articular areas.

To prepare a drink you need:

  • dissolve a large spoonful of honey in a liter of heated water;
  • add to the water the juice squeezed from a couple of lemons along with the peel;
  • add the ginger root, previously grated, and let the product brew a little.

Ready-made water with the addition of ginger will be beneficial for the diet, as it activates the processes of burning fat.

Lemon drink with aloe

To increase endurance and strengthen immunity, homemade aloe juice can be added to healthy water.

Juicy leaves must be cut from the plant, kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and then squeezed out of juice - so that at least 5 ml is obtained. Then the aloe juice is simply mixed with regular lemon water and drunk as needed.

Lemon water with apple cider vinegar

In order to cleanse the body, water with lemon can be mixed with apple cider vinegar. The recipe looks like this - fresh citrus juice, honey and apple cider vinegar are taken in equal proportions, 1 large spoonful and diluted in a glass of water.

You need to drink the product on an empty stomach, shortly before meals in the morning.Water helps to lose weight and get rid of toxins, eliminates headaches and inflammation. However, its properties should not be abused - the expressed acidic composition of the drink can cause severe harm.

Water with lemon and cucumber

To improve digestive processes, it is recommended to mix lemon juice with cucumber juice, both of which are of great benefit to the body. The cooking recipe looks like this - first, the juice squeezed from one citrus fruit is dissolved in a liter of water, and then the fresh cucumber is thoroughly chopped and the pulp is poured into the prepared drink.

Advice! The benefits of the cocktail will be maximum if the prepared product is divided into 3 equal servings and drunk throughout the day.

Lemon Turmeric Water

Healthy water with lemon with the addition of turmeric has anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and firming effects. First you need to prepare a classic water, and then properly stir in it just half a small spoonful of spice.

Recommended reading:  Turmeric: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties, application

It is useful to take the remedy for heart disorders and arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Lemon mint water

The lemon-mint drink has a pleasant taste and refreshing properties. In plain water with lemon juice, you need to put a couple of mint leaves - they should first be washed and slightly kneaded.

In the summertime, ice cubes can be added to such a cocktail - this will enhance its invigorating properties. The beneficial properties of lemon and mint tone, improve mood and give strength and energy for the whole day.

How to take lemon water for medicinal purposes

The benefits of lemon water for the human body are used in home healing recipes. Drinking water with lemon helps to get rid of the symptoms of some ailments and, in general, noticeably improves well-being.

For colds and flu

Due to the very high content of vitamin C, water with lemon is good for colds, especially in the early stages. For sore throat, fever and runny nose, you need to mix lemon juice and water in equal proportions of 150 ml, then warm up the product a little and drink up to 3 times a day.

It is especially important to drink warm water for flu and colds. Cold water with lemon can backfire and be harmful.

For the health of the heart and blood vessels

The benefit of warm water with lemon is that it prevents atherosclerosis and heart ailments. To protect the blood vessels and the heart system, it is recommended to take a solution with the addition of honey - in a glass of water, mix the juice from half a lemon and a small spoonful of a sweet treat.

Water with lemon before bedtime will bring the maximum benefit - it will not only have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, but also increase the quality of a night's rest.

For pain in muscles and joints

The properties of healthy water with lemon quickly relieve inflammation in the joints and muscles and have a mild analgesic effect. The healing agent is prepared according to the classic recipe - juice from half a lemon in a glass of water and taken as needed, with exacerbation of pain.

Lemon juice with water will be beneficial not only for arthritis, rheumatism or muscle injuries, but also for normal fatigue after physical work or a long walk.

For digestive disorders

With careful use, water with lemon juice on an empty stomach will be beneficial for intestinal disorders, gastritis and a tendency to constipation. It is enough to drink a glass of a useful remedy every morning, after a quarter of an hour, taking a regular breakfast - the condition with such treatment will quickly improve.

With disorders of the nervous system

Water with lemon contains a lot of potassium, so drinking it has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Drinking a healthy drink can help reduce stress levels, relieve anxiety, and gain energy throughout the day.The beneficial properties of the water improve performance and vitality, and help to fall asleep quickly at night.

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, a useful remedy is recommended to be consumed in the morning for 1 glass. Water with lemon before breakfast will give you a boost of energy and good mood.

To cleanse the blood and body

Water with lemon effectively removes toxic substances from the blood, intestines and internal organs. Therefore, the remedy is often used for complex cleansing of the body and lowering cholesterol levels, and this is the benefits of water with lemon for the liver.

For the treatment to bring the best result, it is advisable to use water according to the classic recipe up to 3 times a day.

With diabetes mellitus

The bioflavonoids in the drink regulate blood insulin levels and prevent sugar spikes. Therefore, the benefits of boiled water with lemon will be for diabetics - if you take the remedy early in the morning on an empty stomach, your condition will noticeably improve.

In addition, the properties of the water will have a beneficial effect on the metabolism, support the healthy functioning of the liver and pancreas. Its use will help control weight and avoid complications, especially often developing against the background of diabetes.


Drinking water with lemon is good for a hangover. The drink, rich in potassium, vitamin C and other valuable substances, quickly cleans the stomach of toxic compounds, equalizes blood pressure and returns sugar levels to normal. If you drink a glass of healthy water in the morning after a stormy feast, then its properties will quickly relieve nausea and eliminate dizziness and arrhythmia.

With gout

Fresh lemon juice is able to dissolve harmful salts deposited in the joints and remove them from the body. It is recommended to drink the remedy for gout not only in the morning, but also during the day - only up to 3 times. Water will have a particularly good effect as a prophylaxis, but even with an existing disease, it can significantly alleviate the condition.

The use of water with lemon in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of lemon water are actively used for beauty care. The most common use for water is as a daily facial rub to help remove acne and blackheads. Lemon water has strong whitening properties and allows you to lighten the skin tone.

Washing can be done with cold or warm water without any harm. An excellent tonic and rejuvenating effect is provided by rubbing with ice cubes, for this, water with lemon is pre-frozen in the freezer.

Water with lemon is beneficial for hair, if you regularly rinse the strands with this product after washing, then they will become smoother, shinier and more manageable. The water has a wonderful effect on nails, it strengthens the plates and stops their separation, softens the cuticle.

Harm of lemon water and contraindications

The properties of lemon water are not the same for everyone - usually the drink is beneficial, but sometimes it can be harmful. Contraindications for water with lemon are:

  • heartburn and gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer in a state of exacerbation;
  • pancreatitis and acute intestinal inflammation;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • allergic to lemons and any citrus fruits.

It is necessary to take a healthy drink with great care with sensitive tooth enamel. Lemon water is very acidic and can additionally contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, which will certainly be harmful.

How and how much lemon water can be stored

Water with lemon, prepared according to the classic recipe, has an extremely short shelf life - it must be prepared immediately before use. It is not recommended to put the product in the refrigerator, even for several hours. During this time, the water will lose most of its beneficial properties and even begin to harm.

If there are other components in the healthy water with lemon, for example, ginger or mint, the time is slightly extended - the product can be put in the refrigerator for a day without any harm to the composition.


The benefits and harms of water with lemon depend on the presence of contraindications and the dosage of the drink. Subject to the daily norm, in the absence of allergies and chronic diseases, the water will not harm, but will have a pronounced beneficial effect on the body.


Evseeva Margarita Igorevna, 31 years old, Moscow
I really like water with lemon and ginger for weight loss, I try to include it in every diet. First of all, it is a very tasty and invigorating drink that gives you a boost of vivacity in the morning. And, in addition, losing weight with lemon water is really easier - the result is better by a couple of kilograms.
Antonova Tatyana Sergeevna, 37 years old, Kazan
Water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach is a completely universal remedy, as I have seen more than once. The drink also helps with stomach ailments, and colds, and during a diet. One way or another, I drink lemon water almost constantly and I feel more vigorous and healthier.

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