Meat and fish

Salted whitefish caviar: benefits and harms
Whitefish is a large fish that belongs to the salmon family of valuable properties. Fish and its caviar are considered useful ...
Does milk eat herrings, the benefits and harms
On the traditional Russian table, herring was considered a delicacy for a long time. If caviar is considered a more traditional product, then milk is not ...
The benefits and harms of chicken meat, calories that can be cooked
The benefits and harms of chicken are of interest to everyone, since of all the birds, it is she who most often appears on the dinner table. Interesting to explore ...
Turkey meat: benefits and harms, properties, cooking, photos, videos
Recently, turkey has begun to gain popularity outside the American homeland and is now increasingly appearing on the tables of culinary ...
The benefits and harms of herring caviar, how to cook it
Herring caviar is an affordable and tasty product. Most often it is eaten salty, but it is also used for cooking. She possesses ...
Are canned fish useful
It is difficult to find a person who, at least once in his life, has not tasted fish, hermetically sealed in a jar. Such a product is convenient in ...
Milk fish (hanos): benefits, how to cook, where found
Hanos is the oldest fish. Belongs to the Ray-finned family, and other representatives have not survived to this day. In the Philippines from her ...
Why are chicken feet useful and how to cook them deliciously
The benefits and harms of chicken feet are of interest to buyers. Nobody argues that the chicken itself has valuable properties. And here...
Chicken breast: useful properties, composition, preparation
Chicken breast is a popular product that is classified as a white meat with specific properties. However, not everyone knows what ...
The benefits and harms of herring for the body, reviews
It is quite difficult to imagine any meal without the traditional delicacy - herring: with onions or under a fur coat. However, not everyone knows ...


the beauty
