Why salmon is useful and how to salt it at home

The type of salmon fish is considered a delicacy, which means that salmon dishes have a special taste. The benefits and harms of salmon are assessed by nutritionists according to several criteria. The properties of fish can be determined based on the information under what conditions it is grown, how it is caught, where it is stored.

What does salmon look like and where is it found?

The habitat of salmon species is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which is the second deepest ocean on Earth and occupies a quarter of the entire world ocean in terms of water volume. Salmon fish are common in the North Atlantic.

Salmon is also called "Atlantic salmon", it is also called the queen of salmon. She looks really royal. The scales have a silvery shade, glitters on the back, shines with steel. An adult fish reaches 1.5 meters or more in length, and weighs more than 40 kg. The beneficial properties depend on what she eats. Only useful species of small fish and crustaceans are eaten. Spawning begins in the second half of autumn and continues until the end of November. The life cycle of salmon lasts up to 10 years.

There is a lake species of fish, its habitat is the northern lakes: Onega, Ladoga. Farmed salmon is widespread in northern Europe, in Norway, Iceland.

Chemical composition of salmon

You can talk about the health benefits and dangers of salmon after analyzing its chemical composition. The content of nutrients in 100 g of the product:



Why is the lack of substance harmful?

Vitamins B 1 - 15.3%

Provides metabolic processes at the amino acid level

Digestive disorders, risk of heart disease

B 2 - 13.9%

Responsible for the level of vision, for the color sensitivity of the retina

Violations of the skin, mucous membranes

B 5 - 32%

Participant in the processes of metabolism, synthesis and production of hemoglobin

Skin lesions

B 6 - 40%

Increases the level of defenses

Decreased appetite, apathy for everything

B 12 -100%

Participant of hematopoiesis

Development of anemia

E - 12%

Antioxidant, responsible for reproductive capacity

Neurological disorders

Potassium - 16.8%

The main ion inside cells, a participant in most chemical reactions

Brittle nails, dull hair, deterioration of complexion

Phosphorus - 26.3%

Essential for the mineralization of teeth and bone

The appearance of a goiter


Responsible for the function of the thyroid gland

Hormonal disorders

Chrome and others

Glucose regulator

Circulatory problems

The amount of selenium that enters the body after consuming 100 g of salmon is 66% of the daily intake of this element.

Fish contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have unique properties. Salmon fat is beneficial and essential for maintaining health at all systemic levels.

Salmon species contain about 2.5 g of fat per 100 g of product.The activity of fatty acids and minerals leads to the strengthening of bone tissue, the elasticity of blood vessels, and the removal of arterial spasms. This property helps to strengthen the capillaries, and is also a kind of preventive measure against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Nutritional value and calorie content of salmon

Nutritionists consider the so-called healthy calories, which means that the nutritional value and calorie content directly depends on the method of preparation. The method of frying until a dark crust forms threatens to lose useful properties and can even harm the body if consumed excessively. The benefits of boiled salmon will be much higher.

The benefits of salmon for the human body lies in the content of nutrients and low calorie content. That is why, in order to preserve useful properties, it is included in the menu, many recipes are invented.

The calorie content of 100 g of the product is only 153 kcal. If we compare these figures with the daily intake of calories for an adult, it turns out that for full saturation it is necessary to eat 1 kg 680 g of salmon. The portion is about 150 - 180 g. These simple calculations explain why the red salmon fish is beneficial and valuable for dietary nutrition. 100 g contains 20 g of protein, 8 g of fat and 70 g of water.

The nutritional value of salmon is a value that is calculated from the analysis of its properties that satisfy the needs of the human body, as well as its saturation with energy. The indicator may differ: it depends on the way the fish is processed.




186 kcal

187.5 kcal

195, 1 kcal

These are calorie options for a piece of fish cooked with a minimum of seasonings.

Useful and medicinal properties of fish

The use of salmon can affect the body in different ways in a particular case: it all depends on the state of human health

Red fish has long been considered a valuable food because of its ability to influence blood formation. Omega-3 fatty acids act as blockers on high cholesterol levels. Based on this, the useful properties of salmon are considered:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis, stabilization of blood pressure;
  • relief of conditions during menopause for women;
  • positive effect on the skin;
  • increased immunity;
  • help in skin regeneration;
  • restoration of muscle tissue;
  • prevention of the development of anemia;
  • anti-aging effect due to the production of melatonin.

The medicinal properties of fish are used by nutritionists who make up the menu for patients. It is often included in the diet of people suffering from nervous disorders. The benefits of salmon for the treatment of cardiovascular disease are well known.

The benefits of salmon for facial skin

If they talk about the properties of salmon, then they mean its use as a delicious dish, and few know that the benefits of this fish are also used in cosmetology: red fish caviar is used to prepare face masks. The beneficial effect on the skin is one of the beneficial properties of fish.

Masks are made with the inclusion of several components that actively interact with each other and contribute to skin regeneration. These funds have a rejuvenating effect. Additional components can be fermented milk products, vegetable and olive oils. To prepare such a mask, the eggs must be kneaded with a wooden spoon. The caviar masks are applied for 15 to 20 minutes and then gently washed off.

Warning! Mixing of components should not be carried out in a metal container, so as not to activate oxidative processes.

Salmon for weight loss

The dietary food actively uses the beneficial properties of salmon as a rich in vitamins and minerals, but low-calorie product, given that the calorie content may slightly increase depending on the cooking method. Salmon, as a low-calorie, but healthy balanced product, is indispensable for a diet that is poor in carbohydrates.It is well suited for a protein diet as it contains a lot of protein.

The introduction of salmon to the menu helps to restore the balance of vitamins and minerals.

Is salmon possible for pregnant and lactating

Despite the fact that the benefits of salmon for women in the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids are great, this type of fish is recommended to be carefully taken by pregnant and lactating women. Doctors advise to introduce fish into the diet in small portions and observe the reaction.

Warning! Red fish can lead to the development of severe allergic reactions, which is fraught with harm to the fetal development of the baby.

At what age can children be given

Fish is an important source of minerals, vitamins and acids for children. Inclusion in the diet begins from 10 to 11 months, depending on the state of health of the child. You need to start with lean varieties with white meat. Red varieties can be included in the child's menu from 3 years old.

Advice! An important risk factor for eating salmon is its high allergenicity, therefore, the introduction into the children's diet should be gradual and careful so as not to harm the child's body.

The benefits and harms of lightly salted salmon

There are many recipes for cooking. Lightly salted fish is a delicacy that is usually served at the festive table. It can be either an independent snack or an addition to sandwiches, canapes, salads.

The nutritional value increases with low salinity: this is due to an increase in the protein content, as well as the water that is released due to the salt content. This recipe for lightly salted salmon is useful for those who follow a protein diet.

The use of salted salmon is slightly lower due to the salt content in the product.

It is harmful to use such a dish for people suffering from kidney disease, as well as for those who have increased acidity.

Why salmon caviar is useful

Caviar is a separate product that has its own beneficial properties. It consists of proteins and fats, has an energy value of 223 kcal.

Lecithin helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the body, folic acid is actively involved in regulating hematopoiesis. This product is useful for pregnant women, but it is recommended for use with caution so as not to harm the development of the fetus.

How to pickle salmon at home

Manufacturers who specialize in the preparation of canned food or preserves offer a wide range of products of different quality. Experienced housewives consider it wrong to buy salted fish, they cook it themselves exclusively at home. For salting, different parts are taken, many prefer to salt the bellies of salmon, believing that the main benefits are concentrated in them.

The classic is the version in which fillets are used on the skin.

  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • pepper.
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The meat is washed and dried. Pour half of the mixture of sugar, salt and pepper at the bottom of the mold. Lay the fillets skin side down, distribute the remaining spices on top. It is tightened with cling film, placed in the refrigerator for 13-15 hours, after which the form is taken out, the components are turned over, and again sent to the refrigerator. Lightly salted fish will be ready in 24 hours. Some housewives believe that it is more useful to cook pink salmon rather than salmon. Pink salmon are more affordable and easier to find on store shelves.

Salmon recipes

The choice of recipe depends on preferences and culinary skills, which allow you to cook delicious salmon while maintaining its useful properties. Butchering fish is not an easy procedure, but the taste of the dishes will reward the effort.

Salmon in the oven

The method is suitable for those who follow the figure. Additional ingredients can be varied according to preference. Only fillets are used for cooking. The head and tail are left for cooking soups: the benefits of salmon during cooking are almost completely preserved.

Red fish goes well with creamy or dairy sauces, which is why it is often baked with cream.

  • fillet - 150 - 180 g;
  • olive oil - 50 g;
  • cream - 100 g;
  • onions, bay leaves, pepper, salt - to taste;
  • mustard beans - 2 tbsp l.
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The fillets are dried, placed on parchment sprinkled with oil, baked at 180 aboutC. Fry the onion until golden, add bay leaves, pepper, salt, mustard, cream, let it boil. Strain the sauce, serve salmon, pour over the sauce abundantly.

Salmon ear

For fish soup, abdomens, head, tail are often used. All parts are washed, sent to a saucepan, poured with cold water. Cooked with a whole onion. Remove the foam if necessary. Add carrots, potatoes, seasonings, cook until vegetables are cooked. Serve to the table, seasoned with herbs. The benefits of salmon fish soup are in a variant of the gentle processing method - boiling.

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Salmon harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits for the body, salmon can be harmful. It is contraindicated in case of food allergic reactions to any of its varieties.

There is a possibility that during a long stay in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in some northern regions, salmon accumulate mercury, which is deposited on the fibers. The content of this harmful substance increases with the age of the species.

Consumption of mercury in small amounts is especially harmful for people with weak immunity in the absence of a protective enzyme from its effects.

A product that has been repeatedly frozen can be harmful: the beneficial properties are lost as a result.

It is harmful to eat fried fish for people with a problem of excess weight.

How to choose and store salmon

To choose the right product, you need to carefully study the label. The description of fresh frozen fish should not mention any foreign matter. The vacuum bag must be intact, the color of the fish can vary from pink-red to red.

Fish are not stored in polyethylene, open, at room temperature.

In the refrigerator, it can be stored at temperatures from -4 to -8 ° C for 20 days.


The benefits and harms of salmon depend on many factors. To enjoy delicious fish, individual indications, storage conditions and cooking rules must be taken into account.

Reviews of salmon

Petrovskaya Nadezhda, 45 years old, Minusinsk
I really love to cook fish. I prefer salmon. The beneficial properties of red fish for me are embodied in salmon. I think that it cannot do harm even with excessive use, so no feast is complete without it. I have over 150 recipes!
Mikhail Ivanovich Kovrov, 60 years old, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
I love red fish very much !!! I've been eating salmon all my life, since childhood. This is a necessity for me. However, after I got older, I began to limit myself so that the benefits of salmon would not turn into harm to the body! I cook it myself: I don't trust anyone. I have a proprietary recipe for dry pickling: just lick your fingers!

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