Vitamins B12 in children: norms, deficiency

Vitamin B12 in tablets for children is prescribed for preventive purposes and in the presence of a pronounced deficiency. It is necessary for the human body to normalize blood function and restore the nervous system. A lack of a substance can provoke serious disruptions in the production of DNA molecules.

Why does a child need vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 acts as a coenzyme in the human body. In part, it enters the body of children with food, and is produced by the intestinal microflora. In medicine, the substance is also called cyanocobalamin. In the first months of life, it enters the body as part of breast milk. B12 plays an important role in starting metabolic processes.

Its main functions include the following:

  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • participation in the production of nucleic and organic acids;
  • prevention of the growth of malignant tumors;
  • stimulation of bone marrow cells;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • production of melatonin;
  • ensuring the full functioning of the nervous system;
  • improving the digestibility of food;
  • launching biochemical reactions.

Vitamin B12 is especially important for the child's body for energy production. In addition, it is believed to significantly improve mood. The lack of a substance, in turn, provokes fatigue and increased nervousness. With a sufficient level of vitamin B12 in the body, children remain moderately active and easy to learn. The likelihood of developing diseases of the circulatory system is reduced. Acceleration of regenerative processes is observed.

Due to its lipotropic properties, cyanocobalamin prevents liver infiltration. In chronic hypoxia, B12 increases cellular oxygen consumption. When combined with vitamin A, cyanocobalamin takes part in cell division, ensuring the synthesis of all tissues of the human body. During childhood, B12 is especially important for the production of melatonin. This hormone is responsible for the formation of the biological clock.

Important! While taking vitamin complexes, you should observe the reaction of the child's body. Skin rashes indicate drug intolerance.

Vitamin B12 norms in children

The daily requirement for a useful substance in childhood is 0.4-3 μg. To satisfy it, it is necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition of children. The content of vitamin B12 is determined by passing a special analysis. Before carrying out it, it is necessary to exclude the use of medications. Children should be tested on an empty stomach. The parameters of the norm change depending on age. They are presented in the table:

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Age (years)

Norm parameters (ng / l)

Up to 1












Excess vitamin B12 in children

An excess of nutrients in the body of children is as harmful as their lack. Scientific research has revealed that the deviation is primarily reflected in the appearance of the skin and the state of the nervous system.A vitamin surplus occurs as a result of exceeding the dosage when taking dietary supplements with a simultaneous intake of B12 in the food.

If children have high vitamin B12 levels, the following symptoms may appear:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • increased excitability;
  • stool disturbance;
  • allergic reaction.

If the drug was injected at higher dosages by injection, the risk of developing anaphylactic shock increases. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage selected by the doctor individually.

Lack of vitamin B12 in children

Cyanocobalamin is prescribed to children only after a diagnosis of its deficiency. The first analysis is carried out in infancy. This is necessary to exclude genetic pathology. In some cases, a lack of vitamin occurs when the digestive tract is impaired. After detecting a problem, you must follow a diet and take vitamin complexes.

In some cases, the use of vitamin B12 complexes may not be effective. Its absorption is hindered by excessive consumption of potassium in food. Anti-inflammatory therapy also has a negative effect on the assimilation of the beneficial element.

Attention! If, during the delivery of the analysis, deviations in the level of the vitamin were found, further studies should be carried out in the same laboratory in order to eliminate the likelihood of an error.

Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency in children

Since the largest amount of vitamin B12 comes from food, a deficiency can provoke an insufficiently balanced diet. The main prerequisite is the lack of protein foods.

But there are other reasons for the pathological process. These include:

  • infestation with parasites;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • taking antibiotics or antipsychotic drugs.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in children

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in children are not always associated with the underlying problem. A vague clinical picture significantly complicates the diagnosis, which provokes various complications.

Signs of a lack of a useful substance in the body include:

  • feeling weak;
  • memory impairment;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • stomatitis and bleeding gums;
  • stool disturbance and diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • numbness in the limbs;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • impaired concentration of attention.
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Consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency in children

Vitamin B12 is essential for the child's body to maintain cognitive performance. Lack of substance affects brain function and learning. Against this background, schoolchildren may experience difficulties in assimilating educational material.

With a prolonged course of vitamin deficiency, the following complications occur:

  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • jaundice;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • loss of cognitive function;
  • the development of renal diseases;
  • neuropathy;
  • depressive disorder;
  • migraine;
  • shingles.

How to increase vitamin B12 in children

To increase the content of cyanocobalamin in the body, you should follow a certain diet. It implies the introduction of foods rich in protein into the diet.

These include:

  • beef liver;
  • seafood and fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • turkey fillet.

Additionally, the intake of vitamin complexes containing cyanocobalamin is prescribed. They are taken in accordance with the dosage listed in the instructions. In some cases, the scheme of application is adjusted by the doctor on an individual basis. An increase in the beneficial substance in the body of children is observed on the 3-4th day after the start of taking a biological supplement.

Preparations with vitamins B12 for children

The pharmaceutical industry offers many different vitamin B12 supplements. Its concentration varies from 0.5 to 1 mg. In the manufacture of dietary supplements, the principle of interaction of components with each other is taken into account.

The most common drugs for children with cyanocobalamin content include:

  • «Vitrum Kids Plus»;
  • «Alphabet Our baby»;
  • «Pikovit Plus»;
  • «Doppelherz kinder»;
  • «Univit Kids».

To buy vitamin complexes, a doctor's prescription is not required. The cost of drugs varies from 250 to 1000 rubles. It depends on the popularity of the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package.

Comment! You should not prescribe vitamins to children yourself. To do this, you should contact your pediatrician.

Rules for taking vitamins with B12 for children

The standard treatment regimen with vitamin B12 complexes involves taking one tablet per day. The duration of use of the drug depends on the intensity of the manifestation of vitamin deficiency. Most often, dietary supplements are prescribed to be taken within 1-3 months. Reception is carried out in the morning after meals.

The use of cyanocobalamin for stomatitis in a child must be carried out in conjunction with the intake of vitamins of groups C, A and E. This allows you to speed up the healing process.


Vitamin B12 tablets for children are taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions. In some cases, individual drug intolerance develops. It can manifest itself in nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and headache.

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