Why bovine colostrum is useful for humans

Today, medicine already knows all the benefits and harms of bovine colostrum. Due to the presence of a large number of valuable properties, it is added to food to strengthen the body's defenses and improve overall well-being, as well as to prolong youth. In pharmaceuticals, capsules are made from a concentrated substance.

What is bovine colostrum and how it differs from milk

Mammalian milk is called colostrum (colostrum) for the first three days after the birth of a baby. This also applies to cattle. The appearance of the bovine product resembles a viscous yellow liquid. This consistency and color is formed by the albumin contained in the serum.

The composition differs from ordinary milk in the presence of immune factors and other substances with properties beneficial to humans.

Colostrum was created by nature to help newborns acquire their immune resistance to adverse factors and fill their body with the benefits of elements necessary for life and growth. Therefore, the product is highly indicated to be added to food for weakened children and often sick adults. For elderly people, the product benefits in the form of strengthening the body, maintaining the functioning of organs. The properties of colostrum are also directed against the occurrence of joint inflammation.

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Important! If a person expects to get the most out of colostrum, then the cow should be milked immediately after calving. After 6 to 7 hours, the serum protein level is halved.

Composition of bovine colostrum

The benefits of a cow product are due to the presence of many substances useful for the human body.

These are endorphins, nucleotide and amino acids. Colostrum also contains many vitamins and minerals.

In addition to them, the composition contains the following components:

  • interferon;
  • lactoferrin;
  • cytokine;
  • taurine;
  • propoline;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • lymphocytes;
  • lysozymes;
  • prebiotics.

The presence of all these components explains the healthiness of the drink as a real biostimulator capable of providing the human body with nutrients and strengthening its immune system.

Nutritional value and calorie content of bovine colostrum

Colostrum is intended for use by newborns immediately after birth, since it contains all the elements necessary for the body. One hundred grams of colostrum contains up to 20 thousand units of immunoglobulin.

The drink does not belong to high-calorie foods, its calorie content is unstable. Nutritional value and benefits depend on the time elapsed after calving - on the first day, colostrum is the most high-calorie (up to 160 kcal is present in 100 g of the product). Then the indicator gradually decreases: on the second day it is 110 kcal, on the third day - 80 kcal.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

The uniqueness of the properties of bovine colostrum is that its composition is rich in whey proteins, which are easily and quickly assimilated.

Since the product can only be eaten without canning for a few days, the pharmaceutical industry encapsulates it.Colostrum of New Zealand cows grazing all year round on succulent pastures is used to prepare a dietary supplement.

The ability to take ready-made preparations allows you to have a long course of recovery, because their properties are not lost. The presence of such a useful substance in the diet has a beneficial effect on a person's well-being.

Benefits of bovine colostrum

Colostrum is a biologically active substance that has the property of preventing autoimmune diseases and allergies, and regenerating organ cells. The absence of most of its components in other products makes this substance unique. Colostrum is milked in small quantities, and this further increases its value.

Individual components have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Cytokines and immunoglobulins prevent the development of neoplasms and inflammatory processes.
  2. Lactoferrini interferon protects against the influence of pathogenic microflora and viruses.
  3. Lysozymes allow you to cure gastric pathologies caused by the bacterium Helicobacterpilori, without the use of antibacterial agents. And prebiotics normalize the intestines.
  4. Taurine helps the brain function.
  5. Transfer-factor is the memory genome of the immune system.
Important! The beneficial properties of colostrum, after being used for a three-week period, contribute to a decrease in body weight in obesity, alleviate allergic attacks, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve the body of the harm of toxins, give a burst of energy

Colostrum helps children to have good immunity and proper development. It is also necessary for pregnant women to replenish the body with valuable substances and athletes.

What diseases helps cow colostrum

A healthy drink is a bioactive supplement that is effective in most diseases. In addition, it is indicated for increased mental and physical stress.

Older people will also appreciate the benefits of taking colostrum. The most valuable thing for them is the presence of transfer factors in the substance. These are carriers of immune memory - proteins that help eliminate all pathological changes in DNA chains. The results of the admission surprise even doctors: there is a healing from the harm of many serious ailments.

People with medical conditions also benefit from eating bovine colostrum:

  • otitis;
  • depression;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • asthma;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

The drink improves the condition, gives relief. Symptoms of pathologies become more rare and less pronounced.

Bovine colostrum for face and body

Colostrum is beneficial not only for internal use of the substance, but also for external use. It is effectively used for cosmetic purposes. Anti-aging and antioxidant masks are prepared from bovine colostrum. The beneficial properties of the substance help aging skin to smooth wrinkles, become more elastic and fresh. Colostrum in the composition of masks improves complexion, heals wounds.

Important! Colostrum in the masks is combined with natural honey, strawberry berries, banana. The product can be prepared for future use and stored in the freezer.
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Colostrum harm and contraindications

Cow's milk and colostrum are indicated for adults and children. But in rare cases, the harm may lie in the individual intolerance of the products. It is also worth taking care not to overuse the addition of the product to the food, since a violation of the absorption of immunoglobulins can lead to the harm of allergic reactions.

Secrets of making bovine colostrum

Colostrum is an ideal product for making desserts. In preparation, the recipe must be followed. Sweet dishes are baked either in the oven or in a slow cooker. The first option differs from the second by the presence of a golden brown crust.In both cases, the delicate taste of the dessert and its porous structure are preserved.

In order to enjoy the benefits of colostrum longer, the product is stored in the freezer. Freezing is able to completely preserve all its valuable substances and original taste.

Colostrum Pudding Recipe

To prepare pudding from cow colostrum in the oven, take the following products:

  • colostrum - 2 liters;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass.

Eggs are combined with sugar and beat, gradually pouring colostrum into the same container. After dissolving the sweet grains, the liquid is poured into a prepared baking dish. Place in a hot (up to 200 ° C) oven for 45 minutes.

Readiness is determined using a match, with which the dish is pierced: if the liquid does not leak out of the hole, then the pudding is ready. The dessert is left in the turned off oven for half an hour, after which it is taken out.


The benefits and harms of bovine colostrum makes it more and more popular among people who want to improve their health. Colostrum is one of those products that you can eat and improve your health. And for those who want to increase the period of taking this useful product on the market of biologically active supplements, there are proposals for the Colostrum drug, made from concentrated colostrum.

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