Why is yogurt useful?

Yogurt is one of the most popular fermented milk products. Pleasant delicate taste is not its only advantage. To fully appreciate the product, you need to understand what the benefits and harms of yogurt are.

Types of yoghurt

The classic recipe involves mixing only two ingredients - milk and a ferment consisting of Bulgarian lactic acid sticks and thermophilic streptococcus. And in some countries of the world the word "yogurt" is called only such products. But not everywhere they approach yoghurt products so strictly, and in general they can be divided into three types:

  • natural - no additional ingredients, including only milk and sourdough;
  • fruit - with syrups or pieces of natural fruit;
  • flavored - with added sugar and artificial flavors.

In addition, yoghurts are "live" and "non-living". The first ones are made using live bacteria, do not contain preservatives and are stored for no longer than a week. The second ones are heat-treated, canned and can be stored much longer, but their benefits are much less.

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In this regard, the question arises which yogurt is the most useful. Of course, this is a natural "live" product made from milk and sourdough - it contains the maximum concentration of valuable substances.

Composition and calorie content of yogurt

Yoghurts in stores are not only presented in three main varieties, but also have different fat contents. Therefore, the calorie content of yoghurt per 100 grams varies widely, with an average of about 65 - 70 calories, but may be more or less.

Regardless of its variety, the product is saturated with valuable elements and vitamins. So, an ordinary natural treat without additives contains:

  • main macronutrients - potassium and sodium, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • trace elements - iron, copper, iodine and molybdenum, cobalt and selenium;
  • vitamins A, C, as well as B1, B2, B12;
  • retinol and beta-carotene;
  • pyridoxine and niacin;
  • choline and pantothenic acid;
  • amino acids and fatty acids.

In addition, the product must contain lactic acid useful for the intestines.

The benefits of yogurt for the body

The delicacy is not only tasty, but also has a value in terms of useful properties. Let's consider how exactly it acts on the body.


The main benefit lies in several properties. Yogurt:

  • stimulates the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • helps the body to quickly cleanse itself of toxins and toxins;
  • regulates the intestinal microflora;
  • fights against harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • indirectly improves immunity.

For women

The fair sex is more prone to stomach disorders: against the background of stress, during menstruation, during pregnancy. The treat helps to cope with ailments.

For men

For the stronger sex, the benefit of the treat is that it contains a protein that helps to gain muscle mass. This is especially valuable for athletes.

Yogurt for children

Many parents wonder if their child can eat yogurt. Yes, it is suitable for a baby's diet. This is especially true for a natural fermented milk product, which is allowed to be introduced into the diet of an infant from 8 months of age.

Important! For all its usefulness, a dairy product can cause allergies. Before giving a treat to a baby, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Is yogurt possible for weight loss

The low calorie content of natural yogurt makes it an excellent product for a dietary diet. But there is a condition - the product must be exactly natural, without additives, with a minimum fat content. Only then will it benefit, start the process of burning fat and support healthy bowel function.

Yogurt face masks

Delicate milk delicacy is actively used in home cosmetology. There are dozens of mask recipes.

Yoghurt mask for dry skin

To soften and moisturize skin that is too dry, you can make an apple yogurt mask:

  1. An apple grated on a fine grater and 1 yolk from an egg are added to a tablespoon of natural yogurt in equal proportions.
  2. The mask is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the face and neck.
  3. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

You can make such a mask 3-4 times a week.

Yoghurt mask for oily skin

If the skin of the face needs to be dried a little, then use another recipe:

  1. To a tablespoon of "live" natural yogurt add the yolk from the egg and a spoonful of puree from fresh cucumber, grated on a fine grater.
  2. The mask is stirred and then applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

If you do this mask 3 times a week, it will help to regulate the oiliness of the skin and will have a slight whitening effect.

How to make yogurt at home

You don't have to buy a dairy treat from the store - you can prepare it in your own kitchen.

Natural Fruit Yogurt

For a healthy and healthy drink, you only need a few ingredients: low-fat milk, starter culture, and some fruits like apples or pears.

How to cook:

  1. The milk is boiled, then cooled to a moderate temperature.
  2. A little sourdough is added to warm milk, then the container is tightly closed, wrapped in a towel and removed to a shaded place for 6 hours.
  3. The finished liquid product is seasoned with finely chopped fruits, if desired, sugar is added to taste.

The benefits of drinking yoghurt will only increase from natural fruit pieces. If desired, the product can be poured into a bottle and taken with you for a walk.

Greek yogurt

The recipe is very similar to the classic one, but has a number of differences:

  1. Natural low-fat milk is boiled, cooled, mixed with sourdough.
  2. After that, the mixture is also closed and wrapped, but put in a shaded place not for 6, but for 10 hours.
  3. When the product is properly fermented, it is subjected to filtration: the cheesecloth folded several times is stretched over a saucepan, yogurt is poured onto it, and it is placed in the refrigerator in this form for another 4 hours.
  4. At the last stage, the product, almost all of the whey from which is passed into the pan, is transferred to the final container.

The main feature of Greek yogurt is its density and high saturation with nutrients.

Yogurt in a yogurt maker

You can cook ordinary or sweet yoghurts at home in a special device - a yogurt maker. The advantage of the apparatus is that the yogurt maker maintains the ideal temperature - 38 - 40 degrees. There is no need to carefully wrap the fermented milk and look for a warm place for it.

The principle of making treats in a yogurt maker is simple. Milk is boiled in the same way, cooled and mixed with sourdough, and then poured into the container of the apparatus.The yoghurt maker is turned on, and then it remains only to wait 8 - 10 hours until the product is completely ready.

In a multicooker

A versatile multicooker will help you prepare yogurt for weight loss or just for fun. The prepared starter culture is poured into cups made of heat-resistant material, placed in a multicooker and water is poured into the container at a temperature of 38-40 degrees. The water level should remain below the edges of the cups.

The multicooker is turned on for 15 minutes in heating mode, then turned off completely for an hour and again put on heating for 15 minutes. Then they wait another hour and take out the finished delicacy from the apparatus. The good thing about this method is that the whole process takes only 2.5 hours.

In a thermos

To maintain the desired temperature, a regular thermos is also well suited. The technology is simple: boiled milk with added sourdough is poured into a thermos, tightly closed and left for 5-9 hours, periodically opening the container and checking readiness.

Yogurt without sourdough

It is possible to prepare the product without using a special ferment made from live bacteria. It will be successfully replaced by natural store-bought yogurt.

Cooking process:

  1. The first stages of preparation remain the same - the milk is boiled, cooled, and then mixed with the purchased delicacy.
  2. After that, the container is closed and wrapped. But they are removed not just in a warm place, but in an oven preheated to 40 - 45 degrees for 4 hours. This is necessary for high-quality fermentation.
  3. When the product is ready, all that remains is to drain the liquid whey, cool and put it in the refrigerator.

How to choose yogurt when buying

It is not difficult to buy a quality delicacy in a trusted store:

  1. The first step is to check the date of manufacture - the fresher the dairy product, the better.
  2. It is advisable that a few more days remain before the expiration date. Moreover, this period should in principle not exceed 1 week.
  3. A good product should contain not dry, but natural milk. There should be no preservatives, dyes or flavors in it.
Advice! Before buying, you should pay attention to the name of the delicacy. A natural product is called that way, in one word - "yogurt".

If the jar says "yoghurt product", then the manufacturing technology is completely different, and the benefits are much lower.

How much yogurt can be stored

Storing yoghurt is short-lived, even in the refrigerator. The shelf life of a natural delicacy is no more than a week, and if the jar is already open, a maximum of a day.

When is it best to eat

A natural dairy product will be beneficial at any time of the day, and it can be eaten either separately from other products, or together with them. But at different times, the beneficial properties are manifested differently.

Yogurt in the morning

The benefit of fasting yogurt is that it quickly starts the digestive processes in the body. It is even better to eat a delicacy closer to noon, as lunch, then it will satisfy a slight hunger without harm to the stomach.

Yogurt at night

It is also allowed to use the product at night - it will not harm the figure. The benefits of yogurt before bed will be expressed in the fact that it will speed up the absorption of food.

Harm of yogurt and contraindications

A product based on milk and sourdough is so useful that it has practically no contraindications. It should not be taken only if you are allergic to lactose. And with acute gastritis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis, preference should be given only to low-fat varieties.


The benefits and harms of yogurt depend on how fresh and natural the product is. Real yoghurt with live bacteria is safe for anyone who is not lactose intolerant and works great on the body.

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