Why tan is useful

Tan drink is not uncommon in shop windows. But it differs quite strongly from other fermented milk products. It is all the more interesting to find out what the benefits and harms of tan are, and where it can be used.

What is this drink

The Caucasus is considered the birthplace of the drink, and the basis for the classic tan is milk, but not ordinary, but obtained from buffaloes from the highlands. At the first stage of creating a drink, such milk is boiled, turning it into a product called "yogurt", and then mixed with water in a 2: 1 ratio. Salt, herbs and spices are added to the finished mixture.

Tan has a distinct salty note in its taste, which makes the drink very unusual.

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Composition and calorie content of tan

The drink is considered one of the "secrets of longevity" of mountain residents. And this is not surprising - it is enough to study the elemental composition of the product. It includes:

  • beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which are of great benefit to the intestinal microflora;
  • vitamins - A and D, K and PP;
  • elements phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium;
  • amino acids;
  • B vitamins.

The nutritional value of the drink is expressed mainly by carbohydrates - 1.2 g, and the share of fats and proteins is 0.9 and 0.8 g, respectively. Tan is very low in calories, it is impossible to get better from it - it contains only 20 calories per 100 g of product.

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Useful properties of tan

The benefits of the drink for the body are very wide - it comprehensively protects the internal organs and systems from ailments and disorders. Specifically tan:

  • has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines;
  • strengthens blood vessels and the heart system;
  • enhances immunity;
  • supports normal liver and kidney function and restores normal water-salt balance.

The latter property makes the fermented milk product an excellent way to quench your thirst in hot weather.

Why dance is useful for women

During menstruation and during menopause, many women suffer from edema and digestive problems - the drink helps to get rid of both.

Tana benefits for men

During feasts, men often overestimate themselves by drinking too many strong drinks. Tang for a hangover is the best way to restore strength. Its benefit is that it helps to eliminate indigestion, thirst, and increased heart rate.

Tan children

For babies, the fermented milk drink contains benefits - but for the first time it is recommended to give it to a child no earlier than 3 years old. Upon reaching this age, the product will become an excellent remedy for dysbiosis, constipation and other disorders.

Important! The child's body is characterized by increased fragility. Therefore, you can offer a dance to a child only after consulting a pediatrician.

Is it possible to tan pregnant and breastfeeding

During childbearing and during lactation, a fermented milk product will bring great benefits to the female body - its positive effect on the digestive tract and kidneys will be especially valuable. In addition, it effectively helps to fight toxicosis.

However, tan is a product of fermented milk fermentation. You cannot drink it in large quantities - even a tiny percentage of alcohol can negatively affect the condition of a woman and a child.

Attention! The drink spoils very quickly, and when consumed during pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to its freshness.

Is tan good for weight loss?

During the diet, you can and should use the drink. The benefit of the tan fermented milk drink is that it is low in calories, which means it will not harm the figure. At the same time, the composition of the product will help maintain normal digestion throughout the diet.

It should be remembered that the drink should only supplement the main diet. You cannot make it the basis of nutrition.

How to drink tan for medicinal purposes

The health benefits of the product are so great that it is used in home medicine as well. It provides effective assistance for the following diseases:

  • diabetes and obesity;
  • bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • high cholesterol and liver disease;
  • a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, the product is used to cleanse the body of toxins, to invigorate, and to strengthen the immune system.

Tan for colds

The rich supply of vitamins and trace elements in the product helps to fight viruses and infections. To quickly get rid of the temperature and other symptoms of a cold, you can drink 2 glasses of the drink daily with honey added to it.

Advice! You need to make sure that the drink is not too cold, otherwise you can chill your throat even more.

Tan for gastritis

For chronic stomach problems, feeling of heaviness after eating and heartburn, it is recommended to drink half a glass of fermented milk product immediately after meals. The beneficial bacteria will help normal digestion and relieve discomfort.

Tan to cleanse the body

The benefit of tan for the liver is that it effectively cleanses the body of toxins. To help the liver, it is enough to drink the drink every day in the amount of 2 to 3 glasses after meals.

The use of tan in cosmetology

The use of the product has a beneficial effect on the appearance. Tan improves the condition of the skin and hair, evens out the complexion, removes irritations and acne.

For facial skin

To cleanse and tighten the skin, a fermented milk product is often used externally. For example, in order to eliminate excess oily skin and clear pores, it is recommended to wipe the skin with fresh tan once a day, and then wash with cool water.

For hair

Vitamins contained in tan strengthen hair roots and awaken dormant bulbs to grow. If the hair is not thick and smooth enough, it can be washed with fermented milk product 2 - 3 times a week instead of a rinse - this will make them more obedient and voluminous.

How to drink tan properly

Fermented milk product tan goes well with almost all products. Very often it is used for okroshka, for marinating kebabs, consumed together with cereals. With caution, you need to take a fermented milk drink only at the same time as fresh fruit, as this can cause an upset stomach.

As for the dosage of the product, the maximum amount is 3 glasses per day. It is better not to consume the drink in large volumes - it contains a lot of salt and in no case can replace plain water.

How to choose and store tan

Choosing a drink in a store is not difficult if you follow a few rules.

  • The production date of the drink should be as recent as possible - even the store tan does not last long.
  • The consistency of the drink in the bottle must be liquid, only natural sediment at the bottom is allowed.
  • A good product should not contain preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.

It is permissible to store an open drink in the refrigerator for no more than 2 - 3 days. And a product prepared at home retains its freshness even less - no more than a day.

How to cook tan at home

Since the classic drink contains only a few natural products, homemade tan is easy to make with your own hands.

  • Ideally, you need buffalo or camel milk. But if it is impossible to find such a product in stores, it is permissible to replace milk with medium-fat kefir.
  • Milk or kefir is diluted with clean drinking water, including non-carbonated mineral water - the volume of water should be half as much.
  • Then the two main ingredients are mixed together and salted to taste. If desired, you can add your favorite seasonings, herbs or even honey to your homemade drink.

Tana harm and contraindications

The benefits of a fermented milk drink are indisputable, but there are also contraindications. The product must not be consumed:

  • with increased acidity of the stomach, hypertension;
  • with severe renal ailments;
  • if you are allergic to one of the main components.

Due to the salinity of the drink, it is recommended to drink plenty of plain water on days when it is present in the diet.


The benefits and harms of tan mainly depend on whether the body is hypersensitive to salt. In the absence of strict contraindications, the drink will bring unconditional benefits and will delight you with an unusual taste.


Markelova Marina Aleksandrovna, 25 years old, Moscow
The drink became a real salvation for me during pregnancy. The first months were terribly tormented by toxicosis, but literally after two sips of tan, the nausea subsided. And there were almost no problems with the intestines. I recommend the drink to everyone - the main thing is to remember that you need to drink it a little.
Aniseva Olga Vyacheslavovna, 34 years old, Yekaterinburg
I really like to take tan on diets. It helps to endure hunger easier, and besides, it contains a lot of useful substances, and with a poor diet, this is important. Long ago I noticed how well the drink saves from thirst in the heat - much better than plain water.
Afanasyev Viktor Denisovich, 43 years old, Vladivostok
I was used to keeping a tan in the refrigerator since my youth - at that time it often helped to recover from feasts. And with age, I was able to appreciate other useful properties of the drink - it really perfectly supports the intestines, protects the liver, restores vigor and strength.

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