The benefits and uses of tea tree essential oil for hair

Healthy and well-groomed hair can be called an adornment for any woman. Environmental factors, lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affect the condition of the curls. They often become brittle. The problem is aggravated by insufficient strand growth and scalp diseases. Trichologists recommend using tea tree oil for hair. It is a versatile product that can be added to shampoos and balms. The solution is used in the manufacture of masks and performing aroma combing.

Why is tea tree essential oil useful for hair?

The name is due to the peculiarities of the use of culture. The indigenous people of Australia brewed the leaves and drank the infusion in the form of tea. The tool has been used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

As a result of scientific research, the unique properties of tea tree or melaleuca have been identified. This is the strongest antiseptic that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The oil solution is actively used in cosmetology.

Regular use of the product when caring for strands allows:

  • prevent the appearance and eliminate dandruff;
  • eliminate brittle hair and hair loss;
  • treat head lice;
  • stimulate the growth of strands;
  • return shine and volume to curls.
The use of melaleuca ether has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state

How to use tea tree oil for hair

The solution can cause excessive dryness of the skin and curls. That is why it is often used in combination with other components.

How to add tea tree oil to hair shampoo

One of the simplest methods to improve the condition of the strands is the so-called enrichment of cosmetics. In a portion of shampoo, dissolve three drops of ether before applying to the scalp and curls. The strands are washed in the usual way. The systematic use of the product normalizes the production of sebum, prevents the split of the strands and the appearance of dandruff.

Melaleuca oil solution added to shampoo produces a refreshing effect


The procedure helps to strengthen the strands. In the oil, which is the base, four drops of ether should be dissolved. The mixture is distributed to the tips, starting from the root zone. The head is wrapped in plastic and a towel. After an hour and a half, the curls are thoroughly washed with shampoo.

Sea buckthorn, olive or coconut oils can be used as a base for wraps.


A few drops of ether are dissolved in a liter of warm water or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, nettle, burdock roots). The hair is rinsed with the resulting product after each wash for a month.After a short break, the course can be repeated.

Rinsing with solutions containing melaleuca oil has a positive effect on the scalp and strands


The procedure is necessary for curls prone to oily. Massage can reduce oiliness and improve blood circulation to the scalp.

Milk (a teaspoon) and base oil (20 ml) are heated in a water bath, ten drops of ether are added. Fingers dipped into the composition and then massage the scalp in a circular motion. The procedure lasts ten minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo.

Using massage with tea tree oil solution helps to cleanse the scalp

Aroma combing

The procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the hair and the nervous system. A comb made of natural wood is suitable for aroma combing. A few drops of ether are applied to the comb. Using a comb, the product is distributed over the entire length of the hair.

Aroma combing using melaleuca oil solution is recommended to be performed before bedtime
Important! The procedure strengthens the strands and gives them shine.

Tea tree oil masks for hair

The positive effects of ether can be enhanced with various components. For example, a combination of cottage cheese, lemon juice and a few drops of oil helps to eliminate the oily scalp. The mask is applied to the roots and the length of the curls for an hour and a half.

A good result can be expected from the use of colorless henna (one sachet) and ether (five drops). The composition is applied to the roots and washed off after an hour.

Oily concentrated tea tree solution can be added to both purchased and self-made curl masks

Tea tree oil for hair loss

There are many reasons for thinning strands. Sometimes the loss of curls is due to genetic reasons, unfavorable external factors, vitamin deficiencies. The presence of stress factors is essential.

Tea tree oil can be used to strengthen hair. The problem areas are targeted with a special compound. The following solutions are taken as an oil base:

  • Melissa;
  • rosemary;
  • burdock root.

One of these oils is mixed with ether (four drops) and warmed in the palms. The composition is distributed along the length of the curls and washed off after an hour and a half.

With intensive hair loss, it is recommended to regularly apply a mixture of water and a few drops of tea tree and burdock oils to the roots
Attention! A noticeable thinning of curls requires an appeal to a specialist and finding out the causes of the pathology.

How to use tea tree oil for dandruff

Itching and white flakes are commonly associated with scalp fungus. A mask with the addition of an ethereal solution helps to eliminate unpleasant signs. Add a tablespoon of fresh aloe juice to 3 drops of concentrated oil. A mixture of tea tree for dandruff treatment is rubbed into the strands. An hour later, the hair is washed with shampoo.

Dandruff therapy with a tea tree ester mask is three weeks

Tea tree oil for hair growth

Curls must be strengthened with products containing useful components. Masks that include the following oils allow to accelerate the growth of strands:

  • shea, olives (three parts each);
  • burdock (two parts);
  • tea tree, jojoba (one part at a time).

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the roots after shampooing. The duration of the course depends on its effectiveness.

A blend of oils including tea tree ester to stimulate hair growth
Attention! A test should be performed before applying the mixture to rule out allergies. The agent is applied to the elbow or wrist area. The reaction is assessed after one hour.

Tea tree oil for hair ends

The concentrated solution contains many valuable substances that nourish the curls along the entire length.Often there is the problem of split ends, which can be combined with increased oily hair roots. The use of an ethereal solution allows you to restore strands and normalize sebum production.

In a water bath, heat 250 ml of kefir (yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt), add ether (five drops). The composition is applied to the roots and the length of the curls. After half an hour, the product is washed off with water and shampoo.

Recommended reading:  Why fermented baked milk is useful and how to make it at home
A combination of fermented milk products and tea tree oil helps restore dry ends
Important! Burdock and castor oil helps to eliminate the cross section along the entire length of the strands. These components can be mixed with ether.

Tea tree oil for oily hair

The rapid contamination of the strands is a consequence of the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. The curls look messy. To get rid of the unpleasant manifestation of a pathological condition, they usually resort to frequent shampooing.

To eliminate oily hair, you can use a mask. Esters of lavender and tea tree (five drops) are dissolved in half a liter of pure water. The liquid is applied to the strands with a spray bottle.

Mask with lavender and tea tree esters reduces sebum production, eliminates dandruff
Important! The product can be used to care for curls and scalp daily

Tea tree oil for dry hair

The wrong selection of shampoos and balms, the use of a hair dryer and a lack of nutrients in the body often provoke a section of curls. Dry hair lacks growth and shine.

To eliminate dryness and cut curls, it is recommended to combine a small amount of almond or olive oil and four drops of ether. The mixture must be rubbed in hands and applied along the hair growth. The product is washed off with shampoo after an hour.

A mask based on melaleuca ether solution moisturizes and nourishes strands
Important! For dry hair, shorten the exposure time of the concentrated oil to the curls. Otherwise, their cross section may appear.

How often you can use it and when to expect the result

The effectiveness of procedures involving the use of an ethereal solution depends on their systematicity. Improvement in hair appearance can be seen after a few weeks. It is recommended to add oil to shampoo, masks and balms twice a week. Aroma combing is performed with the same frequency.


The essential solution has beneficial properties that are used to preserve the beauty of the strands. However, in some cases its use is not recommended. The following contraindications to the inclusion of oil ether in curls care procedures are called:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • children under six years of age;
  • increased skin sensitivity.
Important! Applying a concentrated solution in its pure form may cause burns.


Using tea tree oil for hair is recommended on a regular basis. Ester has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, strengthening the strands along the entire length. The product is added to cosmetics for enrichment in order to solve the main problems of curls.

Reviews on the use of tea tree essential oil for hair

The beauty of the strands depends on the correct care and the use of suitable cosmetics. Tea tree oil benefits hair. Reviews contain information about the effectiveness of the use of ether.

Karina Orlovskaya, 29 years old, Saratov
As a teenager, my hair was subjected to constant experimentation. I often dyed them and did not devote enough time to care. After a few months, the structure of the curls suffered significantly. I started looking for ways to restore strands. The easiest thing to do was to enrich the shampoo with tea tree ether.I saw the result after a short time. Hair came to life difficult and stopped breaking when combing.
Veronika Sivtsova, 33 years old, Samara
I love to take care of the curls with the help of traditional therapy. I especially like various ethereal solutions. I often use tea tree oil recipes for dandruff. I add a few drops to homemade masks, which usually include cottage cheese, egg, lemon juice. A good effect is produced by a combination of various oil solutions, for example, burdock, olive.
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