Green buckwheat: beneficial properties, how it differs from usual

Green buckwheat is also called "live", and this definition indicates the absence of additional processing of cereals before it hits the store counter, which, undoubtedly, should be appreciated by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Supporters of traditional food often do not understand the benefits of a more expensive analogue of a familiar product. Therefore, it is relevant to discuss the benefits and harms of green buckwheat in order to decide whether to include a live product in your regular diet.

What is green buckwheat

Buckwheat groats familiar to us are obtained by cleaning the grain from the shells and then roasting, as a result of which its brown color is obtained. Green buckwheat goes through a slightly different technological process, which excludes heat treatment. As a result, the embryo of the grain remains alive - retaining its properties and the ability to germinate, and besides this - the natural plant green color, mild taste and the same soft structure.

Even raw green buckwheat is easy to chew. And for the ideal assimilation of useful components, it is recommended to germinate green cereals. It is the property of living grain that provides the most significant benefits to the body.

But first, about the composition of the product.

The chemical composition of green buckwheat

Green buckwheat contains only water-soluble vitamins. They all belong to group B: B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6 and B9.

The main minerals in the composition of green buckwheat:

The content of useful minerals in green buckwheat is 3 - 5 times higher than in cereals, and fiber - up to two times.

The structure and composition of buckwheat grain are similar to those of cereals, therefore, in everyday life it is considered a grain product, but in fact it is not a cereal, but a grain of a flower: the buckwheat family is related to such crops as sorrel, rhubarb, and mountaineer. This means that there is no complex protein in its composition.

The uniqueness of such a protein is that it has one of the highest rates of amino acid composition. For example, the essential amino acid lysine contained in it is practically difficult to find in plant products. At the same time, inhibitors that interfere with protein digestibility are resistant to heat treatment, while grain germination reduces the inhibitor activity and increases digestibility. This indicates the undeniable benefits of buckwheat sprouts.

B vitamins are involved in hematopoiesis, normalization of blood sugar (thanks to this property, buckwheat is considered a product for diabetics).The properties of vitamins B3, B6 in combination with tryptophan are their ability to participate in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin, a natural antidepressant.

Copper gives green buckwheat antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and calming properties of the nervous system. And this grain owes its cleaning capabilities to magnesium.

The uniqueness of the beneficial properties of green buckwheat is also determined by:

  • Flavonoids (rutin, ascorutin and the like, belonging to the group of vitamins P, as well as those close to them, having P-activity). Their properties are known in reducing the level of harmful cholesterol in excess, strengthening blood vessels, and benefits in the intrauterine development of the child's brain. Flavonoids are also effective against cancer. Studies carried out by Polish and Chinese scientists have shown that heat treatment of buckwheat is harmful to flavonoids, destroying them;
  • Lignans, which are, in fact, plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Green buckwheat occupies one of the leading places among products containing lignans, the properties of which have antiestrogenic, antiviral and antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
  • Chiro-inositol as part of carbohydrates. Unique in action, it has the property of preventing harm from polycystic ovary disease. The University of Manitoba has conducted studies that have confirmed its beneficial effects on lowering glucose levels and activating insulin.

Valuable protein, inhibitors and flavonoids give raw buckwheat the ability to have an anti-cancer effect in the complex of action of the elements and each of them separately.

It is also known that one serving of buckwheat covers the daily amount of fiber required for the human gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritional value and calorie content of green buckwheat

In the composition of green buckwheat, per 100 g (in relation to the daily rate):

  • Protein - 13.3 g (18%);
  • Fat - 3.40 g (4%);
  • Carbohydrates - 71.5 g (18%);
  • Water - 9.75 g.

Green buckwheat is nutritious: its calorie content per 100 grams is 343 kcal, which is 14.9% of the norm per day.

Why is green buckwheat useful?

Studies on laboratory rats who were put on a "buckwheat diet" have proven that eating raw buckwheat increases the number of beneficial intestinal bacteria and qualitatively changes them. This is facilitated by the prebiotics included in green buckwheat, which have the properties of improving digestion, strengthening the immune system, helping to increase the "beneficial" bacteria, which, in turn, suppress the "harmful" ones: this is how the balance of flora normalizes. Such benefits are especially valuable because pharmaceutical preparations with prebiotics are poorly absorbed and even rejected by the body, while the properties of live buckwheat, containing them in natural form, perfectly heal the intestines.

The content of useful rutin in cereals also has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract: improving the work of the pancreas, healing stomach and intestinal ulcers, cleansing the body of the harm of toxins and radionuclides.

It is also important that buckwheat is not treated with pesticides during cultivation, and this favorably distinguishes it from other cereals as an environmentally friendly product.

The benefits of green buckwheat are also manifested in the normalization of metabolism, which is recommended for obesity and diabetes.

For women

Beauty and harmony have always been an eternal female question. For the sake of this, the female half of humanity is ready to sit on the strictest diets, sometimes forgetting about products that, with their useful properties, work qualitatively with metabolism. Buckwheat will always be in top positions among them.

Sprouted green buckwheat also contains complex carbohydrates, "long" in terms of the speed of digestion, in their composition, the benefits of which for women with a diet is manifested in maintaining a feeling of fullness after eating.The advice of nutritionists and doctors agree in favor of using buckwheat sprouts as the basis of the diet: unlike the "fast" carbohydrates of flour and sugar products, the harm of which is manifested in a decrease in the general tone of the body, sprouted grains have the ability to replenish energy with a changed diet.

Green buckwheat contains the essential amino acid glycine, which is useful in eliminating cravings for sweets and alcohol, in normalizing metabolism, functioning of the nervous system and ensuring healthy sleep.

For men

The properties of green buckwheat to help increase potency and prevent infertility in men provides zinc useful for the functioning of the gonads.

For those men who are engaged in strength training in the gym, buckwheat becomes one of the basic foods of the diet, rich in amino acids necessary for gaining muscle mass, such as arginine, methionine and threonine. Using the benefits of live green buckwheat and its seedlings will be a wise decision in the task of meeting the increasing needs of the body for energy.

For children

For children, the introduction of buckwheat into the diet is shown from 7 months.

Thanks to the irreplaceable combination of balanced proteins, slow carbohydrates and easily digestible fiber, as well as low hypoallergenicity, green buckwheat is shown to a growing child's body with its beneficial properties to normalize the digestive tract, improve peristalsis, ensure rapid and full-fledged growth, and strengthen the immune system of a growing body.

An individual reaction to a product among children is extremely rare, since, unlike cereals, buckwheat grains do not contain gluten and gluten, which increase the harm of the risk of allergy to the product.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

A diet that includes green buckwheat will no doubt be beneficial for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Both lactation and bearing a child are states of the body when a double load falls on it. This is fraught with harm to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems: for example, during the second trimester of pregnancy, characterized by the risk of anemia, problems with the kidneys, digestion, blood vessels, varicose veins.

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The beneficial properties of green buckwheat, which contains iron and folic acid, help prevent anemia.

So, vitamin B9 - folic acid - plays a leading role in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus, ensures normal growth and intrauterine development of the child as a whole. Together with magnesium and potassium, it helps maintain an emotional state against the background of mood swings that are so susceptible to pregnant women.

The benefits of iron and B vitamins are in the regulation of hemoglobin levels, and magnesium and potassium in maintaining mental balance, strengthening bone tissue, nails, hair.

Slow carbohydrates help women control and stabilize weight changes, which is also important during and after pregnancy.

Important! The content of a useful protein composition of green buckwheat can easily compete with meat: the composition of amino acids in these two products is comparable. Therefore, during pregnancy, when there is a reaction to various products, especially of animal origin, buckwheat as an organic product during the period of toxicosis can become an excellent analogue of the replenishment of certain groups of substances and elements that are so necessary for mother and child.

Green buckwheat also has a positive effect on milk production and its properties.

What diseases does green buckwheat treat?

In the context of the well-known aphorism that the ideal option is when our food becomes a medicine, and medicine becomes food, green buckwheat is just such an ideal product, which, due to its beneficial properties, is better than pharmaceutical preparations capable of working in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • cardiovascular: coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension and bleeding;
  • infectious diseases occurring against the background of damage to the vascular system: scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, tonsillitis;
  • glaucoma associated with increased intraocular pressure;
  • venous disorders: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • radiation sickness;
  • liver and kidney problems;
  • diabetes mellitus and obesity;
  • bronchitis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • stress, chronic nervous disorders.

The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat

Buckwheat is a product for rejuvenation. Few know about this either. And this is not an exaggeration. The amount of beneficial antioxidants in the composition makes it the record holder among cereals. The benefits of sprouted buckwheat for the human body may seem unrealistic to slow down the aging process, but it is a proven fact: the use of buckwheat can become a powerful weapon against the harm of age-related changes.

Interesting! Sprouted buckwheat contains 76 times more antioxidants than rice, famous for its benefits for the human body!

How to germinate green buckwheat at home

For germinating buckwheat:

  1. Sort out and thoroughly rinse the grains with cold running water.
  2. Transfer to glass or ceramic dishes.
  3. Pour in drinking water so that it covers 1 cm of buckwheat.
  4. Soak for 3 to 6 to 7 hours.
  5. Washed a second time from the secreted mucus, using a colander, and left to drain for 1 hour to prevent further fermentation of the grain.
  6. Spread in a container, preferably with a layer of 4 cm - to improve ventilation - and cover with a lid so that there is a gap for air access. You can cover with gauze folded in several layers or a natural towel.
  7. Sprout sprouts to the desired size: after 7-10 hours they will hatch from the grains and will be ready for use.

If you germinate for future use, then you should count on a volume that can be stored for no more than 1 - 2 days. Sprouted grain has a high growth activity, which must be stopped by storage in the refrigerator, as well as washing 2 times a day, including immediately before use.

How to eat sprouted buckwheat

Healthy sprouted buckwheat turns out to be very tasty, tender and nutritious. It is consumed in its natural form or prepared, depending on the recipe, adding vegetable oil, spices, honey. It can be fruit and vegetable salads, cereals, and smoothie cocktails. If you gain experience and inspiration, then you can move on to the preparation of cold soups, sauces, pates, rolls, bread.

Combining buckwheat sprouts with sprouts, such as wheat, can enhance the beneficial properties of live food.

Traditional medicine recipes with green buckwheat

The benefits of the plant are well known to folk medicine: flowers and leaves, as well as green buckwheat flour, are used in recipes for a number of diseases.

Buckwheat leaves and flowers are used to prepare a decoction that has antiseptic properties for healing wounds and flushing conjunctivitis, as well as an antitussive and expectorant for colds.

Folk recipes with buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour is prepared simply by grinding well washed and dried green buckwheat in a coffee grinder.

Flour is used to make dough to treat inflammation. To do this, it is diluted in water with the addition of chamomile and celandine, a cake is formed, which is then applied to the site of inflammation. For the treatment of a cold, warm dough is used, applying it to the maxillary sinuses.

The properties of flour can also be used to increase hemoglobin levels in anemia. For this purpose, 2 tbsp. l. flour washed down with ½ glass of water or milk 4 times a day.

When treating the pancreas before going to bed, it will be useful to drink a cocktail of 1 glass of kefir and 1 tbsp. l. buckwheat flour.

Buckwheat flour in the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Equal parts of buckwheat flour, buckwheat honey and chopped walnuts are thoroughly mixed.On such a mixture, they spend 1 fasting day a week, taking small portions for breakfast, lunch, dinner. During the day, they drink only purified water. The mixture can be stored in a plastic container or glass jar in the refrigerator.


Buckwheat, with special use, has the properties to reduce the harm of the progression of fatty hepatosis, which occurs when overeating and in chronic cirrhosis of the liver.

For this purpose, useful cleansing with green buckwheat is used. The method of treatment is to eat 1 tablespoon of buckwheat in the morning, which was poured over with drinking water in the evening.

Important! The simplicity of the method hides a high efficiency: the benefits of such a remedy are so great that in case of urolithiasis, the course of taking buckwheat can cause movement of stones.


Everyone knows that buckwheat is referred to as a diabetic's “grocery set”. This is usually associated with the beneficial properties of lowering blood sugar levels, but this is a myth. In fact, buckwheat has an average glycemic index. But the "slow" buckwheat glucose will increase in the blood gradually, and this is of great importance, since it prevents the harm of sharp surges in sugar levels that can provoke serious complications of the course of the disease.

The recipe for buckwheat with kefir is characterized by high benefits for diabetes. It is better not to boil the cereal, but pour boiling water for 9-11 hours. You can carry out such a special diet for up to 10 days without harm to health.


The beneficial property of buckwheat in anticancer therapy has long been known.

Data from the Shanghai Institute of Technology show that green buckwheat has proven to be effective in the treatment of malignant tumors using a plant extract specially developed by Gao and Meng in 1993.

The content of the main working component - flavonoids - during buckwheat germination reaches a maximum on day 6, then their amount decreases.

The properties of these 6-day-old sprouts are used in the preparation of an extract, which is obtained by dissolving sprouted, dried and crushed buckwheat in 70% ethanol, and then keeping the solution in a water bath for 6 hours. After that, filtration is carried out and used according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

However, all wisdom lies in the simplicity of principle. At home, the regular use of sprouted buckwheat can replace the benefits of laboratory filtrate, due to the properties of its unique composition, work with the harm of the development of the main cell types of cancer.

Attention! The use of any of these methods is possible with the obligatory consultation with the attending physician!

The benefits of green buckwheat for weight loss

The green buckwheat weight loss system is ideal due to its high nutritional value, on the one hand, and the ability of carbohydrates to break down slowly, on the other, which helps to maintain a feeling of satiety and thereby reduce the amount of daily ration.

The complex benefits of using sprouted buckwheat grains on a diet lies in its ability to intensively cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, which is manifested in active stool

According to this system, it will be useful to include the use of a tablespoon of sprouted grains on an empty stomach and the practice of fasting "buckwheat days".

Diet on green buckwheat

The benefits of a diet on green buckwheat are not only in the fight against kilograms: it gives a powerful healing effect, similar to "cleaning" the body.

The advantage of the diet is that by providing enough calories, it triggers the body's cleansing mechanism. And the escaped kilograms will be a pleasant consequence of it.

The diet also resembles fasting days. It is best to start with one or two and gradually work up to 1 week.

Biologically active in their properties, grains provoke the elimination of toxins, which can be fraught with the body's response in the form of weakness, white bloom on the tongue, odors from the mouth: this is the so-called crisis of healing.Do not be alarmed: if you enter and exit the diet correctly, it will not bring harm under the supervision of a specialist. However, it is important not to take medications, as well as give up stress during this period - it is better to wait with sports and postpone activities that require physical exertion.

So, the basis of a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner is a standard portion, which includes:

  • sprouts of green buckwheat - 200 g;
  • dried fruits - 50 - 100 g.

Dried fruits are selected as desired, but they must be different to ensure a variety of the diet in terms of the composition of the elements. Dried fruits can be alternated with fresh vegetables if desired - here it is good to listen to the desires of your body.

The menu can include water, tea, coffee without sugar in moderation.

Before starting the diet, it will be useful to pre-clean the intestines.

Estimated weight loss effect: up to 7 kg per week.

How to use green buckwheat correctly

Nutritionists recommend eating green buckwheat in a volume equal to 150 grams of dry grain - a little more than half a glass. For people active and involved in sports, you can increase the daily intake to 1 glass.

In case of health problems, to obtain a stable effect, it is necessary to regularly take 5-7 tbsp. l. three times a day.

The benefits of the product are so high that, unlike cereals, which are recommended for consumption at lunchtime, buckwheat grain is indicated for consumption at any time of the day. It will not bring any harm to health, on the contrary, eating green buckwheat on an empty stomach in the morning will help solve health problems, in particular, it will benefit the intestines, including preventing constipation.

Green buckwheat in cooking

Green buckwheat is very easy to prepare.

  1. It is enough to pour the washed cereal into boiled water, and when it boils again, remove the foam and turn it off. Then let it brew for about 20 minutes so that the buckwheat will absorb the remaining water.
  2. Another way to cook green buckwheat is in a thermos. The washed cereal is poured with boiling water or boiled milk - and left in a thermos for at least an hour - until tender.
  3. The third method, which is more gentle for the beneficial properties of buckwheat, is steamed; you can also use a simple steaming, which will take more time until the cereal absorbs water.

The proportion is taken in the ratio of two parts of cereal to one part of water.

Germination will be ideal from the point of view of preserving nutrients, which will not only save, but increase the content of vitamins and amino acids.

The variety of green buckwheat dishes can only limit the imagination: using buckwheat flour, you can make pancakes, flat cakes, rolls, dumplings.

Important! Due to the absence of gluten in buckwheat flour, it is not used independently for baking bread, but only in mixtures with wheat, rye and other types of flour.

Adding banana to the porridge will give it sweetness and flavor. If desired, you can add various dried fruits and nuts, as well as flax seeds - the entire useful set, along with buckwheat, can be optionally interrupted with a blender.

Recommended reading:  Why are bananas useful?

Green buckwheat porridge recipe

Porridge with yogurt and nuts

What you need:

  • green buckwheat - 150 g;
  • natural yogurt - 150 g;
  • unroasted nuts (mixture) - 30 g;
  • pears - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat honey - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Green buckwheat groats are poured with purified water. Nuts are poured separately with water. Everything is left overnight (at least 10 hours).
  2. In the morning, excess water is drained from buckwheat and nuts, placed in a blender, yogurt, honey are added and interrupted to the desired consistency. If desired, you can preserve the structure of the porridge, or you can beat it for a longer time until puree.
  3. Put in a bowl or bowl. Decorate with pear slices and nuts.

Depending on preference, such porridge can also be steamed or brewed in milk.

The use of green buckwheat in cosmetology

Undoubtedly, the unique beneficial properties of green buckwheat should have been used for cosmetic procedures. Here are some recipes.

Green buckwheat scrub for feet.

You will need:

  • green buckwheat groats - 2 tsp;
  • neutral foot cream - 4 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • grated radish - 0.5 - 1 tsp.

Buckwheat is ground on a coffee grinder. Add olive oil, grated radish and mix thoroughly with cream.

The scrub is applied with massaging movements on the heels and feet of previously steamed legs and left for 10 minutes. Then they are washed off.

Useful green buckwheat body mask.

Buckwheat is ground on a coffee grinder, poured with fat milk and allowed to brew until gruel, which is then applied to the body. The mask lasts 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

The benefits of the scrub and mask are in a cleansing, softening and regenerating effect.

Possible harm to green buckwheat and contraindications

It is especially pleasant that there are practically no contraindications to the use of sprouted buckwheat, and therefore harm.

The exception is a group of people with an increased risk of blood clotting - for them rutin can be harmful instead of good, as well as with a very rare individual reaction to the product.

Minor troubles can be increased gas formation, especially with intestinal flatulence. The product will also not cause harm, but in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it will be useful to dose the use of seedlings, starting with small portions and gradually increasing to the daily norm. As for children experiencing similar problems, it is imperative to consult a gastroenterologist.

Attention! Before using green buckwheat without heat treatment, rinse thoroughly!

Which buckwheat is healthier: green or brown

The food industry traditionally carries out thermal processing of raw buckwheat, and of course there are reasons for this.

First of all, it is practicality and economy. Practical - because high temperatures help to shorten the cooking time later. And an extra measure of protection against pathogenic organisms by frying helps to significantly increase the likelihood of product safety and profit. Plus tradition and marketing: roasted grains are perceived as appetizing and aromatic.

Interesting! In Europe, buckwheat is not widespread, and it is sold raw.

For those who are willing to challenge tradition for the good of health, a full complement of nutrient content will be awarded as a prize.

Important! Compared to brown buckwheat, green buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates and up to four times more dietary fiber.

Selection and storage of green buckwheat

Storage, which will preserve all the useful properties of cereals, provides for a closed glass container or a natural linen bag, in a dry, dark and well-ventilated place. Plastic bags are not suitable for storing buckwheat: the cereals in them are likely to suffocate. The shelf life should be no more than one year: exceeding it will make the grain dark and negate the benefits of the product.

It is necessary to carefully choose green buckwheat, especially when buying by weight and on the market. First of all, it will be useful to pay attention to the color of the cereal: it should be greenish. A light shade will give out cereals that were stored in the light. Next, you should sniff the grains and make sure that there is no musty, moldy, damp smell, the presence of which will indicate improper storage conditions of the product in terms of moisture. If there are no such signs, then there is no harm: you can safely buy.


The benefits and harms of green buckwheat is a rhetorical question, since it is difficult to name the reasons not to use such a unique product for health, which fully retains all the healing properties of natural components: vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants.If there is no individual intolerance, then it is worth taking a closer look at the ideal food that can become a medicine on our table.

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