Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms, how to take

Few people know what the value, benefits and harms of sprouted wheat are. At the moment when this culture begins to revive, the process of producing unique and beneficial enzymes that are so necessary for a person is carried out. The benefits of sprouted grains depend entirely on how you eat them. If used correctly, you can not be afraid to harm your health.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of sprouted wheat

Thanks to its beneficial properties, wheat germ is beneficial for men, women and children. If we consider the chemical composition, then it includes the following components:

  • folic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • niacin;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine.

Among minerals there are:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

The nutritional value is:

  • fats - 2-10%;
  • protein - 20-25%;
  • fiber - 10-18%;
  • carbohydrates - 35%.

Calorie content is 200 kcal for every 100 g of product.

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Why wheat germ is useful

Sprouted wheat is beneficial for men, women and children only when consumed correctly. Despite the rich composition and useful properties, this is not reflected in the calorie content. Due to the beneficial properties and enzymes, substances supplied with food are absorbed much faster without causing harm.

If you use sprouts daily in an acceptable amount, then you can normalize the circulatory system, while metabolism improves, and glucose levels stabilize. Wheat sprouts are beneficial for the body, since the general health of the body is carried out, which is facilitated by the special properties of the product.

Attention! Sprouted grains have many useful and medicinal properties. It is important to keep in mind that benefits and harms affect people's health in different ways.

The benefits of wheat germ for pregnant and lactating women

Wheat germ is good for women during pregnancy. Despite the large number of useful properties, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist before using it, which will prevent harm.

If health issues are absent, then sprouted wheat will provide women's health benefits as a supplement to the staple diet. Due to the large amount of folic acid, the product contributes to the proper formation of the fetus.

Sprouts not only help to strengthen the immune system of the mother and baby, but also increase the production of breast milk during the lactation period. Every day it is worth consuming about 60 g to enrich the body with useful enzymes and not harm health.

Advice! With regular use, you can avoid possible deviations in the child.

Is it possible to give wheat germ to children

If you take into account the advice of doctors, then sprouted wheat will benefit the child's body, but it must be given from the age of 12. Otherwise, puberty may occur much earlier.

At the same time, many traditional healers are of the opinion that sprouted grains can and should be given to children starting from 1 year old. They are confident that this product:

  • boosts the immune system;
  • promotes intellectual development;
  • forms the nervous system.

In this case, parents are advised to stick to common sense when making a decision. It is best to consult a pediatrician and only then decide whether to sprout or abstain.

Sprouted wheat for weight loss

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the human body are colossal, as a result of which it can be consumed even in the process of losing weight. Sprouted products can be easily replaced with a full meal, while the calorie content of the product is low.

Before you start taking sprouts for food, you must not only consult with your doctor, but also take into account that this product helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. The benefit of wheat germ is that the substances are converted into energy, not fat.

Important! Do not think that simply adding sprouts to your usual dish can help you lose weight. It is necessary to completely revise the diet and actively engage in sports.

How to use correctly

Sprouted wheat seeds bring benefits and harm to the body in equal proportions, if used incorrectly. It should be introduced gradually, combining with other food products, adding to ready-made meals.

It is important to consider that the benefits of dry wheat germ will be lost if they are fried, boiled, or reheated. To preserve the beneficial properties, it is recommended to add it to ready-made porridge or salad.

Sprouted wheat

The health benefits of sprouted wheat grains are undeniable. Due to the long digestion of the product, the feeling of hunger does not come for a long time. The daily allowable consumption rate varies between 60-100 g.

This rate, if necessary, can be obtained for 1 meal or divided into 2 parts. The first should be eaten for breakfast, the second for lunch. In order not to burden the body before bedtime, you should refrain from using in the evening.

Wheat germ

Before starting to use, it is necessary to consider the benefits and harms of wheatgrass. Since the body takes some time to digest food, it is recommended to consume the sprouts before lunch. In addition, a new product should be introduced gradually, which will prevent gastrointestinal upset:

  • the first portion is 2 tsp;
  • for 3 months, the number of sprouts consumed is increased;
  • the maximum allowable daily dosage is 80 g.

At the first time after the start of use, you can notice weakness, dizziness begins, in some cases diarrhea is possible, but after a while these side effects will pass.

Wheatgrass juice or witgrass

Due to the special properties and benefits of wheatgrass juice, it can be used for bronchitis. The effect of the product will be noticeable on the rather rapid healing of open wounds and burns.

The permissible daily intake is 30 ml of juice. In some cases, the dosage can be increased to 100 ml, but only after the body has fully adapted. In addition to the benefits of wheat germ juice, it is worth considering the properties and side effects that pass over time - dizziness, nausea.

Wheat germ meal

The purpose of the meal is the same as for the use of sprouts. Often, meal is used by athletes as an additional nutritional supplement to sports nutrition. In addition, the meal is actively consumed by people engaged in hard physical labor.This product contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, has useful properties, while the amount of fat is minimal. The meal has the same contraindications, it can bring both harm and benefit as wheat germs.

What can be made from wheat germ

Thanks to the beneficial properties of sprouted wheat, it is used not only in folk medicine and cosmetology, but also in cooking. It is important to consider that if you subject the product to heat treatment, then the beneficial properties will be completely lost. That is why many add sprouts to vegetable and fruit salads, cocktails, cereals. A drink made from the sprouted sprouts allows you to recuperate after training.

Attention! Wheat greens also benefit health.

Sprouted Wheat Porridge

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Garbage is removed from the grains.
  2. Washed out.
  3. Placed in a deep container.
  4. Pour cold water and leave for a day.
  5. Then it is passed through a meat grinder.
  6. Pour boiling water over.
  7. Allow to cool.

If desired, you can add honey to the porridge.

Important! Milk from sprouted wheat also benefits the human body.

Sprouted wheat salad

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • white cabbage - 0.2 kg;
  • large apple - 1 pc.;
  • orange - ½ pcs.;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • sprouted grains - 0.1 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Cut the peeled apple into cubes.
  3. Wheat is added.
  4. Season with orange and lemon juice.

The salad is ready to eat.

Advice! Since sprouted wheat is good for joints, it can be consumed every day.

Properties and uses of wheat germ oil

In addition to sprouts, wheat germ oil has significant benefits. Today, the oil is especially popular, since, due to its beneficial properties, it can affect the level of endurance and performance.

Wheat germ oil is beneficial when taken internally for everyone who has problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as for people who are exposed to heavy stress every day. This product does not harm the body when used correctly, in addition, wheat germ oil is good for hair.

The harm of sprouted wheat and contraindications

Despite the beneficial and medicinal properties of sprouted wheat, it is important to understand that this product is not useful for all individuals. Before you start introducing sprouted grains into your diet, it is worth considering a number of contraindications:

  • not recommended for children under 12 years old;
  • if there are chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • if there is an allergic reaction to gluten;
  • after operation;
  • with a stomach ulcer.
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Before you start using the product for the treatment of certain diseases, you should first consult with your healthcare professional. This is due to the individual intolerance of some components.

Attention! In addition to seeds, wheat germ oil is beneficial.

How to store wheat germ

Before you start eating a new product, it is recommended to take into account not only the benefits and harms of wheat germ, but also the storage rules. Sprouted grains must be stored in plastic containers in the refrigerator. The lid should not be closed tightly, as there is a possibility that in such conditions the product will suffocate. The shelf life is 48 hours. Before use, the grains are washed under running water.


The benefits and harms of sprouted wheat should be considered before starting to use this product. It is important to consider not only the beneficial and medicinal properties, but also contraindications and harm that can be done to the body.


Olesya Abramova, 26 years old, Moscow
I started using wheat germ for weight loss relatively recently - a few months ago.During this time, I noticed that not only excess weight began to go away, but also my mood improved. Before, I always felt tired, constantly sleepy, especially in winter. Now I do not feel it at all. In addition, she began to notice that her hair and nails looked much better. Every day I eat oatmeal, boiled in water, and add sprouts to it.
Andrey Semenov, 37 years old, Penza
I have been using wheat germ every day since I was 15. My grandparents also consume sprouts every day, while they practically do not get sick, they feel great, they do not go to doctors, like many at their age. Now they are almost 90 years old, and no one gives more than 60. And I myself look much younger than my age, there are no health problems. Naturally, it is better to consume natural products and feel great than to sit on drugs - everyone makes their own choice.
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