The benefits and harms of quinoa for the body

Quinoa is not popular in modern cooking. But this plant is native to the Andes. There the cereal was revered, eaten and considered “the queen of cereals”. The benefits and harms of quinoa are now less interesting. But its properties can easily move buckwheat, rice, oatmeal from store shelves.


The history of quinoa is no less interesting than the properties. It began over 6 thousand years ago. In the Andes, the plant was revered by the Incas, Aztecs and other peoples and tribes. But the Spaniards, on the contrary, did not like her and did not leave a single sprout of pagan food. But this also means that the "mother" of croup was of great importance in the life of ancient people. The first mention in writing dates back to 1553 in the book "Chronicle of Peru" by Cieza de Leon.

Quinoa does not grow naturally in nature. It is possible to find only wild-growing species. The modern homeland of cereals is Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Tibet. Other places of growth are not excluded. The plant is picky. It is noteworthy that this is one of the few plants that grows freely at an altitude of over 4 thousand meters.

It tastes like rice, but more tender and pleasant, with its own twist. But the ancient admirers compared it to potatoes. However, on their table, a ready-made quinoa dish replaced bread, potatoes, cereals and soups. During the germination period, people watched how the sprout stretches. This was an important event.

Among the Incas, the "golden grain" was not only the basis of many dishes, but also a doctor, a sacred food.

Description and chemical composition of quinoa

Quinoa is an annual crop that belongs to the Marev family. Occurs in mountainous areas, on the shores of the seas.

Light green stems stretch to a person's height. They are surrounded by round leaves. The fruits are hidden in clusters. The grains themselves are more like buckwheat, but the taste and color are reminiscent of rice. Black and red are less common than milk grains.

Quinoa tastes strange. It resembles rice, only with a pleasant flavor. But the composition partially repeats milk.

Riboflavin and fiber are higher than those found in barley and other cereals. Folic acid levels are also higher than many other "record-breaking" foods. It should be noted that assimilation by the body is quite easy. Grains are suitable for everyone, like breast milk. Lysine and calcium in the composition help to maintain your beauty, the appearance of hair, nails, skin, as well as bone health.

Important! There is no gluten in the product, so allergy sufferers should not be afraid of it.
Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance

Quinoa is the record holder for protein content, so athletes, vegetarians, pregnant women and people with great physical exertion and losing weight should not give up cereals.

Health benefits of quinoa

The properties make the cereal indispensable for some people. Therefore, you need to learn more about the benefits and dangers of quinoa porridge. It is the large amount of protein that makes "mother croup" the most useful of all. It is in the composition of 16% or all 20%, but in rice it is half as much, in other cereals it is even less. Zinc, calcium and other vitamins will have a beneficial effect on the body of any person. What are the benefits of quinoa and its benefits:

  1. Calcium in the composition is easily absorbed by the body, it is necessary for bones, especially in childhood, when the body is forming. Recommended for use in case of arthrosis, arthritis.
  2. High levels of vitamins, calcium and folate help keep hair, nails and teeth healthy.
  3. Groats are good for diabetes.
  4. Losing weight will help people avoid anemia, strengthen their hair.
  5. The use of quinoa is the prevention of cancer.
  6. Removes cholesterol and toxins.
  7. In case of damage, it accelerates tissue repair.
  8. Soothes and relieves stress.
  9. Helps with hypertension and heart disease.
  10. Strengthens the nervous and immune systems.
  11. Helps synthesize the hormone of joy.
  12. Keeps mental capacity at a high level.
  13. Helps to reduce headaches and migraines.
  14. Helps the pancreas work.

Traditional medicine use of quinoa

Groats are not used in official medicine. But it is known that the health benefits of quinoa are difficult to overestimate. It is recommended to use cereals as a way to get rid of migraines, prevent cancer, heal wounds, strengthen immunity and improve the general condition of the body. The discoverers made bandages from grains to wounds. In modern times, grains have begun to be used quite recently for adding to cosmetics.

Cooking recipes

Quinoa contains many saponins. Because of this, it must be soaked. But on store shelves, groats are most often sold already soaked.

Not everyone knows about the benefits and dangers of quinoa seeds. But the way they are prepared is no different from the process of cooking rice and is quite simple. That's all you need to know: 1 cup of grains = 2 cups of water. Brew for about 20 minutes. The water should boil off. The groats should not be soft, it is better to leave a little dense.

You don't have to think long about what to cook the cereal with. It forms a harmonious combination with fish, meat, vegetables, sugar, honey, fruits and berries.

Advice! To make quinoa even healthier, it is sprouted. Fortunately, this does not take much time, as is the case with other cereals.

They prepare not only cereals, but also salads, in which quinoa grits will bring maximum benefit:

  1. You need 250 grams of quinoa, half a liter of water, a quarter spoon of cumin and coriander, lemon juice, a spoonful of chopped cilantro, 350 grams of boiled beans, 250 grams of bell peppers, 500 grams of tomatoes.
  2. First of all, quinoa is boiled, as the product must cool before mixing the ingredients. Further, the rest of the components are crushed.
Recommended reading:  Cilantro (coriander): useful properties and contraindications

To prepare porridge with mushrooms, you will need 1 glass of cereal, 200 grams of champignons, an onion, 2 tablespoons of oil, spices to taste. Fry onions with mushrooms, then stir into the finished porridge.

Quinoa can also be a sweet breakfast dish. For this, honey is added to the finished cereal (it will be healthier than sugar), nuts taste. The choice of ingredients is free. Quinoa porridge for breakfast will be very healthy and will keep you energized all day.

Slimming Quinoa

Quinoa can replace many cereals. Losing weight is a complex process, during which nutritionists recommend learning as much as possible about the benefits and dangers of quinoa for the body. Buckwheat and rice are dietary products, but with proper use and knowledge of the measure. This also applies to other products. But the properties of quinoa have a strong effect on the body of a losing weight person, helping to quickly lose extra pounds. And the calorie content and composition of the BZHU make it possible to completely eliminate rice, and put this unusual cereal in its place.

During the period of dieting, it is important for the body to receive the required amount of vitamins and other important substances. After all, the diet becomes very limited. And hypovitaminosis will not only stop the process of losing weight, but also lead to health problems. Therefore, quinoa will help in this difficult task, compensate for the lack of elements:

  1. Eating restrictions are always stressful. A large amount of magnesium strengthens the nervous system and normalizes the condition.
  2. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances. Promotes the breakdown of fats.
  3. Quinoa speeds up metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Protein is a building block, so the health benefits of quinoa are enormous.
  5. Low calorie content is one of the main advantages over other cereals.
  6. It contains less starch than rice and potatoes.

Harm and contraindications

Quinoa is not only beneficial but also harmful. It is not recommended for use while breastfeeding. Especially the first few weeks. Groats will not cause certain harm to the baby's body, but its action is not well studied and it is not always clear how the child will react to a new product in the mother's diet. However, excess vitamins in breast milk after consuming quinoa can also lead to kidney damage.

Saponins affect health in different ways. These are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, they normalize the work of the pancreas, produce a choleretic effect, and remove cholesterol. But on the other hand, they are even toxic in large quantities. During grain cleaning, the amount of this substance decreases.


The benefits and harms of quinoa have not been studied as well as other grains. But this product deserves more attention. Its composition is rich in protein and other useful substances, several times more valuable than buckwheat or rice, oatmeal. It is recommended to use it after operations, for diabetics, to strengthen the body, during weight loss, physical activity. Contraindication - breastfeeding.

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