Are corn flakes good for you?

The benefits and harms of cornflakes are in their correct and incorrect use. Quick breakfasts, as a substitute for foods rich in vitamins, are not at all beneficial. And only harm the person who is addicted to such food.

Corn flakes production technology

First of all, the benefits of a product lie not in the product itself, but in how it was produced. In order for the flakes to be beneficial, not harmful, you should carefully read what is included. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the correctness of manufacture by the composition on the packaging and the type of product.

Correct production technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Collect corn and peel off the cob.
  2. Remove kernels and husks by hand.
  3. Rinse the grain and send it to the conveyor.
  4. Grind into cereals.
  5. Add sugar and malt syrups, salt, water.
  6. Mix all ingredients with a mixer and send to the hob.
  7. Steam. This will give the rump a golden color.
  8. The glued and steamed grains will fall onto the conveyor belt. Here the device will separate clean flakes from lumps.
  9. Dry the product and cool it to room temperature.
  10. Conditioning - makes the flakes strong.
  11. Give the final shape to the product.
  12. Fry at 300 degrees Celsius.
Warning! Real flakes without additives, sugar, glaze, flavor enhancers are more beneficial.

Composition and calorie content of corn flakes

This product contains the whole gamut of vitamins useful for the body. It includes vitamins such as B, PP, A, E, H. The product is rich in various useful and mineral substances.

Of the main mineral substances that are part of a product loved by children, one can single out:

  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

The presence of fiber helps the gastrointestinal tract to function in certain diseases.

Useful properties of corn flakes

The benefits of cornflakes for the human body lie in the amino acids they contain. For example, the amino acid tryptophan is converted to serotonin. It is otherwise called as the "hormone of joy."

The product contains corn starch. It helps form muscle fibers and nerve cells. And with a constant morning snack with such a breakfast, toxins and toxins are removed from the body.

Doctors recommend this product for use by people who suffer from colitis, gastroenteritis. The pectin contained in them helps to cope with cancerous tumors. Glutamic acid improves metabolism, memory.

Is it possible to lose weight on cornflakes

Despite all the beneficial properties of this product, Italian scientists have found that its consumption by men and women for five years leads to obesity. The fact is that herself corn does not cause fat accumulation, but the sugar contained in the cereal in as much as it is in the cake leads to obesity. In addition, people suffer from constipation, malfunctioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritionists from Russia have also studied the problem. They concluded that large quantities of cornflakes are harmful for weight loss. The additives they contain: refined sugar, oil are harmful to health and do not contribute to weight loss at all, as the advertisement says.

Are cornflakes good for breakfast?

The myth that this product saturates the body and benefits from breakfast has been dispelled. In fact, its high glucose content is especially dangerous for diabetics and causes type 2 diabetes.

When this product is consumed, insulin rises instantly in the morning. As a result, the feeling of hunger occurs much faster than after eating regular food.

Advice! You should not include the product in breakfast every day.

The presence of this delicacy in the diet, as a simple snack, will be much healthier than eating it every day. The benefits of sugar-free cornflakes will be much greater than those sprinkled with syrups or sprinkled with icing.

Is it possible to cornflakes for lactating and pregnant women

Nutritionists and doctors recommend cornflakes for breastfeeding without sweets and various additives. In addition, they lower cholesterol levels and normalize heart function.

But pregnant women should not eat them at all. Because after a very short time, the feeling of satiety disappears. The benefits of cereal for expectant mothers are being questioned by qualified doctors.

At what age can cornflakes be given to a child

Children with an unformed gastrointestinal tract system can vomit from such a breakfast, possibly developing allergies. Therefore, doctors advise to postpone the period of the first feeding with quick breakfasts to 3 years, when the stomach is already ready to accept such food.

This is best done after consulting your pediatrician. Since the product can provoke bad habits and cause diabetes at a later age. It is recommended to give corn flakes for later children no more than 1-2 times a week.

Features of the use of corn flakes

Those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis need to monitor what is included in their diet. Indeed, for health, the benefits and harm of corn flakes can be equivalent.

With pancreatitis

The use of this product has a negative effect on the pancreas. Such food gives an additional load to the organ, therefore, corn porridge is recommended for patients with pancreatitis. But dry quick breakfasts are strictly prohibited.

With gastritis

With gastritis, there will be more benefits from corn boiled in water than from cereal. In addition, this product will be deposited as subcutaneous fat. And there are no vitamins and necessary fiber for patients with gastritis in the flakes.

Therefore, it is not at all recommended to use such food in case of stomach disease. Manufacturers often add gluten to their cornflakes. Gastritis "loves" foods with gluten. Therefore, such food can cause a relapse, and the patient will have to urgently go to the hospital.

Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance

With diabetes mellitus

Such food is not prohibited for diabetics only if it does not have artificial additives. Since they promote the production of insulin.

Important! With diabetes, you shouldn't even overeat cornflakes with honey.

And for diabetics of the second type - the product will be useful during light snacks.

Are corn flakes harmful?

Not everyone can benefit from eating treats. Since all the basic, useful properties that fresh corn has are destroyed during production.

The delicacy will not harm those who suffer from liver diseases.It will be useful for people with epileptic seizures.

Advice! It is necessary to consider the ingredients indicated on the packaging in the composition of the product when purchasing.

Such quick breakfasts are harmful for children, as they lead to improper habits and obesity in the future.

Contraindications to use

It is not recommended to eat them for those who suffer from tooth decay. People with cancer should not eat this type of food either.

And some types of components that make up a quick breakfast can cause an allergic reaction in allergy sufferers. It is also strictly prohibited for those who have an individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the product.

How to make cornflakes at home

Milk cornflakes are more beneficial when cooked at home. In addition, they can be prepared with jelly, vegetable or fruit juice. True, you cannot follow a diet on cornflakes, because they have a high sugar content.

Ingredients you need:

  • corn grits;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour sugar with water in equal proportions.
  2. Cook until thick.
  3. Pour cereals and cook for several hours until a dense mass is obtained.
  4. Leave to cool, and then roll out with a rolling pin.
  5. Cut into pieces.
  6. Fry in the oven. Keep the temperature around 300 degrees. Fry until golden brown.

So you can make your own cornflakes.

How to choose the right cornflakes

Since all useful vitamins are added artificially to this product, it is best to choose a product that contains a minimum of ingredients, without the addition of glaze and other components that are harmful to the body.

The composition should include only cereals, salt and a minimum of natural dyes. Sugar and cocoa improve flavor but do not add value. Better to buy plain flakes. Then you can add jam or honey.

What can be made from cornflakes

This delicacy can be prepared

  • biscuit;
  • chicken fillet in flakes;
  • muesli;
  • fried ice cream in cornflakes;
  • cakes.
Recommended reading:  Are muesli useful and how to make them at home

Cookie recipe. You will need the following components:

  • corn flakes - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • dried cranberries - 1 handful;
  • liquid vanilla - 1 drop;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat the egg, beat the whites into a cool foam, remove the yolk.
  2. Add sugar, drip vanilla and beat again.
  3. Add cranberries, flakes, yolks. Mix.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Put the cookies on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 40 minutes.


The benefits and harms of cornflakes depend on their correct use by humans. The main thing is not to overuse the product and not turn it into the main type of breakfast, as advertisements dictate. Then both the children and all the household will be happy and healthy.

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