Avocado oil: benefits and harms, calorie content, application

The benefits of avocado oil for food are very high; it contains many minerals and valuable vitamins. It is worth studying the properties of the product and methods of use in order to use it correctly.

The chemical composition of avocado oil

Avocado oil is obtained by cold pressing from the pulp of the fruit of the same name. As a result of this processing, the product retains the maximum amount of valuable components present in fresh avocados:

  • Omega-6 and Omega 3 acids;
  • linoleic and palmitoleic acid;
  • chlorophyll and squalene;
  • copper, phosphorus and sodium;
  • vitamins B1, B2 and B12;
  • potassium and zinc;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • retinol and vitamin D3;
  • vitamins E and K;
  • lecithin;
  • iodine and iron;
  • calcium and manganese;
  • amino acids.
Quality oil retains all vitamins from fresh fruit pulp

The benefits of cold-pressed avocado oil are not limited to external use. In small quantities, the product can be added to food.

Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado

Why avocado oil is good for you

Avocado pulp extract has complex health effects. It is customary to especially highlight the effect of the product on the internal systems of the body and on external attractiveness.

Benefits of avocado oil for the body

When added to food, the product has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vascular walls and prevents the deposition of cholesterol;
  • helps maintain healthy heart function and does not allow the development of dangerous ailments;
  • stimulates the production of bile and helps with slow digestion;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body and regulates peristalsis;
  • helps get rid of constipation;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system and eliminates insomnia;
  • helps relieve migraine pain;
  • is beneficial for joint inflammation and bruises;
  • removes accumulated toxins from the body;
  • eliminates inflammation and promotes recovery from infections.
Avocado pulp oil is very good for digestion and blood vessels

The antioxidant properties of the oil should also be noted. The product prevents the proliferation of free radicals and serves as the prevention of cancer, slows down the aging of the body.

Benefits of avocado oil for hair

The product is especially appreciated as an effective hair care product. The squeeze from the pulp of tropical fruits is used to create homemade strengthening masks, but even with the internal use of the product, the condition of the curls quickly improves.

The oil nourishes the hair follicles and serves as a source of essential vitamins for them. Against the background of the use of the product, the hair ceases to fall out and break, acquire shine and smoothness.It is especially useful to use a remedy for curls that are too often stained, it allows you to return the attractiveness of even heavily damaged strands.

The oil strengthens hair and stops hair loss
Important! When using avocado pomace, the condition of the epidermis at the hair roots improves. The oil helps to get rid of dandruff and itchy skin.

Benefits of avocado oil for skin

Avocado pomace also has an increased value for the skin. The product, when used externally and internally, has a nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. The beneficial substances in its composition stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which prolongs youth, and saturate the cells of the epidermis with oxygen.

The peculiarity of the product is that the tropical fruit pomace is suitable for all skin types. With dry epidermis, the product will have a moisturizing effect, and with oily epidermis, it will help to regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum and cleanse the pores.

Avocado oil is ideal for protecting skin from the cold in winter

It is very helpful to apply the benefits of avocado oil to your face in cold weather. The softening effect of the product is very strong, with regular use, the skin does not dry out and does not crack even in the most severe frosts.

The harm of avocado oil

When using a healthy product, you must remember that it consists entirely of fats. This imposes certain restrictions on use:

  1. Avocado pomace can be harmful if consumed in excess. You can use the agent inside in an amount of no more than 2 large spoons per day, otherwise it will negatively affect the work of digestion.
  2. The pomace has a strong stimulating effect on the intestines. It can damage it with a tendency to diarrhea, since peristalsis will work even more actively.

You can not use the product in case of acute inflammatory processes of the stomach and gallbladder. Before adding avocado pomace to food for the first time, you need to make sure that there is no allergy, try only half a small spoonful of the product and wait 1-2 hours.

The oil contains only fats, so it cannot be consumed in large quantities.

Calorie content of avocado oil

The nutritional value of the product is very high - 884 kcal are present in 100 ml of oil. Excessive use is also dangerous because it can lead to weight gain.

Contraindications to avocado oil

There are quite a few bans on the use of a useful remedy. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • allergy to vitamin C and latex;
  • serious liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • tendency to intestinal disorders;
  • acute conditions with gastritis and pancreatitis.
Advice! Before using the product externally, you should also make sure that there is no allergy. The squeeze should be applied to the wrist or the fold of the arm, if no redness appears within 2 hours, then the product can be used.

Rules for the use of avocado oil

You need to use oil pomace in accordance with simple rules, then it will not harm your health:

  1. The product is taken orally in small quantities of no more than 15 ml per day, this portion should be divided into 3 doses.
  2. It is best to take the product not in pure form, but in combination with food - vegetables, fish and meat.
  3. You need to eat dishes with avocado squeeze in the daytime. The product triggers the active work of peristalsis and, when taken in the evening, will simply damage restful sleep.
The daily amount of oil should not exceed two large spoons

In theory, the product can be used for heat treatment. But it is more useful to add oil to salads and main courses fresh, without heating, so it retains more valuable properties.

Uses of avocado oil

Cosmetology remains the main area of ​​product use. In cooking, pomace is beneficial, but it is not used as actively as for beauty care.

The use of avocado oil in cosmetology

Avocado extract is a completely versatile product for skin and hair care. The tool has a quick and powerful complex effect on the epidermis and curls, helps both with excessive dryness and lack of nutrients, and with increased secretion of fat.

Mask for dry skin

For sensitive and dry skin, the following nourishing mask can be applied:

  • mix 2 large spoons of natural wax and coconut oil;
  • add a large spoonful of shea butter and 70 ml of avocado pomace;
  • add 5 ml of liquid vitamin E;
  • Warm the mixture slightly in a water bath.
Avocado oil masks are suitable for all skin types

A warm product is applied to a clean face for half an hour, and after the time has elapsed, the mask is not washed off, but its remnants are removed with a cotton pad. If you repeat the procedure regularly, the skin will quickly become soft and velvety.

Dry hair mask

Avocado pomace will help strengthen your hair and give it volume with this mask:

  • avocado oil is mixed with olive oil in a 2 to 1 ratio;
  • add egg yolk and a couple of drops of rosemary ether;
  • mix the product well and distribute over the entire length of the curls.

You need to keep the composition for half an hour, then the hair is washed with a mild natural shampoo. The mask not only restores health to the strands, but also softens the skin at the roots and helps get rid of dandruff.

Mask for eyelashes and eyebrows

Avocado pomace does not contain caustic and irritating substances. Therefore, you can use the product without fear for eyebrow and hair care.

The following mask helps to make eyelashes and eyebrows thicker:

  • about 5 drops of pomace are mixed with egg yolk;
  • bring the product to homogeneity;
  • applied to the desired areas of the face.
Avocado oil does not irritate mucous membranes, so it can even treat eyelashes

You only need to keep the mask on the eyelashes for 15 minutes, and you can leave the product on the eyebrows overnight. If you repeat the procedure every evening for a month, then the remedy will have a noticeable effect.

The use of avocado oil in cooking

The product is appreciated not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its taste and pleasant aroma. In cooking, it is used everywhere, and is especially often used:

  • for dressing vegetable salads;
  • for frying fish and seafood;
  • for processing white chicken meat;
  • when making soups.

The product is often found in traditional Mediterranean and Latin American dishes.

Avocado oil is added to dishes cold and used for frying
Attention! When heated, the product loses some of its useful properties, but does not change its taste and does not burn. Therefore, avocado oil is much better suited for frying than olive or sunflower oil.

Avocado oil during pregnancy

The squeeze is of great benefit for pregnant women. The product contains folic acid, iodine and iron - valuable substances indispensable for the fetus and the expectant mother. When consumed during pregnancy, the product helps to fight constipation, strengthens the woman's immunity and increases her energy. At the same time, allergy to the product is rare, it can be used by almost everyone.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the product can also be used to eliminate stretch marks. Mix 2 large spoons of pomace with the same amount of natural yogurt and apply to problem areas. The mixture is kept on the skin for 15 minutes, after which the residues are removed with a napkin, and the procedure must be repeated twice a week.

Oil from the pulp of an exotic fruit has few contraindications and rarely causes allergies


The benefits of avocado oil for food and for personal care are invaluable - the product has a very powerful beneficial effect on the body. It can be added to cold and hot dishes, applied to the skin, the main thing is to remember about moderate dosages when used internally.

Reviews on the properties and uses of avocado oil

Ptitsyna Olga Vladimirovna, 27 years old, Moscow
I first tried avocado oil 2 years ago and have only used it in cooking ever since. The smell of the product is much lighter and more pleasant than that of the usual one, salads and other dishes are very tasty, when frying the oil does not burn at all.
Zubova Anastasia Sergeevna, 34 years old, Petrozavodsk
I met avocado oil during pregnancy, and only it did not disgust either the taste or the smell. I can note a mild, but powerful effect on digestion, I never had to face constipation. Now I also use the product for facial care and am very pleased with the results.

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