Women's sports vitamins

Sports vitamins for women are necessary for serious sports - not only strength, but also aerobic. Under the influence of physical exertion, the body begins to experience a lack of vitamins and cannot demonstrate good performance. Proven pharmaceuticals for women help achieve a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

What vitamins are needed for women when playing sports

Sports vitamins are quite clearly subdivided into male and female. The fact is that the physiology of the latter has its own characteristics and imposes other requirements on useful substances. In particular, when playing sports, women need:

  • an increased amount of calcium, which is responsible for the health of bone tissue and ligaments;
  • large amounts of vitamin B12 and iron, these compounds are responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, for the level of hemoglobin, for the transport of oxygen to the tissues of the body;
  • a high amount of vitamins A, B and C - all of them help maintain a healthy metabolism and prevent disruptions in digestion and cardiovascular activity.

Also, women need omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E. These substances are responsible not only for the condition of the skin and hair, but also for energy metabolism and the correct distribution of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body.

Advice! Women's vitamins for athletes can be of great benefit, but they must be combined with a competent diet, this will help to obtain optimal results.

Rating of the best sports vitamins for women

Among the many sports supplements available in pharmacies and specialty stores, there are some of the best vitamins for women involved in sports. All of them are aimed at improving sports performance and maintaining external attractiveness.


The first place in the ranking of sports supplements for women is occupied by the Opti-Women complex. It contains the main groups of vitamins - B, C and E, as well as the minerals potassium, magnesium, chromium and iodine.

The preparation contains pantothenic and folic acids, which are responsible for energy metabolism and help maintain hormonal balance. Also, the manufacturer added herbal ingredients to the drug that accelerate the process of fat burning and improve metabolism.

Opti-Women multivitamin complex is the most popular among women and has many good reviews. A useful drug is available in capsules, so it is convenient to take it with you to the gym.

Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula

The multivitamin preparation is intended for women experiencing increased sports loads and heavy consumption of bioactive substances. The complex contains basic vitamins and minerals required by the female body. A feature of the drug is the increased content of vitamin D. Due to this, when using the supplement, women can quickly say goodbye to extra pounds, provided that carbohydrate food is reduced.

Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula is recommended for use by many fitness trainers, reviews of the drug can be found mostly positive.Vitamins are produced for female athletes in capsules, which allows you to take them with you to training if necessary.

Universal animal pak

The Universal Animal Pak is especially recommended for women involved in strength training. The supplement contains vitamins of group B, as well as E, D, C and A, minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and iodine.

The composition of the preparation is enriched with silicon and lecithin, the additive includes glutamine, leucine, isoleucine and other essential amino acids. When consumed, the vitamin complex guarantees not only good athletic results, but also muscle growth - this is a very important point when doing powerlifting.

Vita Complex Lady Fitness

The drug is especially recommended for athletic girls who practice aerobics, fitness or shaping, and also practice weight loss diets. Vitamins for sports and fitness for women contain all the basic beneficial compounds and minerals required by the female body, and replenish the daily requirement of valuable substances.

Attention! The peculiarity of the complex is the increased content of calcium and iron. When using Vita Complex Lady Fitness, even with a diet and heavy exertion, women do not develop anemia and brittle bones.

Vita Women Maxler

The sports supplement Vita Women belongs to the category of universal, it is suitable for use by women in any kind of sport. The preparation contains:

  • main vitamin groups - B, A, C and K;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • magnesium, zinc and iodine;
  • selenium;
  • enzymes amylase, papain and cellulose.

Taking good sports vitamins for women can help improve metabolism and burn fat faster. Also, the drug reduces stress levels during sports, takes care of the health of joints, nails and hair, increases overall endurance and immunity.

Eve Women’s Multi

The balanced vitamin complex is designed to maintain a healthy hormonal balance during intense sports activities. The preparation contains vitamins C, E and D, beta-carotene, magnesium and calcium, iodine and selenium.

Taking a sports supplement helps to fully obtain useful substances that are responsible for the healthy functioning of the metabolic system and for the hormonal balance in a woman's body. While taking the supplement, even enhanced training does not lead to disruptions in the work of the digestive, reproductive and metabolic systems.

Vitime Woman Sport

Useful vitamins for athletic girls contain vitamin C and subgroup B, calcium carbonate and an increased amount of iron. It also contains magnesium and calcium, iodine and selenium, plant extracts - black pepper and aloe vera.

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Taking the drug improves the functioning of the woman's metabolic system and contributes to the achievement of good results. Sports vitamins help to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's stamina and keep you cheerful and in a good mood, even during intense workouts.

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My Favorite Multiple Woman

A sports supplement called My Favorite Multiple Woman for women has a balanced composition of over 20 vitamins and minerals. The sports complex includes vitamins C, B and A, mineral salts - iron, iodine, zinc and selenium, extracts of natural herbs and berries. All components of the sports preparation are well combined with each other and mutually enhance the beneficial effect of each other.

Both adult women and athletic girls can take My Favorite Multiple Woman. The vitamin supplement helps to cope with physical activity more successfully, prevents the weakening of the immune system and accelerates the processes of fat breakdown. In addition, vitamins help shorten the recovery time after exercise, which increases the enjoyment of sports.

Active woman

The sports preparation Active Woman consists of the most essential minerals, vitamins and acids for the female body. It contains magnesium, calcium and potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and B, grape seed extract and other natural ingredients.

When taken according to the instructions, the drug increases the immune defense and endurance, contributes to the achievement of high-quality sports results. Active Woman protects a woman's body from hormonal disruptions during physical activity and helps to maintain external attractiveness.


The Aevit vitamin complex can be used for prophylaxis and against the background of a deficiency of nutrients, but it brings particular benefits to women who are fond of sports. The food supplement contains vitamins A and E, which stimulate immunity and metabolic processes. When taken regularly, the vitamin preparation helps:

  • improve endurance;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • accelerate the growth of muscle fibers;
  • reduce body fat;
  • reduce muscle recovery time after exercise.

The vitamin complex Aevit has a low price, due to which it is very popular among women.

How to use

Each sports product with a high content of vitamins and minerals has specific instructions. But we can formulate general rules for the use of vitamins for women in sports nutrition:

  1. You need to drink vitamin supplements most often twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon at the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  2. Vitamins are usually taken with or immediately after meals - when taken on an empty stomach, supplements can provoke an upset stomach.
  3. Before starting to take vitamin preparations, it is imperative to pass tests and consult with a trainer and doctor. Since sports supplements contain large doses of vitamins and minerals, if taken carelessly, hypervitaminosis can be triggered.
  4. Women need to drink sports vitamins no longer than 1-2 months. After that, they take a break for another month - the fact is that some vitamins accumulate in the body, while others simply stop synthesizing on their own with constant input from outside.
Important! Drinking vitamins for female athletes is necessary not only on days of intense physical activity, but also during rest from workouts. During quiet periods, supplementation will help your muscles recover faster from exercise.


Sports vitamins for women are presented on the market in a fairly large assortment. When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to take into account the needs of your body and focus on what kind of substances are lacking for good health. The best drugs for women always have a balanced composition and completely cover the deficiency of beneficial compounds in the body.

Women's reviews on the effectiveness of vitamins for sports

Nikolaeva Olga Sergeevna, 30 years old, Moscow
About 2 years ago, I bought a gym membership. The positive effect on the figure quickly became obvious, but my health worsened - I simply did not have enough strength and vigor for the whole day, taking into account sports. She started taking Opti-Women vitamins and quickly felt her strength return and her sports results become higher.
Stepashina Tatyana Vladimirovna, 27 years old, Kazan
I have been running in the morning for 3 years every day and go to the gym three times a week. The results are pleasing, but the body often lacks nutrients - it can be difficult to get them only from products. Therefore, I regularly drink courses Opti-Women, Vita Women and others, my health improves, there are no problems with excess weight, and the performance from training is very good.

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