Vitamins in winter for a child

A child needs vitamins in winter more than in summer. This is due to a decrease in the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. Vitamin supplements are essential to protect your child from colds by strengthening the immune system.

What vitamins a child needs in winter

The child's need for nutrients may vary depending on the season. In winter, it becomes problematic to replenish vitamin reserves with food. But at the same time, the likelihood of developing viral and colds in a child increases. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients with the help of specialized drugs.

In winter, the child's need for the following vitamins and minerals increases:

  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins of groups D, E, B, C and A;
  • zinc.

To strengthen the immune system, it is especially important to maintain an optimal level of vitamins C and A. To normalize metabolic processes and increase performance, it is necessary to control the level of B1 and B2. Adequate iron intake will help prevent anemia in winter. To reliably protect the child's body from viral and infectious diseases, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of selenium.

Important! People living in cold regions should pay attention to vitamin complexes containing vitamin D.

Where the essential vitamins are found

All useful substances enter the child's body with food. Therefore, the child's diet should be balanced at any age. Poor nutrition contributes to the development of vitamin deficiency. It is accompanied by a decrease in immunity and a depressed state. To regulate the level of nutrients in the body in winter, it is necessary to add certain foods to the diet.

Sources of vitamins and minerals are listed in the table.

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Vitamins and minerals



Rosehip, pumpkin, peas, sea buckthorn, carrots


Chicken eggs, raisins, prunes, broccoli, flour products, oatmeal


Cottage cheese, buckwheat, green vegetables, flour products, meat, oatmeal


Cranberries, bell peppers, rose hips, citrus fruits, broccoli


Butter, beef, potatoes, sour cream, cod liver, cottage cheese, parsley


Greens, nuts, egg yolk, milk, vegetable oil


Brazil nuts, coconut, garlic, sea fish, rolled oats, eggs


Oysters, veal liver, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, beef tongue


Liver, beans, beef, oysters, chicken, spinach

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To get more vitamins from fruits and vegetables, they must be consumed raw

Food rules for children in winter

Winter is a period of intensification of colds and flu. This is facilitated by a lack of sun and a change in the principle of nutrition. To protect the child from unwanted diseases in winter, you should focus on strengthening the immune system. This requires the proper organization of the children's diet. If your baby has any allergic reactions, you should consult your doctor.

The basic principles of feeding a child in winter include:

  • introducing a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet;
  • reducing the frequency of heat treatment of vegetables;
  • adding protein-rich dishes to the usual diet;
  • the use of cereals as breakfast;
  • making vegetarian soups at least twice a week;
  • exclusion of cold desserts (ice cream, drinks);
  • an increase in the number of foods rich in magnesium and calcium (milk, cereals, nuts, cheese);
  • replacing harmful snacks with fruit;
  • preparation of compotes and berry fruit drinks.

Should i give my child vitamin complexes?

Vitamin supplements are used not only for severe vitamin deficiency, but also for preventive purposes. In winter, their reception is most relevant. During this period, it is difficult to ensure the constant presence of fruits and vegetables on the table. Therefore, the use of synthetic vitamin supplements is a good alternative. But it is extremely important to pay special attention to their selection.

The indications for admission are as follows:

  • the need to follow a vegetarian or other type of diet;
  • diseases accompanied by an acute shortage of nutrients in the body;
  • a bright manifestation of vitamin deficiency.

An acute shortage of nutrients is quite pronounced. The child's appetite disappears and drowsiness appears. Cracks in the palms or at the corners of the lips may occur. The skin becomes dehydrated, the condition of the hair and nails worsens.

Other symptoms that indicate the need to use vitamin complexes include:

  • frequent colds;
  • underweight;
  • unstable mental state;
  • convulsions;
  • increased fatigue;
  • slowdown in growth and development.

Read the instructions carefully before using vitamin supplements. Most drugs have contraindications, which are extremely important to consider. In some cases, taking vitamin complexes is undesirable.

The best vitamin complexes for children in winter

Pharmaceutical companies make a variety of drugs for children. They differ in composition, cost and reception scheme. Vitamins for use in winter should be selected on an individual basis. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician about this.

"Vitrum Baby"

Vitrum Baby contains 11 minerals and 13 vitamins. Its rich composition makes it suitable for any occasion. In the production of vitamins, the needs of children aged 2-5 years were taken into account. The main advantage of the drug is that the capsules are made in the form of multi-colored figurines with a pleasant taste and aroma. This greatly simplifies the process of taking a vitamin supplement. Packing cost of 30 pcs. is 420 rubles. The tablets are taken one piece once a day. Reception is carried out after meals.


Complex "Alphabet" consists of eight minerals and 11 vitamins. There are two main variations of the drug on sale - for schoolchildren and young children. Vitamins are chewable lozenges with a pleasant taste. They differ in an affordable price - from 300 to 400 rubles per package. The deficiencies of these vitamins include a high risk of developing allergies. It is not recommended to combine their intake with fluoroquinol and tetracycline, since vitamins reduce their absorption.

Comment! Vitamin supplement "Alphabet" is taken three times a day, each time using capsules of a different color. An interval of four hours is observed between doses.

"Supradine Kids"

In addition to minerals and vitamins, Supradin Kids contains lecithins. These substances are necessary for the child's body to ensure metabolic processes at the cellular level. Thanks to lecithins, the efficient functioning of the brain and nervous system is supported. The vitamin complex is produced both in the form of chewable lozenges and in the form of a syrup. The benefits of the drug include increased physical activity. During his admission, the child assimilates the educational material better and becomes more resilient.The disadvantages include the likelihood of individual intolerance. The packaging price ranges from 500 to 750 rubles.


Vitamins "Aevit" include two main components - alpha-tocopherol acetate and retinol palmitate. The complex of useful substances increases visual acuity and accelerates the regenerative processes in the body. After the vitamin course, the state of the vascular system is normalized and the emotional background is stabilized.

"Aevit" is allowed for children over two years old. The regimen is prescribed by the doctor. The duration of use can be 30-40 days. The main advantage of the vitamin is its affordable price - about 50 rubles per pack.

"Solgar Omega-3"

Vitamins "Solgar Omega-3" are produced in the form of fish-shaped gummies. The active ingredient of the drug is docosahexaenoic acid, which is extracted from tuna by cold extraction. Due to the absence of chemical additives, vitamins do not have an unpleasant taste. They have a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. Reception "Solgar Omega-3" is especially relevant during colds. It provides the body with reliable protection against pathogens. The disadvantages of vitamins include the high cost, which varies from 2600 to 3100 rubles per bottle.

How to choose the right vitamins

Each vitamin complex has a specific set of nutrients. Therefore, when choosing vitamins for the winter, their composition should be analyzed. There are two main types of vitamin supplements - one-component and multivitamins. The first option is relevant for those cases when there is an acute shortage of a certain substance. Multivitamins are prescribed in winter for general strengthening of the body in the presence of vivid symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

When choosing vitamins, it is advisable to consult a doctor. To understand what substance is lacking in the child's body in winter, an appropriate analysis will be required. Based on the result obtained, the doctor will select the most suitable drug. In winter, due to a lack of sun, there is a need for vitamin D. To strengthen the immune system, you should pay attention to preparations containing vitamin C. To improve vision, you need to resort to supplements with vitamin A.

Attention! The optimal duration of vitamin intake is one month. After the course, you should take a break of two weeks.


Vitamins are necessary for a child in winter as well as at any other time. Therefore, the main task of parents is to ensure their intake into the child's body in the right amount. It is important to avoid overdose, as it is as harmful as vitamin deficiency.

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