Vitamins for dogs against hair loss: which are better, reviews

Each owner is responsible for his pet. The health of the animal depends on how the food and conditions of detention are correctly selected. It is also important to monitor the appearance, as a lack of essential trace elements can lead to prolonged shedding and dry skin. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right vitamins for the dog's coat. And determine how to give them correctly.

What vitamins affect hair growth in dogs

For normal growth and development, the dog must regularly receive all the necessary substances. Most of them are found in food, but this amount is not always enough. The lack of trace elements can be judged by the condition of the pet's coat. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine and the dog is receiving the necessary trace elements. And in case of shortage, the animal's hair becomes dull and brittle.

The main components that affect the growth and structure of the coat:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol)... It promotes the synthesis of elastin, collagen, keratin. It is thanks to this component that the dog's coat acquires elasticity and silkiness. With its lack, the guard hair begins to fade and break.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol)... Protects hair from the negative effects of external factors. It is considered a powerful antioxidant and also prevents blood clots and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Tocopherol prevents excessive hair loss and stimulates hair growth.
  3. B vitamins... They have a complex effect on the body, as well as nourish hair follicles and improve metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis. As a result, the wool acquires elasticity, the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes. With a sufficient content of these vitamins, excessive hair loss stops, the growth of the undercoat is activated and fragility is eliminated.
  4. Vitamin C... This component helps to improve blood circulation. With its lack, the hair structure becomes loose and dry, which leads to fragility and hair loss.
  5. Vitamin PP... It has a beneficial effect on pigmentation. With its sufficient amount in the body, the color and appearance of the coat are improved.
  6. Fatty Acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6)... These substances are also essential for healthy looking skin and hair. It is thanks to them that the density of the wool reaches its optimal values. Fatty acids increase pigmentation and shorten the recovery period of the coat.

In addition to vitamins for pet's coat and skin, zinc is needed. It is its combination with retinol that prevents thinning of the guard hair, and also helps fight hair loss and breakage.

Sulfur is also important, which optimizes the sebaceous glands and prevents the development of seborrhea and hyperkeratosis. And components such as calcium and phosphorus help to give the coat a healthy look and shine.

Important! Every owner should understand that pet's health depends on balanced nutrition and care.Therefore, in case of problems with wool, you need to choose a vitamin complex with all the necessary components.

A beautiful shiny coat is the main sign of a dog's well-being

When do dogs need to be given wool vitamins?

Every dog ​​sheds twice a year with the exception of some breeds. The duration of this process is 4-5 weeks. Molting is characterized by abundant hair loss, so it is important to comb your pet frequently during this period in order to speed up the renewal of the coat. This is a natural process and does not require the use of vitamins.

However, if the molt is delayed or the loss occurs constantly, then it is necessary to establish the cause. In this case, you should first consult with a veterinarian and choose the optimal nutritional complex to eliminate the problem.

Important! It is impossible to experiment with the selection of vitamins on your own, as this can significantly complicate the situation.

You can determine the lack of necessary components in the pet's body by the following signs:

  • dull color six;
  • lack of healthy shine;
  • dandruff;
  • dry skin;
  • various skin diseases;
  • general lethargy;
  • lack of interest in games;
  • drowsiness.
Advice! If signs of vitamin deficiency appear, urgent measures must be taken.

Rating of the best vitamins for dog hair

Now, getting the right vitamins will not be too difficult. The assortment presented is very diverse. But when choosing a product, one should take into account the composition, breed, age and diet of the pet. This will help you choose the most optimal drug. Therefore, below are the most popular vitamins for dogs against hair loss, according to reviews.

"Polidex Super Wool plus"

This vitamin complex is suitable for use in one month old puppies and adult dogs. It helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body and thereby enhances the nutrition of the skin and coat. In addition, the drug is a prophylactic agent for dermatitis.

The perfectly matched composition of the complex helps in a short period of use to strengthen the strength of the hair, speed up shedding and bring the coat and skin to a normal state.

The main components of the drug:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • biotin;
  • amino acids - glycine, tryptophan.
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The result when using this complex is noticeable after 8-10 days. At the same time, the dog's hair loss is reduced. After two weeks, there is a complete recovery of the hairline. And after a month, the increased growth of new wool is activated.

"Beaphar Laveta Super"

This preparation accelerates shedding and activates the complete renewal of the coat. In addition, it fights dandruff and prevents its reappearance, as well as relieves itching and irritation of the skin, and improves the overall appearance of the pet.

The complex includes the following components:

  • B vitamins;
  • nicotinamide;
  • biotin;
  • L-carnitine chloride.

The complete course is one month. In case of poor condition of the coat and skin, the indicated dosage according to the instructions must be tripled within the first seven days.

"Dr. Clauder's Dog Fell Plus Serum "

This drug is recommended for acute problems with the coat and skin of the pet. It is allowed to be used for dogs suffering from increased hair breakage and permanent shedding. Specially selected ingredients help to add shine to the coat and stop it shedding.

The drug includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • biotin;
  • vitamin A;
  • choline chloride;
  • Whey Protein;
  • DL-methionine;
  • lysine.
Important! The vitamin complex is in the form of a syrup. Therefore, shake the bottle thoroughly before use.

Nutri Vet Shed-Defense Max

Food supplement that helps to reduce hair loss and improve skin texture due to its fatty acid content. In addition, it contains vitamins of group B, A, D, E.

The course of therapy with this remedy helps to restore the undercoat and guard hair after seasonal shedding. It also reduces the allergic reaction in case of dermatitis and fungal skin lesions.

Duration of admission is 4-6 weeks. In the future, the drug is used as needed and in agreement with the veterinarian.

Hokamix 30 Pulver Classic

This remedy is suitable for dogs of different breeds and ages. The drug is produced on the basis of medicinal herbs and vegetables, therefore it does not contain chemical components and does not cause allergies. Natural substances that are included in its composition provide adequate nutrition for the skin and wool. As a result, metabolic processes in the upper layer of the epidermis are normalized, cell regeneration is accelerated, and hair follicles are strengthened.

The complex contains the following components:

  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • biotin;
  • beta carotene.

To prepare this complex, herbs are specially selected that have a beneficial effect on the pet's coat and skin:

  • nettle and burdock enhance hair growth;
  • St. John's wort reduces fragility;
  • calamus improves the overall appearance;
  • rosemary provides nutritious nutrition.

Rules for the use of vitamins for the skin and coat of dogs

All drugs must be given according to the instructions. The annotations to vitamins clearly state in what dosage they should be added, taking into account the age and weight of the pet. Many products are recommended to be added to feed and mixed thoroughly.

Advice! To achieve sustainable positive dynamics, it is necessary to carry out a course of therapy.

An excess, as well as a lack of vitamins for hair growth in dogs, is extremely dangerous, as it can harm health. Therefore, you cannot independently exceed the permissible rate without the consent of the veterinarian.

Contraindications and precautions

It is unacceptable to use vitamins for wool and skin with intolerance to the components that make up them. To check the reaction to the drug, you should give the dog a small dose of the drug on the first day and wait a day. If after the waiting period no signs of allergy appear, the drug can be used as directed.

Advice! It is not recommended to combine vitamins with other dietary supplements unless instructed by your veterinarian.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account the age of the dog, since the need for nutrients in puppies and adult pets is radically different.


A dog's coat vitamins can help correct a problem if it is caused by an inadequate diet. But in case of illness, appropriate treatment should be carried out, since these funds are not able to eliminate the underlying cause.

Therefore, before you go to the veterinary pharmacy for vitamins, you need to take your pet to the doctor for a full examination. This will dispel doubts and get professional advice on choosing the optimal treatment complex.

Reviews of the best vitamins for dog hair

Elena Kharitonenko, 42 years old, Samara
Twice a year I buy Polidex Super Wool plus vitamins for my dog. Pet's coat and skin are in perfect condition. This drug was advised to me by the veterinarian when the dog's molt was prolonged. In addition to the fact that the loss has passed, the wool has completely renewed and acquired volume. Since then, I regularly use vitamins on the recommendation of a doctor, no problems have arisen after that. And now I recommend this complex to all my familiar dog breeders.
Sergey Ivanchenko, 38 years old, Novosibirsk
I bought a Hokamix 30 Pulver Classic for my pet on the advice of a veterinarian friend. I was pleasantly surprised that this complex was made on the basis of medicinal herbs. After 10 days of use, the dog's coat stopped breaking and a healthy shine appeared. And after two weeks, the undercoat began to grow vigorously, and the guard hair acquired strength. After the full course, the general appearance has noticeably improved and the hairline has completely recovered.
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