Vitamins for large dogs: for joints, with calcium, complex

Vitamins for dogs of large breeds help to improve the health of sick and weakened animals, and also serve as a good prevention of genetically determined diseases. In particular, the most common diseases in large dog breeds are arthritis, arthrosis and bursitis, not to mention other common joint problems. Vitamins for such dogs should contain a high proportion of chondroprotectors and calcium. In the same way, vitamin complexes are selected for animals that lose their hair, have an obvious tendency to be overweight, or have problems with the work of the heart.

Only a veterinarian can give exact recommendations on the use of nutritional supplements, however, some basic rules for the selection of vitamins are still worth familiarizing with in advance.

What vitamins do large breed dogs need?

Vitamins for dogs of large breeds are often thought of only when the pet is sick or injured. In the first case, the likelihood of the disease can be reduced to a minimum if you select a general or specialized vitamin complex for the animal in time.

In order to find out which vitamins and minerals a dog needs, it is necessary to be tested at a veterinary clinic. Sometimes the lack of certain elements can be determined independently by how the pet looks and behaves:

  1. If puppies of large breed dogs suddenly begin to eat the ground, try to gnaw stones, concrete and other hard objects while walking, this means that the animal does not have enough calcium.
  2. Adult and old animals belonging to large breeds can become lethargic and apathetic quite abruptly. If this happens for no apparent reason, it is possible that the pet is sick, but the disease is still hidden. In this case, you need to pay attention to complexes with a high content of vitamin C.
  3. When a dog tries to eat cigarette butts during a walk or chews them, this indicates a deficiency of nicotinic acid in the animal's body. In order to help the pet, they are looking for complexes with a high content of this substance. Well proven in this regard vitamins "Excel 8 in 1" for large breeds.
  4. If a puppy of a large breed begins to chew on the owner's slippers and socks, and also often sniffs at his feet, this may be the first sign of anemia.
  5. Young and mature large breed dogs may eat the faeces of other dogs. This symptom indicates an acute lack of trace elements of the group
  6. Cloudy eyes in a dog most often means that the animal is lacking in retinol. This is especially true if the cornea darkened literally in a day, soon after which the pet began to have profuse lacrimation.
  7. Curvature of the skeletal system and disturbances in the development of muscles are a consequence of the fact that the dog's body lacks vitamin D.

Of course, you should not rush to buy vitamins at the very first manifestations of these signs.In puppies of large breeds of dogs, a significant part of these symptoms can only mean that they are poorly educated. Self-medication in this case can cause an overdose of one or another vitamin.

Important! Owners of large breed dogs should pay special attention to multivitamins with a high content of calcium and other minerals responsible for the health of the bones and joints of pets. It is they who suffer most often in such dogs.

Varieties of vitamins for large breed dogs

Most often, large breed dogs need vitamins after an illness, when their body is weakened, under severe stress and intense physical activity, as well as during pregnancy and rearing of offspring. Separately, there are nutritional supplements for puppies and old animals that need their vitamin groups.

According to the most common classification, all food complexes for large dog breeds are divided into the following groups:

  1. To strengthen immunity... Vitamins of this group activate the protective functions of the body, normalize metabolic processes. The preparations are intended for weakened individuals after an illness, and they also significantly reduce the recovery time after surgery. Such vitamin complexes for large breed dogs usually contain high amounts of vitamin C, prebiotics to improve digestion and amino acids.
  2. For cartilage and joints... These vitamins are recommended for dogs with damage to joints, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue and skin. They contain glucosamine, which makes up a significant proportion of cartilage tissue, and chondroitin, an element that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  3. For bones and teeth... Vitamins of this group are high in calcium and phosphorus. Their action is aimed at strengthening bone tissue and tooth enamel in case of various injuries or genetic diseases in large breed dogs. Positive reviews among vitamins for bones and teeth were won by the "Volmar" line for dogs of large breeds.
  4. For wool... Vitamins in this category are rich in biotin, taurine and fatty acids. These components contribute to the restoration of the skin and active growth of the coat in dogs of large breeds. In addition, dietary supplements significantly shorten the shedding period.
  5. For heart... Good vitamins of this group should contain hawthorn extract, which helps to increase the tone of the heart muscle. The active components found in it improve blood circulation and stabilize the heart rate.
  6. Multivitamins... Complex vitamins are recommended for large breed dogs that are experiencing increased physical activity or recovering from stress. A standard set of components for such complexes: vitamins of group B, C, D, E, zinc, potassium and calcium.
  7. For aging dogs... Vitamins in this category are designed to help maintain joint and bone health in older large breed dogs. The natural ability to assimilate nutrients in such animals is greatly reduced, so they are often prescribed a double rate. When choosing vitamins, you should pay attention to the content of Omega-3-6 in the complex.
Important! When choosing vitamins for dogs of large breeds, you need to make sure that the preparation does not contain too much ash. It promotes the formation of kidney stones in animals.

Best Vitamins for Large Breed Dogs

Every major nutritional supplement manufacturer has a dedicated line for large and giant breeds. These pets especially need calcium, which strengthens and maintains the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Advice! The amount of vitamin supplements can be minimized if the pet eats expensive premium and super premium food. They are initially developed taking into account all the needs of large breeds, they contain all the necessary components.

Unitabs ImmunoComplex

It is a multivitamin complex for strengthening the immune system of large dog breeds. Its action is primarily aimed at strengthening bone structure and maintaining healthy muscle tissue, which is especially important for large animals. The food supplement contains coenzyme Q10, as well as about a dozen different vitamins and microelements, among which the leading positions are taken by calcium, sodium, phosphorus.

Recommended reading:  How is coenzyme Q10 useful, how to take, face masks

The advantages of the drug include:

  • rich vitamin and mineral composition;
  • lack of GMOs and preservatives;
  • low price.

The disadvantage is the fact that this supplement contains an unnatural flavor.

8 in 1 Excel Brewer`s Yeast for a healthy coat

This vitamin preparation was developed with the participation of veterinarians, so the composition turned out to be rich, but balanced. It contains B vitamins, fish oil and yeast.

The advantages of the drug are as follows:

  • high-quality packaging;
  • relief of seasonal molt;
  • natural composition;
  • pleasant taste.

The disadvantage of the drug is that it has a very narrow focus.

"Beaphar Top 10 Chondro Treat"

The action of the drug is aimed at preventing joint diseases in large breeds of dogs. It also helps prevent the loss of muscle elasticity. The main component of this supplement is glucosamine.

Advantages of the vitamin complex:

  • natural composition;
  • pleasant taste and attractive smell;
  • easy digestibility.

The drug also has disadvantages: inconvenient packaging and high cost.

"Gelakan Baby"

"Gelakan Baby" is aimed at the correct development of cartilage and bone tissue in puppies of large breed dogs. The preparation contains vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as collagen. This supplement is introduced into the diet gradually.

The main advantages of vitamins include:

  • no side effects;
  • convenient form of release, making it easy to dose the drug;
  • absence of unnatural components in the composition;
  • good digestibility.

The disadvantage of this drug for large breeds is that its price is quite high. There are also reviews on the network about the negative effect of the substance on the stomach and liver.

Excel Brewer`s Yeast 8 in1 for large breeds

These are formulations based on brewer's yeast and garlic, which contain all the amino acids and B vitamins necessary for large breeds. The action of the food additive is aimed at maintaining a healthy appearance of the coat and skin. Additionally, the drug normalizes metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Important! The product is suitable for animals with food allergies. It is also approved for use by pets who suffer from atopic dermatitis and seborrhea.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • natural composition;
  • easy digestibility;
  • pleasant taste for animals;
  • good compatibility with other food additives;
  • convenient form of release - you can easily select the dose for any breed.

No obvious flaws were found.

Excel Multi Vitamin Senior 8 in1

This vitamin complex is intended for older dogs of large breeds. It strengthens the immune system, normalizes heart function and supports joint health. The drug contains a large amount of fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

The pluses of these multivitamins include the following characteristics:

  • high efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • attractiveness to animals - vitamins taste good;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.

The drug has no pronounced drawbacks.

"VITA-BON Large Dog"

This vitamin complex consists of 23 components, among which there are such micro and macro elements as:

  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.

And also vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Prescribe a drug to strengthen immunity, normalize metabolism and improve heart function. In addition, the vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat and joints.

The advantages of the drug are as follows:

  • vitamins are attractive to dogs, they willingly eat them;
  • speed - the first results are noticeable after 3-4 weeks;
  • rich composition.

The disadvantages include the relatively high cost of these multivitamins.

Rules for the use of vitamins for dogs of large breeds

Large breed puppies and pregnant or lactating females require an increased daily intake of drugs, as well as aging, weakened animals. In these cases, it is best to use multivitamin complexes as a dietary supplement. Their composition should be as complete as possible, and the dosages may exceed the recommended ones.

Narrow vitamins are usually given to large breed dogs at a young and mature age. If the pet is fed with natural products or ready-made food of economy class, the intake courses should be frequent and prolonged. Feeding with specialized dry and wet premium and super-premium food allows you to use vitamin supplements for large breeds less often.

Advice! For old animals, special multivitamin complexes with an increased concentration of calcium and phosphorus are selected. It is these elements that are responsible for the strength of bones and joints. The retinol contained in these preparations will support the pet's weakening vision.

Precautions and contraindications

The veterinarian prescribes the brand of food supplements for large breed dogs, especially if these are vitamins of a narrow focus: for the heart, bones and joints, hair, etc. He should also advise on the optimal dosage for a particular pet. Although the instructions for the drugs already contain the recommended rates, sometimes it is better for the dog to increase the dose if it is weakened by illness or childbirth.

Sometimes the animal does not need additional vitamins at all, and their purchase will be superfluous. On the contrary, the use of food additives in this case can lead to an overdose of any micro- or macroelement.

In addition, it is recommended to check with your veterinarian if these drugs for large breeds have any contraindications. Most often these are:

  • violations in the liver;
  • kidney disease;
  • dysfunction of the hematopoietic organs;
  • blood loss and bleeding;
  • an ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy in females;
  • feeding offspring.
Important! Regardless of the type of vitamin for large dog breeds, they should not be given to small puppies. The optimal age from which you can use narrowly targeted and complex nutritional supplements is 2-3 months.


Vitamins for dogs of large breeds help to quickly fill the lack of micro- and macronutrients that animals often experience when fed with natural products. In addition, vitamin complexes strengthen the immunity of dogs weakened after illness or injury, prevent the development of genetic diseases and give the coat a healthy shine and density.

For more information on how to choose calcium vitamins for large breed dogs, see the video below:

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