Complex vitamins for women after 30: what are needed, rating of the best


Vitamins for women after 30 are in great demand, they help maintain good health and maintain youth and beauty longer. In pharmacies, there are many effective strengthening drugs, in order to choose the best one, you should familiarize yourself with the descriptions and ratings.

Why after 30 years you need to take vitamins

Of course, in the broadest sense of the word, 30 years is not considered old at all. But in the human body, by this time, natural aging processes begin. In particular, in women:

  • the hormonal background changes under the influence of stress, psychological and physical stress;
  • the production of substances responsible for the beauty of the skin and hair slows down - the synthesis of elastin and collagen decreases;
  • the rate of cellular metabolism and metabolic processes in tissues decreases, because of this, extra pounds accumulate on the waist and on the hips;
  • the work of the nervous system worsens - chronic fatigue appears, apathy and insomnia develop.

Since the negative changes in the body during this period are still quite insignificant, vitamins after 30 are useful for women and help to return the condition to normal.

With a slight age-related deterioration in well-being, supplements are of great benefit

What vitamins should a woman drink after 30 years

Most of all, women need both after reaching the age of 30 and subsequently in the following substances:

  • B vitamins, they are responsible for the good functioning of the brain and the blood supply system, prevent anemia and improve metabolism, stabilize the nervous system;
  • vitamin D - this substance is necessary to maintain a healthy state of bones, against the background of a lack of vitamin D, osteoporosis and other ailments often develop;
  • vitamin E - you need to take the substance to improve cell metabolism and to maintain reproductive functions, tocopherol is also responsible for collagen production and skin attractiveness;
  • vitamin A - the substance helps to maintain healthy vision, strengthens bone tissue, improves metabolic processes and generally slows down the aging process.

Also, after 30 years, vitamin C is useful for women. Its value lies in the fact that it strengthens the immune system and promotes good blood clotting, as well as the full production of collagen.

In addition to the vitamins listed, after 30, girls especially need calcium, which protects joints from destruction, and selenium, which prevents the development of oncological diseases. To maintain health and wellness, it is necessary to control the level of iron, magnesium and zinc, and the female body also needs manganese and copper.

Attention! An excess of vitamins and microelements is just as harmful to health as a pronounced deficiency. Therefore, you need to take useful substances correctly and strictly according to the instructions.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

It is especially recommended to think about buying a vitamin complex when symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear. These include:

  • dry skin, fragility and lifeless curls, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • worsening sleep quality, frequent irritability, emotional instability and apathy;
  • fragility and separation of nails, tarnishing of the nail plates;
  • sudden deterioration of vision - the appearance of rapid eye fatigue, myopia, dry cornea and "flies" before the eyes;
  • malfunctions in the reproductive system, irregularities in the menstrual cycle and decreased libido;
  • headaches, pressure surges;
  • bleeding gums and poor healing of skin lesions;
  • decreased appetite.

It's easy to spot signs of nutrient deficiencies

When these symptoms appear, it is recommended to visit a doctor and first of all check the balance of nutrients in the body. The deterioration of health can be associated not only with chronic ailments, but also with the usual vitamin deficiency.

Recommended reading:  The best vitamins for women after 40 years: reviews, names, which ones to choose

The best vitamin complexes for women after 30 years

There are a lot of additives that can support normal well-being in pharmacies. To understand which of them are worth buying, it will not hurt to first study the most popular tools and consider their characteristics and advantages.

Fortifying vitamins for women after 30 years

Valuable supplements offering an overall firming effect are considered the best and have an optimally balanced composition. You can use them at the first signs of a deficiency of nutrients, with a seasonal decrease in activity and vigor, to prevent aging.

Lady's Formula for women "30 Plus"

The complex vitamin preparation contains in its composition all vitamins necessary for women after 30. In particular, the supplement contains:

  • calcium;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • D3;
  • boron;
  • zinc and iodine;
  • natural extracts.

Vitamins do not allow the development of early osteoporosis, equalize hormonal levels, help to establish a monthly cycle and increase libido. The complex normalizes calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, has a positive effect on the state of the nerves, and brings a good cosmetic effect for hair and skin.

Multivitamins Ultra Women’s by Vplab

The universal vitamin complex includes 5 balanced mixtures, which contain:

  • all essential minerals and vitamins important for women's health, including thiamine, folate and niacin;
  • antioxidants of natural origin;
  • collagen and hyaluronic acid to maintain healthy skin after 30 and external beauty.

Vitamins that are effective for women after 30 have a positive effect on the hormonal system and on memory, on cognitive functions and on the condition of the joints, on the nervous system. An additional advantage of the complex is the absence of side effects.

Women's vitamins after 30 years for hair and skin

The skin and hair are very sensitive to the lack of valuable substances. Women, even with a slight vitamin deficiency after 30, are faced with dryness of the epidermis and wrinkles, hair loss and dandruff. Special vitamin supplements can improve the situation.

Vitrum Beauty Elite

A pharmacy useful preparation designed to quickly improve the condition of the hair and epidermis. The tablets contain all the necessary vitamins after 30 and minerals for women, namely:

  • E, C, P and B;
  • PP acid and vitamin D3;
  • choline and beta-carotene;
  • selenium and manganese;
  • iron, magnesium;
  • boron and iodine;
  • amino acids arginine and lysine;
  • zinc and calcium;
  • plant extracts and bioflavonoids.

Due to its rich chemical composition, the drug prevents the appearance of wrinkles, accelerates the processes of skin restoration and renewal, improves blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles. The beneficial effect of vitamins for girls after 30 also extends to the immune system and metabolism.

Duovit for women

The multivitamin complex has a balanced composition, which includes:

  • all major groups of vitamin substances;
  • iron, calcium and zinc, important for women's health;
  • magnesium and iodine;
  • excipients of natural origin.

Duovit for women effectively helps to improve skin condition after 30, accelerate cellular renewal and restore the health and attractiveness of hair and nails. The benefits of using the drug will be for the immune system, as well as for digestion and metabolism.

Effective vitamins for prolonging youth

The top vitamins for women over 30 include anti-aging supplements that help maintain an attractive appearance and maintain a healthy metabolism. Some vitamins act especially quickly and have good reviews.


Women's vitamins contain natural antioxidants, as well as the main groups of vitamins, selenium and zinc, iron and chromium, gamma-linolenic acid and green tea extract.

Thanks to this composition, Famvital:

  • protects body cells from oxidation and promotes their renewal;
  • nourishes hair and skin, helps maintain freshness and a healthy complexion;
  • increases vitality and reduces fatigue;
  • allows you to maintain a healthy body weight and fight excess weight gain.

Attention! Each package of the anti-aging complex contains 2 types of capsules, which must be taken by color at different times of the day. Due to this technique, the maximum positive effect is achieved.


An anti-aging drug for women contains vitamins A, E and C, useful after 30, also contains B vitamins, useful minerals iron, silicon and chromium, magnesium and zinc, manganese.

The vitamin complex serves as an effective prevention of aging and allows you to maintain female attractiveness longer after 30. Real reviews indicate that against the background of taking vitamins, resistance to viruses and bacterial infections increases.

Inexpensive vitamins for women after 30 years

Not all girls can purchase elite multivitamin complexes, even with great need. However, it is still necessary to maintain the health of the body, and budget drugs help to do this.


The complex product contains vitamin A and the substance tocopherol, which are especially important for women after reaching the age of 30. Although the composition of the drug at first glance may seem modest, gelatin capsules:

  • have a beneficial effect on female beauty;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • help maintain a healthy weight;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • protect eyesight.

Reviews of a good complex of vitamins after 30 for women's health confirm that Aevit has few side effects and contraindications. Therefore, given the low price, vitamins are really available to every woman.


The main components of a budget vitamin remedy are thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin C. Taking Revit after 30 is especially recommended for women with a meager unbalanced diet and increased physical and emotional stress.

The drug improves blood circulation and brain function, strengthens the immune system and has a good effect on the skin and hair. A beneficial effect is observed for the reproductive system, Revit helps to maintain reproductive functions.

Vitamins with selenium for women after 30 years

A mandatory vitamin after 30 for women is selenium. The substance improves the processes of cell renewal and primarily serves as a good cancer prevention.


The dietary supplement contains only 2 active components - selenium and vitamin C. The pharmacy remedy compensates for the lack of selenium, if any, improves the work of the antioxidant system, and promotes proper metabolism. Ascorbic acid in the composition of the drug additionally strengthens the body's immune resistance.

Solgar selenium

The American drug contains in its composition the substance L-selenomethionine - an antioxidant that prevents the spread of free radicals. The supplement helps prevent cell mutations, protects against the development of cancer and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Advice! Taking Solgar is especially beneficial in conjunction with vitamin E, as selenium promotes better absorption of tocopherol.

Vitamins with calcium for women after 30 years

Upon reaching the age of 30, a gradual aging of the skeletal system of the female body begins. The use of dietary supplements helps not only strengthen nails and tooth enamel, but also prevent osteoporosis and other chronic ailments.

Complivit Calcium D3

This useful pharmacy complex contains calcium and vitamin D3 and allows you to purposefully take care of the health of bones and joints. The drug prevents bone friability, improves the condition of the teeth, restores the healthy structure of the nail plates. When used as directed, the drug strengthens the joints and makes them more resistant to fractures and cracks.

Kalcemin Advance

Another combination drug offers a combination of calcium with sodium, D3, and silicon, titanium, magnesium, and manganese. The vitamin complex has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and is especially effective in the prevention of bone diseases. But the remedy can also be used in the presence of joint ailments - Calcemin Advance will be beneficial in complex treatment.

How to choose vitamins for women's health after 30 years

Vitamin supplements are available over the counter in pharmacies, but they should not be consumed uncontrollably. With the improper use of dietary supplements, hypervitaminosis may occur.

When alarming symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear, you must first visit a doctor and take laboratory tests. This will help establish whether the deterioration in well-being is caused by a lack of vitamins, or the reason lies in some kind of disease. Based on the test results, the doctor will be able to determine what substances the body lacks, and whether a woman needs to use the best vitamins after 30 years to restore good health.

Important! If a pronounced deficiency of a specific substance is not observed, and a woman needs to get rid of a slight general avitaminosis, then it is best to buy a multivitamin preparation. The composition of such supplements in small dosages includes all the main components required after 30.


Vitamins for women after 30 help not only to improve their well-being, but also to preserve youth and attractiveness longer. It is best to choose vitamin supplements based on test results to make up for the lack of specific elements.

It is better to choose nutritional supplements after testing.

Reviews of vitamins for women after 30 years

Petrova Anna Vladimirovna, 38 years old, Moscow
For 2 years I have been taking Lady's Formula vitamins for 30 years and older. The effect is very pronounced - the condition of the skin and hair on the background of taking the supplement really improves, increases strength and reduces stress. I look younger than my age, and this is largely due to the good vitamins.
Kudryavtseva Marina Ivanovna, 35 years old, Samara
After 32 years, I began to regularly take the Selen-Active complex - I think that it is better for a woman to worry about the prevention of oncology in advance. I feel very well against the background of taking the supplement, and I also noticed that I began to catch colds much less often, since my immunity was strengthened.


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