Chinese eye drops with vitamins

Chinese eye drops are used in the prevention and treatment of a number of ophthalmic diseases, in particular cataracts and glaucoma. They help to deal with dryness and eye strain after prolonged work. Chinese medicines have a number of nuances in their use. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution.

Composition and description

Chinese eye drops are classified as homeopathic remedies. Their main distinguishing feature is their organic composition, which makes it possible to use the drug for preventive purposes. Due to its balanced composition, the solution is highly effective. To achieve the desired effect, the following ingredients are added to them:

  • chrysanthemum;
  • leaves of medicinal buddley;
  • cassia;
  • camphor;
  • cassia torah seeds;
  • bear bile.

Chinese eye drops are considered multifunctional. They effectively deal with redness and dryness of the cornea. With glaucoma, the drug provides oxygen saturation of the nerve cells of the optic organ. In addition, blood circulation and intraocular pressure are normalized. The healing solution is often used to relieve fatigue during prolonged use of the computer. They are no less effective in coping with hyperopia. Due to the content of bear bile, Chinese drops neutralize toxins and promote the active work of the endocrine glands.

Due to the presence of camphor in the composition, the drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Cassia seeds help to maintain proper visual acuity. They relieve overwork and have a strengthening effect on the muscles of the optic organs.

Attention! The cost of Chinese eye drops varies from 150 to 700 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Chinese drops are used alone or as part of a complex therapy. Their plant composition does not exclude the possibility of prophylactic use.

Chinese eye vitamins should be used in the following cases:

  • eye strain;
  • cataract;
  • blepharitis;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • glaucoma;
  • conjunctivitis.

Chinese eye drops do not have strict contraindications. This is due to their plant composition. Children can use the drug when they are at least three years old. Pregnant women should consult a doctor supervising the course of pregnancy before using a medicinal solution with vitamins.

Features of use

In order to achieve the desired effect, Chinese eye drops with vitamins must be applied in accordance with certain rules. The remedy is instilled into each eye, 1-2 drops. The procedure is allowed to be carried out no more than three times per day. The instillation process includes the following steps:

  1. Hands are thoroughly washed with soap, after which they take a horizontal position, while throwing their head back.
  2. The lower eyelid is gently pulled back. The medicinal solution is instilled into each conjunctival sac, two drops.
  3. To distribute the medicine evenly, the eyes are closed for a minute.
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The duration of the treatment course is determined individually. In order to moisturize the eyes in case of overexertion, the agent is used as needed. For prevention, it is enough to use Chinese drops once a day. The possibility of combining the drug with other ophthalmic agents should be checked with the attending physician. Most often, Chinese drops do not affect the absorption of active ingredients in any way.

Side effects

The likelihood of side effects is extremely low. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the drug occurs. It is possible with individual intolerance to one or more components. Allergy is accompanied by lacrimation and redness of the mucous membrane. There may also be slight discomfort, which completely disappears 2-3 minutes after instillation of the therapeutic agent. To avoid unwanted symptoms, the following rules should be followed:

  • in case of serious problems, you must consult with a specialist;
  • with a pronounced pain syndrome, you should stop using drops;
  • if the package with the medicinal solution has been damaged, it is dangerous to use it;
  • the penetration of bacteria into the bottle should be avoided by carefully closing it;
  • you can not use drops after the expiration date.

Popular Chinese eye drops

In the pharmaceutical industry, Chinese vitamin drops are produced by several popular brands. Each drug differs in composition and principle of action on the visual organs. Before buying a medicine, you need to study the instructions in detail and consult an ophthalmologist.

Important! Chinese drops must be used within four weeks of opening the package.

Drops "Rongjie"

An ophthalmic preparation with vitamins "Zhunjie" is prescribed to relieve eye strain during prolonged work at the computer or reading books. They can also be used to moisturize the cornea while wearing lenses. The drug not only improves blood circulation, but also has an antiseptic effect. Its active ingredients include:

  • allantoin;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • vitamin E.

Drops "Hao Gang"

Chinese drops "Hao Gang" are prescribed to improve visual function and treat cataracts. They eliminate the discomfort of almost any visual impairment. The advantages of the drug include excellent tolerability. With long-term use, the vitamin solution helps to cope with inflammatory processes.

Drops "Baizhangxiao"

The main active ingredients of Baizhangxiao drops include plantain and wild chrysanthemum. Thanks to them, the drug reduces the excessive activity of the lacrimal canals. "Baizhangxiao" is often used in conjunction with other ophthalmic drugs for the treatment of cataracts and infectious diseases of the eyeball. No less effective remedy is considered in relation to retinal dystrophy provoked by diabetes mellitus.

Drops "Ayton"

The Chinese remedy "Ayton" not only improves visual acuity, but also protects the visual organs from the negative effects of external factors. It has a moisturizing effect and prevents the development of infectious diseases. With prolonged use, the drug noticeably increases the tone of the capillaries, thereby improving the blood circulation process. In order to treat acute infectious diseases, the solution is recommended to be instilled every two hours. The duration of the use of "Ayton" in case of serious ophthalmological disorders can reach six months.

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Drops "Baiyiming"

Baiyiming Chinese eye drops help get rid of cataracts.The substances that make up their composition have a targeted effect on the clouded areas of the lens. With glaucoma, the drug is able to lower eye pressure and tone the capillaries. The healing solution with vitamins is great for helping to cope with the feeling of grit in the eyes when they are over-stressed. In old age, the drug slows down the process of a rapid decline in vision.

Comment! It is undesirable to use an ophthalmic agent without consulting a specialist.

Chinese eye drops "Rohto"

Rohto, a Chinese eye care product, is based on vitamin B6, dipotassium licorice, neostigmine methyl sulfate and aspartate. The drug is a yellowish liquid. Rohto drops help to restore the metabolism of the cornea and iris. Due to the presence of licorice in the composition, they relieve inflammation and have an anti-allergenic effect. The content of neostigmine methyl sulfate reduces intraocular pressure and relieves muscle tension. With angle-closure glaucoma, the drug should be used with extreme caution.


Chinese eye drops cannot always replace strong medicines. The appropriateness of their use should be checked with a doctor. In order for the effect to meet expectations, the drug is used according to the recommendations in the instructions.

Reviews of Chinese eye drops

Kuznetsova Antonina Vladimirovna, 33 years old, Kazan
For a long time I was afraid to buy Chinese drugs because of the bias towards the country of their manufacture. Since I wear lenses, I often experience dryness and soreness in my eyes. I decided to try the Ayton drops. First of all, I noticed that they effectively cope with the burning sensation and discomfort that the wearing of lenses provokes.
Maksimov Sergey Nikolaevich, 41 years old, St. Petersburg
In my family, my daughter and wife used Baiyiming. Recently I also began to use it to relieve stress after intense work. The drops perfectly moisturize the cornea and help prevent the complications of seasonal allergies. The disadvantages include the short shelf life. It is not always possible to use the product in 30-40 days.
Maltseva Maria Sergeevna, 24 years old, Irkutsk
I bought herbal eye drops for my son. Due to frequent games at the computer, my eyesight began to deteriorate. The ophthalmologist said that in our case it is enough to do gymnastics and use a moisturizing solution. She turned her attention to "Hao Gang". My son had no side effects. But my eyes began to get tired much less than usual.
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