What vitamins to drink for a child with a fracture: children's vitamins for bones

Vitamins for bones and joints are very important for children, they improve bone strength, prevent injuries, and after fractures contribute to quick recovery. To choose the right vitamins for a child, you need to understand which nutrients are responsible for the strength of bone tissue.

What vitamins do children need to strengthen bones

The main beneficial substance responsible for joint strength is calcium. However, it is not only this trace mineral that is important for the prevention and treatment of fractures. Other vitamin compounds should also be present in the children's diet:

  1. B6 and B9. Folic acid and pyridoxine are responsible for collagen production and bone formation, and promote healthy muscle development. They are naturally found in fruits and vegetables, cereals and seafood.
  2. AT 12... The substance stimulates the activity of cells that form bone tissue. With a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, bones become thinner and more fragile, which especially often leads to fractures. The substance can be obtained from meat and dairy products, where it is present in the greatest volumes.
  3. Vitamin C... Ascorbic acid is especially important during fracture recovery. It is responsible for the formation of calluses and generally strengthens the immune system, preventing the unpleasant consequences of injury. You can get vitamin C from vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits.
  4. Vitamin K... With a lack of this compound, most of the calcium entering the body is excreted through the kidneys - accordingly, the joints do not receive the necessary substance. Vitamin K is partially synthesized in the body, however, to prevent its deficiency, it is recommended to consume more fermented milk products.
  5. Magnesium and zinc... Macronutrients are responsible for the normal absorption of protein, which is important for the strengthening of bones, joints and muscle tissue. With weakened joints, it is important that magnesium and zinc are present in the diet in sufficient quantities, in addition, these compounds improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
Not only calcium is responsible for the health of bone tissues, but also substances that contribute to its absorption

Vitamins D, A and phosphorus are also necessary for the health of bones and joints, their deficiency also slows down the absorption of calcium and negatively affects the state of the skeletal system.

Lack of Bone Vitamins in Children

Doctors not without reason recommend that you closely monitor the balance of nutrients in the diet. A deficiency of at least one of the valuable substances will negatively affect the condition of the joints. You can understand that a child does not have enough vitamins for bones by the following signs:

  • the child often develops caries, and the teeth crumble and break;
  • the skin is too dry and prone to flaking;
  • exfoliate and crumble nails;
  • often, for no apparent reason, muscle pain and cramps occur;
  • limbs go numb.

With a chronic shortage of substances valuable for joints and bones, the development of serious deviations is not excluded.Lack of calcium and other compounds in the body leads to a slowdown in the growth of joints and cartilage cells, to softening of bone structures and their thinning, to frequent fractures and deformations of the skeleton.

Important! Against the background of vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis can develop - a dangerous disease that practically does not manifest itself in the early stages.

Daily calcium intake for children

The daily dosage of a beneficial substance depends on the age of the child.

  • up to six months, children need 400 mg of a useful substance per day;
  • from 6 months to 3 years old, the baby should receive 600 mg of the mineral compound per day;
  • from 3 to 10 years, the daily dosage is 800 mg;
  • from 11 to 16 years old, a teenager needs 1200 mg of a substance per day.
Attention! In the first years of life, the child is actively growing, and his bone tissue is renewed not by 2-3% per year, as in an adult, but by almost 100%. Thus, even a slight lack of a vitamin compound can lead to negative consequences.
It is especially important for toddlers to receive their full daily calcium intake.

How to strengthen bones after a fracture

Fractured bones and joints are a serious injury for both toddlers and adults. Vitamin supplements play an important role in treatment - when they are used, bones heal faster and without negative consequences. It is necessary to use useful substances for injuries to the hands and feet, vitamins are prescribed for compression fractures of the spine in children, although in this case they play only an auxiliary role. Primary treatment should include physical therapy and more potent restorative agents.

For a successful and quick recovery from a fracture, you must:

  1. Ensure that your diet contains foods fortified with protein, calcium, phosphorus and other substances important for bone health. You need to include in the menu meat and fish, cottage cheese and cheese, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Give children moderate physical activity after the callus appears. A few weeks after the fracture, it is imperative to start performing special exercises.
  3. Massage the children after removing the cast. When recovering from a fracture, blood flow around the damaged joints is often disrupted; massage is necessary to eliminate lymphatic and venous congestion.
  4. Give children chondroprotectors and vitamins prescribed by a doctor for fractures in children of the bones of the arms and legs. During the recovery period, nutrients from food may not be enough.
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Advice! Vitamins for a broken arm in a child and other injuries of bones and joints should be prescribed by a doctor. He also determines the dosage of drugs and the rules of administration.

What foods contain essential vitamins

When restoring bones and joints and for preventing fractures, special attention should be paid to the diet. First of all, useful compounds must come from food. Vitamin supplements are prescribed in cases where it is impossible to obtain nutrients in the required amount from regular food.

For healthy bones and joints, children need to eat primarily calcium-rich foods.

These include:

  • spinach, green and leafy vegetables;
  • fish - sardines, herring and salmon;
  • shrimp and other seafood;
  • milk, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • nuts, especially almonds;
  • grain bread;
  • sesame and poppy seeds;
  • eggs;
  • cabbage and legumes;
  • apples.
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You can get vitamin substances to strengthen the skeleton from foods

In addition to calcium, most of these foods contain phosphorus, which is also important for joint health.

It is necessary to pay attention when drawing up a diet to buckwheat and oatmeal, mushrooms, pumpkin. These products contain zinc and magnesium, as well as vitamin D - substances that improve the absorption of calcium and promote faster joint recovery.

Best Children's Vitamins for Bones

If the required amount of valuable substances cannot be obtained from the products, vitamin supplements should be used. After fractures in babies, doctors usually prescribe several popular remedies that have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and joints.


The mineral complex contains mainly calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health. Also, the preparation contains auxiliary substances that protect joints from destruction - manganese and zinc, copper and boron.

The advantages of the drug include the good digestibility of tablets, as well as the fact that Calcemin does not interfere with the absorption of iron and is not deposited in the kidneys in the form of salts. For use by children, it is allowed from the age of 5, usually the drug is used 1 tablet per day.

Complivit Calcium D3

Among children's vitamins for bone healing, the domestic drug Complivit Calcium D3 is popular. Orange and mint chewable tablets are formulated with calcium carbonate and D3, or colecalciferol.

The drug is approved from 3 years old, for young children there is a suspension with orange flavor. Complivit Calcium D3 promotes rapid bone healing and helps to minimize unpleasant consequences.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

The preparation contains calcium carbonate, D3, as well as a small amount of magnesium stearate and aspartame. The drug increases the density of bones and joints, regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, has a beneficial effect on blood clotting and the permeability of nerve impulses. It can be used both for the restoration of joints after injuries, and for the prevention of osteoporosis and bone fragility.

Calcium D3-Nycomed is approved for use by children over 3 years old. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, but on average from 5 to 12 years, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day.

Collagen Ultra

The vitamin preparation contains not only calcium, but also biotin, glucosamine, retinol and vitamin C. The preparation has a complex positive effect on the body, maintains the health and strength of bones and joints.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel or powder. With the permission of the doctor, vitamins can be used for children with broken legs and arms at any age. In the form of a gel, Collagen Ultra is applied to the problem joint and rubbed in with light massage movements; it is indicated for use after removing the plaster. In the form of a powder, the agent should be taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, on average 1 sachet per day with meals.

Vitrum Osteomag

Vitamins for bones after a fracture for children make up for the lack of calcium, D3 and magnesium in the body. Vitrum Osteomag is prescribed both for fractures and for their prevention, to prevent osteoporosis and in violation of metabolic processes in bones and joints.

The drug is sold in the form of tablets, it can be taken by children who have already reached 12 years of age. The average daily dosage is 1-2 tablets per day, exceeding the dosage leads to hypervitaminosis of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3.


Vitamins for bones and joints for children are prescribed by the doctor in case of fractures or with a noticeable weakening of bone tissue. Food should remain the main source of vitamin substances, however, pharmaceutical preparations, if used correctly, can accelerate the healing of fractures.

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