The benefits and harms of a beaver jet

The benefits and harms of the beaver jet are not yet fully understood. Many consider it almost a panacea for all ills and a cure for old age, others do not see anything interesting in this product and consider all its properties to be fiction or fiction. However, you should not be too categorical in either case, without understanding the issue. The benefits and harms of the beaver stream for the body can manifest themselves in the most unexpected areas.

What is a beaver jet

Beaver jet or castoreum is a substance secreted by beavers (regardless of gender), with which beavers mark their possessions. The product is secreted in special organs of beavers called preputial glands, which are not biologically glands. It is a unique organ that is exclusively found in beavers.

The castoreum is not an oily liquid like most mammalian secretions. This is not a liquid at all - it is a substance that, in its hardness and consistency, rather resembles wet sand.

Previously, to obtain a beaver stream, beavers had to be killed, but now they are grown artificially, periodically collecting castoreum from them. On average, it is possible to collect about 40 g of the substance at a time. This made it unprofitable to hunt beavers for the sake of getting their stream, since 8-10 such extractions yield the same amount of substance as from a dead beaver. On average, a beaver produces this amount of castoreum per month.

Why is the beaver jet useful?

To understand the potential benefits of a substance, you need to study its composition.

The beaver jet contains the following components:

  • borneol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • benzoic acid;
  • ethylphenol (in fact, the main substance in the composition of the jet);
  • cinnamic acid;
  • steroids and more.

Official medicine recognizes only the adaptogenic effect of the beaver jet, that is, the ability to increase the body's resistance to various harmful effects of the most diverse nature. Actually, in this way, doctors, obviously not wanting to enter into polemics with healers and healers, seem to hint to us that castoreum is nothing more than an ordinary placebo, and its action is entirely psychosomatic.

However, it is believed that the beneficial properties of the beaver jet are:

  • it is a broad spectrum antiseptic (fungicide, insecticide, etc.);
  • is antimicrobial and antiviral agent;
  • is a good remedy against parasites;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • helps with vitamin deficiency;
  • normalizes the mental state;
  • increases mental and physical activity;
  • helps with depression

It can be used to treat both wounds and injuries, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the cardiovascular system. Castoreum is also able to prevent old age and cleanse the body of radiation.

The benefits of the beaver jet to humans are very diverse and include a complex effect on all systems of the human body.

For women

It is believed that castoreum affects the female body, first of all, due to the stimulation of the immune system and an increase in the body's resistance to various external influences. Thanks to this, the female body is able to better resist the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • candidiasis;
  • uterine myoma;
  • endometritis.
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In general, beaver spray is recommended as an adjunct therapy in the fight against urinary infections in women.

Important! It is believed that its use helps women get rid of infertility and normalize fertility.

For men

First of all, in men, the use of the beaver jet causes a surge of strength and has a strong tonic effect. Castoreum normalizes hormones in men and promotes the synthesis of the male sex hormone - testosterone. The latter means an improvement in all sexual functions: increased libido, improved erection, normalized sperm synthesis, etc. This should also include the improvement of the prostate gland and treatment of prostatitis, as well as positive dynamics in the treatment of male infertility.

In addition, the beaver stream is able to normalize blood pressure and reduce the manifestations of cardiac arrhythmias.

Means for external use are able to heal wounds and bruises, relieve inflammation.

Is it possible to give children a stream of beaver

Given the still uncertain nature of the effect of the beaver jet on the human body, as well as its widespread effect on all its systems, it is not recommended to give this remedy to children. And although it is believed that after 12 years, the use of castoreum no longer poses a danger to a young body, it is better to do this after consulting a pediatrician or doctor.

What diseases does the beaver stream help against?

The list of diseases for which the remedy helps is quite wide. These include:

  • diseases of the immune system (allergies, immunodeficiency);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (flatulence, hemorrhoids, constipation);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diseases of the nervous system (migraines, head injuries);
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • diseases of the organs of vision (barley, inflammation);
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, flu, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, tachycardia, atherosclerosis).
Important information... Treatment of the consequences of myocardial ischemia with folk remedies, for example, like a beaver stream, is also effective because an attack of the disease often leads to disruption of the work of other organs. An integrated approach with medications such as cardiomagnet, allows you to simultaneously heal the whole body, and natural components do not interfere with traditional treatment, but complement it.

Also, the tool is recommended as a prophylaxis for a wide range of diseases, since the drug is a tonic.

How to cook a beaver jet at home

The beaver stream can be prepared in a variety of ways. It can be a tincture of alcohol, vodka or moonshine. You can make a powder from a beaver stream or tincture it with water.

The recipe can include both castoreum itself and beaver glands carved from dead animals.

Tincture of beaver stream

The tincture can be purchased or prepared on your own. To do this, castoreum is crushed into powder and filled with 40-50% alcohol (you can use vodka). In this case, the following ratio is used:

  • 100 g jet;
  • 500 ml of diluted alcohol or vodka.

The tincture is placed in a dark place where it stays for a month, after which it can be used.

Beaver Spray Candles

One of the forms of drug release based on castoreum. They are used rectally. The spectrum of diseases in which the remedy helps is similar to those previously considered.

Beaver Jet Powder and Ointment

The beaver jet can be produced in a wide variety of versions. As a rule, the powder is used to prepare tinctures and extracts on its own, and the ointment is used externally for diseases of the joints, skin, healing wounds and relieving inflammation.

How to take a stream of beaver to treat various diseases

Consider the use of beaver stream products using the example of the following diseases:

  • Hypertension, hypotension, heart disease. 5 drops each morning and evening. The course is 30 days.
  • Prostatitis. 4 drops in the morning and evening. Course - 30 days, 10 days pause and another 30 days.
  • Gastritis, gastrointestinal disorders. 5-7 ml before each meal. Course - 30 days, pauses between courses for 30 days.
  • Gynecological diseases. 5 ml before each meal. Course 10 days, pause 7-14 days. Only 5-6 courses.
  • Ozhirration, fatigue, migraines. Take 10-15 drops before meals for six months.
  • Skin diseases... Take 15 drops three times a day. The course continues until the symptoms disappear.
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External application of beaver jet

This application is mainly used to treat joints or injuries, as well as to heal wounds and relieve inflammation.

Compresses of alcoholic tinctures are used for joints, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. The compress is applied to the affected area for about 15 minutes.

For varicose veins, a diluted tincture in a 1 to 1 ratio or an aqueous extract is also used. A compress is applied to the site of varicose veins for up to 10 minutes.

For the treatment of bruises and abrasions, water tinctures are used, while the residence time of the compress on the skin can be up to 1 hour.

Wounds should be washed with water or alcohol unstable, diluted 1 to 2 with water 5-6 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

It is believed that the remedy has no contraindications. Cases of individual intolerance are possible, which are extremely rare. Patients especially do not like the smell. It is believed that this is due to the excessive slagging of the body. In this case, it is recommended to use an aqueous spray extract, after which the intolerance disappears.

But side effects can be present in the most unexpected manifestations. These include:

  • mood elevation;
  • increased endurance;
  • increased efficiency;
  • normalization of medical test results;
  • improving appearance;
  • increased sex drive.
Important! It is believed that the beaver stream combines well with all drugs and does not have drugs that are incompatible with it.


The benefits and harms of the beaver jet have not yet been fully recognized by official medicine. However, research has already begun, and at least the results are already there. The recognition of castoreum as an adaptogen suggests that interest in this amazing substance has not subsided until now, and, possibly, other beneficial properties of this agent will also be confirmed in the future.


Vasily Zapashny, Kaliningrad
For a long time he suffered from pain in the joints of his legs. I tried to use a beaver stream in the form of a tincture for treatment. For some time I did not observe the results, but after about a week I was able to walk normally and even squat. To be honest, I didn't expect such an effect. In addition, I noticed that after a full course, my blood circulation in the lower extremities improved significantly. Many are skeptical about this tool, but it helped me.
Elena Kasatkina, Irkutsk
This remedy was recommended to me by friends to maintain immunity. Our climate is harsh, and I often suffer from colds. I used an aqueous extract of a beaver stream, and began treatment at the end of summer. Surprisingly, I practically did not get sick in winter. Next year I will take another course, during which I will try this remedy on members of my family.
Stanislav Molchanov, St. Petersburg
I myself am a skeptic by nature, and do not believe in homeopathy or most traditional medicine recipes. Therefore, when my wife offered me to treat my cholecystitis with castoreum, I did not really believe in it. At the end of the course, my bile secretion and its outflow returned to normal. To be honest, now I have ambivalent feelings about this tool. I don't know how, but it works!

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