The benefits and harms of burdock, use in traditional medicine

With a reputation as a harmful weed, burdock is often destroyed by gardeners, and yet it contains a huge supply of useful properties. In order to appreciate the amazing qualities of this useful plant, it is worth clarifying what the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock are.

What does burdock look like and where does it grow?

Burdock is a whole genus of biennial plants of the Aster family and includes more than 20 species, but, as a rule, this name usually means one specific type of plant - large burdock. This herbaceous weed is also called burdock, or burdock. It is rather large and stretches 60 - 180 cm in height. The plant stands out for its large heart-shaped leaf plates up to 50 cm in length, the upper side of which is smooth, bright green, and the lower side is grayish, with a characteristic edge.

The flowers of the plant are purple or violet, located in globular spiked baskets, which have the "harmful" property of clinging to animal hair and clothing, thus spreading seeds over long distances.

Burdock is very hardy and grows almost throughout the temperate zone, including Russia, China, North America, and the Middle East. The plant can often be found near human habitation, on the banks of rivers and streams.

The chemical composition of the leaves and root of burdock

Despite its unsightly appearance and poor fame among summer residents, burdock is absolutely not harmful. On the contrary, it has colossal benefits for humans due to the huge amount of nutrients it contains. The plant contains:

  • vitamins of groups B, D, E;
  • organic fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • resin, bitterness;
  • manganese, zinc, iron and other mineral compounds.

This plant is also surprising in that all its parts can bring benefits. The roots and leaves are actively used in the cooking of many countries, and the seeds and flowers are components of useful cosmetic ointments and creams. But the most widespread use of the properties of burdock was found in folk medicine and traditional treatment as part of complex therapy.

The healing properties of burdock root

The main benefit of burdock root for the human body is that it is a rich source of inulin, which is similar in properties to the hormone insulin. These properties make burdock potentially beneficial for people with pancreatitis and diabetes.Inulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood and lowers the level of bad cholesterol, while keeping the vessels elastic. Burdock also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of coronary artery disease and strokes.

The healing properties of burdock root extend to people with gastrointestinal problems. Thanks to inulin and other beneficial substances, it relieves the body of harmful toxins, accelerates metabolic processes, and maintains a healthy intestinal microflora. And the laxative and choleretic properties of burdock intensively cleanse cells from the decay products of harmful substances, improving the general well-being of a person.

The benefits of burdock also affect the health of the liver. The active compounds of the plant are involved in the breakdown of fats from food, and at the same time eliminate harmful toxins, reducing the load on the liver. They mitigate the effects of alcohol poisoning by minimizing the harm from ethanol breakdown products.

Burdock roots have proven health benefits for women. Regular use of burdock root prevents the appearance of malignant tumors, reduces the risk of oncological diseases associated with the female reproductive system.

Useful properties of burdock leaves

Do not underestimate the health benefits of burdock leaves. Most often they are used to alleviate the symptoms of joint diseases due to the anti-inflammatory effect of the beneficial weed. They make effective compresses that help with rheumatism and during the recovery period from injuries, eliminate swelling and reduce discomfort when moving.

However, this is not the only useful use for this piece of burdock. Lotions from leaf plates are used in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis. They effectively heal wounds and relieve irritation, and therefore they are often prescribed for the bites of harmful insects.

The antioxidant properties of burdock will be especially appreciated by women. The active substances in the plant bind free radicals, which have a harmful effect on the cellular structure of the skin, and safely remove them from the body. The cells are less exposed to internal destructive processes, and, as a result, they retain their youth longer.

The benefits of burdock for hair are undeniable. Useful tannins and essential oils that the plant contains, strengthen hair follicles, activate their work, which makes hair grow faster and look healthier.

Why are burdock seeds useful?

Burdock seeds are not often used by alternative medicine in the manufacture of medicines, since their collection is associated with certain difficulties. However, they can provide health benefits. The healing properties of the seeds make it possible to use them as a laxative for chronic constipation.

Traditional medicine recipes based on burdock

Since certain beneficial properties are present in all parts of the plant, it is not surprising that there are many different healing recipes based on burdock. Depending on the pursued result, infusions, decoctions, tea are prepared from the plant, juice is squeezed out, compresses, baths, lotions, medicinal ointments, oils and alcohol tinctures are made.

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Decoction of burdock roots

A decoction of burdock root has tangible benefits. It serves as an effective remedy for various inflammations of the urinary system and helps fight colds. Prepare it as follows:

  1. 20 g of chopped burdock roots pour 1 tbsp. water and simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. Then insist for 30 minutes and filter.
  3. Consumed orally after meals for 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
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A decoction of the leaves and inflorescences of burdock

A decoction of burdock leaves and flowers contains many useful properties. So, it is used as a component of therapeutic baths for disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Boil 20 g of plant mass in 1 tbsp. water for 5 minutes.
  2. Moisten clean gauze in this solution, apply to the affected joints until pain decreases.

Burdock root infusion

Infusion from the root of the plant is used for gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive tract. To make it you need:

  1. 1 tsp Dissolve the chopped burdock root in 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave to brew in a thermos for 10 hours.
  3. Then the drink should be filtered.
  4. Take orally at one time, 1 time per day.

Infusion of burdock leaves

The beneficial properties of burdock leaves have proven themselves well in the fight against intestinal diseases. They are used to prepare a decoction for duodenal ulcers, which also cleans the liver of harmful substances well:

  1. 60 g of green mass is poured into 3 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Insist for 4 hours, then filter.
  3. Use 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Burdock seed infusion

Since burdock seeds have debilitating properties: they are used to obtain a remedy useful for chronic constipation:

  1. To 20 g of burdock seeds add 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Insist for about 1 hour, then filter.
  3. Take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

Burdock root tincture

Burdock roots are often used to prepare useful alcoholic tinctures, for example, in the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  1. Chopped or freshly cut root of the plant is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10
  2. The workpiece is poured into a glass bottle and left for 10 days in a cool dark place, shaking the contents of the container every 3 days.
  3. The resulting drink is filtered and squeezed thoroughly.
  4. Take the tincture inside, dissolving 1 tbsp. l. means and the same amount of honey in 1/4 cup of boiled water, 30 minutes before meals.
Advice! This tincture can be used externally for warming rubbing or as an antiseptic against harmful pathogenic bacteria during the peak of the activity of colds.

Burdock leaf juice

For various ailments of the kidneys and endocrine glands, the daily use of useful juice from the leaves of burdock will be an excellent help. Prepare it like this:

  1. 300 g of freshly harvested leaves of the plant are washed in a weak soap solution, then rinsed, the stems are removed.
  2. Grind the green mass until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Transfer the gruel to a ceramic or enamel dish, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours.
  4. The resulting liquid is filtered, combined with 700 ml of boiled water, poured into a glass container, which is hermetically sealed.
  5. Take 10 ml of juice every day before meals for 7 - 9 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after two weeks.
Important! Store the product in a cool, shaded place for no longer than three months. After this period, it loses its beneficial properties and harmful bacteria begin to develop in it.

Burdock root juice

Burdock root juice is prepared in the same way. Properly harvested roots bring just as much benefit, and the juice from them strengthens the immune system, serves as the prevention of colds and other ailments of the upper respiratory tract.

Burdock ointment

The healing properties of burdock have found application in the manufacture of useful ointments, which are used to eliminate burns and frostbite, as well as to prevent baldness. To make such an ointment, you must:

  1. Thoroughly chop 25 g of green mass and plant roots.
  2. Boil in 0.5 tbsp. water for 20 minutes.
  3. The resulting mass is combined with 100 g of butter.
  4. Rub the affected area 2 times a day.

Burdock root oil

Burdock root oil perfectly softens hair, while giving it strength. It can be made as follows:

  1. 75 grams of fresh peeled plant root is ground on a grater.
  2. Pour 200 g of sunflower oil.
  3. Leave to infuse for a day, after which it is brought to a boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Then the product is filtered and poured into glass containers.
Advice! You can also use almond oil, olive oil or jojoba oil as a base.

How to use burdock to treat certain diseases

Due to its medicinal properties, burdock helps to cope with a long list of diseases of various localizations. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the liver, intestines and stomach, it can be useful in diabetes mellitus, joint pain and gynecological problems. Recent studies have shown that the plant's beneficial properties even inhibit the development of certain types of cancer.

With gastritis and stomach ulcers

A useful remedy for gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract will be infusions of burdock root:

  1. 1 tsp chopped plant mass is poured into 2 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Drink 0.5 tbsp. 4 times a day.

The antiseptic properties of the beneficial weed destroy harmful bacteria that cause gastritis and restore the gastrointestinal microflora. Burdock also has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing irritation of the gastric mucosa and accelerating the process of its regeneration.

With oncology

The beneficial properties of the plant are often used in the complex therapy of various oncologies. Burdock infusions were especially effective in the treatment of lung and stomach cancer. For breast cancer, leafy lotions can be an effective remedy. To do this, cover the chest with leaves, fix it with a bandage and leave it overnight.

With pancreatitis

The beneficial properties of burdock root are used for disorders of the pancreas. For this purpose, the following plant decoction recipe is suitable:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry burdock root is combined with 2 tbsp. water.
  2. Insist for 2 hours, then boil for 15 minutes.
  3. A warm broth is drunk after meals 3 times throughout the day.

This drink relieves pain in patients with pancreatitis, reduces the intensity of inflammation.

With diabetes mellitus

Burdock is considered beneficial for diabetics due to its high inulin content, which normalizes blood glucose levels. Regular intake of infusions or decoctions of the plant will help maintain the balance of sugar in the body, but before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

Important! Uncontrolled use of burdock root products when combined with glucose-lowering drugs can reduce blood sugar levels too much and cause more harm to the body than good.

With gout

Patients with gout, too, should not ignore the benefits of burdock: after all, tea from its root has diuretic properties that prevent ammonia from accumulating in the urinary tract and remove it without harm to the body. To make tea, you need:

  1. Coarsely chop the peeled root of the plant, put in an enamel pan in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Boil for 30 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Let the drink brew for 20 minutes, then strain.
  4. Drink hot.

For joint pain

Joint treatment with burdock can be done in different ways. However, the simplest method of relieving inflammation, which will bring the greatest benefit, is the application of compresses from burdock leaves:

  1. 5 - 7 pcs. leaf plates of plants are washed under cold water, dried.
  2. Fold in a stack with the velvety side down, put a boiling pan on top for 30 seconds.
  3. The affected area on the body is treated with vegetable oil, then the heated burdock leaves are applied with the smooth side to the skin, wrapped with cling film.
  4. The place of the compress is covered with a warm woolen cloth and left overnight.
  5. The procedure is repeated daily until the painful sensations disappear.

In gynecology

The benefits of burdock are also noted in the treatment of gynecological problems. In particular, the healing properties of burdock juice will help to resist diseases of the female reproductive system. A daily intake of 10 ml of useful plant juice can have a beneficial effect on a woman's body in the complex treatment of mastopathy and prevent hormonal disorders.

With prostatitis

Helpful burdock-based formulations help cope with prostatitis. Moreover, both decoctions and infusions of the plant, and the daily intake of juice from burdock leaves will be beneficial. Good results will result from the use of alcoholic tincture 10 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The use of burdock in cosmetology

As mentioned above, the benefits of burdock are not limited to the medical field. The plant is also actively used in cosmetology. Fans of natural ingredients especially highlight the benefits of burdock root extract, as this remedy has a positive effect on the health of hair and skin without causing any harm. Burdock gives shine to hair, promotes active growth of curls and prevents hair loss, nourishing hair follicles. Therefore, the squeeze of the plant is often added to shampoos, balms and hair lotions.

Burdock extract can also be found in face creams, lipsticks, and sunscreen cosmetics, as its bactericidal properties help soothe dry flaky skin and treat various skin problems such as acne, dandruff and eczema. The squeeze of the plant is often used as an ingredient in homemade face masks.

Rash-prone skin mask

This mask has drying properties, whitens the face, reduces redness and pimples:

  1. 3 drops of plant root extract are combined with 2 tbsp. l. cooked oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. avocado puree and 20 drops of lemon juice.
  2. The components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Apply the mask directly to the inflamed areas for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
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How burdock is used in cooking

In addition to its medicinal properties, burdock also surprises with its gastronomic qualities. Although dishes based on this beneficial weed are not very popular in Europe, in the Middle and Far East, lovers of healthy food have appreciated the plant.

Thus, Japanese culinary experts use the root of the plant to prepare side dishes that go well with meat and fish. Inhabitants of the Caucasus benefit from burdock by preparing a salad from its roots. In dried form, the roots can be pickled, and fresh ones can be baked in the oven and fried in batter. They make delicious jam, grind flour, make coffee. Burdock root tea is no less beneficial to the body.

Young shoots and leaves of the plant are also edible. They are added to salads and various soups, used to make cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, sauces.

Possible harm to burdock and contraindications

The uniqueness of the plant, in addition to the obvious useful properties, lies in the fact that it practically does not harm the body, which means that it can be used by people of all ages and health conditions. The only limitation is the individual intolerance to the plant or its chemical components. In this case, it is categorically not recommended to use formulations based on burdock in order to avoid harmful effects.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the beneficial properties of burdock are used with caution and only after consulting a doctor. To date, there is no data on the harm of the plant to the health of women during this period, however, if possible, you should refrain from taking formulations based on it.

For the rest, burdock is absolutely safe and can provide a lot of benefits, no matter what it is used for.

Collection, harvesting and storage of burdock

In order for the plant to bring maximum health benefits, and the possible harm from it to be minimized, it is important to be able to correctly collect and prepare plant materials.

As a rule, parts of burdock are harvested in the first and second years of plant life, towards the end of April. For medicinal purposes, only intact, smooth, bright green leaves are suitable. If flower stalks have appeared on the burdock, then it is not worth collecting - there are practically no nutrients left in the leaf plates of such a plant.

After harvesting, the green mass is separated from the stem of the plant, then finely chopped and dried in a well-ventilated, bright place without direct access to sunlight. Dried burdock raw materials are collected in a bag made of natural fabrics or in ceramic dishes covered with a cotton towel. Store the plant mass in the dark for no more than 1 year. Once a month, it must be taken out and left in the open air to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms. If the raw materials of the plant began to emit an unusual smell or change color, it means that the product has deteriorated and must be thrown away immediately, since it will not bring anything but harm.

Important! The roots of a plant tend to accumulate harmful compounds from contaminated soils, therefore, it is worth collecting burdock away from roads and industrial zones, otherwise it will not be beneficial, but harm.


Having considered in detail the question of what are the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock, we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the harmful effect of this plant is practically absent. The spectrum of useful characteristics, on the contrary, is quite extensive and is not limited to use only for medical purposes. With proper collection and storage, burdock plant raw materials will help preserve health and youth for a long time.


Liley Svetlana Konstantinovna, 38 years old, Rostov-on-Don
At our dacha this spring, there was simply a dominance of burdock. All other plants dry up, but he doesn't care about the heat! It somehow became a pity to throw it all away, so I decided to make hair masks from burdock root. My husband kept thinking that this was a whim, and once he himself said, they say, burdock root also helps from pancreatitis. We have prepared infusions useful according to different recipes, now we hope that next spring the site will again overgrow with thistles.
Smirnova Elizaveta Nikitichna, 44 years old
From time to time I come across information about the benefits of burdock for mastopathy and other female diseases. I want to add that burdock is useful for uterine fibroids if you mix 1 teaspoon of the root with 1 tablespoon of chamomile and pour two glasses of boiling water. After 12 hours, you will get an excellent infusion, which should be drunk half a glass before meals. And burdock juice is recommended for ovarian cysts and cystitis.
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