Medicinal plants

Matsutake mushrooms (spotted ryadovka): useful properties, tincture recipes
The beneficial properties of the matsutaki mushroom are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. In order for a spotted row to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to study ...
Medicinal properties of Oman tincture (elecampane) and contraindications
The use of elecampane tincture on vodka is recommended for many diseases. Traditional medicine uses the remedy with caution, but in small dosages it ...
Medicinal properties and application of wrinkled stock-rose
The stock rose grows in garden plots around the world - the beautiful flower is very popular. In addition to its attractive appearance, it possesses ...
Blackroot officinalis: where it grows, properties, application from mice
Blackroot medicinal is a plant with numerous medicinal properties. Funds based on it can be used for inflammation and joint ailments, but ...
Birch tinder fungus: useful properties, use in traditional medicine
The medicinal properties of birch tinder fungus are of interest to traditional medicine. The fungus is a parasite on wood, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on health ...
Medicinal properties and application of bark, ash wood
The properties of ash wood are valued in folk medicine - useful raw materials are used in the treatment of ailments. To apply the plant without harm to ...
China meadow: benefits, use in folk medicine, photo
The use of the rank of meadow in folk medicine is very diverse. The plant is used for intestinal, vascular and colds, and is also added to ...
Iris: composition, healing properties of the root, essential oil, benefits and harms
According to research, iris has been growing on the planet for about 4,000 years. The culture is better known as the cockerel. The plant is distinguished by a variety of varieties. Medicinal properties ...
Omani root (elecampane): medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine
The medicinal properties of the root of elecampane and contraindications must be studied before using the raw materials. A useful plant helps with many ailments, but only ...
Healing properties of nine-force (elecampane) and contraindications
The medicinal plant elecampane has been known since antiquity. Preserved information about the use of culture by Hippocrates. The name is due to the belief that the plant has nine powers ...


the beauty
