Geranium oil: aromatherapy, properties and application in cosmetology, gynecology

The properties and uses of geranium essential oil cover many areas. The product is used for cosmetic purposes and for treatment, to prolong youth and calm the nerves. It is interesting to study its features and properties in a little more detail.

How geranium oil is obtained

The beneficial ether of geranium, or pelargonium, is produced from the flowers and leaves of the plant. In industrial conditions, the method of steam distillation is used for this - the raw material is treated with hot steam, as a result of which valuable volatile components are released from it. At the same time, the consumption of raw materials is quite significant, in order to get only 1 ml of the finished product, you have to squeeze oil from geranium from 1 kg of leaves and flowers.

The finished essential oil has a viscous consistency, a greenish-yellow color and a pleasant tart aroma with hints of lemon, mint and rose.

Light Geranium Ether is obtained from the flowers and green leaves of the plant

Geranium oil chemical composition

The exact composition and beneficial properties of geranium oil depend on the type of raw material used - garden and pink geraniums include different components. But any geranium oil contains:

  • geraniol and citronellol;
  • linalol and nerol;
  • terpenes and enzymes;
  • terpineols;
  • mineral compounds;
  • essential vitamins;
  • organic acids and flavonoids;
  • chlorophyll and tocopherol;
  • coumarins and tannins;
  • tannins.

In total, geranium essential oil contains about a hundred valuable components that are beneficial to human health.

Medicinal properties and benefits of geranium oil

The use of the product in various fields of cosmetology and medicine is due to its properties. Geranium oil:

  • relieves stress and helps to cope with depression and anxiety;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body during inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates blood circulation and improves oxygen supply to the brain;
  • has a slight analgesic effect;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • helps to take care of the skin, hair and nails;
  • improves the condition of teeth and gums;
  • helps with menopause and heavy periods.

The properties of the product are used to treat digestive disorders and in the treatment of dental diseases.The application is in demand in diabetes mellitus and hemorrhoids, hormonal disruptions, varicose veins and a tendency to form blood clots, cardiovascular ailments. The properties of Pelargonium ether are used to treat joint ailments and migraines.

The product is appreciated in the cosmetic field and in the treatment of all kinds of diseases.

Use in traditional medicine

The use of geranium oil requires strict adherence to minimum dosages. But when used correctly, the properties of the product help to cope with a number of ailments.

For colds

Pelargonium helps to relieve breathing with a runny nose, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes and improves overall well-being. The application looks like this:

  • a large spoonful of olive oil is mixed with 5 drops of ether;
  • add 2 more drops of eucalyptus, pine and mint oils;
  • moisten the fingertips in the resulting product and gently massage the wings of the nose.

After that, another 3 drops should be dripped into each of the nostrils. Geranium oil is useful for sore throat, in this case, the use of rinsing is indicated. Dilute no more than 3 drops of the product in a glass of water and gargle for several minutes.

Geranium oil for conception

The use of the properties of pelargonium is often recommended when planning a child. It is necessary to prepare such a remedy:

  • dilute 4 drops of ether in half a glass of water;
  • add a small spoonful of honey;
  • drink the remedy three times a day before eating.

For a successful and quick conception, both a woman and a man should take a useful remedy.

Geranium oil for sinusitis

For chronic sinusitis, inhalation is recommended. Dissolve about 5 drops of ether in a glass of hot water, and then inhale the rising steam through your nose for 20 minutes.

Important! You need to add the agent to hot water, but not to boiling water, part of the useful properties of the product is destroyed in it, and in addition, excessively hot steam can burn mucous membranes.

For the treatment of nail fungus

Geranium's antibacterial properties allow you to quickly get rid of nail fungus and restore the skin's attractiveness. Add a handful of sea salt and no more than 3 drops of essential oil to a small bowl of hot water. The legs are kept in the fragrant liquid for about 20 minutes, the procedure must be repeated twice a day.

Treating nail fungus with a pleasant scent

For healing wounds and burns

The disinfecting properties of geranium ether help in the treatment of healing burns, wounds and abrasions on the skin. To speed up healing, it is necessary to apply a couple of drops of the product to the bandage and cover the damaged area for several hours. The bandage is changed several times a day until the epidermis is completely restored.

When treating burns, 5 drops of a geranium agent should be diluted in a large spoonful of olive base, and then moisten a cotton pad in an oily liquid and apply to the sore spot for 10 minutes.

Attention! It is possible to treat burns with the beneficial properties of geranium only if the affected area is already healing. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate fresh damage with oil.

Geranium oil in gynecology

For female infertility and gynecological ailments, the use of therapeutic massage with geranium oil is recommended. The massage mixture is done like this:

  • 4 drops of geranium ether are added to 200 ml of any base;
  • add 3 more drops of pink and sage ether;
  • add 2 drops of ylang-ylang and bergamot oils;
  • in circular movements, gently rub the mixture into the stomach for 10 minutes.

In total, you need to perform 10 self-massage sessions. The properties of the product will bring a greater effect if you additionally take 3 drops of geranium agent inside, first diluting them in a small spoonful of honey and in a glass of water.

Geranium oil for warts

Application of the product helps to clear the skin and get rid of ugly warts.Its properties are used very simply - in its pure form, it is applied to the wart three times a day until it disappears.

The tool fights not only acne, but also warts

Geranium oil for otitis media

The use of the product for inflammation in the ears helps to remove pain and accelerate recovery. About 10 drops of pure ether are mixed with a large spoon of any base, and then cotton swabs are moistened in this liquid and inserted into the ears.

You need to keep tampons in the ear canals for 15 minutes, you need to treat the ears with geranium oil once a day.

Geranium oil for lice

The unique property of Pelargonium ether is that its use repels insects. Therefore, the composition can be used for head lice in combination with other means.

With 2 large tablespoons of burdock oil, you need to mix 5 drops of geranium ether, and then carefully distribute the mass through the hair. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and covered with a warm towel for half an hour, then the medical mask is washed off and the hair is combed out properly.

The use of geranium essential oil in cosmetology

The properties of the product are used not only in home therapy for diseases. The use of geranium ether helps to keep the epidermis fresh for longer and improve its attractiveness.

Geranium essential oil for face skin

Geranium essential extract refreshes the skin, helps to moisturize it and fights inflammation. The use of geranium oil for the face against wrinkles is shown, homemade masks can quickly get rid of acne and restore tone to the epidermis.

Moisturizing and disinfecting properties of the product are beneficial for the skin of the face

Anti-rash lotion

To quickly remove acne, you need to dilute 10 ml of vodka with half a spoonful of clean water, and then add 3 drops of geranium and orange oils, as well as chamomile. With this mixture, problem areas are wiped three times a day - the properties of the lotion relieve inflammation, soothe the skin and restore its beauty.

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Moisturizing mask for dry skin

At home, you can prepare a healthy, nourishing mask. For this you need:

  • combine avocado, jojoba and nut oils, 15 ml each;
  • add 2 drops of geranium, vanilla and jasmine ether;
  • add 4 drops of orange and pink ether to the mixture;
  • apply the composition to the skin of the face every morning.

You need to keep the composition on the skin for 15 minutes, then you should wash and dab your face with a towel. The properties of the cosmetic mixture will protect the skin from drying out and have a rejuvenating effect.

Applying geranium essential oil for hair

The properties of Pelargonium ester allows you to stop hair loss and improve the condition of the skin in the root area. With regular use, the hair becomes stronger and more voluminous.

Dandruff mask

Dandruff caused by excessive oiliness or dryness of the scalp is treated with geranium oil. Add 3 drops of ether to 10 ml of the base and rub into the root zone, and after 15 minutes rinse the curls as thoroughly as possible.

Geranium ester for hair loss

The properties of the product will help strengthen the hair if you add 5 drops of geranium to your regular shampoo every time you wash. In this case, the remedy will improve blood flow under the scalp, increase the nutrition of the hair follicles, and the strands will get stronger after a couple of weeks of use.

Lip skin care

If your lips are prone to chapping, you can make a very simple but effective balm at home. Just 2 drops of geranium should be added to a small amount of pharmacy petroleum jelly and lubricated lips several times a day to soften and moisturize.

Vitamin remedy prevents skin cracking in winter

Geranium oil for breast firming

With age, many women experience sagging breasts due to slouching, breastfeeding, or sudden weight loss.The use and properties of geranium extract improve the situation, it accelerates blood flow in tissues, nourishes the skin, and helps to strengthen the pectoral muscles.

For breast elasticity, you need to mix 10 drops of geranium ether with 50 ml of almond oil and rub it daily into the skin of the mammary glands before bedtime. In this case, it is important to ensure that the product does not fall on the nipples - the composition can leave a chemical burn on the delicate skin.

Geranium essential oil for weight loss

Since the properties of geranium accelerate blood circulation in tissues and improve metabolic processes when used internally, the product helps to lose weight. It is used in two ways:

  • externally - therapeutic massage with an essential extract helps to reduce cellulite, remove stretch marks and tighten the silhouette;
  • inside, if during the diet you take 3 drops of ether with a small spoonful of honey, after diluting the product in a glass of water, then toxins and toxins will leave the body faster.
Advice! Geranium oil inside must be used with great care - an overdose can lead to burns of the mucous membranes.

The use of geranium oil in aromatherapy

The product is very popular in aromatherapy. The pleasant smell of pelargonium helps to get rid of anxiety and depression, relieves stress, eliminates headaches and improves sleep. To aromatize the room, it is enough to drop only 3 drops of the agent into the aroma lamp, this is enough for a small room.

Also, the product is added to the bath - first, 20 ml of heavy cream and 2 large tablespoons of honey can be added to hot water, and then supplemented with 10 drops of pelargonium extract. With a severe migraine, only 1 part of the oil is mixed with a cream and rubbed into the temples and the back of the head, the pain from this quickly recedes.

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Geranium extract is used in cooking and aromatherapy

How to use geranium oil in cooking

Since any esters have a very concentrated composition, it is impossible to replace vegetable oils with them in the kitchen. However, in minimal dosages, geranium oil can impart unusual aromas and flavors to familiar dishes.

Geranium is often used in cakes, pastries and pastries. Just 1 drop of the product can be added to drinks, geranium is especially good complements teas with bergamot or citrus. If you wish, you can drop the product into a salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, and also decorate the ice cream with a hint of pelargonium.

Mosquito repellent geranium essential oil

The properties of the product repel insects, so its use is especially beneficial in summer. If you rub a little ether into exposed skin before going outdoors, you don't have to worry about mosquito bites. And the use of an aroma lamp indoors will allow you to sleep peacefully at night even with open windows, mosquitoes will not appear in the house.

Advice! The tool can be used to lubricate the already received insect bites - geranium soothes itching, relieves swelling and pain.

Geranium oil during pregnancy

The high concentration of nutrients in the ether of pelargonium can be beneficial or harmful to a pregnant woman. It is categorically impossible to take the product inside - this can lead to an allergic reaction, irritation of the digestive system and other negative effects.

But aromatherapy with geranium oil or massage for pregnant women in small quantities are allowed. An unobtrusive pleasant smell can reduce stress before childbirth, eliminate toxicosis in the early stages and will only bring benefits.

Even pregnant women can massage and light an aroma lamp with geranium extract

The magical properties of geranium essential oil

The essential extract of Pelargonium is endowed with mystical properties. It is believed that an aromatic agent is able to heal damage in a person's aura and enhance energy, and protect against evil eyes. Geranium attracts love and ignites passion, helps to avoid the appearance of rivals and promotes the disclosure of sensuality.

How to make geranium oil at home

It is impossible to prepare geranium oil at home using the steam distillation method, this is a too delicate process that requires factory conditions. But, nevertheless, you can cook geranium oil with your own hands, it will have valuable properties and the maximum similarity to the classic ether.

To do this, you should:

  • chop 200 g of geranium leaves and flowers;
  • pour the raw material with a glass of high-quality alcohol and put it closed on a sunny windowsill for 2 weeks;
  • add 50 ml of olive or almond oil to the finished tincture and keep it in the light for another 2 weeks.

As a result of making geranium oil at home, you get a product with a yellowish color and a pleasant herbal aroma. In the treatment of ailments, the product will bring less benefit than a real pharmacy extract, but for cosmetic purposes and aromatherapy, its properties are very suitable.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil

In some situations, the use of Pelargonium extract is completely prohibited. You need to refuse it:

  • with gastric ailments in the acute phase;
  • during lactation;
  • when using contraceptives;
  • with chronic kidney disease;
  • with individual intolerance.

Pregnant women can only use the oil externally and with the permission of a doctor. Also, the properties of the product can harm children under 7 years of age.


The properties and use of geranium essential oil in small dosages are of great benefit. With the help of the product, you can take care of hair and epidermis, heal diseases and soothe nerves. The main thing is to remember to be careful when using oil and take into account contraindications.

Geranium remedy is prepared at home, but in terms of properties and use it is inferior to the pharmacy extract

Reviews on the use of geranium essential oil

Savelyeva Alexandra Igorevna, 28 years old, Moscow
The properties of geranium are great for helping me fight dry skin in the winter. Purchased creams are expensive and do poorly, and masks with oil are easy to make at home without wasting money. The effect of them is noticeable - the skin stops peeling and cracking.
Dneprova Irina Valerievna, 35 years old, Krasnoyarsk
After giving birth and breastfeeding, geranium oil helped me regain my shape faster. I regularly massage my breasts and other problem areas with stretch marks, as a result, the skin quickly tightened, it became pleasant to look at myself in the mirror again.

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