The medicinal properties of multi-colored tinder fungus (trametes)

Tinder fungus has special external characteristics. It is included in the section Agaric Basidiomycetes. Trametes multicolored is a representative of the Polypous order. The species is appreciated by mushroom pickers due to its positive qualities. The medicinal properties of the multicolored trameta have found application in the field of traditional medicine.

What it looks like and where it grows

Tinder fungus is multi-colored in appearance resembles a polyp. However, this is not quite true. Trametes multicolored is a full-fledged mushroom. Appearing on rotting stumps and trees, it has both a cap and a leg, pulp, and spore powder. The mushroom has several variants of names:

  • trametes, or multi-colored tinder fungus;
  • tramet;
  • peacock tail.

The perennial cap represents approximately 80% of the fruiting body and has the shape of an unfinished semicircle. In rare cases, it resembles a fan or a rosette. The width of the cap varies and depends on the age of the fungus. Typically, the diameter is 5-10 cm. These indicators can increase as the fungus grows. It is noteworthy that the cap is not flat. Its width can be up to 5 cm.

Tinder fungus is included in the subspecies of sessile mushrooms. It grows on trees, growing with a cap to the surface. The trameta is covered with fine lines of different shades. There is an alternation of smooth and fleecy textures. The edges of the cap are light-colored, indicating a low nutrient content.

The main characteristic of this species of tinder fungus is its multi-color. Trametes has shades of the following colors:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • the black;
  • blue.

Usually the surface of the cap is silky and shiny. Its base is narrowed. It has a greenish color near the thin and short stalk. Under the cap there are tubular formations containing spores.

The leg of the multi-colored tinder fungus is up to 2 cm long. It provides a tight attachment to a tree or stump. The shade of the stem varies from brown to green. It darkens as the fungus grows.

The pulp of a multi-colored tinder fungus has a light shade. Under the influence of air, it acquires a brown color. The leathery pulp has a pleasant aroma. When the fruit body ripens, it becomes brown. The tubes become thinner and stick together.

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Intensive growth of tinder fungus is observed in the second half of June. It slows down dramatically towards the end of October. Trametes does not like direct sunlight, preferring northern territories. Often, mushrooms do not grow in a single copy on old wood. They are usually greeted in small groups.

The breeding period of the tinder fungus spans the time from July to the end of August.

Chemical composition

In Asia, trametes are called:

  • Vungji;
  • foggy mushroom;
  • Kawaratake.

Trametes is not eaten. There is an opinion that the mushroom was used in cooking during the time of ancient Russia. However, scientists believe that the tinder fungus is able to secrete substances that cause hallucinations and poisoning.

Fruit bodies are a source of the following substances:

  • polysacharopeptides;
  • glucans;
  • polysaccharides;
  • glycoproteins;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • triterpenes;
  • vitamins belonging to group B;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • flavonoids.

Tinder fungus has found application in alternative medicine. The beneficial effect is due to the presence of a polysaccharide, which is represented by coriolan. This substance acts on cancer cells and promotes healing.

The healing properties of the multi-colored tinder fungus

The fungus is found on the territory of only Russia. In Japan, the healing qualities of tramese are widely used. Various dosage forms are made from the pulp, in particular, ointments and decoctions. They allow for therapy and prevention of various pathologies.

Tinder fungus is used in the complex treatment of malignant tumors of various localization. Mushrooms are included in the diet after chemotherapy. The use of a trameteor improves the condition of cancer patients.

Tinder fungus has general tonic properties. Preparations made from trametess have a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous systems. Mushrooms are used for viral diseases, insomnia.

Trametess extracts are used to reduce sputum production, remove fluid, and treat pulmonary pathologies. The mushroom is believed to strengthen bones and tendons.

Long-term use of trameta funds can increase life expectancy

The restoration of liver function is due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Reception of dietary supplements containing trametes is the prevention of the development of gallstone disease.

It is known that polysaccharides contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. The specified substances contained in mushrooms have a positive effect on hematopoiesis and hormonal levels.

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Kawaratake is distinguished by its sorbing properties. The use of trametess products allows you to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and toxins, and restore the microflora of the stomach.

Application in traditional medicine

Tinder fungus has healing properties. Trametes-based products are used to treat diseases:

  • joints;
  • vessels;
  • liver;
  • kidneys.

Mushrooms are included in the complex therapy for oncopathologies, hepatitis. Tinder fungus is effective against malignant tumors:

  • ovaries;
  • stomach;
  • esophagus;
  • rectum.

Trametes is usually used in dry powder form. The daily dose is 3-5 g. The specified amount is divided into three portions. The powder is taken half an hour before meals.

To prepare the broth, take the following ingredients:

  • dried mushroom - 2 tbsp. l;
  • water - 0.5 l.

A general tonic is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour the crushed trametes with water.
  2. The composition is simmered on low heat for an hour.
  3. Then the drug is filtered before use.

Tramette decoction is drunk twice a day, 200 ml. The course of therapy is a month.

Contraindications and possible harm

Trameteos mushroom has medicinal properties. Against the background of the use of tinder fungus, undesirable reactions occur extremely rarely. A small number of identified side effects and contraindications can be attributed to the advantages of using dietary supplements.

Sometimes, when taking drugs containing tinder fungus, undesirable reactions from the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract may occur:

  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • darkening of the stool and nails.

When combined with chemotherapy, the following symptoms may occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite.

Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. Under these physiological conditions, the use of tinder fungus is possible only after consultation with a specialist.


The medicinal properties of the multicolored trametess are due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition.Tinder fungus is rich in biologically active substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. The inclusion of drugs from trametes can improve the condition of cancer patients during chemotherapy and speed up their recovery.

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