Properties and uses of tea tree essential oil for the face

Tea tree oil for the face is recommended to be used not only by cosmetologists, but also by dermatologists. It is necessary to understand the basic principles of the action of its components on the skin and correctly apply this knowledge. Then a large list of salon procedures will be available at home.

Why is tea tree oil useful for facial skin?

The product consists of substances that, better than chemical preparations, destroy pathogenic microflora (fungi, bacteria), rid cells of toxins, relieve pain and stop inflammatory processes. Among them:

  1. Valuable carbon compounds are diterpenes and monoterpenes.
  2. The antibacterial element is L-ternineol.
  3. The isomeric monoterpene alcohol with a specific aroma is B-terpineol.

This is not the whole list of substances that make the essential concentrate in demand and sometimes irreplaceable.

The usual appearance of the tea tree hides the unique qualities of the plant.

Tea tree oil is often and successfully used in cosmetology for facial care. The results of its effects on the skin:

  • regulation of the secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • rejuvenation of the epidermis, supply of vitamins, oxygen, amino acids to cells;
  • increased elasticity;
  • color improvement;
  • healing of microcracks and microdamages;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • elimination of pigmentation;
  • slowing down the processes of wilting.

The product works well on its own and when paired with other cosmetics or base ingredients. In any case, a positive effect on the face from procedures with tea tree oil will be a must.

Does tea tree oil help acne

The anti-inflammatory effect of the substance will help to cope with the problem. In addition, pain will decrease, redness will disappear. The essential concentrate is allowed to be applied to the foci of inflammation. You can simply dab the pimples with purified tea tree oil. It is convenient and practical to do it with a cotton swab. Once a day is not enough, you need to repeat the procedure twice.

How to use tea tree oil on your face

A concentrate works best if:

  • mix with ready-made products - cream, mask, tonic;
  • use clean;
  • combine with base oils;
  • combine with essential concentrates of other plants.
Important! During the preparation of recipes, the oil must not be heated.

It is also not recommended to add it to warm components. An allergy test must be performed prior to the procedure. This action is mandatory for everyone, it is aimed at reducing the negative reactions of the body. You also need to accurately observe the dosage.If the recommended proportions are exceeded, the nervous system will react with overexcitation.

A tea tree hood should take its rightful place on the shelf with cosmetics

How to add to cosmetics for skin care

The aroma concentrate should be added to the base - milk, creams, lotions, tonics. It mixes best with herbal cosmetic esters. Tea tree oil must be applied in strict concentration, especially on the face.

The general proportion for mixing is for 5 ml of base, 1-2 drops of ether will be needed.

Tea tree oil face masks

Each type of leather requires the selection of a specific combination of components. Therefore, face mask recipes differ in their ingredients, but tea tree oil contains everything. The technology is the same for any composition. It is necessary to mix the components, apply to the skin, hold for a certain time and rinse. Options:

  1. For owners of a combined type of epidermis - sour cream (no more than two tablespoons), two drops of tea tree, clay powder (0.7-0.5 tablespoons). Time is 15 minutes. The result is an even complexion, no redness.
  2. Those with oily epidermis - mashed ripe avocado pulp + 5 drops of tea tree concentrate. Session - ten minutes. Remove with a napkin. The second composition is whipped chicken protein + a mixture of esters. A good combination is rosemary with lavender and tea tree (2 drops each). Time 15 minutes.
  3. For a dry type of skin, you can offer whipped chicken protein, to which add 2 drops. soothing concentrates (lavender, tea tree). I also need an olive base - 2 drops. Time is 20 minutes.
  4. For the treatment of inflamed areas, it is better to take 100 g of non-acidic cottage cheese + 30 ml of medicinal chamomile decoction + 30 ml of apricot base + 50 g of cosmetic clay + 7 drops of tea tree ether. It takes 20 minutes to get the effect.
Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado

When composing mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin in order to select the most useful substances.

How to use and apply tea tree essential oil for acne on the face

With this problem, the product acts as a cleaner and antiseptic. Additionally, it disinfects the skin and relieves pain. A popular technique for treating acne with tea tree oil is to apply a pure concentrate with a cotton swab as a spot. The result is blocking of inflammatory pathogens, rapid regeneration of damaged cells.

When applying tea tree ether masks, be sure to close your eyes

It is convenient to use tea tree oil for acne when drawing up masks. For example, take a base, add two drops of ether. Clay is good as a base. It can be replaced with ripe avocado paste, but always paired with lemon juice (a tablespoon).

For daily use, it is recommended to dilute ether (five drops) in boiled water (three tablespoons.). Add aroma to cream, lotion, toner or wash gel. Dosage - two drops of solution per 10 ml of base, leave the mode of use as usual.

Tea tree oil for acne blemishes

In place of the inflamed areas, spots remain due to the stimulation of the melanin pigment. Tea tree oil reliably removes acne marks. With its help, post-acne can be eliminated completely or made less noticeable. Effective composition - 10 ml of rosehip oil + five drops of ether. Conduct daily treatment of problem areas.

Recommended reading:  Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to cook

Wipe your face with ether with a cotton pad

Tea tree oil for blackheads

Film works well here from:

  • gelatin and milk (a teaspoon each.);
  • ether concentrate (two drops);
  • chicken protein (teaspoon).

Melt gelatin with milk in a water bath. Beat the egg whites until lather Cool the gelatin to room temperature, add the remaining components.Apply to problem areas, remove the film after 15 minutes, moisturize the skin. You can use another recipe for acne on the face with tea tree oil:

  • packaged green tea;
  • two tablespoons of white clay and essential oil.

Brew a tea bag for 2-3 minutes, cool to room temperature. Then break the package, mix the contents with clay and oil, dilute with tea leaves to the consistency of a liquid cream. Apply a sufficiently thick layer to areas of accumulation of blackheads, cover with polyethylene. It is important not to let the mask dry out. After 20 minutes, remove with a gel for washing, rub the face with toner and moisturize with cream.

Anti-wrinkle tea tree oil

The benefits of tea tree oil for the face in the fight against wrinkles are difficult to overestimate. The best results are obtained when using masks and washing solutions. It is required to take 30 g of clay in powder, add a mixture of oils - lavender, rosemary, tea tree, calendula, carrot. Each drop. Keep for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use green or white clay.

For washing, add a drop. ether per 1 liter of purified water.

Tea tree oil for the skin around the eyes

Near the eyes, the skin is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, procedures with an essential concentrate can be performed once a week, not more often. For a mask, it is enough to take 8 ml of almond base + 2 ml of grape base + a couple of drops of carrot oil. Then add to the mixture drop by drop. chamomile and tea tree. Moisten a cotton pad, wring out, apply on eyes. Keep for no more than ten minutes. The effect of tea tree oil on the skin is noticeable after several treatments. The tool removes wrinkles, smoothes and nourishes the epidermis.

To increase efficiency, add essential oils from other plants to tea tree extract.

You can add ether to the cream. It should be applied along the orbital zone of the eyelid with light stroking movements.

Be sure to close your eyes and make sure that the mixture does not get on the mucous membranes.

Tea tree oil for oily skin

The oily dermis is characterized by frequent recurrences of inflammation, so the tea tree is ideal here. It is best to take a product made from grape seeds, apricot, almond, peach as a base. If there are no such extracts, then you can mix ether with water or other cosmetics - tonic, cream. Tea tree oil is a good remedy for facial inflammation. An antimicrobial mask is made from a tablespoon of sour cream (oily) with three drops of concentrate and half a tablespoon of blue clay. It is important to apply gently, without affecting the eye and lip area. Keep for 15 minutes, remove with warm water. The result is optimal work of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of the pores.

For dry, combination skin

Dry skin also responds well to tea tree care. The ideal base is peach, jojoba, wheat germ and avocado. An excellent solution is considered to be a protein mask made of whipped protein + 5 g of olive base + two drops of lavender and tea tree each. Frequency - once a week, leave on the face for no more than 25 minutes.

With demodicosis

A lotion with tea tree oil and streak decoction works well. It is necessary to steam two tablespoons of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist a little (ten minutes). Add six drops of ether, treat the skin twice a day, morning and evening. In parallel, it is recommended to mix the concentrate into care products - creams, gels. With tea tree oil tonic, wipe your face daily.

The essential concentrate is able to completely stop the vital activity of ticks

Tea tree oil for facial rosacea

The presence of rosacea is troublesome and troublesome. In case of illness, it is recommended to add ether to a night moisturizer. You can make your own night cream using 0.5 cups of coconut oil (unrefined) and ten drops. ethereal. Store the product in a tightly sealed container, apply and leave overnight, rinse off in the morning.The second option is to purchase cosmetic ready-made tea tree oil for the face in the store.

For clarification

A composition of a teaspoon of cream, juice of ½ lemon, two drops of ether will help whiten age spots and freckles. Combine all components and apply to the skin. Keep for ten minutes, rinse with warm water.

Important! Tea tree oil increases the skin's sensitivity to UV light.

Therefore, the product is recommended for use in winter and autumn. Also, lemon juice is not used for damage to the skin or the presence of neoplasms.


You will have to refuse to use the product in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • children's age up to three years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Do not exceed the indicated dosage and apply pure ether without an allergy test.


Tea tree oil for face is a decent natural extract for the care of all skin types. It is used for various problems and for prevention. The tool is very affordable and budget friendly. Therefore, it is worth listening to the recommendations and adding ether to your cosmetic kit.

Reviews on the use of tea tree essential oil for acne on the face

Galina Sergeevna Yanicheva, 27 years old, Belgorod
The oil saved me from acne. Before that, I tried a lot of expensive products, but the effect of the natural product turned out to be much better. It is only important to use it without fanaticism and with mandatory testing for allergic reactions. There are a lot of options for application, I chose spot application on acne. I am very satisfied.
Elena Ivanovna Kiryanova, 44 years old, Smolensk
I love the wrinkle-smoothing results of using tea tree oil. The action is soft, the skin is cleansed, breathes easier. It becomes very pleasant to the touch, inflammation, acne, peeling disappear. For some of my friends, oil is not suitable. I think you need to be careful when trying new recipes, but I recommend the tea tree to everyone.

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