Shea butter: benefits and harms, how to use

The benefits and harms of shea butter have long been known to the indigenous people of Africa. Recently, this product has begun to gain more and more popularity outside the African continent. The secret of this popularity lies in the unique properties of the oil, making it an almost indispensable component of many cosmetic recipes. However, in addition to cosmetic, it also has healing and culinary properties.

What is shea butter made of?

Shea butter is obtained from the fruits of the amazing Vitellaria tree growing in Central Africa. Other names for this tree are Shi or Karite. Making oil is a complex multi-stage process of processing the seeds of this tree.

In the manual production of oil, the seeds are finely crushed, water is added to them and the resulting suspension is foamed. The collected foam is boiled and cooled. The resulting white substance is the final product.

The industrial production of this substance includes filtration and bleaching processes, from which the final product acquires a whiter color and loses its characteristic odor.

Shea butter composition

The oil is based on polymer molecules of fats, most of which are triglycerides. The fatty acids included in the product have the following composition:

  • oleic - from 40%;
  • stearic - from 35%;
  • palmitic - from 3%
  • linoleic - from 4%;
  • linolenic - no more than 1%.

In addition, the oil contains unsaponifiable substances:

  • phenols;
  • tocopherols;
  • steroids;
  • triterpenes;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • various hydrocarbons.

The total proportion of unsaponifiable substances is less than 10% of the total mass.

Shea butter contains vitamins A, E and F.

Why shea butter is good for you

Shea is mainly used in cosmetology. At the same time, it has medicinal and culinary properties.

The beneficial properties of the oil are used in cosmetology to soften and moisturize the skin. It is used as an anti-aging agent - the use of oil allows you to smooth wrinkles and carry out general skin rejuvenation.

The regenerating properties of this product are also known. It is excellent at fighting acne and eliminating the cause of skin flaking.

The beneficial substances in shea stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin cells. From what the skin becomes firm, elastic and cleaner.

The beneficial properties of the oil are also used for hair regeneration. Shea-moisturized bulbs become more vital and grow hair faster.

The healing properties of shea are well proven in the healing of scars, cracks and cuts in the skin. They also help in the fight against stretch marks. Regular application of the oil to the skin stimulates blood flow in the capillaries, and also protects it from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

In cooking, this product is used as a fat substitute. It is used for baking and making desserts.

Healing properties of shea butter

The beneficial properties of the oil are used in the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system, skin and viral infections of various nature. Shea has a pronounced antiseptic and protective effect.

For sore joints

The manifestation of the beneficial properties of the oil is especially pronounced in their effect on sore joints. Due to its structure, oil molecules are able to penetrate deeply into the area of ​​inflammation and effectively fight it, removing puffiness and pain.

It is believed to be one of the most effective remedies against the manifestation of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis.

When ligaments are stretched

Shea has a warming effect, therefore it is often used for sprains of tendons and muscles. It is also used for muscle fatigue and to relieve local muscle tone.

With dermatitis

Thanks to the vitamin A contained in the product, shea is good at showing its beneficial properties for various skin diseases - eczema and dermatitis. To reduce the development of inflammation, it is necessary to apply shea to the affected area as soon as the first symptoms of dermatitis appear.

The use of oil moisturizes the skin, partially eliminates the cause of inflammation and does not allow the inflamed area to grow in size.

From diaper rash

Diaper rash of newborns is a serious problem that can cause considerable discomfort to both the baby and his mother. The beneficial properties of shea butter make it easy to deal with this problem.

To do this, you need to cleanse the baby's skin by washing it with water and mild soap, and then dry it thoroughly. Then you should rub the shea into the affected area until it is completely absorbed. Then you need to wait a few minutes and change the child into a new diaper.

The use of shea butter in cosmetology

Despite the abundance of useful properties of a medical nature, the main use of the oil is cosmetic. Shea can be used anywhere on the body, from the crown of the head to the toes. Its effect on the skin is extremely positive.

But its main purpose in cosmetology is to carry out cosmetic procedures in "critical" areas - on the face and scalp. Shea is suitable for all skin types and in most cases can be applied without fear of any allergic reactions.

For facial skin

Anti-wrinkle shea butter is made according to this recipe:

Mix 10 ml of shea butter, olive oil and almond extract and apply on the face for 15 minutes. After that, the mask must be washed off, but not with water, but with some herbal decoction (for example, from chamomile flowers).

Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications

Wrinkles are smoothed out and skin is refreshed. During the preparation of the mask, it is recommended to slightly warm up the components to enhance their beneficial properties.

Apply shea butter to the skin around the eyes. Mix 2 tsp. oatmeal with 1 tsp. shea and 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice. Then add a few drops of sandalwood essential oil.

The composition is applied to the skin around the eyes with a thin layer for 5-7 minutes. The product is washed off with warm water. Then it is necessary to apply an eye cream to this area. The frequency of application of the composition is up to 3 times a week for a month. This use of Shea Butter helps to eliminate eyelid swelling.

For body

Shea butter for stretch marks can be used either in its original form, or in combination with any essential oil. The most commonly used peach or almond.

The remedy for stretch marks is made as follows: in 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 drops of essential oil are added to slightly warmed-up shea. The product is applied to previously steamed skin to enhance its beneficial effect. This procedure is best done after taking a warm bath.

After application, the problem area is wrapped in a film or simply wrapped in some kind of cloth.

For hands

Shea butter recipe for dry skin. In a blender or coffee grinder, grind the peel of one lemon, then beat the resulting mass with the yolk using a whisk. The resulting composition is covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 15 minutes.

To enhance the beneficial properties, the composition is heated and added to it in 1 tbsp. l. Shea and avocado pulp, stirring the mixture until smooth.

Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado

The mixture is applied to the skin and left for 5 minutes, after which a second layer is applied. The skin is rinsed after 15 minutes and then a moisturizing gel is applied to it. A similar composition can be used for facial skin.

After using the product, the skin ceases to peel off, its color evens out. Redness and irritation also go away.

For hair

The composition of the regenerating hair mask: 2 tbsp. l. Shea is heated in a water bath and 3 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops of jojoba essential oil are added.

The mask is applied to hair half an hour before shampooing. In this case, the hair must be slightly moistened. Shea is applied to the entire volume of hair, after which it is combed with a large-toothed comb. At the end of the distribution of the mask, the head should be wrapped in cling film and wrapped in a towel. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

The full recovery course consists of 10 procedures performed every two days. After that, it is advisable to carry out preventive recovery: once a week in winter, and once every two weeks in summer.

For lips, eyelids and eyelashes

For problem areas of the facial skin, the following ingredients are used:

  • 2 tsp shea;
  • 1 tsp aloe juice.

It must be applied twice a day to the skin of the eyelids and around the lips. In this case, it is advisable to treat the skin with an ice cube before the procedure. Ice can be prepared independently from some herbal decoction (roses, calendula, chamomile, etc.)

Treatment of problem areas removes flaking and prevents the appearance of cracks and fine wrinkles.

For tanning in a solarium and in the sun

The use of shea allows you to obtain an even and safe tan on the entire surface of the skin. In this case, the source of ultraviolet radiation can be any: the natural sun or an artificial lamp in a solarium.

Recommended reading:  The benefits of a solarium for the body

Tanning mix:

  • shea - 50 ml;
  • coconut oil - 50 ml;
  • jojoba oil - 25 ml;
  • raspberry seed oil - 5 ml;
  • carrot seed oil - 30 drops.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin half an hour before going out into the sun or starting the procedure in a solarium.

In soap making

Shea is also used in soap making. It makes the soap hard and fragrant. Soap made with shea butter base lathers relatively little, but has excellent cleansing properties. Moreover, such a soap is able to moisturize the skin and make it silky.

Attention! It is better not to make soap at home from scratch on your own. It must include sodium hydroxide, which, if handled carelessly, causes severe burns.

It is best to buy a ready-made soap base, which contains from 15 to 30% shea butter, and limit the preparation of soap only by adding flavors and auxiliary substances.

In aromatherapy

Shea is used in aromatherapy. Its aroma improves sleep and has a relaxing effect on the body. In addition, its scent helps with colds.

The recipe for the aroma lamp mixture is quite simple: for every 10 ml of shea butter, add 5 drops of essential oil. Before “charging” the aroma lamp, the carite should be melted beforehand.

Benefits of Shea Butter During Pregnancy

Shearing during pregnancy helps to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen. It is able to smooth out existing stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones. At the same time, shea can be used both in pure form and in a mixture with any essential oil.

How to use shea butter in cooking

Shea can replace butter or margarine in almost any dish.It is used in baked goods, desserts and chocolate. It is ideal as a substitute for cocoa butter in recipes.

Contraindications to the use of shea butter

She has no contraindications. However, research over the past ten years has shown that it can cause allergies similar to latex allergies. The reason for this lies in some of the components of shea, similar to the components of raw materials for latex production.

How to choose and store shea butter

Shea is almost impossible to fake. However, the addition of some components can change its properties not for the better. These components include some solvents, in particular, hexane. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the purchased product to ensure that there are no solvents.

Shearite is stored in a closed container without access to light in a cool place. The recommended storage temperature should not exceed + 25 ° С. The shelf life is 2-3 years.


The benefits and harms of shea butter are due to its composition. A large amount of healthy fats and biologically active components contribute to the distribution of this product throughout the world. Shea has many useful properties and has practically no contraindications.


Klimkina Anna, 25 years old, Khabarovsk

I regularly use shea to create face masks. I had dry skin that was highly flaky. Everything changed when I first tasted this oil. Literally a month passed and no trace of my problems remained. My skin is smooth and silky. Thanks to this oil, I gained confidence in myself and my appearance.

Pavlova Svetlana, 50 years old, Vladimir

Years go by and I am no longer young. Every day it takes more and more efforts to maintain beauty. Shea masks have become a real find for me. Large wrinkles have significantly decreased, and small ones have become almost invisible. This oil works just as well as the most modern anti-aging creams. But, the most important thing is its completely natural origin. My skin is much better and more attractive.

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