Hula hoop for weight loss: benefits and harms

The hoop is a ring-shaped sports trainer. It is actively used in rhythmic gymnastics and fitness. However, not everyone knows what the benefits and harms of the hoop are for the human body and what properties it has.

Types of hoop

  1. Classic gymnastic hula hoop. It is often made from plastic, aluminum, or some other lightweight material. It is quite difficult to build the perfect figure with such a hoop, but it is well suited for children's sports games and competitions.
  2. The foldable hula hoop can be assembled several times (from 2 to 6). Disassembled: this hoop takes up very little space, and this is its main advantage. The number of segments can be changed independently by increasing or decreasing the diameter of the circle.
  3. Weighted: The main difference from the classic hula hoop is weight. Often, the inner surface is weighted with sand or metal, which is why the mass of such a simulator ranges from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. The main property of this type of hula hoop is to intensively influence the waist area and actively massage it, which is of particular benefit for the female figure.
  4. The massage hulup is equipped with small suction cups, which tend to actively interact with the skin during its rotation. In addition to the suction cups, special massage balls can be located on the surface of the hoop, which will be useful for working out the abdomen and waist area. The benefits of the massage option are especially evident for weight loss, it is also commonly called the "slimness hoop".

Why hula hoop is useful for the body

For all its simplicity, the benefits of a workout hoop are multifaceted. Its main advantage is accessibility, because you can twist the hula hoop anytime and anywhere, be it an apartment or a gym. The rotation of the hoop can also be combined with other easy tasks: talking on the phone or watching your favorite TV show or series.

To practice with a hula hoop does not require a lot of skills and special preparation: just a few workouts will help you fully master the hoop.

With its measured rotation, the muscles do not overwork, and training at an accelerated pace can be a good alternative to cardio training.

The use of the hoop is also great in the massage value. It will be useful in improving the tone of the muscles of the waist and abdomen, increasing blood flow, and active fat burning.

The hoop includes the work of the muscles of the press, hips, as well as the gluteal and dorsal muscles, significantly strengthens them.

The benefits of twisting the hula hoop for the cardiovascular system is based on the fact that during its rotation, a person's pulse quickens. This increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, which helps to normalize blood circulation and strengthen the heart muscle.

The trainer also has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the spinal column, contributing to their tone and the formation of correct posture.

The valuable properties of hula hoop are not limited to this. Hoop exercises also provide benefits:

  • in the normalization of metabolism and intestinal functioning;
  • improving stretching skills (leaves the opportunity to perform various gymnastic exercises);
  • the development of coordination, muscle flexibility, a sense of rhythm and space, in improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • ridding the respiratory system from the harm of foreign chemicals, normalizing ventilation of the lungs.

The simulator is also used with benefit by men: hula hoop strengthens calves and abdominal muscles, and also helps to properly expend calories.

Slimming hoop

The benefits of the hula hoop will be especially relevant for women who want to get rid of extra pounds: the simulator gives an increased load and actively works out the waist and hips. Thanks to this, fat burning in these areas is accelerated, and the muscles become more toned.

The effect of the slimming hoop will not keep you waiting: in just 10 minutes of rotation, the body spends more than 100 kcal, which can easily be compared to jogging. However, for intense weight loss, it is highly recommended to combine training and proper nutrition: then the health effect of using hula hoop will be maximum.

Another advantage of the hula hoop over other weight loss machines is its safety, because the hoop cannot harm muscles and joints. After the first days of classes, bruises may appear on the body, but you should not worry: after a while, the body will get used to the load and the hematomas will no longer bother you.

Does hula hoop help to remove the sides and stomach

A hoop with spikes will have the greatest benefit for losing weight in the waist area: such a hula hoop helps to quickly remove the abdomen, actively engages the oblique abdominal muscles and starts intensive fat burning in the waist and hips area.

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To achieve the desired result, you need to train daily, starting with a few minutes throughout the day and gradually increasing the load.

The properties of such a training help to remove extra centimeters in a fairly short time.

It is important to know that a lot also depends on the type of hoop chosen: to achieve maximum benefit, women are recommended to twist massage machines with weights, soft hoops are perfect for strengthening muscles and stretching, and gymnastic hoops are perfect for maintaining the body in general tone.

How to twist the hoop

Before you experience all the useful properties of a weight loss hoop, you need to remember a few simple rules that will help the rule to twist the hula hoop and increase the effectiveness of the exercises:

  1. The first thing that is important to control is the position of the legs: the closer they are to each other, the more body muscles are worked out. In the first sessions, it is best to put your feet shoulder-width apart, gradually reducing the distance between them with each workout. This will provide a significant benefit to the effectiveness of the workout and will benefit the lumbar region.
  2. Breathing plays an important role in the rotation of the hoop. Do not hold your breath or breathe intermittently, because this can result in harm to the consequences for the respiratory system. It is very important that the lungs pass oxygen evenly. Muscle tension should be accompanied by inhalation, relaxation - exhalation.
  3. During training with the hoop, you need to make vigorous movements and change the direction of the body every 5 minutes.
    Important! The hula hoop should rotate exclusively with the efforts of the abdominal muscles.

  4. For women with narrow hips, a massage hoop would be the best option: it adheres well to the body and does not leave bruises.
  5. Control of the position of the hands will be no less important: when rotating the hula hoop, they should be put behind the head and locked into the lock.
  6. Before classes, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary warm-up of the body. This will help warm up the muscles and prevent harm from possible sprains.

You can find out more information on how to twist the hoop correctly, about its benefits, harms and properties for losing weight in the video:

How much to twist the hula hoop to lose weight

For those who want to lose those extra pounds, it is necessary to twist the hoop every day for 30 - 40 minutes. The first 20 minutes of training, the human body tends to actively consume glucose, and only after that it uses its fat reserves.

For beginners, it is recommended to start with five minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration of the workout.

Hoop exercises

To speed up the process of losing weight on the waist and hips, special exercises with a hoop on the corresponding areas of the body will help. Such a complex is well suited for both beginners and experienced people:

Slimming belly

  1. Put your legs together, bend your arms at the waist and spread them to the sides. Spin the hula hoop for 8 - 10 minutes, periodically changing the pace of its rotation.
  2. Put one leg forward, press your hands to your shoulders (shoulders should be deployed). Twist the hoop, periodically changing one leg to the other. The benefits of the exercise will be higher if you take small steps around the room while rotating the hula hoop.

Slimming thighs and buttocks:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides. Rotate the hoop, gradually moving it down to the hips, and then try to lift it back to the waist. Repeat several times.
  2. Take a half-sitting position, spread your arms to the sides, and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotating the hula hoop, you need to perform slow squats, returning to the starting position on exhalation.

This exercise with a hoop is considered one of the most difficult, but it is this exercise that is most beneficial in getting rid of extra centimeters. Thanks to it, the main muscles of the body (gluteal, gastrocnemius, abdominal muscles) are worked out, and active fat burning in the abdomen is also started.

When the result will be noticeable

It is important to know that the speed of the result largely depends on the person's past training experience. People familiar with fitness or other sports get in shape much faster than beginners.

If the human body has already experienced physical activity before exercising with the hoop, the first result can be seen after several weeks of rotating the hula hoop. Otherwise, it will take a little longer.

Much also depends on the intensity of the torsion of the hoop, additional loads and useful nutrition: if all these factors are correctly combined, the result will not be long in coming.

Possible harm to the hoop

Despite all its simplicity, even such a useful exercise machine can be harmful to human health.

Women are strongly advised not to load their body with a hoop in the first days of training: this can cause bruising on the body and scarring of the subcutaneous tissue.

To minimize the risk of bruising, do not rotate the hula hoop on your naked body.

It is very important to choose the right hoop. Beginners are advised to use light plastic hula hoops, since massive hoops with massage balls for an untrained body may not be beneficial. They will also fall frequently, which can lead to bruising on the ankles.

To avoid bruising on the body, it is necessary to wear things with a closed waist: high leggings or a T-shirt of sufficient length. If hematomas do appear, you need to apply ice to them for a few minutes or use anti-inflammatory ointments.

Avoid exercising on a full stomach as this can cause serious digestive upset. It is allowed to start classes at least two hours after eating. You can drink water while exercising.

Contraindications to torsion of the hoop

It is impossible not to appreciate all the useful properties of the hoop, but not all people are allowed to use this simulator. There are a number of contraindications to hula hoop training.

Postpartum and pregnancy

Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to engage in hula hoop, as this can affect the general course of pregnancy and harm the development of the fetus.

It is not allowed to twist the hoop in the first months after the birth of the child, especially during the period of breastfeeding. Particular attention should be paid to the recovery period after a cesarean section: in this case, training with a hula hoop can turn into harm even six months after childbirth.


The rotation of the hula hoop has the ability to actively massage the anterior abdominal wall, which increases its blood supply. This, in turn, can increase menstrual bleeding, which can negatively affect a woman's well-being.

Gynecological diseases

Exercising with a hoop is contraindicated in women with diseases of the female part (in particular, with uterine fibroids and retroflection), since the rotation of the hula hoop can increase inflammation. To obtain accurate information, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Diseases of the abdominal cavity

The rotation of the hoop exerts significant pressure on the abdominal and pelvic organs (kidneys, uterus, gastrointestinal tract). If diseases of even one of these organs are present, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to stop training with hula hoop until complete recovery.

Rash, itching, bruising

If the skin in the abdominal area is affected by a rash, it is better to postpone beneficial exercises with the hoop until you receive treatment. This also applies to wounds, scars and hematomas of varying degrees.

How to choose a slimming hoop

For the effectiveness of weight loss, it is recommended to choose a weighted hoop that will perform the two most important functions:

  1. Provide thermal effects to accelerate fat burning.
  2. Give stress to the abdomen and waist.

Experts do not recommend purchasing a massive and too heavy hula hoop because of the possible harm to the body in the form of hematomas on the body. The greatest benefit in this case will be given by a hoop with a weight of 2 - 2.5 kg. You can start training in a sweater - this will reduce the risk of bruising, and then after a while try to practice in a T-shirt or T-shirt.


The benefits and harms of the hoop continue to be actively studied by experts in the field of physical education. To date, several quite valuable and healthy properties of hula hoop are known: it actively affects the muscles of the press and waist, helps to strengthen them, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and stimulates getting rid of extra pounds. It is very important to choose the right hoop for yourself and familiarize yourself with its contraindications so as not to harm your health.


Elena, 35 years old, Moscow
About a year ago, stress occurred in my life, due to which, literally in a month, I gained more than 10 kilograms. During this period, I just moved to a new apartment and found a hula hoop on the balcony. I have heard a lot about the benefits of the hoop for the figure, but I never dared to buy it myself. I was incredibly surprised when I got on the scales after a month of intensive training: I lost almost 7 kilograms! It is with pleasure that I continue to practice useful workouts to this day.


Zhanna, 41 years old, Perm
I was always worried about my stomach, and there was never enough time to go to the gym. For my birthday, my sister gave me a massage hula hoop and told me about the benefits of twisting the hoop for the abdomen and waist, and I decided to try it. The result was very encouraging. Inspired, six months later I bought a folding hoop - and now my hula hoop accompanies me even on business trips!


Larisa, 28 years old, St. Petersburg
I learned about the benefits of training with a hoop for women from my mother, who works as a gymnastics coach. I immediately decided to test the simulator on myself, because I have long wanted to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters in the waist area.After a month of training (I worked at home for half an hour a day) I saw my desired waist, and six months later I reached my ideal figure! It is very important to combine exercises and healthy nutrition - then the effect will come even faster.


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