How to remove the smell of baby urine from the sofa and carpet

Unfortunately, children of the first two years of life often "miss" and pee anywhere but in the pot. Every mother knows: a puddle on linoleum and even on a laminate is not a problem yet, much worse is a wet footprint on upholstered furniture or on a fluffy carpet. If the child has described the sofa, it will be much more difficult to get rid of the smell than from the stain itself. Both folk and specialized means will come to the help of the hostess: in this "struggle" all methods are good.

Features of removing the smell of baby urine

When a small child pees for the first time on the sofa or on the carpet, the mother does not see anything wrong with it. Indeed, a wet spot dries quickly, almost never leaves a trace and, most importantly, no unpleasant odor. In extreme cases, mom has to wipe the traces of urine with wet wipes or a wet rag. But as time goes on, the baby grows up and begins to eat not only breast milk or infant formula, he is already slowly moving to the "adult table". This is where the problems begin.

As before, the child described the sofa, but it is no longer possible to remove the smell with ordinary water. It's all about the nutrition of the grown baby: he already eats fruits and vegetables, cereals and purees, and, of course, meat. Because of these products, children's urine ceases to be so "harmless", now it leaves persistent yellow spots and a very unpleasant odor.

If your baby has described an expensive sofa or a new carpet, you don't need to panic right away. Everything is fixable! Only you should act quickly and wisely. As soon as mom notices a wet trail of baby urine, she should do the following:

  1. Grab what is capable of absorbing moisture well. It can be toilet paper, kitchen napkins, paper or terry towels, microfiber rags.
  2. Press the rag or towel firmly against the stain and try to absorb as much moisture as possible.
  3. Change the rags several times and press even harder on the sofa or mattress to “pick up” all excess urine.

When trying to get rid of baby urine stains, you don't need to do things like:

  • dry the stain with a hairdryer;
  • ironing a wet sofa or carpet with a hot iron;
  • take out the "spoiled" thing in the sun;
  • put mattresses and rugs on heaters and heaters.
Important! Drying the described sofa or carpet can only be done after all the layers of upholstery and fabric have been drained of urine to the last drop.

The high temperature and ultraviolet rays will “seal” the smell of baby urine inside the material - after that it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. In addition, unpleasant brown and brown spots will appear after heating.

How to get baby urine smell out of the couch

Children's urine leaves not the most difficult stains, it is quite possible to get rid of them even on a snow-white sofa or mattress.You just need to act correctly, because the most dangerous thing is the smell, which can become a "companion" of family gatherings on upholstered furniture for many months.

There are several ways to remove the smell of baby urine from a mattress, chair or sofa. Folk remedies, which can always be found at hand, do an excellent job with this task. If the trace on the upholstery of the sofa has dried out, it must be soaked again before removing the stain. Ordinary warm water will help with this.

Attention! The faster they start cleaning, the more chances you have to get rid of the yellow trail and the unpleasant smell forever. “Ambre” “leaves” from old stains not removed in a timely manner much more difficult.

How to remove baby urine smell from your sofa with laundry soap

Regular laundry soap is an old and proven way to remove the most stubborn stains. You can also get rid of the smell of baby urine with this affordable remedy. You should act like this:

  1. Take a clean kitchen sponge (made of foam rubber) and wet it with warm water.
  2. Thoroughly lather the sponge with a piece of laundry soap.
  3. Rub the area of ​​the sofa with the children's "surprise" with soapy foam.
  4. Leave the soap on for 15-30 minutes.
  5. Wipe the stain with a well-damp cloth. Repeat until all the soap suds are gone.

Old traces of baby urine, the smell of which has already firmly "stuck" in the upholstery of the sofa, you can also try to remove it with laundry soap. In this case, you should not rub the sponge, but the furniture itself. Perhaps the first time you will not be able to get rid of the persistent smell - the procedure is repeated.

How to remove baby urine smell from your couch with lemon juice

You can remove the smell of baby urine from a carpet or sofa using lemon juice. Fruit acid gently removes dirt from the fabric, while citrus scent will fill the room with freshness.

It is necessary to get rid of childish "surprise" with the help of lemon in stages:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of one whole lemon.
  2. Strain and pour the juice into a spray bottle (in a container for spraying indoor flowers, for example).
  3. If the smell needs to be removed from plain white furniture, it is better to add pure water to the bottle (the concentrated juice can leave a yellow mark on the sofa by itself).
  4. Spray the product in a thin layer on the stained area of ​​the furniture.
  5. When the baby urine stain is already old, it is better to repeat the spraying of the juice after 15-20 minutes.
  6. After another 30 minutes, you can wash the upholstery with a clean cloth soaked in cold water.

Comment! Fresh lemon juice will help get rid of baby urine odors and stains even in the most difficult cases. You should prefer this method if you are stained with a light monochromatic furniture upholstery, a snow-white mattress or a long pile carpet.

How to remove baby urine odor from sofa with vinegar

Vinegar neutralizes persistent odors in the same way as lemon juice. Only the aroma of this product is not so pleasant, but the effectiveness is slightly higher. The beauty of vinegar is that it doesn't have to be washed off - the volatile substance will simply fade and dry out.

To get rid of baby urine on the upholstery, you need to dilute 9% table vinegar with clean water in a 1: 2 ratio. Apply the resulting composition generously to the stain and rub it well with a soft brush or sponge (as far as the upper material of the sofa allows).

More difficult stains that have not been removed for a long time and now exude a terrible smell can be removed with a combination of vinegar-based composition. For its preparation, vinegar, water and dishwashing gel are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the contaminated areas of the sofa and left for 20-30 minutes. After that, gently wash off the product with cold water.

Warning! Do not be afraid of the specific vinegar smell: unlike the "fragrance" of baby urine, it disappears in a matter of hours. To speed up the process, after cleaning, you can open a window and ventilate the room.

How to remove baby urine from the sofa with potassium permanganate

It is impossible to "educate" children without good old potassium permanganate! Among other things, this remedy helps to cope with urine stains and remove a pungent odor. In this case, potassium permanganate works as an antiseptic.

To get rid of the acrid childish "aroma", a few crystals of manganese are added to the water and stirred very thoroughly. When the water turns evenly pink, a piece of clean cloth or an old towel is soaked in it. Squeeze lightly. Place a damp rag on a stained sofa or carpet, press down a little. After half an hour, the procedure must be repeated. After that, all that remains is to dry the furniture or flooring.

Attention! You can remove stains with potassium permanganate only from dark surfaces. Crystals will leave unsightly yellow marks on light-colored materials.

How to clean the sofa from the smell of baby urine with iodine

Iodine perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors, but it alone can leave a "lifetime" stain on any surface. Therefore, you should be very careful to get rid of baby urine with an antiseptic.

Firstly, iodine stains can only be removed from dark, monochromatic materials. And secondly, the antiseptic must be mixed with water and do not leave this mixture on the upholstery for a long time.

To remove the old smell of baby urine, it is better to use iodine together with potassium permanganate. A pinch of potassium permanganate and 20 drops of iodine should be dissolved in a liter of water. In the resulting solution, moisten a rag and wipe the area of ​​the upholstery soiled by the child with it. After 10-15 minutes, wipe the sofa with a damp towel.

How to remove baby urine from sofa with hydrogen peroxide

If iodine is only suitable for cleaning dark sofas, then using peroxide can remove the smell of baby urine from a light carpet or mattress. Before proceeding with the elimination of the unpleasant children's "odor", it is necessary to get rid of the stain itself - it is thoroughly blotted with dry rags.

After that, you can pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the upholstery area stained with baby's urine. After an hour and a half, you need to rub the stain with a damp brush or foam sponge. Then the sofa is wiped dry.

Advice! Hydrogen peroxide will also help get rid of in more severe cases - it even removes the smell of animal urine.

How to remove the smell of baby urine from the couch with alcohol

You can also remove an unpleasant odor with medical alcohol. This method uses the ability of alcohol to evaporate, "taking" molecules of baby urine with it. If the stain is fresh, just pour a little alcohol mixed with water (1: 1) on it. Old, already dried out traces of the child's urine must first be soaked: cover with a well-moistened cloth or towel and press down.

Alcohol on upholstery or carpet can be left overnight for exposure. But a couple of hours is enough. When the baby urine particles dissolve, you can proceed to the final stage - drying. A household hairdryer will help with this: the device is turned on at full power and hot air is directed onto the wet trail.

Important! In order not to "breathe" the heated acrid smell of urine mixed with alcohol vapor, the sofa must be dried with an open window.

How to get rid of baby urine smell with specialized remedies

Household chemicals will help get rid of the smell of children's "surprises" no worse than folk methods. Moreover, you can use not only special stain removers, but also means that have a completely different direct purpose.

Remove the stain and neutralize the unpleasant odor using the following products:

  1. Faery dishwashing gel. To get rid of baby urine stains, you need to dab some of the product on a kitchen sponge and lather well. Then this foam is evenly distributed over the upholstery of the sofa and left for half an hour. The final stage of cleaning is a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Bleach containing chlorine is only suitable for removing stains from light coatings.Chlorine molecules perfectly eliminate the most persistent odors. To avoid damaging the upholstery fabric, bleach is mixed with water in the proportion indicated on the product label. Moisten a cloth in the composition and wipe the sofa stained with the child's urine.
  3. Shampoo or powder "Vanish", designed for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. The powder is simply scattered over the surface of the baby urine stain and spread evenly with a dry brush. The shampoo must be lather and the foam must be applied to the trail. After 30-40 minutes, the furniture needs to be vacuumed.

How to remove baby urine smell from carpet

You can use any of the above products to remove the baby urine odor from the carpet. But there are also special methods for removing stains from floor coverings.

The most effective housewives recognize the following methods to eliminate unpleasant odor:

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  1. Spread the baking soda over the soiled carpet and spread evenly with a soft brush. Using a sponge or the same dry brush, soda is, as it were, driven into the pile of the carpet. Leave the product on the floor for a couple of hours so that the smell of baby urine is completely absorbed into the soda. After that, the carpet must be vacuumed or taken outside and knocked out.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of fresh lemon and mixed in equal proportions with hydrogen peroxide. To get rid of the persistent smell of baby urine, you need to quickly apply the resulting composition to the carpet and rub with a damp brush. After an hour, wipe the stained area with a wet cloth, then you can vacuum the coating.
  3. Glycerin is able to rid the carpet of children's "fragrances". Fatty particles of the substance envelop urea molecules and neutralize odors. A tablespoon of glycerin should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rub the carpet with the resulting mixture. For the best effect, hostesses recommend alternating the treatment of baby urine stains with glycerin and alcohol.

Important! Place a large terry towel under the carpet before removing the odor.


If the child has described the sofa, it will not be easy to get rid of the smell, because the urine is quickly soaked in depth and stains not only the upholstery. Mothers will be helped by both special products from the line of household chemicals and folk methods. As with any stains, you need to act quickly - until the urine is dry.

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