Sandalwood essential oil: properties and applications, reviews

The properties and applications of sandalwood oil mainly affect the field of cosmetology. Nevertheless, the product is also used for the treatment of certain ailments, as well as for the restoration of emotional balance.

How sandalwood oil is obtained

Unlike most essential oils, it is not made from flowers and leaves, but from sandalwood. It grows in tropical areas - mainly in Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Egypt and South Asia. To make ether, sandalwood or roots are thoroughly crushed and then subjected to water-steam treatment.

Since sandalwood is a rare tree species, and only mature plants at least 30 years old are suitable for creating ether, the product is considered very valuable. In addition, the consumption of raw materials during production is quite high - only 100 ml of ether is obtained from a ton of wood chips.

The product is unique in that it is made from wood chips rather than green parts
Important! You can recognize the product by its appearance and smell, it has a yellow color, a rather viscous consistency, and the smell of sandalwood oil is grassy and slightly wax.

Composition and properties of essential sandalwood oil

The composition of sandalwood ester is not very diverse, but extremely valuable. 90% of the product consists of santanol - a substance with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The useful properties of the ether are that it:

  • brings a good effect in the treatment of respiratory diseases and colds;
  • helps to relieve inflammation, not only external, but also internal;
  • has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system in women and men;
  • normalizes hormones and improves health during menopause and painful menstruation;
  • eliminates puffiness and itching during skin irritations and after insect bites;
  • has a beneficial effect on the psyche, promotes relaxation;
  • lowers blood pressure and generally improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increases concentration and memory, increases efficiency;
  • has light analgesic properties.

The use of sandalwood oil from Egypt is justified for muscle pain and joint ailments, its properties help to restore mobility and relieve tension and inflammation.

The use of essential sandalwood oil in cosmetology

The cosmetic field is the main field of application for sandalwood. You can meet the broadcast not only as part of ready-made products, it is actively used at home for personal care.

Sandalwood essential oil for hair

Santalol in the composition of the product is able to restore damaged hair and restore its strength and shine.The use of ether is especially recommended for frequent staining and other manipulations with curls that negatively affect their health.

Although in the composition of the product 90% is occupied by the only substance santalol, its value is very high

To improve hair growth

The sandalwood properties help revitalize dull hair and start the growth processes in dormant hair follicles. It is necessary to mix a spoonful of burdock oil with 5 drops of essential sandalwood, and then treat the hair with this mixture and wrap it with a film for an hour.

The mask will not only have a stimulating effect, but will also give your hair a very pleasant smell.

Split ends

The unique sandalwood properties, when applied, restore the structure of damaged hairs and make them stronger. You need to mix together 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, a spoonful of honey and a couple of drops of sandalwood, and then how to lubricate the strands, paying special attention to the ends. Rinse off the mixture after 50 minutes.

Anti-dandruff mask

To get rid of dandruff well helps the use of the following remedy:

  • ordinary burdock oil in the amount of 2 tablespoons is mixed with 2 drops of sandalwood, lavender and lilac extracts;
  • apply the mixture to the strands and rub it especially carefully into the root area;
  • leave for an hour, and then remove.

Sandalwood oil not only softens the skin and prevents it from flaking at the roots, but generally normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum.

Sandalwood essential oil for face skin

The properties of cosmetic sandalwood oil are of great benefit to the epidermis. Application allows you to prolong the natural youth and make the skin soft and velvety.

Anti-wrinkle face sandalwood oil

The first wrinkles appear early on too dry skin, while sandalwood helps soften it and nourish it with useful elements. For face care, it is recommended to mix equal parts of frankincense and jojoba oils, add a little sandalwood oil for the anti-wrinkle face and distribute over the skin for 15 minutes.

Acne Sandalwood Mask

The anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood help fight rashes on the face. To a standard base, for example, to jojoba oil, add a couple of drops of lavender and sandalwood esters. Apply the product pointwise to acne and acne to achieve a moxibustion effect. You do not need to wash off the mixture after use.

Sandal is mainly used for cosmetic purposes - its medicinal properties are secondary.

Rejuvenating mask

In order to qualitatively moisturize, tighten and rejuvenate the epidermis, you need to use sandalwood oil, mix it with 15 ml of sour cream, and also add banana mashed into gruel to the mask. The product is distributed over the skin and kept for about 20 minutes, then washed off with clean warm water.

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Sandalwood body oil

The benefits of sandalwood oil and its use are that it is used not only for the face. The oil effectively fights stretch marks, cellulite and dry skin all over the body. Using its properties is very simple, you need to prepare a mixture of base and essential oils, for example, add 3 drops of ether to a spoonful of olive oil.

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This mixture is rubbed into the body for several minutes. It is advisable to leave the product on the skin for at least an hour so that the beneficial components have time to penetrate deeper into the tissues.

Sandalwood oil for nails

The properties of sandalwood oil help to improve the condition of the nails. The use of ether not only strengthens the nail plates, but also removes the fungus, if any. Home cosmetology recommends mixing a few drops of ether with 1 small spoonful of baby cream and rubbing into your fingertips and nails daily.

When applied for 2 weeks, the nails will become shiny, healthy and beautiful.

Foot baths with sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil heals feet, its properties are good for relieving fatigue, eliminating calluses and healing small wounds.In a 4 liter bowl, you need to dilute 3 tablespoons of sea salt and a couple of sandalwood drops, and then hold your feet in hot water for 20 minutes.

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How to use sandalwood oil in medicine

The use of the properties of sandal for medical purposes is mainly external; it is used for rubbing, compresses and inhalation.

Areas of use:

  1. Breathing in oil vapors is useful for colds and colds, for chronic bronchitis and more serious pulmonary diseases.
  2. In the presence of joint ailments and muscle sprains, ether can be diluted in any base oil and a bandage soaked in the product can be applied to the sore spot for 1-2 hours.
  3. Rubbing has a good effect on varicose veins of the legs and fatigue. Healing wounds, abrasions, ulcers and burns can be lubricated with sandalwood.
Baths and aromatherapy relieve fatigue and tension

Internal use is sometimes justified, the properties of the sandalwood product help to strengthen the immune resistance, calm the nerves in case of anxiety disorders, treat colds and stomach diseases. For internal use, only 3 drops of oil must be mixed with a spoonful of honey and diluted in a glass of warm water.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to ingest sandalwood in its pure form. It is highly concentrated and can burn mucous membranes if used carelessly.

Aromatherapy with sandalwood oil

The properties of sandalwood are found not only for targeted use, sometimes it is used simply for aromatizing rooms or for adding to an evening bath. In this case, it is enough to add only about 6 drops of the product to a full bath of water, and sandalwood in the amount of 3 drops can be added to the aroma lamp.

The calm and subtle woody scent of sandalwood effectively relieves anxiety and neuroses, helps to improve sleep and improves performance. It is best to do aromatherapy in the evening to get some quality relaxation just before bed.

Sandalwood oil massage

Sandalwood is often used in massage treatments. The use of the product together with the base oil not only gives the massage mixture a pleasant smell, but also enhances its beneficial properties. During the session, sandalwood allows for better muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation under the skin and relieves tension.

To prepare a massage mixture, you need to add a few drops of ether to 15 ml of any base, for example, jojoba, olive and even sunflower oil. Such a remedy will have an additional beneficial effect on the joints, when using its properties, pain will go away with rheumatism or arthritis.

What Sandalwood Essential Oil Works with

Sandalwood ester can be used in combination with other volatile oils. It combines especially well when applied with the following esters:

  • pink;
  • lavender;
  • cedar;
  • geranium;
  • bergamot.

You can also mix sandalwood with patchouli, mimosa, jasmine, and ylang ylang.

When choosing a product, you need to look at the manufacturer - real ether is supplied from hot countries

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite its many valuable properties, the use of the tool is not allowed for everyone. It is necessary to refuse to use:

  • during pregnancy and while breastfeeding;
  • at high temperatures;
  • with an individual allergic reaction.

Internal use of sandalwood oil from Egypt is prohibited in case of exacerbation of digestive ailments. It should also be borne in mind that the properties can be dangerous when applied on a hypersensitive epidermis.

Advice! Before using the sandalwood product for the first time, apply a very small amount to the skin at the wrist or elbow and see if redness and itching appear.

How to choose and store

The oil is not very common in pharmacies, but you can usually buy it in specialized stores.When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Naturalness... Real sandalwood ester must contain 100% essential oil, without any additional constituents. Otherwise, the valuable properties and benefits of the product will be much lower.
  2. Price... A quality product is quite expensive - on average, from 600 to 1000 rubles and more. The low price of ether should raise doubts about its quality and naturalness.
  3. Manufacturer... The main suppliers of the product are Egypt, the countries of South Asia and the Middle East, cold regions cannot produce natural oil.
Cheap sandalwood ester is most often fake

Very often on the market you can find ethers with a cost of about 100-200 rubles. In this case, it is necessary to properly study the characteristics of the product. Most often, an extract of the so-called West Indian sandal, or amyris, a plant from the Rutov family, is sold at a low price. Amiris has many valuable properties, however, it has an exclusively unofficial name in common with sandalwood. The chemical composition of plants is completely different, and they also act on the body in different ways when applied.

It is necessary to store natural sandalwood extract under standard conditions - at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a dark place and in a tightly sealed dark glass bottle. The product retains its valuable properties during use for 3 years, provided that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


The properties and uses of sandalwood oil are used in the field of beauty and personal care. But at the same time, sandalwood is useful for treating diseases, it can even be consumed internally, if you adhere to scanty dosages.

Among the valuable properties of the product, its soothing effect is especially noted.

Reviews on the use of sandalwood essential oil

Kravtsova Larisa Vladimirovna, 32 years old, Moscow
Sandalwood is one of my favorite essential scents. It has a very pleasant thick scent, is good for sleep and helps to cope with stress. From time to time I add oil to the bath or light a lamp, and I feel that the sandalwood scent is one of the most calm and relaxing.
Irishina Maria Sergeevna, 26 years old, Vladimir
I love massage with essential oils, I like sandalwood for its very warm and soothing scent. Other ethers have brighter and more refreshing scents, they are more invigorating, but sandalwood is ideal when you need to quickly relax and tune in to rest and sleep.

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