What is useful and what is collagen for?

Women want to stay young and attractive as long as possible. However, aging is an irreversible process directly related to collagen. The benefits and harms of collagen are factors to look out for before using different drugs.

What is collagen

The benefits of collagen for the human body have been studied for quite a long time. The substance is a filamentous (fibrillar) protein, which is considered the basis of the connective tissue of various organs. Human skin contains approximately 70% of this protein. The useful component takes part in the formation of joints, bones, muscles, ligaments.

The third layer of the epidermis contains elastin and collagen. These components create the skeleton of the skin and are responsible for its internal and external condition. Useful components give the skin the necessary strength, elasticity and firmness.

The development of the required amount of the component takes up to 30 years. Then production gradually decreases. There is a violation of the structure of collagen bonds, the loss of their integrity and elasticity.

The useful component is distinguished by its properties and unique composition. Thanks to proline and vitamin C, the protein structure and strength are preserved.

It is known that the component is characterized by large molecules. Its formation occurs when fibroblasts, which belong to the connective tissue, join together. Collagen threads are formed through synthesis. From these single strands, chains are formed consisting of a significant amount of amino acids. Three strands intertwine and form spirals that allow amino acids to interact.

Amino acids included in the composition include:

  • glycine;
  • proline;
  • alanine;
  • glutamic acid.
Recommended reading:  Why is glycine useful, properties and application

The synthesis takes place in stages. This process is controlled by adrenal hormones with the participation of vitamin C.

Collagen has specific qualities and properties. It differs from other proteins in composition, properties, as well as polypeptide compounds, electron microscopic structure.

Collagen types

The useful component enters the body along with food. However, in adulthood, the amount received is not enough. Experts recommend taking medications and dietary supplements that have beneficial properties.

Experts describe 28 types of collagen. The industry produces only 3 varieties:

  1. tendons, skin, cornea, artery, dentin, placenta, liver;
  2. intervertebral discs, cornea, cartilage, vitreous;
  3. uterus, arteries, stroma of the liver, glands, spleen, brain, fetal skin.

The following sources are named:

  • joints;
  • tendons;
  • fish skin;
  • livestock leather;
  • wheat.

Fading skin must be nourished with cosmetics that contain a useful component. Protein is represented by the following varieties:

  1. Animal... This type is considered the cheapest and most widespread.That is why its properties are used mainly in inexpensive cosmetics. This collagen is obtained from the hide of cattle. Animal protein penetrates the skin rather poorly. Its harm is manifested in the risk of allergic reactions. Protein has no pronounced beneficial properties.
  2. Nautical... This species is obtained from the skin of the inhabitants of the seas. A useful property is the closeness to human collagen in structure. Protein can stimulate the production of its own collagen. Possible harm manifests itself in the form of the development of allergies. Production is carried out exclusively at low temperatures.
  3. Vegetable... Protein is obtained from wheat. It does not include pure collagen, but only its individual components, which have beneficial properties and have a positive effect on the skin. Vegetable protein does not harm. The substance is rich in minerals, vitamins and other beneficial components.
Attention! The cost of cosmetics depends on the properties of a particular variety.

Collagen benefits

Protein has specific properties that relate to different organs of the body. The following benefits of collagen are distinguished:

  • protection of the skin from mechanical damage;
  • regeneration and restoration of cellular structure;
  • giving the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • prevention of the development of neoplasms;
  • activation of cell renewal.

For skin health

Collagen is responsible for skin properties such as elasticity, firmness and firmness. The protein is located in the 3rd layer of the dermis.

Over time, its production decreases. This process is also influenced by the following factors:

  • active facial expressions;
  • the effect of nicotine and alcohol;
  • stress and depression;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad ecology;
  • prolonged insolation.

The age-related decline in production leads to the following consequences:

  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • muscle pain;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • lability of mood;
  • reduced activity;
  • fragility of bone tissue.

For hair beauty

Collagen benefits hair. Protein is not harmful and contributes to:

  • restoration of hair shafts;
  • giving curls shine;
  • protection against falling out;
  • an increase in volume;
  • elimination of the section;
  • retention of the necessary moisture.
Attention! Collagen-based hair care products have beneficial properties. Collagen shampoos are beneficial.

For digestion

The mechanism of action of a beneficial protein on the gastrointestinal tract is not well understood. Some amino acids, for example, glycine, reduce the severity of inflammatory processes in irritable bowel syndrome, improve the digestion process. Potential harm to the gastrointestinal tract can occur against the background of an overdose.


The benefits of collagen for women is to get rid of extra pounds. Protein also helps fight the appearance of cellulite. When the substance is broken down, beneficial amino acids are formed, which contribute to the effectiveness of training.

Attention! Cellulite indicates aging of the body. This condition is caused by weakening of the connective tissue.

For joints and bones

Adequate collagen levels are important for maintaining healthy joints and bones. Collagen supplementation is beneficial for joints due to its effect on connective tissue.

Research results have shown that the use of protein reduces pain. This is due to a decrease in inflammation in arthrosis and arthritis.

For heart

The substance supports the blood vessels and arteries that carry blood from the heart to other organs. An insufficient amount of it damages blood vessels. The fragility and weakness of blood vessels is manifested by atherosclerosis and strokes.

For muscles

About 10% of muscles are made up of a special protein. It is necessary for the adequate functioning of the musculoskeletal system.Prophylactic intake of dietary supplements helps to reduce the risk of muscle loss, which is often associated with age.

Important! Protein promotes muscle growth after physical activity.

What foods contain collagen

The connective tissues of animals contain a significant amount of a substance with beneficial properties. Experts emphasize that meat and offal are optimal sources of protein.

Collagen can be found in bone broths and foods that contain gelatin. In fact, gelatin is a protein. It is not fully hydrolyzed collagen.

Protein food is destroyed by the digestive system. The maximum benefit is obtained by drinking collagen as a hydrolyzed supplement.

Signs of collagen deficiency

The following elements are required for collagen production:

  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • pyridoxine;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon.

Vitamins A, D, E contribute to the production of collagen.

A deficiency is manifested by the following unpleasant symptoms, which are often harmful:

  • hair loss;
  • dental caries;
  • impaired nail growth;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • loss of skin elasticity and firmness;
  • fragility of joints and bones;
  • muscle weakness;
  • visual impairment;
  • scoliosis.

Pathological conditions and harm occur against the background of a chronic deficiency of a substance or its aging processes as a protein structure. The synthesis of the component stops at the age of 21 years. The aging process begins. Youth lasts longer with insufficient manifestation of the deficiency of the substance.

Collagen instructions for use

There are various dosage forms that allow you to take the protein substance, depending on the indication.


Powdered collagen is beneficial in the absence of a component. The daily dosage of the powder is 5-7 g. With intense physical exertion, the dose is increased to 10 g.

To get the benefit, you need to use the powder properly. This is due to its properties. The composition is diluted in a tablespoon of water or other liquid, and then added to a glass. The powder is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The beneficial effect of the powder can be supplemented with green tea extract or hyaluronic acid.

In capsules

It is a convenient dosage form taken to maintain the youthfulness of joints and skin. Collagen capsules are beneficial for hair and nails. It is necessary to drink dietary supplements three times a day during meals. Typically, the course of treatment is up to 3 months.

Important! Capsules are absorbed faster than tablets due to their properties.

In tablets

Benefits can be expected when taking collagen internally. Experts say that this dosage form does not provide the maximum benefit due to its properties. The tablets dissolve for a sufficiently long time. That is why the daily dose (6 tablets) is taken in 2 divided doses. Collagen tablets are beneficial when taken in the morning and evening.

In the form of a gel

Collagen is beneficial when used in cosmetology. When using the component in the form of gels, one should take into account their low efficiency. The benefits of collagen serums for the face are insignificant due to their basic properties. Their molecules are too large to dissolve in water or fat.

In the form of injections

The benefits of collagen for facial skin are undeniable. The injectable form helps get rid of sagging skin and wrinkles. Lip volume can also be visually increased through injections.

Collagen damage and side effects

Collagen brings both benefits and harm to the body. However, the harm of taking supplements is not significant. It is known that the substance is obtained from various sources, which are not always of good quality. Some seafood can cause allergic reactions. It's not just fish and shellfish that have allergy-causing properties. Sometimes the body is harmed by eating eggs. In this case, you need to purchase dietary supplements.

Sometimes after taking the drugs, an unpleasant and rather long taste in the mouth is noted. Heartburn appears after taking some supplements.

Important! Good dietary supplements have beneficial properties. They rarely harm the body in the form of unwanted reactions.

The drugs can be harmful if taken during pregnancy. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

What type of collagen is best to choose

The choice of dosage form depends on the purpose of use. To ensure that the drugs do not harm, the recommended dosage must be strictly observed.

Powder is considered the optimal form of administration due to its properties. The substance in the form of a powder, which is diluted in a drink, is quickly absorbed. The powder also has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive compared to capsules.

Important! The substance in tablets and capsules contains vitamin C. When choosing a powder, you must additionally take a monopreparation or a vitamin complex.


The benefits and harms of collagen are carefully studied by scientists. Useful properties include maintaining youth and health, beauty of hair, nails and skin. So that the drugs do not harm, it is recommended to adhere to the required dosage.


Maria Petrovna Sinitskaya, 32 years old, Vladikavkaz
I have been using collagen on my face since the first wrinkles appeared. I use various cosmetics. For example, I often make masks with collagen. Daily care keeps you young. Recently bought a collagen cream for the eye area. I also consider it necessary to pay attention to the beauty of the hair. From time to time I purchase a collagen shampoo for hair.
Lilia Vasilievna Klyuchnikova, 64 years old, Crimea
For several years I have been suffering from joint pain. A rheumatologist diagnosed arthritis. Taking collagen inside for joints helps to eliminate pain. It relieves inflammation and increases joint mobility.

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