How to descale a steam generator at home

The steam generator is a modern electrical device that allows you to iron clothes, disinfect various surfaces, removing stains. When using it, you must follow the general recommendations. The device needs the timely removal of plaque that appears due to increased water hardness. You can descale your steam generator at home using a variety of products.

Why is formed

The operation of the so-called steam station is accompanied by the formation of lime deposits. Scale occurs due to the salts that are present in ordinary tap water. The appliance has thin channels that are necessary for the passage of steam. Gradually they become clogged with lime deposits.

Scale makes it difficult for steam jets to pass through. This is accompanied by the appearance of extraneous sounds during the operation of the device. Lime fragments are sometimes visible on the steaming surface. After using the household appliance, yellow stains may appear on clothing.

Important! When limescale deposits appear, the steam is delivered unevenly.

Some devices have a self-cleaning function. However, when using hard water, regular descaling is required.

How to descale the steam generator

There are various ways to clean limescale deposits. It is not necessary to purchase expensive household chemicals.

How to descale a steam generator with citric acid

To remove salt deposits, a special solution is poured into the tank. The liquid contains 1 teaspoon of citric acid and 350 ml of warm water. The duration of the action of the product is 25 minutes, after which it is necessary to turn on the steam supply mode. The cotton fabric should be ironed until the water evaporates completely.

After completely emptying the tank, water is poured into the container of the device. The liquid is drained after 15 minutes.

Using a citric acid solution is a budget-friendly way to descale


If the holes in the steam generator are blocked by limescale deposits, you can use essence (9%). For this purpose it is necessary to mix water and vinegar in equal proportions and fill the tank about a quarter with the solution.

After 20 minutes, turn on the steam generator at full power and then iron the cotton fabric. The method can be used to clean the outer surface of an electrical appliance.

The disadvantages of using vinegar essence include a pungent odor and the impossibility of frequent use due to negative effects on plastic and rubber elements.


The appliance can be cleaned with a solution that contains vinegar and water. When these ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of gas bubbles. To 100 ml of essence add 20 g of soda.

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The resulting solution should be wiped on the outer surface

Mineral water

This is the safest method that you can use regularly to descale your steam generator.It is necessary to pour mineral water into the boiler. The steam generator is turned on at full power and the fabric is ironed until the water disappears. The procedure can be repeated several times. It depends on how dirty the electrical appliance is.

After removing lime deposits, the tank is thoroughly rinsed with water

How to descale your iron steam generator

Removal of lime deposits is carried out with the obligatory disconnection of the electrical device from the network. To clean the steam generator iron from scale, you must first pour out the water from the tank, and then unscrew the valve designed to eliminate plaque. The diluted agent is poured into the hole. The valve must be tightened and the reservoir closed.

Descaling in an iron with a steam generator is performed when the device is turned on to the maximum mode. The fabric is ironed until the water disappears. After turning off the iron and cooling it down, rinse the container.

Attention! It is recommended to use household cleaning products to remove scale in an iron with a steam generator. If the appliance is heavily soiled during cleaning, limescale particles may appear.

How to clean the steam generator from scale and dirt

There are many modern products on the market that have important advantages. They allow for quick cleaning and eliminate the need to make separate formulations.

Important! The use of a descaling product specifically designed for the electrical appliance is the best option. This is due to their relative safety and high performance.

You can use various products to descale the steam generator. Among household chemicals, Antinakipin is widespread, which is represented by:


  • powder;
  • gel.

The concentrate is dissolved in water and used according to the instructions. You can repeat the cleaning procedure for best results.

Preventive measures

Compliance with simple rules is necessary in order to reduce the formation of scale and increase the life of the electrical appliance. Only filtered water should be poured into the tank. This is due to its composition. It is known that tap or spring water includes salts and various impurities. Boiling is also not the best option. In the process of using such water, a sediment is often formed, which subsequently leads to the need to clean the electrical device.

Attention! Distilled water has a high vaporization temperature.

The appliance should be cleaned about 2 times a month. It is not recommended to remove scale using hard sponges, abrasive substances. The use of cleaning agents that contain hydrochloric acid is prohibited. Store the steam generator away from heat sources.


It is not difficult to descale the steam generator at home. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a month. Use filtered water to prevent limescale build-up and shorten the time between cleanings.


An electric appliance allows you to iron clothes with high quality and clean various surfaces from dirt. However, its operation requires compliance with certain rules. Testimonials provide information on how to descale your steam generator.

Elena Kurtsova, 27 years old, Syktyvkar
I bought a steam generator several years ago. I am completely satisfied with the purchase. However, periodically it is necessary to descale the steam generator. I tried to remove limescale deposits with vinegar several times. Confused by the pungent smell after cleaning. Then a friend advised me to pour mineral water into the tank. I liked this method more.
Tatiana Nikolaenkova, 34 years old, Krugloye
I usually descale the steam generator with citric acid. This method is very effective and proven over the years. I have not even tried other means.Citric acid can be used for more than just descaling the inside of the steam generator. The powder is also suitable for washing the washing machine.
Ksenia Nikiforova, 29 years old, Vologda
I do not think that it is advisable to use self-prepared compounds when cleaning the steam generator. Now there are special products available that allow you to remove lime deposits quite effectively. I usually buy Antinakipin tablets. The result after cleaning is always good.
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