How to remove candle wax from clothes

Wiping candle wax from clothes sometimes seems quite simple. In fact, it can be difficult to remove such contamination from various types of clothing, especially if the fabric is delicate. Therefore, before proceeding with the washing, it is worth choosing the optimal method for removing the stain from the candle.

Features of removing wax from clothes

It can be difficult to remove wax from clothes at home only due to the fact that this substance is quickly absorbed into the structure of the fabric and subsequently solidifies in the fibers. Therefore, it is difficult to remove such contamination physically, because during normal washing, cleaning agents cannot always penetrate deep into the structure of the material and clean out wax particles from it.

A fresh candle wax stain can be easily removed with a regular napkin. Liquid paraffin can be quickly removed, and even a greasy residue will not remain on the fabric. If the wax has managed to penetrate deep into the clothes, then it can also be removed from the surface with a piece of gauze or a cotton pad, wait a few minutes, and then carefully clean the remnants with a nail file or a needle. After that, the item should be washed with regular powder or soap.

Old candle stains will have to be dealt with more carefully. And a lot depends on the structure of the tissue and how much it has been damaged. Some items are made of delicate fabrics, which can burn or melt hot candle wax. In this case, there can be no question of complete removal of the stain, since it is practically impossible to restore the affected area.

The main ways to remove a wax stain from a candle:

  • Using cold... In this case, the wax on clothes hardens, and it can be easily scraped off;
  • Application of high temperatures... When heated, the paraffin melts, so it will be easier to remove it from clothes;
  • Use of solvents... This method of action is based on the fact that aggressive agents destroy the structure of the wax, making it more pliable for cleaning.

The hardest part to remove candle stains is from bulky items such as a jacket or blanket. After all, some items of clothing cannot be further machine washed in order to remove a greasy paraffin trace. In this case, you will have to resort to using dry cleaning or seek help from specialists by handing over the product to dry cleaning.

How to remove wax from a candle from clothes using folk methods

Some popular methods will help to remove the paraffin stain from the fabric. To begin with, you need to use just the means at hand, and only when their ineffectiveness is revealed, arm yourself with household chemicals, which a priori have a more aggressive effect on the fabric.

How to freeze a candle from clothes

Freezing helps remove candle wax from a variety of fabrics, including leather. Therefore, the use of cold is the very first option to turn to.

If the item of clothing is small, then it must be placed in a plastic bag and sent to the freezer for a couple of hours. During this time, the stain will harden, and the wax from the candle can be removed with a nail file or knife, and then simply wash the product.

Ice can be used for large items:

  1. Spread the problem area on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Take ice or any frozen food.
  3. Place it on a saucer.
  4. Place the container on the stain.
  5. It is best to keep the cold on the garment for an hour. Therefore, you will periodically have to change the ice to a new one.
  6. After the paraffin has set, treat the thing with a sharp object and wash it off.

A leather item can be saved with the same ice. It is enough to hold the cold on the spot for a few minutes, and then wipe off the wax from the candle with a swab. Remove greasy residue with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water. After processing, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

How to remove wax from fabric with an iron

Exposing the wax to high temperatures is also one of the best options for removing candle stains. In order to remove contamination, you will need the following items:

  • iron with turned off steam function;
  • paper napkins (white).
Important! Wax can be removed in this way only on fabrics that can be ironed. It is better not to expose delicate products to heating with an iron.

How to remove wax from clothes:

  1. First you need to scrape off the wax from the surface of your clothing. This can be done with a knife, needle, or a simple toothpick.
  2. Place the product on the ironing board so that the wax mark is on top.
  3. Place several napkins under the stain that will absorb paraffin.
  4. Cover the top with several napkins.
  5. Preheat the iron (it is best to set the minimum temperature).
  6. Iron the wax, changing napkins periodically.
  7. The procedure should be carried out until all the wax has melted and absorbed into the paper. It takes about 20 minutes to completely remove the dirt.
Attention! Do not heat the iron to maximum temperatures. This will only aggravate the situation, and it will be much more difficult to remove pollution.

How to remove wax from a candle from clothes with boiling water

Regular boiling water will help remove the wax stain from clothes. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Place the soiled item in a sink or basin.
  2. Pour some boiling water on top of the problem area. Water so that the water seeps through the stain rather than spreading over the fabric.
  3. After this cleaning, the product must be washed with powder in order to completely remove the grease trail.
Important! It is not recommended to clean delicate fabrics in this way. Before use, you need to study the tag on the clothes. If boiling is not prohibited, then this method can be safely applied.

How to remove paraffin from fabric with ammonia

You can also remove paraffin stains from clothes by exposing them to ammonia. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A teaspoon of ammonia is diluted with a liter of water.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting solution.
  3. The problem area is being processed.
  4. Rinse clothes.
Attention! This method is suitable even for delicate fabrics.

How to scrub candle wax from clothes with turpentine

Turpentine is another good solvent that can be used to quickly remove candle marks from clothing. For this you need:

  1. On a cotton pad, apply a little turpentine diluted in water (in a ratio of 1 to 1).
  2. Wipe the problem area.
  3. Wash the product with powder.

If, after processing, stains and an unpleasant smell remain on the clothes, then you can rinse the item in water with the addition of vinegar.

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How to remove paraffin from clothes with a heated spoon

For things that differ in their dimensions, you can choose the method of cleaning with a heated spoon. This method can even be used for furniture and flooring.

  1. Heat a tablespoon over the fire, taking the handle with a towel or a grip so as not to burn your hand.
  2. Place a paper napkin on the area stained with a candle (if possible, put a napkin under the stain as well).
  3. Hold the heated spoon on the wax until the cutlery is warm.
  4. Remove napkins.
  5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

This method will help you quickly remove wax from a candle from a jacket or bulky item.

How to Steam Wash Paraffin from Candles from Clothes

For fabrics that cannot be ironed or boiled, you can use the steam cleaning method. To do this, you need to steam the thing and clean the problem area with a regular clothes brush or a hard sponge.

Attention! Instead of steam treatment, you can use a hairdryer

How to wipe paraffin wax from clothes using household chemicals

It is almost always possible to remove a candle from clothes using folk methods. But if for some reason it didn't work out to get the wax out of clothes, you can also use household chemicals:

  1. White. It can only be used on clothing for which the use of aggressive substances is not prohibited. The whiteness contains components that melt the wax, and it is easily cleaned from the fabric structure. The product must be applied directly to the dirt, and then thoroughly wiped off with a cotton swab. After the procedure, the product is washed with ordinary powder.
  2. Powdered cleaning products (Pemoxol, etc.). With their help, you can also display the trail from the candle. To do this, the powder should be poured onto a moistened area of ​​clothing, grind and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Then remove the substance with a brush and then wash.
  3. To remove wax from jeans, products such as Asidol (ammonia solution) will help. You can find it at many hardware stores. And the use of the drug is extremely simple - apply to the stain from the candle, wait a few minutes and wash.
  4. A means for eliminating fat, which is used by housewives in the kitchen. It will quickly cope not only with the wax itself, but also with greasy stains after it has been removed.

How to remove colored paraffin wax from a candle from clothes

Wiping the paraffin off the fabric is not so difficult. But things are completely different with colored candles. Many of the above methods will not only not help, but will aggravate the situation. Therefore, in this case, you will have to act more carefully and deliberately so as not to completely ruin the thing.

Prohibited methods:

  1. Iron... A hot iron will only help fix the stain. It will be possible to remove the wax itself, but the coloring pigment will remain in the fabric for a long time.
  2. Steam... Steaming the garment can cause the color trail to spread over a larger area of ​​the garment. Therefore, you should not take risks and process the thing with steam or hairdryer.
  3. Boiling water... Can only be used on fabric of the same color as the candle. It will not be possible to completely remove the trace, but hot water is able to wash off a larger amount of pigment.

What can be done to remove the stain from a colored candle on a dress or any other product:

  1. White is suitable for white things.... It is able to burn out both the wax itself and the remnants of paint from it.
  2. Ice... Place an ice pack on the stained area and wait until the paraffin begins to peel off with gentle rubbing. After the wax has been cleaned off, the remaining colored stain can be rubbed with Antipyatin soap or any suitable stain remover.

If none of the remedies helped to remove the very persistent coloring base of the candle, then there are only two options - to part with the thing or decorate the damaged area.

Features of removing paraffin from different types of fabric

Before removing wax from trousers or other clothing, you need to find out the type of fabric. After all, not all products can withstand ironing with a hot iron or soaking in boiling water equally firmly. In order not to spoil the soiled thing, you need to remember a number of rules and recommendations.

  1. Cotton, wool and other dense fabrics that have gotten waxed can be saved by hot working.To do this, you can use various options - heating with an iron (do not forget about napkins that should be placed both under the stain and on it), using a hair dryer or steam (important for trying to remove wax from a cashmere or suede coat), soaking the problem area in water , the temperature of which is at least 70 degrees.
  2. For thinner fabrics, the use of a hair dryer and napkins can be recommended. Paper towels should be placed over the stain and heated with a hair dryer. The procedure should be repeated until the candle mark is completely removed.
Attention! It is possible to use methods involving the use of high temperatures only if the candle was white. It is prohibited to remove colored paraffin from the fabric using such methods.

After the wax is removed, streaks may remain on the fabric. To eliminate them, it is not necessary to wash the item. You can simply soak a cotton ball or cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and remove any traces of wax.

  1. Silk and fine wool are afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, it will not work to remove dirt with steam and an iron. In this case, you can cover the stain with dishwashing liquid and leave the product for 10 - 12 hours. After that, the thing must be washed in an automatic machine, turning on the appropriate mode.
  2. Suede and similar material can be steamed, but the exposure time of the steam to the candle trail should not exceed 5 minutes. If, during the first approach, it was not possible to remove the wax from the clothes, before repeating the procedure, it is necessary to allow the clothes to cool completely. You can also use gasoline for suede. A cotton pad is moistened in fuel, applied to the problem area and after 20-30 minutes of exposure, washed with powder.
    Important! After each steam treatment, the stained area should be cleaned with a dry cloth.
  3. Synthetics can be steamed and even ironed. But only if a particular product can withstand thermal effects. Therefore, it is necessary to apply this method only as a last resort, when other methods for removing the candle did not give the desired result. To protect yourself from damage to your wardrobe items, you should first soak the synthetic product in hot water. After 3 - 5 minutes, wash the product by hand, adding a little powder or any other detergent.
  4. Delicate fabrics can also be frozen. If the candle wax is thoroughly crumbled, then the grease stain can be removed with any stain remover suitable for the type of fabric.


It will be easier to wash the candle wax from your clothes if the substance does not have time to firmly absorb into the fabric. Therefore, it is always recommended to start cleaning immediately after contamination has got on the clothes or has been noticed.

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