How to remove plasticine from hair in a child and an adult

Children's creativity is a very useful activity, but beautiful colored paints and everyone's favorite plasticine often bring not only joy to children, but also excitement for their parents. In addition to an accidentally lost piece of plasticine, which can easily ruin the carpet or leave an unpleasant mark on the floor, children can stick it in the most unexpected places. And very often it happens that parents find sticky material on clothes, as well as in the child's hair. It is especially problematic to remove plasticine from the hair of girls, since it is important not only to carefully remove sticky marks, but also to keep the hair intact.

Features of removing plasticine from hair

Manufacturers today produce different types of plastic mass depending on its application. As a rule, children's material for creativity is very often made with a high content of paraffins and fats. This composition makes it more flexible, amenable to creating any shape in children's hands. But it is precisely because of these components that plasticine is very difficult to clean, especially from hair. The plastic mass does not harden at room temperature, which complicates the process of its removal, since when removed, sticky, slightly greasy traces remain. Therefore, you should definitely know how to properly remove sticky dirt from the strands so that you do not have to cut them off.

How to remove plasticine from hair

It is not as difficult to clean plasticine from the hair of a child or an adult as it might seem at first glance. It is only important to adhere to the order of actions and be careful. The whole principle of removal consists of two main stages:

  1. Remove the main plasticine ball from the strands - for this you can use the freezing or heating method.
  2. Clean up the remaining dirt - products that dissolve the remaining greasy residue are suitable for this.
Important! It is necessary to use only safe, non-caustic agents to remove plasticine residues, so as not to damage or burn the curls.

How to freeze plasticine in hair

It is known that this material reacts to a change in temperature, at high temperatures it melts and becomes very plastic, at low temperatures it hardens and breaks. That is why it is possible to effectively remove this trace from the strand using a low temperature; it is best to use pieces of ice for these purposes. On contact with ice, the mass begins to solidify, which makes it easier to remove.

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In this case, it is important to observe the following series of actions:

  1. Take a few ice cubes (you can use frozen foods from the freezer by wrapping them in a plastic bag).
  2. Apply ice on top and bottom of the sticky dirt on the strands.
  3. When the mass can be crumbled, remove it by hand.
  4. The remains are lathered with toilet soap and the hair is washed with regular shampoo.

How to remove plasticine from hair by heating

In addition to freezing, heating of this material can also be used.But since we are talking about a hairstyle, in this case, a regular hairdryer will help to remove plasticine from the child's hair.

For this:

  1. They turn on the hairdryer and direct a warm stream of air onto the plasticine adhering to the hair.
  2. As soon as the contamination becomes sufficiently plastic and soft, it is removed with a paper napkin.
  3. The remains are washed off with shampoo.

How to wash off plasticine from hair with sunflower oil

Sunflower oil allows you to soften plasticine, since vegetable oils soften the polymers in its composition. You could even say that the effect of oil is somewhat similar to heating, when the mass becomes soft enough to be removed with a paper towel.

Advice! In addition to sunflower oil, you can also use cosmetic oils, a lump of butter or margarine.

In order to remove the sticky substance with oil, you must:

  1. First, take a regular watercolor brush, you can use a cotton swab.
  2. Moisten a brush (stick) in oil and apply it to the adhered plasticine lump.
  3. Then you should wait a few seconds for it to soften, and remove it with a paper towel.
  4. After the procedure, you should thoroughly rinse your head with shampoo, if necessary, wash it 2-3 times.

If the plasticine piece on the hair is large enough, then first grease your hands with oil and unravel the strands, removing them from the plasticine coma. After the remnants of sticky dirt and oil are removed with a paper towel and thoroughly washed the head with shampoo, soaping several times.

How to get plasticine from hair using fabric

If you need to remove the plasticine from the hair of a child or adult, but there is neither ice nor oil at hand, and there is no way to use a hair dryer, you can try to remove the plasticine mass with a cloth. Any cotton, linen, flannel or woolen fabric is suitable for this.

The algorithm of actions is quite simple:

  1. They take the fabric and grab the plasticine for it.
  2. In the direction from the roots to the ends, the plasticine mass is pulled together, it is imperative to hold the strand at the base so as not to hurt the child.
  3. Once the main part of the contamination has been removed, repeat the procedure, removing the remains. You can try to comb the remaining plasticine out of your hair with a thin comb.
  4. After that, they soap the part of the curls where there was contamination with soap, and wash the head with shampoo.

How to wash plasticine from hair with an alcohol solution

For hair, it is undesirable to use aggressive substances that would contribute to the rapid dissolution of the plasticine mass. But you can still use an alcohol solution. It is even called a "loyal solvent", which makes it easy to remove plasticine from the hair of a child, and does not harm the delicate scalp and thin strands. In this case, either medical alcohol or food alcohol is suitable. It is non-toxic and harmless to humans. You can also use other alcohol-based products, such as cologne or lotion.

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In order to remove the plasticine with an alcohol solution, you can resort to the following manipulations:

  1. Take a cotton pad and cotton wool.
  2. Place a cotton pad under a lump of plasticine on the hair.
  3. A piece of cotton wool is moistened in an alcohol solution and applied over the plasticine mass.
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes, periodically moistening cotton wool in an alcohol solution, since alcohol tends to evaporate quickly. During thawing, some of the mass will drain onto a cotton pad.
  5. Residues must be removed manually. It is better to use a clean cotton pad or cloth to remove it. They grab a strand with residual dirt and pull them towards the ends, holding the hair at the base.
  6. After that, the head should be thoroughly washed with shampoo.
Attention! When using alcohol-containing products, the dissolution time can be long - up to 20-30 minutes, so to speed up the process, you can try to remove the main part of the plasticine by hand.

How to wash plasticine from hair with shampoo

If, after a lesson with plasticine, a piece of sticky mass was found on the child's hair, while it is small, then special measures to remove it will not be required. It is enough to mechanically remove the main part of the plasticine mass, freeing the strands, and then just thoroughly wash the remaining plasticine from the child's hair with ordinary shampoo.

To effectively remove plasticine residues on the strands, it is advisable to use a shampoo that foams well. Active foam helps to quickly destroy the structure of this material, which allows you to remove it almost completely. If it was not possible to wash off all the dirt, then you can gently comb out the remnants with a thin comb.

Baby balms or rinses are also great for rinsing off sticky dirt. The washing process will completely depend on the quality of the clay. The better the material, the more difficult it will be to wash off. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to wash your hair 2-3 times in order to completely solve the problem.


To remove plasticine from a child's hair, do not immediately pick up scissors. The plasticine mass can be removed with more effective and safe methods, keeping the curls intact and without damaging the beautiful hairstyle. And in order to avoid such a nuisance, before the child's creative activity, you should equip him with the necessary tools for modeling, arrange a place and, of course, put on an apron and a kerchief on him.

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