How to remove underarm yellow spots on white and colored items

Removing underarm sweat stains is not easy. But it is not necessary to go to the dry cleaner, as you can wash the thing yourself. There are many options, thanks to which you can return the original look of your favorite things at home.

Features of removing underarm sweat stains

A person's sweat is constantly released, there is no getting away from it. Therefore, the underarm area creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. In addition to an unpleasant smell, the secretion of sweat glands can make things unusable.

Clothes in the armpits gradually change color, as the secretions of the sweat glands penetrate deeply into the tissue fibers. Therefore, you need to try to remove dark or yellow spots under the armpits in order to save clothes.

You can remove yellow marks on clothes, but first you need to find out which products are not suitable for removing sweat stains. If you follow these helpful tips, the clothes will return to their original appearance:

  1. Bleach containing chlorine is not recommended for removing yellow spots. They destroy the fibers of the fabric, from which the products darken, and, as a rule, the place damaged by sweat becomes even more noticeable.
  2. Do not wash and dry clothes at high temperatures. If the T-shirt is soaked in hot water, the contamination will not be removed, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable. The optimum temperature is 30 degrees. Drying should be done in the shade, outdoors. The radiator is not suitable for this.
  3. If you need to remove traces on silk products, then acetic acid and acetone are not suitable for them. Synthetic clothing should not be treated with gasoline. It is not recommended to use acids on cotton fabrics, and alkaline solutions on woolen clothes.
  4. It is impossible to wash sweaty armpits on colored clothes with acetone, as this agent destroys the paint.
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How to remove underarm sweat stains using folk methods

Sweaty dirt bothers everyone, as clothes look untidy. Ugly footprints must be removed. There are a lot of funds, but not all can be used, since the choice depends on the type of fabric, as well as the color range of products.

To wash a shirt or other item from sweat under the armpits, housewives use some of the products presented in the list:

  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • salt and baking soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • lemon;
  • aspirin;
  • laundry soap;
  • petrol;
  • household chemicals.
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In addition, some products can be boiled to remove perspiration.

How to remove underarm yellow spots with vinegar

To remove yellowness on clothes in the armpit area, table vinegar, which is always available in the closet in the kitchen, will help. Dissolve 1 tsp in 200 ml of cold water. caustic liquid and liberally moisten the contaminated area on clothing.

After a few hours, clothes should be washed in room temperature water with a powder. Dry outdoors.

How to clean yellow armpits on a shirt with ammonia

Ammonia is a great tool for quickly cleaning yellow armpits on a white T-shirt. Pour water into a basin and add 1 tsp for each liter. means and the same amount of table salt. Soak any white thing in this solution for half an hour. Then rub the underarms with a soft brush (not too hard so as not to damage the tissue structure) and wash as usual.

How to wipe underarm sweat from clothes with salt

Using regular table salt, you can get rid of the yellowness in the armpit area.

Attention! This substance can be used on almost all types of fabric, even delicate ones, except for wool.

Option 1:

  1. In 1 st. water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. Moisten yellowed or darkened places on clothes with a solution.

Option 2:

  1. To remove yellow spots in the armpit area on clothes, you can prepare a gruel from 2 tbsp. l. salt and apply liberally to the desired location.
  2. After 2 hours, the salt is shaken off, and the thing is washed by hand or in a machine with powder.

Option 3:

  1. Combine salt and baking soda in equal proportions.
  2. Then moisten the desired area, so the whitening effect and removing yellow or dark spots will be significantly increased.
  3. After 1 hour, wash in cool water, then put into the washing machine.

This method is only suitable for white fabrics.

How to wipe sweat from clothes under your armpits with dish soap

Housewives use liquid soap to wash dishes. It can also be used to remove sweat from the yellow armpits. To do this, the product is mixed with a small amount of water and applied to the problem area. After an hour, you need to wash the product in warm water with powder.

How to use hydrogen peroxide to wash yellow armpits on a shirt

There are different uses for 3% hydrogen peroxide to remove yellow streaks from sweat:

  1. 1 liter of water will require 1 tbsp. l. liquids. Sweaty clothes are soaked in the solution for half an hour, then washed.
  2. Moisten the desired place with a generous amount, then soak the thing in a peroxide solution (1 l - 1 tbsp. L.). Wash after 30 minutes.
  3. Combine dishwashing detergent, baking soda and peroxide in a 1: 2: 4 ratio. Apply the mixture to the marks with a soft brush. After 2 hours, wash the item in a convenient way.
Advice! If the stain does not come out in one wash, the operation must be repeated.

How to remove underarm yellow spots with aspirin

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can help remove stains on a white or colored shirt under the arms. This pain reliever is an excellent stain remover:

  1. Crush 2 tablets, pour in ½ tbsp. warm water.
  2. Moisten the armpit on the shirt with the solution and wait 2-3 hours
  3. Instead of a solution, you can use gruel and rub it on a cloth, leave for 1 hour.
  4. The aspirin is washed out with a regular wash.

How to remove underarm sweat with laundry soap

Laundry soap is an excellent antibacterial and antiseptic agent that is in the arsenal of every housewife. Soap the problem area well and wash off after 3-5 minutes. If the yellowness is strong, you can rub with a soft brush.

How to remove yellow spots from armpits with gasoline

To remove the yellow spots of sweat under the armpits, you need to buy refined gasoline, for example, for refueling lighters:

  1. Moisten the stain with the product, rub gently with your hands.
  2. Then rinse and wash by hand or machine.
  3. To get rid of the smell, add conditioner.

Another method:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to the water. l. refined gasoline, ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap.
  2. Stir until smooth and apply to sweat stain.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash in warm water with powder and rinse in vinegar solution.
Warning! Synthetic fabrics are not cleaned with gasoline.

How to boil off yellow armpits on clothes

Since ancient times, heavily soiled cotton clothing has been boiled in large quantities of water. The method is suitable for white clothes, has been tested for centuries and is really effective:

  1. Half a piece of laundry soap is grated and poured into boiling water.
  2. Water is heated in enamel or metal dishes.
  3. When the soap is completely dissolved, things are put into the container.
  4. During boiling, things are stirred in the container.
  5. When the water has cooled slightly, the clothes are taken out and rinsed with cold water.

There is no exact boiling time, it all depends on the degree of contamination. But the result is white shirts with armpits washed off from yellowness.

How to remove underarm sweat stains with household cleaning products

If you cannot cope with pollution from sweat with folk remedies, you will have to resort to using household chemicals.

For white clothes, bleach is suitable:

  1. «Domestos"(Domestos). The product is used to treat the problem area and wash off after 1-2 minutes.
  2. «Persol". 1 tsp pour the funds into a glass of water. Moisten a soft brush with the resulting solution and rub the sweat stain. Rinse after 1 hour, then wash in a convenient way.
  3. «Tide". Dissolve the powder in a bowl of warm water and soak clothes for 4-6 hours. Then wash by hand or in a typewriter.
  4. White... The use of this tool is not entirely harmless, since it contains chlorine, which can corrode tissues. The whiteness is applied directly to the sweat stain. It quickly removes yellowness. Application time - no more than 2-3 minutes. Then a regular powder wash. Gloves should be worn while working.

Most often used stain removers:

  1. «Vanish". It is suitable for white and colored clothing. Before washing, the contaminated area is poured with liquid for half an hour, then washed in a machine with the addition of the same stain remover.
  2. Stain removers from the companies "Amway"And"Faberlic". The packages indicate which types of fabric the substance is suitable for. The product should be applied to the stain for half an hour, then rinsed with warm water. Washable in a typewriter or by hand. A stain remover is added to the water.
Important! Use stain removers strictly according to the instructions!

Other chemicals:

  1. White Spirit... Apply the liquid to a swab and wipe the sweat stain. Wash after 10 minutes.
  2. Stain soap... The range of these detergents is wide enough. Rub the stain on the armpits with soap and wash in a convenient way after 10-20 minutes.

How to remove yellow armpits on white clothes

It is much easier to remove white things from the yellowness of sweat than products made from colored fabrics, since most folk and chemical products are designed specifically for them. But when washing, you need to consider safety precautions:

  1. You need to work with rubber gloves so that the substances do not irritate or burn the skin of your hands.
  2. White products are made not only from cotton, but also from fine delicate fabrics. Before you wash yellow armpits on white clothes, the selected option should be tested on the product in an inconspicuous area. This will give you confidence that after removing the sweat stains in the armpit area, the item will not become unusable.
  3. Cleaning stains on white things is done from the inside out.
  4. To prevent dirty stains from appearing on a clean part of a shirt or T-shirt, the edges of the sweat stain are moistened with clean water.
  5. If you have to wash heavily soiled armpits from sweat on a shirt, use acid solutions or hydrogen peroxide. Aggressive substances remain in the fibers of the fabric. If the item is not rinsed well, the white item will turn yellow under the influence of the sun. It is impossible to get rid of this in the future.


It is quite possible to remove underarm sweat stains at home. This works especially well if the pollution is fresh. All aggressive solutions must be removed to places inaccessible to children and animals.

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