How to wash roller blinds at home

It is recommended to wash fabric roller blinds regularly, they accumulate dust flying from an open window and household dirt. But it is necessary to handle fabric roller blinds very carefully, since inaccurate exposure can ruin them.

Can roller blinds be washed

Roller blinds for windows can be made from natural and artificial materials. Most often, when creating them, they use:

  • linen, cotton and satin;
  • polyester;
  • polyvinyl chloride and fiberglass.

Roller blinds made of pure natural materials are rare. Usually linen and cotton are blended with polyester to increase the durability and reflective properties of curtains. The top of the fabric is coated with a special impregnation with an antistatic and dirt-repellent effect.

It is necessary to wash roller curtains very carefully, without damaging the special impregnation and without deforming the fabric

It is possible to wash fabric roller blinds at home, products, subject to the rules, safely tolerate contact with water and mild detergents. But the curtains are very sensitive to excessive wetting and mechanical stress, they can easily deform. Therefore, they cannot be washed in an automatic machine; if they get dirty, they do it by hand washing or gentle damp cleaning.

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How to clean roller blinds

Most of the window blinds have a special impregnation that prevents dirt from penetrating deep into the fabric fibers. All the dirt remains in the upper layer of the curtains, and it is this that must be carefully cleaned during cleaning so as not to damage the impregnation itself.

It is not customary to wash blinds using strong alkaline and acidic agents. Fluids with a neutral composition are best suited:

  • dishwashing detergents - AOC, Fairey and others;
  • liquid soap;
  • a solution of laundry soap.
It is best to wash the roller curtain with soapy water.
Important! The blinds can be washed with powder, but you need to check that the particles are completely dissolved in the water. If small granules remain in the fabric fibers, then under the influence of sunlight they will lead to the appearance of burnt areas on the fabric.

How to wash roller blinds at home

There are 3 cleaning methods for fabric roller blinds - dry processing, wet washing and hand washing in a basin. Which method to choose depends on how dirty the curtains are.

How to clean roller blinds without removing

Removing blinds from a window can be difficult, so it is best to clean them without dismantling. If you wash the roller blinds regularly and avoid heavy contamination, then you will not have to wash them in the basin for the first couple of years after purchase.

Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

If the fabric curtain looks clean and needs to be treated preventively, you don't even need to use water. Dry processing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the roller blinds are unfolded to the full length and straightened so that there are no folds;
  • a nozzle is put on the vacuum cleaner designed for cleaning smooth surfaces and furniture;
  • the appliance is turned on at the lowest power and for several minutes
    Preventive dry cleaning allows roller curtains to be washed as little as possible

If the roller blind has only managed to collect a little dust on itself, vacuum cleaning will bring a good result. It is recommended to carry out it once every 2-3 months, in which case the blinds will have to be washed much less often.

Wet cleaning

If the roller blind is noticeably dirty and has lost its color brightness, it is not necessary to wash it immediately, but it can be wet processed. For this you need:

  • pour warm water not hotter than 40 ° C into a small basin;
  • unfold the fabric roller blind to its full length;
  • moisten a microfiber cloth or soft sponge in water;
  • wipe the product over the entire length several times without pressure and effort.
For wet cleaning, the roller blind can be removed from the window, or you can wash it without removing it

Since stains from dirt will appear on the fabric during processing, it is very important to rinse the fabric several times until it is completely clean.

The damp curtain is left unfolded until it dries, and then rolled back to its normal state.

How to wash roller blinds by hand

If the blinds on the window are very dirty, or there are greasy spots on them, you can wash the blinds by hand. It is recommended to use this method of cleaning only in extreme cases; delicate linen can suffer if you wash it too often.

Before washing, you must first remove the curtain from the window. They do it like this:

  • if the curtain rod with the roller is fixed on self-tapping screws, you need to turn them out of the window, remove the plugs from the sides of the fastening, remove the gears on both sides, and then remove the rolled-up canvas from the tube;
    The cornice on self-tapping screws must be unscrewed from the window, and then pull out the plugs and remove the curtain
  • if the cornice is held on double-sided tape or on magnets, you just need to detach it from the window, then disassemble the structure from the sides in the same way and remove the roller blind from the tube;
    It is very easy to remove a cornice with a roller blind on tape or magnets, it is simply peeled off from the frame

From the roller shutter, it is necessary to remove the lower bar, which acts as a weighting agent.

Attention! When dismantling, you need to remember exactly or even sketch how the fasteners and mechanisms were located, so that after washing the roller shutter, you can easily assemble the structure back.

After successful dismantling, you can start washing roller blinds on plastic windows. The algorithm looks like this:

  • plug the drain in the bathtub and collect a sufficient amount of warm water at 40 ° C;
  • the selected detergent is dissolved in water without chlorine and other aggressive substances, there should not be a lot of soap, the solution is used with a weak concentration;
  • the selected detergent or powder is thoroughly mixed by hand, no sediment should remain in the water, even small undissolved particles will damage the blinds;
  • unfolded roller shutters are lowered into soapy water and spread to the maximum length, trying to avoid creases and folds, and then cleaned with a sponge or brush.
It is inconvenient to wash a fabric roller blind in a basin; a bath is used for this purpose

It is recommended to wash roller blinds day-night only with a soft sponge or cloth made from natural material. You shouldn't even take a soft bristled brush - "double" curtains are made of too sensitive fabric. The roller shutters can be washed for several minutes only with a sponge, with the most careful movements, without aggressive pressing and friction.

Advice! If the curtain does not fit in the unfolded bathtub, it can be washed in parts. Each processed section is folded, and a new section is straightened to replace it.

When the curtains have been completely processed, they must be thoroughly rinsed. To do this, you can draw clean water into the bath several times. But it is more convenient to wash off the soap solution from the shower head, this will allow you to clean the blinds faster and better.

It is recommended to wash the blinds at home as quickly as possible. Long-term contact with water damages the impregnation of products, due to which they lose their performance properties.

How to wash a roller blind at home in a washing machine

Although roller blinds are not only synthetic, but also high in natural fibers, washing them in an automatic machine is strictly prohibited. Even the most gentle washing mode will damage the impregnation of the roller shutters, crush them and lead to deformation.

Processing is carried out exclusively by hand, otherwise the products after washing will only have to be thrown away.

How to dry a roller blind

So that cleaning does not harm the roller blind, it is important not only to wash it correctly, but also to dry it correctly:

  1. After washing, it is strictly not recommended to wring out the window blinds, twist or wrinkle them. This will lead to the appearance of creases on the canvas and violate the integrity of the impregnation. Clean curtains are simply hung in the bathroom and left until the water stops flowing from the products.
  2. Wet products are outweighed in a dry room with diffused light and left to dry completely. It is not recommended to fold the roller blinds in half and throw them over a rope or bar, the canvas will bend and it will be difficult to straighten it. You need to dry the curtains fully unfolded. Also, wet curtains can be immediately hung back on the window if there is no bright sun.
  3. To prevent the roller blinds from deforming, during drying it is necessary to replace the weighting bar, usually it is simply inserted into the through "pocket" at the bottom of the roller blind.
For drying, the roller blind can be hung unfolded back on the window

It is prohibited to dry fabric roller blinds near heating appliances. The air temperature in the room should be stable and moderate, in the region of 20-25 ° С. Additional heating will cause the curtain to dry unevenly and therefore deform. It is strictly forbidden to hang roller blinds on a radiator or heated towel rail.


You can wash roller blinds made of fabric by hand, but this should be done only with heavy dirt. If the roller blinds are slightly stained, it is better to do dry cleaning or wipe the products with a damp sponge.

Reviews on how to wash roller blinds

Sergeeva Margarita Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Moscow
The roller blinds in my living room are light beige, so they get dirty pretty quickly, dust settles from the street. I try to vacuum it every two weeks, once every 4 months I wash it with clean warm water. I haven’t tried to remove roller blinds from the window and wash them, I know that doing it without an urgent need is quite harmful.
Yartseva Anna Igorevna, 29 years old, Izhevsk
After 2 years of use, the soft lilac roller blinds in the bedroom darkened noticeably, and I decided it was time to wash them. It turned out to be not so difficult to do this; in the process, Fairey used to wash the dishes. I was afraid that streaks would remain, so I especially carefully washed off the foam in the shower. As a result, after drying, the curtains are as beautiful as before.

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