How to clean an iron from limescale with citric acid: cleaning methods and reviews

Cleaning the iron with citric acid is a simple process that does not require a lot of time and the availability of expensive tools. When ironing, carbon deposits form on the sole of the appliance after a while. This is due to the fact that the fibers of the clothing melt, resulting in pollution. Further use of the iron in this state leaves marks on the ironed products.

Can i clean the iron with citric acid

The method by which you can clean the iron with citric acid has long been known. Previously, this product was used to descale kettles heated on the stove. To do this, water was poured into the container, powder was poured and boiled. After 20-25 minutes, the water was decanted. At the same time, the scale completely dissolved and fell off.

Today citric acid is used to clean dirt from the iron. The tool does not have any negative effects on the appliance and is available in the public domain.

Reviews of removing scale in the iron with citric acid are generally positive. If you put the assessment on a five-point scale, then this method gets the highest score. The tool can be purchased at any store, it has a low price, and the process itself will take very little time.

Of the advantages of housewives, the following points are distinguished:

  • always in kitchen supplies;
  • does not require additional efforts or devices;
  • low cost of funds;
  • copes with dirt on any modern iron, regardless of manufacturer.

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Features of cleaning the iron with citric acid

Each process has its own specific characteristics. Their observance allows you to avoid possible unpleasant situations. Despite the fact that citric acid is a simple remedy, there are still some nuances when using it.

These include the following points:

  • use only boiled water;
  • make sure that the prepared solution does not get on important parts of the electrical appliance;
  • respect the proportions.

How much citric acid is needed to clean the iron

The amount of citric acid directly depends on which part of the electrical appliance will be processed (internal or external). To clean the inside of the iron from scale with citric acid, you will need 1 purchased bag of the product. As a rule, it contains 15 g.

When external processing the sole of an electrical appliance from dirt, you will need 5 tablespoons of the product without a slide. If measured in purchased 15 g bags, then 5 pieces are required.

How to dilute citric acid to clean your iron

To clean the iron with citric acid, it must be diluted correctly. To do this, be sure to observe the required dosage in the recipes and use clean water. Then, during processing, the device will definitely not be damaged.

The finished solution is obtained by diluting the product in boiled water. After that, the resulting mixture is applied to the soil and processed according to the selected method.

How to clean your iron with citric acid

When preparing a solution for cleaning the iron with citric acid, proportions are important. This guarantees a positive result and avoids possible misunderstandings.

How to clean the outside of your iron with citric acid

To process the sole, perform a few simple steps:

  • a liter of boiling water is poured into a flat container (for example, a frying pan, basin, baking sheet);
  • add 5 tablespoons of the product to the water;
  • the iron is placed in a container so that the sole of the appliance does not come into contact with the bottom and at the same time is immersed in water;
  • household appliances are left in liquid for 2-3 hours;
  • wash the sole with a dry soft cloth.

For more effective cleaning, the container with the solution, along with household appliances, is heated over low heat. In this case, it is convenient to use a metal baking sheet.

Important! Under no circumstances should water cover the plastic, rubber or electrical parts of the iron. Only the sole should be in the liquid.

In addition, there is another way to rinse the iron with citric acid. This will require a clean rag and the product itself. A small amount of citric acid is poured onto it and the dirt on the sole is wiped. As a rule, carbon deposits disappear immediately. After that, iron the wet cloth with a heated device and wipe it dry.

How to clean an iron with citric acid inside

Internal descaling takes a little time and completely removes dirt. The process consists of the following steps:

  • pour boiled or filtered water into a glass;
  • add 1 packet of citric acid;
  • the resulting solution is poured into the reservoir of the electrical appliance;
  • include the maximum temperature mode;
  • wait 3-5 minutes, during which time the lime deposits have time to dissolve;
  • 2-3 portions of liquid are evaporated until it is completely removed.
Important! To improve the dissolution of limescale during steam formation, the iron is shaken several times.

Cleaning the iron from scale with citric acid does not take much time, effort and money.

Cleaning the iron with citric acid is a simple process that does not require a lot of time and the availability of expensive tools. When ironing, carbon deposits form on the sole of the appliance after a while. This is due to the fact that the fibers of the clothing melt, resulting in pollution. Further use of the iron in this state leaves marks on the ironed products.

Preventing the appearance of limescale in the iron

It is always easier to prevent than to correct mistakes made later. Most often, unpleasant problems arise due to improper care of the electrical appliance. Following a few simple rules can help reduce the chances of limescale build up in your iron.

To do this, use the following tips for maintaining the device:

  1. Before using the device (especially a new one) read the operating instructions. The most important point is to observe the temperature regime when ironing linen and clothes. For example, products made from synthetics or delicate fabrics are ironed at a minimum temperature. Otherwise, there is a high probability that dirt will form on the sole of the iron, the lugs will melt and stick.
  2. Only distilled water is poured into the appliance, and not from the tap. This is spelled out in the instructions for use of the electrical appliance. This water is sold at drugstore kiosks, gas stations and car dealerships. When using low-quality water, the formation of limescale cannot be avoided.
  3. To save money, instead of distilled water, use filtered, boiled or settled water. In addition, various commercial liquid softeners are added. You can buy them in hardware or specialized stores selling household appliances.
  4. After ironing the linen and clothes, the water is drained and the steam button is pressed several times. Then less liquid remains inside, which reduces the likelihood of limescale formation.In addition, such a procedure can extend the life of the iron.
  5. When not in use, the appliance is stored strictly in an upright position.
  6. Some modern irons have a built-in self-cleaning system. To prevent the formation of plaque, housewives constantly use it when working with the iron. To do this, the reservoir of the electrical appliance is completely filled with water (just not from the tap), turn it on and set it to the maximum temperature regime. Then they wait for the iron to heat up and turn off, then heats up again. After that, the device is unplugged and quickly followed to the bathroom. Here, a steam button is turned on and held over the sink. Due to this procedure, internal lime particles leave with it, which helps to reduce the formation of internal plaque. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a month.

In addition, now on sale there are irons containing a built-in anti-scale system. Using such a device, housewives can not worry about the formation of limescale.


It doesn't take long to clean your iron with citric acid. Cleaning the appliance weekly will help keep it as long as possible. There is no need to wait for white flakes to come out of the holes, it is better to start taking care of household appliances right away. Then there is no need to purchase a new electrical appliance.

Reviews on cleaning the iron with citric acid

Ekaterina Evdokimova, 32 years old, Moscow.
Ironing is one of my least favorite things. However, there is no getting away from this, and consistently once a week you have to iron all the things. Recently, there was an unpleasant situation when an iron put an ugly mark on a white blouse. At first, I didn't understand the reason. But later I discovered that there was a dirty area on the sole. To resolve the issue, only citric acid was required. I coped with the problem very quickly, now my iron is like new.
Svetlana Polonskaya, 45 years old, Volgograd.
My grandmother also cleaned the iron with citric acid. Therefore, I am familiar with this method firsthand. As soon as problems arise with my beloved Philips in the form of carbon deposits or lime deposits, I immediately take citric acid and start cleaning the device. This tool has always helped me out.
Konstantin Evseev, 25 years old, St. Petersburg.
Unfortunately, I am still a bachelor. Therefore, I cope with all everyday problems on my own. At first I did not attach any importance to the limescale on the sole of the iron, but the very first ironing on my favorite shirt the appliance left an ugly stain. As a result, I got a spoiled mood and a thing. A girl friend saved me, she told me about the citric acid method, which can easily clean the iron. I tried it, and in the evening there was no trace of the raid. And I managed to wash my favorite shirt.
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