How to wash tulle to whiteness

Each housewife wants to know how to wash the tulle so that it becomes snow-white and fragrant with purity. There are many ways to do this, but it is most important to choose a method that is safe and does not damage the fabric.

How to properly wash tulle

It will be easier to wash the tulle from dullness at home if you follow a number of simple rules:

  • before soaking, the curtain must be shaken out to remove dust;
  • the water for washing should not be too hot - maximum 35 oC;
  • before loading the curtain of tulle into the basin or drum of the washing machine, it must be folded. Otherwise, the crumpled tulle will be problematic to smooth out after washing;
  • so that the curtains shine after washing and shimmer in the sun, you need to add a spoonful of vinegar to the water;
  • if you hang the product immediately after washing, only slightly wringing it out (without twisting it), then you do not need to iron it, since the fabric will straighten out under its own weight.

How to wash tulle in a washing machine

Today, you can wash tulle in a typewriter automatically and do not suffer from voluminous curtains that do not fit in a basin. The main thing is to follow the rules of bleaching and washing, so that instead of snow-white curtains, you do not get an unusable window curtain.

  • Products containing chlorine have a detrimental effect on tulle curtains, so it is better to limit their use;
  • To wash the curtain to a snow-white state, you must use oxygen bleach;
  • You can also use optical brightener if there are no multicolored blotches on the fabric;
  • You can add 4 tablespoons of salt with the powder. This will ensure the bleaching of the product at the washing stage;
  • You can also make the fabric snow-white with the help of hydrogen peroxide tablets. For this, about 10 tablets are laid along with the powder, and washing is carried out in a delicate mode.

How to wash white tulle by hand

You can wash the yellowed tulle using the old proven method - by hand. To do this, you need a container of a suitable size (a basin, a baby bath or a bathtub), warm water (30-35 oC) and detergent.

Steps to wash tulle by hand:

  1. Remove dust from the product.
  2. Soak in warm water without powder.
  3. Change water by adding detergent to it.
  4. Soak the curtains and leave for 5 - 10 minutes.
  5. Wash.
  6. Rinse.
  7. Allow water to drain without squeezing or twisting.
Important! The stains on the curtain must first be washed with ordinary laundry soap or a stain remover should be applied to them, which not only wipes the tulle curtain, but also makes it snow-white.

Boiling will help to wash old tulle, on which there are complex stains. To do this, the curtain is placed in a container with water and detergent and boiled, stirring constantly until the product becomes snow-white.

How to wash tulle so that it is snow-white

You can wash tulle from yellowness and grayness in different ways. Some housewives use household chemicals, others prefer folk methods for removing stains.

How to wash tulle to whiteness with folk remedies

Before testing chemical agents on fabrics, you can use time-tested methods that involve the use of such improvised means as salt, brilliant green, etc. They can make a snow-white curtain from any fabric.

The first way - wash the tulle with salt:

  1. Bring a solution of 10 tbsp. l. table salt, ½ tbsp. washing powder and a little water.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a bowl of warm water.
  3. Soak the product for 5 - 7 hours.
  4. Rinse.
Important! If necessary, salt can also be used when washing curtains in the washing machine to achieve a pure white result.

If the product has already been washed, but does not look white enough, then you can soak it in a salt solution for 15 minutes. To do this, pour 5 - 6 tbsp into a basin of water. l. salt (not iodized), put the curtain on, wait the specified period of time and rinse the product in running water.

The advantages of this method are:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • ease of use.

The only disadvantage is the fact that whitening will take several hours.

Second way - wash and bleach the tulle with brilliant green:

  1. Wash the tulle with powder.
  2. Dilute 10 drops of brilliant green in a glass of water.
  3. Introduce 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  4. Pour the solution into a bowl of water (maximum 10 L).
  5. Immerse the product in water for 5 minutes.
  6. Turn the product periodically.
Important! Before using the solution, strain or stir thoroughly so that no sediment forms on the bottom of the dishes. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the curtain and getting a green speckled fabric instead of a snow-white curtain.

Advantages of the method:

  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • quick result.

The main disadvantage is only that you must carefully follow the instructions so as not to spoil the product.

Third way - you can wash very dirty tulle with blue, which can remove the grayness of the product and the stains remaining after the main wash:

  1. It is necessary to wash the curtain in the usual way.
  2. Add a blue cap to a container of water.
  3. Immerse the tulle in water and rinse for 3 minutes.

If necessary, washing can be done immediately with blue, which is added to the machine. The main thing is not to mix this product with powder, so that streaks do not form on the fabric.

Advantages of the method:

  • quick results;
  • efficiency.


  • you can ruin the fabric;
  • with the acquisition of blue can be difficult.

Fourth way - remove gray and yellow tulle with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Add 3 tbsp. To a bowl of warm water. l. peroxide.
  2. Introduce 1 tbsp into the solution. l. ammonia.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and immerse the tulle in a container.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the product and rinse.

For washing in a machine, 20 ml of peroxide is used, which is added instead of washing powder.

Using this method, you can quickly make the tulle snow-white; the advantages of the method include its availability. And the only drawback is the fact that peroxide and ammonia can be used only for pure white fabrics.

Fifth way - application of starch:

  1. Wash the tulle.
  2. Stir 300 g of starch in 10 liters of water.
  3. Soak the curtains in the solution for at least 5 hours.
  4. Take out the product and let it swell.

Any curtain that is soaked in starch will become true snow white. But it will take a lot of time.

Sixth wayto make the tulle snow-white - the use of potassium permanganate:

  1. Grate laundry soap - 100 - 150 g.
  2. Add potassium permanganate to a glass of water (on the tip of a knife).
  3. Stir thoroughly and strain the manganese solution so that no crystals remain in the water.
  4. Pour the solution into a bowl of water and add soap.
  5. Stir until a pinkish foam forms.
  6. Soak tulle in liquid.
  7. Rinse the product.
Attention! If you do not follow the rules for breeding potassium permanganate, you can ruin the tulle.

The main advantage of this method is efficiency: after washing, the curtain will become truly snow-white.

Seventh way - soda, which can wash away even kitchen tulle, on which particles of fat and soot accumulate. This requires:

  1. Take a glass of soda on a basin of water.
  2. Add 50 g of powder.
  3. Soak the product in water.
  4. In 20 minutes. get out the tulle and machine wash it.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

This method is available to everyone, is very effective and can make curtains snow-white in just a few minutes.

How to wash white tulle using household chemicals

If the use of folk remedies did not help or there is no trust in them, then household chemicals will cope with washing. Each housewife has in her arsenal a proven product that effectively removes dirt and makes products snow-white.

  1. Vanish... It is often used as a bleach that does not contain chlorine and does not harm fabrics. It must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  2. Bleach Amway... Experienced housewives recommend that you first soak the tulle in bleach, and then add it additionally when washing. This will help to bring a snow-white clean, and the tulle will look new.
  3. Lily of the valley... An antique paste that can even tackle an old, dirty tulle curtain. The product is soaked in water, after diluting Lily of the valley in it, left for several hours, and then washed with ordinary powder.

It can be difficult to remove heavily soiled tulle without using powerful bleaches. If there are old stains on the product, then you can use whiteness. The main thing is that the type of fabric is not delicate, so that the snow-white result is not overshadowed by unpleasant consequences. 3

Features of washing tulle from different fabrics

Every housewife knows that tulle can be made snow-white at home. But the means used for these purposes must be correctly selected, depending on the fabric from which the product is sewn. The most common today are organza, nylon and veil, the bleaching methods of which have some differences.

How to wash nylon tulle

You can wash nylon tulle at home with any of the products on the list of folk methods. But it is best to refuse to use household chemicals, although they can quickly make the fabric snow-white.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • the water temperature should not be hotter than 30 oC;
  • speed of revolutions in a typewriter - no higher than 400;
  • before washing, the product must be soaked in water and salt.

How to wash organza tulle

Organza is a rather capricious fabric that must be handled with extreme care, therefore, a number of rules should be followed when washing:

  • using hot water and boiling is prohibited;
  • when rinsing, add ammonia or hydrogen peroxide;
  • it is dangerous to use household bleaches: it is better to use sparing products, including folk ones, which will make the window curtains snow-white.

How best to wash the tulle from the veil

Veil garments should also be washed with equal care:

  • do not use hot water 40 oC;
  • do not use concentrated bleaches;
  • Before washing, soak in a solution of water and salt.

Snow-white curtains from a veil can be made with the help of ammonia.

How to wash dirty muslin tulle

A different approach requires muslin tulle, which can be spoiled during washing if you do not follow a number of recommendations:

  1. To prevent the product from getting tangled, the curtain is divided into several longitudinal sections, each of which is tied with a thread or ribbon. The procedures are carried out before the tulle is removed from the cornice.
  2. In a basin of water (about 40 oC) dilute any suitable detergent (it is better to give preference to one of the alternative methods).
  3. The tulle is dipped in a container of water.
  4. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.
  5. They wash the product without pressing, without pulling the threads.
  6. Rinse in several waters (also gently).
  7. Allow the water to drain and hang on the cornice without preliminary squeezing.
Attention! If the threads become tangled during washing, do not wait until dry. It is better to disassemble the muslin while it is wet.

Useful Tips

It will be easier to wash yellowed nylon tulle or a product made from another fabric if you follow a number of useful recommendations:

  • shake the curtain before soaking;
  • the water for washing or soaking must be warm, otherwise the yellowness will strongly eat into the structure of the fabric;
  • it is better to start washing at the first signs of dirt and color loss;
  • if you add table vinegar to the water during washing, then the tulle will be not only snow-white, but also shiny;
  • it is better to pre-soak curtains with heavy dirt, and only then wash;
  • when washing the product with your hands, do not rub and squeeze it strongly;
  • twisting of the tulle during push-ups is also not allowed;
  • hanging the curtains is wet, so as not to waste time ironing;
  • before using any of the selected means, it is worth conducting a test on a small area of ​​tissue;
  • it is best to wash the tulle at home in a machine in the gentle wash mode so as not to harm the fabric;
  • salt and vinegar will help to make snow-white tulle, on which there are colorful blotches. They do not affect the color of the fabric, so they can be used when bleaches are not recommended for use.


You can also wash the tulle so that it becomes snow-white and delights the eyes of household members at home. The main thing is to choose the right product and follow all the recommendations that will help not only to wash the product and achieve the desired effect, but also not to spoil the fabric.

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