How to wash poplar and linden

All housewives know that it is extremely difficult to remove poplar buds. Stains are firmly embedded in clothes, and it is simply impossible to remove them with a simple wash. Various methods can come to the rescue, including folk remedies and household chemicals.

The main difficulties in removing stains

To understand what means can be used to treat the spots from the buds of linden and poplar, it is necessary to understand a little deeper into what the resin of these trees is.

According to its composition, it is a combination of several polymers that are capable of firmly and very quickly eaten into any surface. Absorption into the fabric occurs instantly, so many housewives know that the fight against traces of resin is a difficult and sometimes almost hopeless process. After all, all washing powders and bleaches are designed to eliminate completely different contaminants, and they are not effective when working with wood resin. Prolonged soaking, frequent washing, and the use of physical influence will not help to wash off poplar buds.

Substances that can remove traces of poplar and linden buds are solvents containing acetone and more aggressive components. They enter into a chemical reaction with resin and destroy traces of its presence on clothing. Substances that can quickly remove traces of linden and poplar buds include:

  • Hydrobromic acid - effective, but extremely toxic agent that can be harmful to health. In household needs, it is not used, even if there is a need to wash the linden;
  • Nitric acid concentrate - a substance equally hazardous to health, which is not suitable for cleaning clothes at home;
  • Acetone - a solvent that can be used to remove linden or poplar buds from clothes, but the rules of use must be followed;
  • Sodium hypochlorite - chlorine bleaches, which are often used to remove various stains on white fabrics, including linden and poplar buds.

Among the funds that can certainly cope with the task at hand, there are only two, which, although with extreme caution, can still be used to clean stained linden clothes. Do not forget that they are able to help only in the presence of slight contamination and only on condition that the fabric to be processed is of high quality and durable.

How to wash linden and poplar on clothes with folk remedies

Since it is extremely difficult to remove a poplar bud stain, and the use of aggressive agents is dangerous, you should first use the tips proven over the years. Among the folk methods, the following options can be distinguished:

  • The use of acetone-based nail polish remover (if it is replaced by other components, then using the liquid is useless). It is easy to wash poplar buds with a varnish remover: you just need to treat the stain with a cotton pad. If after the procedure there are stains on the fabric, then it is necessary to rinse the thing with vinegar;
  • Heat treatment of things. To wash off the resin, it must be heated.To do this, the product is covered with paper or cloth on both sides (preferably white) and carefully ironed with an iron, under which a sheet of paper must be placed so that the iron platform does not stick to the resin, which will be absorbed into the linen fabric;
  • Among the solvents, one can note a very safe for tissue and human health agent - ethyl alcohol. It needs to be applied to a cotton pad and the problem area is treated. This method will help remove the poplar Velcro on bulky items that are problematic to remove;
  • Kerosene or gasoline. It is worth using these substances only in desperate situations, since they can harm clothes, and the smell leaves behind a very persistent and unpleasant one. A cotton swab should be moistened with liquid, treated with a surface, washed in a basin with your hands, and then immersed in the washing machine (this is necessary so that the smell of fuel is not absorbed into the drum);
  • Gasoline can also be used on delicate fabrics, but must be mixed with egg yolk. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of fuel, 1 yolk and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the stain from linden or poplar buds, leave for 5 hours, wash in the usual way;
  • In addition, turpentine can also be used, which is mixed in equal proportions with egg yolk, applied to the trace of linden buds and, after 5 hours of infusion, washed with powder. If the contamination could not be removed from the first time, then the procedure can be repeated;
  • Since ancient times, turpentine has been mixed with tooth powder. This product helps to remove various impurities, even those as stubborn as linden bud resin. In a bowl, combine powder and flammable material in equal parts (you can buy it at a hardware store), stir thoroughly to get a mass similar to sour cream. Apply the product to the contaminated area and leave for several hours. Then the product is washed and dried in the fresh air to eliminate the persistent smell of turpentine;
  • Such a complex mixture is also capable of removing a linden stain from clothes: a tablespoon of acetone, the same amount of vinegar, ½ spoon of glycerin, 2 teaspoons of soda. Mix all the ingredients, apply to the stain and wait until the lime trail is completely dissolved. If after 2 hours there is no reaction, you can add some more acetone to the mixture and reapply it to the problem area.
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Important! All products, even with the most innocuous components, can adversely affect the condition of the processed product. Therefore, before applying to the stain itself, it is better to test for color fastness in an inconspicuous area, so as not to remove the color along with the traces of poplar buds.

How to wash linden and poplar from clothes with household chemicals

It will take a lot of effort to wash linden on clothes. If folk remedies turned out to be ineffective or there is no desire to experiment, you can use household chemicals.

  1. Chlorine bleaches - they are used only on white things that are resistant to aggressive substances. The most popular and widespread remedy is regular whiteness. It is best to try to wipe the linden or poplar buds with gel: it does not spread over the rest of the surface and has a point effect.
  2. Laundry soap... You can try scrubbing poplar and linden from clothes with this all-purpose soap, which contains a lot of alkali. Rub the stain with soap and leave for several hours. Machine wash with baking soda, which can be poured into the powder compartment.
  3. Domestos or the like in liquid form. You can use the product only on light-colored clothes, applying it to the trail of linden or poplar and leaving it for a few minutes.
  4. Powders for cleaning various types of dirt, which are used in everyday life by housewives.It is worth giving preference to universal products that can remove fat deposits, rust, and limescale. Pour the powder onto the moistened poplar stain, rub it a little, being careful not to spoil the fabric. Wash after 30 minutes.

Attention! All household chemicals can adversely affect not only the color of the product, but also the structure of the fabric itself. Therefore, they should be used as a last resort and only with preliminary testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
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Useful Tips

To effectively remove poplar stains, it is necessary to take into account a number of general recommendations:

  • It is easier to wash off any dirt if it is fresh. Therefore, the resin should be removed as quickly as possible: so it will not have time to firmly absorb into the fabric. If poplar buds get on your clothes while walking, you can take emergency measures by applying some eau de toilette or perfume on the contamination;
  • If, after using solvents, an unpleasant smell remains on the clothes, it is worth hanging the thing in fresh air or additionally washing;
  • If the stains from linden or poplar buds are old, then only an aggressive agent can remove the traces of the buds. Before using it, you should take care of your own safety: work should be carried out with gloves, with access to fresh air.


Wiping poplar buds from clothes is a complex process that requires not only a lot of effort, but also a significant amount of time. Therefore, it is better to start washing before the resin has time to eat into the structure of the fabric.

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