How to remove plasticine from clothes

Undoubtedly, modeling from plasticine is considered quite an exciting activity that little children like to do in most cases. As practice shows, still inexperienced and rather small craftsmen can sculpt their first masterpieces, without worrying at all that traces of plasticine may remain on clothes later. Every mother should know how to wash plasticine from clothes. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in this case, not only chemical, but also folk remedies can help.

Methods for removing plasticine from clothes

Before you wipe off the dirt left by plasticine from the surface of the fabric, you will have to make some effort. It is important to understand that while traces of plasticine are on clothes, it is strictly forbidden to wash them. First of all, the contamination must be completely removed and only after that you can start washing. This is due to the fact that the composition of plasticine contains a large amount of paraffin, various dyes, rubber, fats, wax. This composition is simply imprinted into the fabric with a vengeance if it ends up in a washing machine. In addition, it is not recommended to scrub the clay with your hands, as the existing mark may begin to increase in size.

When choosing folk remedies to wash the fabric, it is worth taking into account the fact that when using vegetable oil in the future, you will also have to remove oily greasy stains. If you plan to use chemicals, then the work must be performed according to the attached instructions, otherwise the product may be even more damaged.

How to remove plasticine from clothes using folk methods

Today there are a large number of special tools, using which you can quickly remove any kind of dirt from the fabric, including from plasticine. In most cases, it happens that clothes get dirty at the most unexpected moment, there are no special means at hand to wash them, and appropriate measures must be taken immediately. In such cases, folk methods come to the rescue, thanks to which you can use improvised means to quickly remove greasy traces.

How to freeze plasticine from fabric

The most effective way today, thanks to which you can quickly and efficiently remove plasticine from trousers and other types of clothing, is freezing. It is recommended to carefully fold the fabric on which the plasticine remains so that the stained place is at the very top, placed in the freezer for 2-3 hours. This time will be enough for the clay to become brittle, as a result of which it can be easily removed.

Attention! Many housewives, who are faced with a similar problem quite often, are advised to first place the clothes in a plastic bag and only after that in the freezer, as a result of which it will be much easier to wash the product.

How to remove plasticine stains with an iron and napkins

This method is perfect if you want to remove the plasticine from your trousers. This method is time-tested and is actively used by many housewives.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Trousers are neatly laid out on an ironing board or any other flat surface.
  2. It is recommended to put a paper napkin on top and bottom of the stain.
  3. Preheat the iron.
  4. Run the iron only in the places where the napkin is located. You can immediately see how the grease stain will begin to print on the napkin and disappear from the fabric.
  5. It is recommended to change the napkin and repeat this procedure until the contamination disappears completely.

After all the work has been completed, it is worth treating the stained place with soapy water and sending the product to the wash.

How to scrub plasticine from clothes with hydrogen peroxide

An equally effective tool that allows you to wash plasticine from shirts and other clothes is hydrogen peroxide. As a rule, everyone has this medication in their first-aid kit, as a result of which it can be applied as quickly as possible, before the trail has had time to penetrate deeper.

It is important to consider that hydrogen peroxide should not be used in its pure form. To do this, it is recommended to take 100 ml of pure water and add literally 6 drops of hydrogen peroxide there.

The resulting solution is applied to the stained area and left in this form for 10 minutes, after which it is sent to the washing machine with the addition of washing powder. As practice shows, such a solution can be used to remove dirt even from white clothes.

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How to wash plasticine from clothes with laundry soap

Laundry soap is an indispensable tool for every housewife. Due to the fact that laundry soap has a special alkaline component in its composition, it can be used to remove almost any stains, regardless of the type of fabric. In order to remove the plasticine stain, it is recommended to pre-prepare a highly concentrated solution based on soap. To do this, you need to grate 1/3 of the soap bar on a fine grater, pour 3 liters of water and mix thoroughly.

After the solution is ready, you need to put the soiled clothes in it and leave it for 50 minutes. After that, you will need to wash your clothes by hand or in a washing machine.

Advice! If there is no laundry soap, then it can be replaced with "Antipyatnin".

How to wipe plasticine from clothes with vegetable oil

After a trace of plasticine has been left on the clothes, an oily sheen remains on the fabric. As a rule, this gloss is the result of the work of paraffin. Every housewife should know that it is possible to dissolve the oily sheen from paraffin quickly and effectively with the help of vegetable oil. This method is the most popular, but it is important to understand that after the contamination is removed by this method, in the future you will have to wipe off the greasy stains from the vegetable oil.

The algorithm of work, which allows you to remove contamination, is as follows:

  1. They take high quality vegetable oil.
  2. Apply a small amount to the clay trail.
  3. Rub the stain with a cotton pad or a small piece of clean cloth.

After the work is done, it is recommended to use a stain remover or dishwashing detergent to get rid of the oil stain.

How to remove plasticine stain from clothes with soda

In the event that you need to wash plasticine from white clothes or colored fabrics as quickly as possible, you can use baking soda, which is usually available in the kitchen of every housewife. Before proceeding with the removal of the stain, it is recommended to pre-soak the product for a while in water, to which powder or laundry soap is added.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

Further work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take baking soda.
  2. Sprinkle abundantly on the existing stain, which must be moistened with water.
  3. The baking soda is rubbed into the greasy footprint with light circular motions.
  4. After that, it is worth leaving the product for 15-20 minutes.

After this period of time, you will need to rinse the clothes in warm water and send them to the wash using the standard method.

Attention! The amount of baking soda you use depends entirely on the size of the area you have to scrub.

How to wash plasticine from fabric with ammonia

Experienced housewives, in order to wipe away traces of plasticine on the fabric, use a large number of improvised means, which, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, are not much different from professional chemical stain removers.

Ammonia is a great way to get rid of the problem. The only thing that needs to be considered before doing the work is that the product should not be used in its pure form. To do this, it is recommended to take ammonia and clean water. Then combine both components in a 1: 1 ratio.

The resulting solution is applied to the clothes from the back and left for 30 minutes. After this time, it is recommended to wash your clothes thoroughly.

How to wash plasticine from clothes with kerosene

Despite the fact that kerosene has a rather specific, unpleasant and pungent odor, if necessary, it can also be used to wipe off existing dirt on clothes left by plasticine.

The step-by-step algorithm of the work carried out is as follows:

  1. Take a cotton pad.
  2. Moisten it with a small amount of kerosene.
  3. Thoroughly rub the greasy trail and leave it literally for 5-10 minutes.

In order to get rid of the pungent smell of kerosene, you should thoroughly wash the product using a fabric softener.

How to remove stains with household chemicals

If, with the help of folk remedies, it was not possible to wipe off the stains left by plasticine, then you can resort to using household chemicals. In this case, many experienced experts recommend purchasing industrial stain removers from specialized stores. As practice shows, they are great for all types of fabric, including white and colored items.

After such a stain remover has been purchased, it is worth carefully studying the instructions, according to which further work should be carried out to remove contamination.

Advice! In order not to cause more harm to the product, do not deviate from the instructions.


Anyone can wash plasticine from clothes if they do the work according to the attached algorithm. Thanks to the large number of folk methods, everyone can choose exactly the option that suits best and seems to be the easiest to perform.

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