How to remove blueberries from clothes

Blueberries are known not only for their beneficial qualities, but also for their pleasant taste. However, the process of enjoying the berry can be overshadowed by the remaining stain on the clothes. The berry contains natural dyes, so the color eats into the deep layers of the tissue, giving it a purple hue. Everyone knows that removing blueberry stains is difficult. But there are ways to eliminate them that do not imply much effort.

Features of removing stains from blueberries

Blueberries are known for containing a dye called myrtillin. It stains the oral mucosa, skin and clothing. The more it eats into the skin, the more difficult it is to wash it off. Housewives seeking to clean fabric should be guided by the following guidelines:

  • processing of contamination must be carried out from the middle to the edges in order to avoid an increase in the painted area;
  • when choosing a method for removing a stain, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric;
  • it is important to wipe off the dirt as early as possible, before the coloring pigment has eaten into the fabric;
  • before using any of the methods, a test for the reaction of the material is required;
  • To protect a clean area of ​​the fabric, cover it with chalk.

How to remove fresh stains

The quality of cleaning the material from fresh stains depends on the speed of action. Hot water will help to quickly remove dirt. It is necessary to stretch the material under running hot water. This method is relevant for fabrics that do not tend to fade. It helps remove blueberry stains from cotton and linen fabrics.

Fresh stains on jeans can be easily removed with alcohol. It is applied to the problem area for 15 minutes, and then the item is washed with powder. You can also wipe off dirt with a vinegar solution. It is kept on the fabric for 5 minutes. White items can be washed off with hydrogen peroxide as it has a bleaching effect.

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Important! It is strictly forbidden to try to remove dirt with laundry soap. The acid-alkaline environment helps to fix the coloring pigment on the material.

How to remove stubborn stains

Stubborn stains require more effort. To wash them off, you will have to use more aggressive substances. But before that you need to make sure that the material does not deteriorate. The test is carried out in a small area. The following remedies cope with old blueberry marks:

  • ammonia with salt;
  • kefir;
  • alcohol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • vinegar with washing powder.

A mixture of chicken protein and glycerin is distinguished by a gentle but effective effect. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, after which the mixture is applied to the stain. After 20 minutes, there will be no hint of blueberry pigment on the clothes.

Treating old stains involves soaking the fabric for 20-30 minutes.To do this, you can use a specialized stain remover "Sarma Active", "Vanish Oxi Action" or "Ace Oxi Magic".

How to wash blueberries from clothes using folk methods

In order to remove stains formed on clothes, it is not at all necessary to buy a specialized product. Folk methods will also cope with this. Their main advantage is accessibility and ease of use. These funds are in the everyday life of every housewife.

How to remove blueberry stain with lemon juice

Lemon juice is considered a natural solvent. Instead, you can use citric acid diluted in water. The stain removal algorithm is as follows:

  1. The juice of one lemon is squeezed onto the stain.
  2. Add lemon juice as it dries.
  3. After 20 minutes, the item is additionally washed in the machine.

Lemon juice soaking can be combined with wiping. Mechanical action will accelerate the dissolution of the coloring pigment.

Attention! To keep the stain permanently wet, you can simply apply half a lemon to it.

How to boil blueberry stains

Boiling is only relevant if the stain is fresh and the item is white. The method is practiced when nothing helps. The boiling principle is as follows:

  1. A large pot is filled 2/3 full of clean water.
  2. Add some powder or bleach to the water.
  3. After boiling the soap solution, the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  4. After 20 minutes of boiling, the clothes are taken out and rinsed.

How to remove blueberry stains with ammonia

Before removing stains with ammonia, rinse clothes in cool water. Further, carry out the following actions:

  1. Ammonia is mixed with salt until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the blueberry trail.
  3. You need to wash off the gruel after the stain begins to fade.

How to remove blueberry stains from clothes with milk or kefir

Surprisingly, fermented milk products help remove blueberry stains. Sour milk and kefir are effective. The required cleaning effect is achieved due to the content of food acids. It is enough to soak the stained fabric in any of these products. After half an hour, the clothes are washed again using the powder.

Comment! In most cases, the blueberry stain won't wash off the first time, so you'll need to repeat the process.

How to remove blueberries from brown clothes

Brown is a compound of soda and boric acid. It is widely used in the textile industry. At home, it is used to remove berry stains from clothing. The principle of use is as follows:

  1. Borax is diluted with water, taking both components in the same ratio.
  2. A cotton pad is dipped into the solution and used to spread over the fabric.
  3. When the stains become dull, the clothes are washed with powder in warm water.
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How to remove blueberry stains with refined gasoline

Gasoline helps remove blueberry marks on natural fabrics. It is important to use high quality refined gasoline. Gloves should be worn to protect your fingernails and hands. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A clean piece of cloth is dipped in gasoline and then cleaned with dirt.
  2. After the coloring pigment begins to dissolve, the clothes are machine washed using powder.
  3. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to remove blueberry stains at home using specialized tools

Contamination from blueberries can be removed not only with improvised means, but also with household chemicals. There are no specialized products that remove berry marks. But on sale there are universal powders, gels and bleaching solutions that get rid of all types of dirt.


Regular whiteness helps wash off white clothes.It is important not to overdo it with the holding time of the product, so as not to damage the material. Only white clothes are washed with whiteness.

The washing process is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. bleach is mixed with 3 liters of soap solution.
  2. Soaked clothing is soaked in the resulting liquid for 20 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, the item is rinsed in warm water.
  4. The last step is to wash the clothes in the machine.


Vanish effectively removes even the most stubborn stains. The desired effect is achieved due to the content of oxygen bleach. But remember that they should not wash silk or woolen clothes. Instructions for using Vanish are indicated on the packaging. The cleaning agent is added to the washing machine in a volume of 0.5 scoops.


Antipyatin soap helps to remove traces of blueberries due to the presence of sodium chloride and sodium salts of fatty acids in the composition. Its advantages include the ability to maintain its properties in contact with water of any temperature. The principle of application is as follows:

  1. Moisten the soap with water and thoroughly lather the blueberry stain with it.
  2. After 15 minutes, clothes are washed with powder in warm water.
  3. If the contamination remains in place, the manipulations are repeated.
  4. After removing the stain, the thing is thoroughly rinsed.

Frau Schmidt

The Frau Schmidt liquid product is distinguished by the content of bile soap. Due to the gentle composition, the product does not have a negative effect on the skin of the hands. It helps remove blueberry stains from both white and colored laundry. Frau Schmidt is used as follows:

  1. The agent is poured onto the dirt and left for 2 hours.
  2. After the specified time, the thing is thrown into the washing machine.
  3. If traces remain, the procedure is repeated.

"Bos plus Maximum"

The product, which is available in powder format, is designed to remove stains from white, gray and yellow clothes. The principle of use is as follows:

  1. The powder is poured into hot water and the soiled thing is soaked in it.
  2. After 1-2 hours, the clothes are squeezed out and sent to the washing machine.
  3. If necessary, "Bose" is additionally added to it.


Removing blueberry stains is easy if you follow the instructions. Before cleaning, the composition of the fabric should be analyzed to prevent damage. It is equally important to keep the product on the fabric for as long as indicated in the instructions.

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