How to wash plasticine from wallpaper

Plasticine sculpting is a fun activity that helps to develop the fine motor skills of a child's hands. But in the process of playing, many toddlers try to capture their creativity on the wall, as soon as their parents briefly lose sight of them. Therefore, adults should be armed with several effective methods that will help remove plasticine from wallpaper without damaging the structure of the material.

Features of removing plasticine from wallpaper

When traces of plasticine appear on the wallpaper, you need to act quickly so that the sticky mass does not have time to penetrate into the deep layers of the finish. It should also be borne in mind that improper cleaning can only complicate the situation, so it is worth adhering to certain recommendations.

Basic Rules:

  • removal must be carried out from the edge to the center in order to prevent an increase in the size of the contamination;
  • excessive pressure cannot be applied so as not to damage the structure of the finishing material;
  • do not use wet sponges and rags for removal, as they will blur the stain and make it much larger;
  • before stripping, remove the convex parts of the sticky material as much as possible;
  • any selected tool must be initially tested on an inconspicuous area so as not to spoil the color and structure of the base.
Advice! It is almost impossible to remove the old traces of plasticine on the embossed wallpaper without leaving a trace, so you can correct the situation with the help of an interesting children's applique or drawing.

How to clean wallpaper from plasticine in folk ways

You can cope with plasticine on the wallpaper using affordable means that are always at hand. The easiest way to remove sticky material is from smooth wall surfaces. Therefore, any of the proposed methods will help you easily and quickly remove plasticine on the following types of wallpaper:

  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • liquid;
  • metal.

The situation is more difficult with natural and textile finishes, since in this case only dry cleaning is allowed.

The most difficult thing is to remove plasticine from paper wallpaper, so you need to act carefully and clean it in one direction so as not to damage the picture. Sharp objects must not be used for cleaning.

How to wipe plasticine from wallpaper with sunflower oil

This method effectively removes fresh dirt. When using sunflower oil to peel plasticine from wallpaper, you need to be patient and act very carefully. But despite this, the end result will be very pleasing.

To apply sunflower oil, you should prepare a toothbrush and a few cotton swabs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Gently moisten the plasticine stain, preventing the oily liquid from getting on the clean areas of the wallpaper.
  2. Use a toothbrush to remove soaked areas of sticky material.
  3. Moisten the remaining traces with a sponge and soapy water, and then remove the remaining moisture with a dry cotton cloth.
Advice! To initially remove the top layer of plasticine, you can use a white piece of sticky mass, apply it to the stained area and tear it off sharply.
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How to freeze plasticine from wallpaper

The ability of plasticine to crumble under the influence of low temperatures can also be used to remove sticky mass from embossed wallpaper. To do this, you need to remove ice from the freezer, put it in a bag first, and then apply it to the problem area for 15 minutes.

When the clay has hardened, carefully remove it from the surface with a sharp object. And at the end, clean the greasy stain with soapy water using a soft bristled toothbrush.

How to remove plasticine from wallpaper by heating

This method allows you to quickly and completely erase plasticine from smooth wallpaper. You can use an iron or hair dryer for this. But before you start cleaning, you should carefully remove the protruding lumps of sticky mass so that the layer remains as thin as possible.

When using a hair dryer, the problem area should be initially heated so that the sticky mass melts slightly, and then attach a napkin or towel to it. This will allow the clay to be absorbed. You need to repeat the procedure several times until it is completely removed, but at the same time, as the napkin stains, it needs to be changed.

If an iron is used for removal, then initially absorbent paper must be applied to the plasticine, and then walk over with a hot appliance in the steaming mode. This instantly prints the melted sticky material. Repeat the action as needed.

At the end, it remains to remove grease stains on the wallpaper with a soapy sponge and dry cotton cloth.

Important! Do not use colored napkins and newspapers for cleaning, as their coloring pigment will only aggravate the situation.

How to clean plasticine from wallpaper with soapy water

You can also use soapy water to wash off the trail of plasticine from the wallpaper. To prepare it, you need to draw warm water into a container, rub laundry soap into it and add 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid.


  1. Foam the solution thoroughly.
  2. Moisten a sponge in it and lightly rub the problem area in one direction.
  3. After removing the stain, dry the wallpaper with a hairdryer.
Advice! When using this method, you need to act quickly and carefully so that the top layer of the finish does not have time to get wet.

How to wipe plasticine from wallpaper using chemicals

You can also remove the sticky mass using professional tools. They can be purchased at specialized stores.

The most effective chemical cleaning agents:

  1. «Axiom»- foam cleaner for car interior. Shake the can before applying. Spray the product 20 cm from the stain and then wipe off with a cotton cloth. If necessary, repeat the action until the plasticine is completely removed.
  2. «Vanish Gold Oxi Action»- oxygen stain remover. In a separate container, mix the product with warm water in a 1: 5 ratio, mix thoroughly until the granules are completely dissolved. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the problematic area of ​​the wallpaper and rub lightly with a soft toothbrush. Remove dirt residues with clean water, and dry the wallpaper with a hair dryer.
  3. «Expert stain remover "from" Dr. Beckmann". To remove plasticine, it is enough to moisten a sponge in the finished product and lightly rub the stain. Then rinse off the remains with clean water and dry. This product has an anti-fat complex and does not change the color and structure of the base.
  4. Cleansing Spray from Amway". This tool effectively removes fresh plasticine stains on wallpaper. To do this, you need to shake the can and spray the spray at a distance of 20-25 cm from the spot. Then gently blot the problem area with a paper towel. With a relief base, you will need to rub additionally with a soft brush.
Important! Cleaning with chemicals should be carried out with gloves and with an open window, having previously tested them in an inconspicuous place behind furniture or curtains.


It is not difficult to remove plasticine from the wallpaper if the coloring pigment of the sticky material has not had time to soak deeply into the structure of the finish.It is also important not to overdo it when removing the stain, as excessive force can change the color and relief of the finish. In this case, it remains only to mask the unsightly area with an interior item.

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