How to remove plasticine from carpet: the best ways

Small children in the house are associated with plasticine stains on the carpet, as in the process of an exciting activity they leave a sticky mass all over the house if parents lose their vigilance for a short time. In this case, it is necessary to act quickly and in proven ways, since the use of aggressive components can only complicate the situation. Therefore, you need to know how to properly remove plasticine from the carpet so as not to spoil the quality of the product.

Features of removing plasticine from carpet

The main disadvantage of plasticine is that it is difficult to clean from carpets. In addition, the sticky mass contains wax, which not only contaminates the pile, but also quickly absorbs into the structure of the material. Therefore, if a stain is found, it is worthwhile to immediately start removing.

First of all, you should clean the pile with a dry cloth, and collect excess sticky mass from the carpet. In this case, it is important to pull the villi upward, which will not allow the clay to penetrate into the base of the product. If this is done in a timely manner, then further cleaning will not cause any particular difficulties.

To effectively clean up dirt from your carpet, remember the following:

  • do not remove plasticine with sharp objects, as they can damage the pile and structure of the base;
  • it is not recommended to use stain removers with chlorine, which can spoil the color of the product;
  • after wet cleaning, dry the carpet thoroughly to avoid unpleasant odors;
  • no need to use several cleaning agents at the same time.
Important! Before removing the plasticine from the carpet, it is recommended to initially test the selected tool in an inconspicuous place.

How to remove plasticine from a palace in folk ways

You can clean up fresh traces of plasticine on the carpet with the help of improvised tools that are present in every apartment. Their timely application allows you to quickly eliminate the problem, and return the product to its original appearance without much effort.

How to cold remove plasticine from carpet

This method is based on the ability of plasticine to lose its plasticity under the influence of low temperatures. In this case, the coating will help to clean the ice cubes, which should first be placed in a bag.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. With a dry paper towel, if possible, remove excess plasticine from the pile.
  2. Apply ice to the dirt for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After the sticky mass has hardened, gently clean the residue with a spatula or a hard-bristled brush.

After the main part of the plasticine has been removed, additionally treat the problem area with any carpet cleaner to completely clean the pigment and return a uniform shade to the product.

How to wipe plasticine from carpet with soapy water

You can clean minor dirt from plasticine using a regular soap solution. To prepare it, you will need laundry soap and a little dishwashing liquid.


  1. Pour warm water into a small container.
  2. Grate with laundry soap and add 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Moisten a sponge in it and wet the dirt evenly.
  5. Rub lightly with a soft bristled brush in an upward direction.
  6. Rinse off with clean water and dry the carpet.

If the first time you cannot completely clean the plasticine from the carpet, then you should not despair. The procedure can be repeated several times.

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How to clean plasticine from carpet with salt and vinegar

To deal with a small stain, you can use a special cleaning paste. To prepare it, you will need to mix vinegar (9%) and table salt in an equal volume in a ceramic container.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Using a sponge, apply the resulting mass to the plasticine spot.
  3. Rub lightly to allow the solution to penetrate the dirt.
  4. Wait until the treated area is dry.
  5. Clean the dried layer with plasticine.

If after removal the pigment remains, then it is worth additionally treating the area with soapy water, and then rinsing. After drying on the carpet, the traces of plasticine will disappear without a trace.

How to get rid of plasticine on carpet with baking soda

This cleaning component will help clean the light carpet from plasticine, since soda has a whitening effect.

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  1. Lightly dampen the stain with soapy water.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda on top.
  3. Rub the product into the carpet and leave to dry completely.
  4. Clean the mixture of plasticine and soda with a dry brush.
  5. Vacuum the problem area several times.

After finishing, rinse the treated area additionally so that the shade of the carpet becomes even.

How to clean the palace from plasticine with alcohol

This component will easily cope with the problem, since it is an organic solvent. As a result of its action, the structure of the sticky mass is destroyed, and the pollution is gone. To remove, you need to purchase rubbing alcohol.

Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and rub it evenly over the stain on the carpet. Repeat the procedure several times until the contamination disappears completely.

Important! Rubbing alcohol can change the color of the carpet, so you should try it in an inconspicuous place first.

How to brush plasticine off carpet

This method helps to remove stubborn plasticine stains on the carpet. A hard-bristled brush will help deal with dirt.

Initially, you need to carefully rub the problem area and scrape off the dried spot. When the base coat has been removed, an additional wet cleaning should be carried out to remove the remaining pigment from the pile. To do this, you need to prepare a soap solution based on laundry soap. Rub the problem area several times and then rinse. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to remove plasticine from carpet using chemicals

If traditional methods did not help wash the plasticine from the carpet, then professional chemicals should be used to remove the pollution.

Before using them, it is worth checking the resistance of the product to their action. To do this, moisten a small area of ​​the carpet in an inconspicuous place. If after 10 minutes. the shade has not changed, the product can be used for cleaning.

The most effective ways:

  1. «Vanish "for carpets... To remove plasticine from the carpet, you need to prepare a working solution according to the attached instructions. Mix thoroughly until a stable foam is obtained. Using a sponge, apply a thick layer to the stain and leave to dry. At the end of cleaning, rub with a hard bristled brush and vacuum several times.
  2. «Solvall spotter". This liquid stain remover must be shaken thoroughly before use. Moisten a sponge in the product and wipe the dirt with it from the edge to the center so that it does not spread.Wait 2-5 minutes, and then remove the remaining sticky mass and wipe off the moisture with a paper towel. At the end of the procedure, brush the carpet with a brush to even out the pile.
  3. Cleansing Spray from Amway". Shake thoroughly before use. Spray the compound at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. Leave for 10-15 minutes, and then remove the remaining sticky mass with a soft brush. If the pigment remains on the pile, then the procedure should be repeated.
  4. «Antipyatin". To remove the sticky mass, you must first scrape off the top layer in order to remove the excess plasticine as much as possible. Then dissolve the cleaning powder in warm water, taking into account the specified proportion in the instructions. Moisten the dirt liberally and rub lightly with a brush. Rinse with clean water and leave to dry. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

To restore the shine of the carpet after cleaning, you need to wipe the pile with warm water with the addition of ammonia at the rate of 8-10 drops per 1 liter.

Important! Chemicals contain aggressive components, so cleaning should be done with the window open and wearing protective gloves, and children and pets should be taken out of the room.


It is not difficult to remove plasticine from the carpet if the dirt is fresh and small. At the same time, you should not count on the fact that the sticky spot will be able to be cleaned immediately, since this procedure requires endurance and patience.

But in the case of a large size of contamination, it is better to immediately seek professional help in order to maintain the quality of the product and return it to its original appearance.

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