Wool coat: how to clean at home

It is quite possible to clean a woolen coat at home; it is not necessary to give it to dry cleaning. If the outerwear is not too dirty, then proven and simple methods will help to clean the coat.

Features of cleaning a drape coat at home

A unique feature of the drape coat is that it is sewn from a dense and heavy two-layer fabric. Due to the special interweaving of woolen threads, the cloth from the drape does not wrinkle, does not fade in the sun and does not fade. However, there is also a minus - it cannot be washed in an automatic machine, as this will damage the appearance and properties.

There are several ways to clean a drape coat:

  1. Dry cleaning. The easiest way is to hand over clothes to chemical treatment, professionals will be able to remove dirt and return things neat and fresh without the slightest damage to the fabric.
  2. Dry home cleaning. If you don't feel like using dry cleaning, you can clean your clothes at home, and it's best to do this without using moisture. In some cases, it is allowed to use a small amount of foam.
  3. Wet home cleaning. The method is used in case of severe contamination; during processing, they try not to wet the whole thing, but process it locally.
It is necessary to wet the drape product minimally
Attention! In order for the neat appearance of the coat to remain as long as possible, and there is no question of how to clean it, it is necessary to regularly inspect the thing for contamination. It is much easier to clean fresh dirt from the cloth than old dirt.

How to prepare a drape coat for cleaning

Before any cleaning, the cloth must be prepared. To do this, you should:

  • hang the thing on a hanger and carefully examine it from all sides to establish the degree of contamination;
  • find a label or a tag on the inner lining and study the composition and recommendations for care, the manufacturer always indicates whether it is possible in principle to wet cleaning the clothes, or whether you need to limit yourself to dry;
  • how to clean the drape coat from wool, hair, threads and dust with a medium-hard brush.

If the preparation has shown that the clothes are too dirty, then it is better not to risk it and immediately take the thing to the dry cleaner. Also, it is not recommended to clean white drapes at home - any mistake will make the dirt even more noticeable.

How can you clean a drape coat

It is best to clean the drape garment without using detergents, only using a dry brush, sponge or adhesive tape. But if it is impossible to remove dirt by dry methods, then the softest and most delicate cleaning substances for draped clothes should be taken.

Ideally, drapes are dry cleaned.

So, for cleaning drape outerwear, the following are suitable:

  • mild soapy water or lather;
  • liquid detergent for woolen and sensitive fabrics;
  • cleaner for carpets or car interiors;
  • balm-rinse for linen.
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It is not recommended to use whitening, lightening and oxygen products for cleaning a drape coat. It is also better not to use powders, corrosive acids and aggressive chemicals.

How to clean a drape coat at home

If the dirt on the product is not too strong, it can be cleaned dry or wet without much difficulty. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of processing and not to expose the product to traumatic influences.

Dry cleaning a drape coat at home

The best way to clean your coat is to use tools such as a brush, sticky roller, or even bread crumb. A video on how to clean a drape coat at home recommends adhering to this algorithm:

  • the product is hung on a hanger and inspected for contamination before cleaning;
  • the item is treated with a brush or sticky roller in the direction of the pile to remove hair, dust particles and individual threads;
  • the coat is laid out on a horizontal surface.
Not only a brush is suitable for cleaning things, but also bread crumb

If the dirt on the coat is barely noticeable, and there are no areas with stubborn spots, bread crumb is used - rye bread is crumbled onto a cloth, and then they begin to roll. The crumb removes all dry dirt well, and the clothes begin to look well-groomed and neat. Once finished, the coat needs to be brushed again to remove crumbs.

If there are stains on your clothes, you can use soap suds. This is also considered dry cleaning a woolen coat at home, since the fabric almost does not get wet:

  • ordinary laundry soap or mild detergent for woolen fabrics is diluted in water and lather;
  • foam with a dry sponge is applied to contaminated areas, while it is necessary to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the product;
  • after the foam has completely dried, its remains are cleaned off with a brush.
Important! It is convenient to clean a dark coat in this way. For light and white drapes, it is better not to use foam, it can leave stains.

How to properly clean a drape coat at home with a wet method

If the stains on clothes are noticeable and old enough, the dry method will not allow you to clean the clothes properly. We'll have to resort to wet cleaning, which is carried out as follows:

  • dilute carpet cleaner, laundry soap or fabric softener in warm water;
  • the detergents are stirred and foamed, and then the solution is applied to the stain with a sponge;
  • with light movements, the detergent is rubbed into the fabric and left for half an hour;
  • after the lapse of time, the area is treated several times with a clean, damp sponge to remove residual detergent, and blotted with a dry cloth or napkin.
Wet cleaning should be done very carefully.

You can clean black and dark brown things using tea leaves, it also dissolves dirt well. It is used in exactly the same way - tea is brewed, a sponge is moistened in liquid, stains are treated and left for half an hour. Then the tea leaves must be washed off with clean water and wait until the drape is dry.

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How to clean dirt from a drape coat

Sometimes even damp cleaning does not help to properly clean clothes from stubborn stains. In this case, you can use stronger cleaning agents. Namely:

  • vinegar and ammonia, both products are mixed in equal amounts, and then the contaminated areas of the fabric are locally treated and the solution is left to soak for half an hour;
  • gasoline or hydrogen peroxide, in one of these products, a clean cloth is properly moistened, lightly squeezed, treated with a stain, or even applied a cloth to it for 30 minutes;
  • starch - the product is well suited for removing a fresh greasy stain, you just need to cover the contamination with powder and leave for 3 hours, and then rinse.

It is advisable to treat dirt on the coat with aggressive compounds from the seamy side of the product, if the thickness of the clothing allows it. In any case, before you clean the product, you need to test the prepared solution on the fabric on the inside of the thing. This will ensure that the fabric does not change color and that the stain does not become even more noticeable after trying to clean it.

Advice! Before trying to clean an old stain, you can hold the cloth over the steam for a little while to help make the structure of the stain less resistant.
Before using aggressive products, they must be tested on the lining.

It is recommended to clean light-colored garments from stubborn stains with Vanish Wool Powder or Gel and baking soda. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that home cleaning of light or white clothes can always end in failure, and dry cleaning remains the most preferred option.

How to dry a drape coat

The quality of drying after wet cleaning is largely responsible for maintaining the attractiveness of a woolen cloth. It is necessary to dry the thing in accordance with several rules:

  1. The woolen coat is dried exclusively on a hanger, unbuttoned, in a warm and well-ventilated area. After trying to clean clothes, damp areas should be additionally blotted with a dry cloth before drying.
  2. It is necessary to dry the thing in a shaded place; it is impossible to hang hangers with outerwear in the bright sun, this will damage the drape fabric.
  3. Do not dry a thing near heating devices, heating radiators, next to the stove. It is also not recommended to treat wet spots with a hairdryer. Any attempt to dry the fabric faster may cause it to look worse.

Ironing the drape fabric after cleaning is not advised. If such a procedure is strictly necessary, then you need to use an iron with vertical steaming, or iron the fabric in a horizontal position, but only from the wrong side. In this case, the heating temperature must be set to no more than 200 ° C.

You can dry the drape only away from the sun and heating appliances.


There are several ways to clean a woolen coat at home, but all of them require extra care. It is best to clean the thing without using water at all, in which case the fabric will definitely not suffer and will not change color.

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